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Nos. 21 and 22, embossed table and piano covers, by Duncan & Cunningham, of Belleville, N. J., deposited by D. S. Brown & Co. exhibit great perfection in this branch of manufacture. Their tasteful style and elegance of pattern are worthy of the First Premium.

No. 122, fancy cassimeres, by Gilbert & Stevens, of Ware, Mass., deposited by Stone, Slade & Farnham. The style and pattern of these goods are deemed ordinary by the judges, yet they consider that their superior wool and perfect make, entitle the manufacturers to the First Premium.

Nos. 14 and 116, fancy mixed satinets, by the Franklin Manufac turing Company, Rockville, Conn., deposited by F. D. Dougherty and by Dulles, Aertsen & Fisher. A good article, creditable to the makers, and deserving the Third Premium.

No. 29, cloth-finished striped cassimeres, by W. & D. D. Farnum. Waterford, Mass., deposited by David S. Brown & Co. A good article, well finished, and worthy of the Third Premium.

No. 91, wool and piece-dyed beaver cloths, by the Hamilton Manfacturing Company, deposited by W. R. Hanson & Brother, well made and good finish. The Third Premium.

Nos. 92 and 160, fancy cassimeres, by J. & J. Eddy, deposited by W. R. Hanson & Brother, give evidence of good taste in the style, &c., and merit the Third Premium.

Nos. 19 and 20, embroidered and plaid woolen shawls, by Duncan & Cunningham, Belleville, N. J., deposited by D. S. Brown & Co. These goods the judges regard as very superior in style, particularly the embroidery; but as showing no improvement on similar articles formerly exhibited. They are awarded the Third Premium.

No. 124, white flannels, by Gilbert & Stevens, of Ware, Mass., deposited by Stone, Slade & Farnham. Superior goods, of good wiith and excellent material: the best specimen exhibited, and worthy of the Third Premium.

No. 68, woolen hoods, made by John Jones, with machinery; deposited by McDowell & Day, a beautiful article, deserving of the Third Premium.

The judges also notice as good articles, No. 8, drab satinet, by the Washington Company, Conn., deposited by Haas & Hollingsworth; and No. 89 fancy cassimeres, by Wethered & Brothers, Md., deposited by W. R. Hanson & Brother.

III.-Carpets and Oil Cloths.

The assortment of goods deposited in this department of the Exhibition, was not extensive, and might be greatly increased by our manufacturers. The samples exhibited were generally good, and creditable to the makers. The following awards were made by the judges.

No. 318, brussels Carpet, by John Rosencrantz, of Philadelphia, to which is awarded the First Premium.

No. 305, imitation mahogany oil cloth, by O. Brackett, Cincinnati, Ohio, deposited by Jacob M. Ellis; the Second Premium.

Nos. 304 and 457, oil cloth, by C. M. Bailey, Winthrop, Maine, the Third Premium.

No. 306, oil cloth bureau and table covers, by A. Johnson, Cincinnati, deposited by Jacob M. Ellis, the Third Premium.

No. 358, oil cloth, by Rice & Sampson, Hallowell, Maine, deposited by L. H. Grover, the Third Premium.

IV. Silk Goods.

The silks exhibited are very good, and fully sustained the previously acquired reputation of our American Silk manufacture.

No. 46, silk cravats, by B. & A. Hooley, of Philadelphia. Very soft and well woven: made of American silk, except the chain, which is spun by the manufacturer from Chinese raw silk. Considered worthy of the First Premium.

No. 18, silk embroidered shawls, by Duncan & Cunningham, Belleville, N. J., deposited by David S. Brown & Co. Very handsome specimens, to which we award the Third Premium.

No. 42, silk twist, by Jos. G. Gurney & Co., Newark, N. J., deposited by Frederick Thorspecken. A very good article, which merits the Second Premium.

No. 69, embossed silks, by Caleb S. Marshall, of Philadelphia. A remarkably good specimen of embossing, for which is awarded the Second Premium.

No. 103, mohair fringe, by J. C. Dobleman, Philadelphia, deserves the Third Premium.

The floss and sewing silks exhibited, are noticed by the judges as being of good quality.

V.-Iron and Steel.

This staple production of our own State, was creditably represented in the Exhibition, and was carefully examined by competent and skilful judges.

No. 1502, a bar of railroad iron, made by the Montour Iron Company, at Danville, Pennsylvania, Henry Brevoort, Superintendent, and deposited by John L. Linton, Secretary of the Lancaster and Harrisburg R. R. Co. This is an H rail, 18 feet in length, and weighing 50 lbs. per yard; of good form, well rolled, and handsomely finished. It is made from ore mined in the vicinity of Danville, and from the smelting of the ore to the finishing of the bar, Anthracite coal has been the only fuel employed. This result is highly creditable to the manufacturers. Railroad iron, made with anthracite coal, is a new article, of very great importance to the manufacturing prosperity of Pennsylvania; and as the production of good edge rails is one of the highest branches of the art of rolling iron, this specimen is considered worthy of the highest honor we can award, the First Premium.

The Committee on Exhibitions, however, in consideration of the great importance to our State, of manufacturing Railroad iron entirely with Anthracite coal, have resolved to refer this subject to the Institute, for the determination of such higher award as may be judged proper.

Another H rail of similar size to the foregoing, made of Coke iron, by the Mount Savage Iron Company in Maryland, is a creditable specimen. This Company received a medal at the last exhibition for a bridge rail of 40 lbs. per yard, which has been deposited with the Franklin Institute.

Large sums have been invested, during the last three years, in extensive rolling mills, and with the protection now afforded to American rolled iron, the manufacturers in our country are rapidly becoming able to supply the demand for home consumption at reasonable prices.

In the manufacture of bar-iron, both hammered and rolled, it is highly important that each manufacturer should endeavor to attain uniformity of quality in every article. It is too often the case that while some bars of a lot may be decidedly good, others will be much inferior, which is owing to a want of care in working. By attaining a reputation for furnishing an article which may always be depended upon as equal to sample, and which will not disappoint the consumer, the manufacturer will consult his own best interests, and will be sure to be well rewarded for it in the end.

No. 1624, a lot of hammered iron, of various sizes, deposited by Morris & Jones. The samples from Pine and Castle Fin forges are both of very good quality: one bar from Pine forge is considered to be excellent, and entitled to the Third Premium.

The judges notice with approbation No. 1624, rolled iron from the Colemanville and Howard Works also, No. 1644, rolled iron and slit rods, from Valentine & Thomas, deposited by Isaac Miller. No. 1676, a lot of iron of good quality, was deposited by Hunt, Brown & Hunt, but came too late for competition. A bar of hammered iron from the Weymouth Works, made by S. Colwell, was considered of superior quality.

No. 1593, a plate of boiler iron, rolled by Whitaker, Garrett & Hewes, at Elk Works, Md., and deposited by M. D. Mahony, is of extraordinary size, being 53 by 94 inches, and thick, weighing 504 lbs. It is well rolled, and worthy of the Third Premium.

No. 1544, two plates of boiler iron, rolled by Rowland & Hunt, deposited by Morris & Jones, are fine specimens of rolling. They are thick-one being 42 by 93 inches, weighing 379 lbs., and the other 126 by 32 inches, 373 lbs. There is also a good sheet by Forsyth & Son, 108 by 26 inches.

We are pleased to observe an evident improvement in the manufacture of boiler iron, both with regard to the size of the plates and the style in which they are rolled.

No. 1504, a case of Wood's sheet iron, in imitation of the Russian, maintains the reputation of a valuable article which has come into extensive use.

No. 1573, a bundle of common sheet iron, by A. Wood & Brothers, Philadelphia, is a good article.

No. 1513, a roll of bright iron wire, in a single piece, upwards of 4 miles in length, drawn by John Holt, of South Easton, Pennsylvania, and made of iron from Buffalo, Rockbridge Co., Va., is a beautiful specimen, and deserving of the First Premium.

No. 1579, specimens of blistered steel, by John Robbins, Jr., of Ken


sington. One of these marked (B) from Swedish iron, is of very good quality, and superior to any presented at former exhibitions. It merits the Third Premium.

Other specimens, from the same lot, with different marks, are favorably mentioned by the judges. One from American refined iron is noticed as not being equal in quality to the best specimens made from Swedish iron.

Improvements in the manufacture of steel from American iron are still very desirable.

VI.-Umbrellas, &c.

The display of articles in this line was rather limited, but are all spoken of by the judges as being worthy of commendation.

No. 95, silk umbrellas, by Wm. A. Drown, Philadelphia, are wholly of American material, and mentioned by the judges as being better than any imported article of the kind that they have ever seen. We award to the maker the First Premium.

No. 104, parasols, by Asch & Pincus, Philadelphia, are highly creditable for their superior finish, and worthy of the Second Premium.

No. 17, umbrella and parasol stretchers, by Barnhurst & Sons, Philadelphia, are extremely well made, and deserve the Third Premium. No. 107, umbrella mountings, by Covert & Homer, are elegantly finished, and merit the Third Premium.

No. 94, gingham umbrellas-No. 96, fringe parasoletts, and No. 97, parasols; all by Wm. A. Drown, are very creditable specimens of manufacture.

VII.-Lamps and Gas Fixtures.

The judges appointed to examine this branch of the exhibition, report that the display of lamps is not so extensive as on some previous occasions; but the former general character of excellence is fully sustained. They have made the following awards.

No. 1264, an extensive assortment of lamps and chandeliers, by Cornelius & Co., of Philadelphia, the First Premium.

No. 1276, chandelier, solar lard lamps, &c., by Ellis S. Archer, Philadelphia. The chandelier is in very good taste, and the lamps neatly constructed. They merit the Second Premium.

No. 1261, a collection of useful lard lamps, manufactured by J. W. Henry, Philadelphia, the Third Premium.

No. 1292, lard lamps, by Filley & Kisterbock, Philadelphia, the Third Premium.

No. 1237, lard lamps, by Wm. Miller, the Third Premium. The parabolic reflector, No. 1267, is inferior in finish to some which have been formerly exhibited.

No. 1315, lamps and chandeliers, by M. B. Dyott, were not deposited in time.

In the awards for lamps, the merit of the workmanship and general appearance were chiefly considered. The respective merits of the inventions should be decided upon by the Committee on Science and Arts of the Institute, by whom they will be examined if the makers signify their desire to have it done.

VIII.-Hardware and Cutlery.

The extensive assortment of useful and ornamental articles in this department, added much interest to the exhibition, and from their general excellence reflect much credit upon the makers. It is proper to observe that most of the articles exhibited, were taken from the shelves of the manufacturers, or their agents; - indeed the Committee are not aware of a single specimen having been made expressly for the exhibition. The very high degree of perfection to which this branch of industry has attained among us, is highly creditable to American skill. Most of the articles exhibited will compare advantageously with the same description of goods of the best European make. Nothing is wanting to establish this branch of industry on a firm basis, but the patronage of a discriminating public.

No. 633, pocket and pen knives, by W. Wild, N. York, deposited by Moore, Heyl & Co. These rank among the best specimens of cutlery in the exhibition. They are all of good proportions and strength. and, but for a slight defect in the grinding and polishing of some of the blades, they (especially the "Wharncliff" and "Congress" knives) will bear the closest comparison with similar articles from the best English makers. They deserve the First Premium.

No. 667, fast cast iron butt hinges, by Morris, Tasker & Morris, Philadelphia. These were carefully compared with similar articles from other celebrated makers, and for general excellence, the judges think them the best exhibited. As this is comparatively a new branch of business, and until recently enjoyed by foreign manufacturers, the Committee think the makers entitled to the First Premium.

No. 706, drilled eye needles, by Hill & Chamberlin, Philadelphia. These needles afforded the judges great satisfaction. They were carefully compared with the best English make and found to be equay good. As they are drilled, polished and finished in this country, the Committee think they may with propriety be awarded the First Premium.

No. 614, britannia ware, by Hall, Boardman & Co., Philadelphia. These are well made, of fine and smooth surface, but the forms or patterns might, perhaps, be improved. For the general excellence of the workmanship the makers are entitled to the Second Premium.

No. 661, pen and pocket knives, by the Waterville Manufacturing Company, Waterbury, Conn., deposited by R. Carter. These appear to be substantially made, the patterns are neat, and the grinding and polishing of the blades very good. A want of better finish in the handles alone rendered them inferior to specimens exhibited by other makers. They are deemed worthy of the Second Premium.

No. 606, clock and watch springs, by Prenot & Gertin, Philadelphia. This is a new article in our exhibitions, though we learn that they have been for some years manufactured in the United States, and that they are preferred by some watch makers to the best imported. The present specimens have been examined by experienced watch makers,

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