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ing lightning rods, or conductors, by means of a nut, or hollow cylinder, with the receiving, or discharging, point cast thereon; but I expressly disclaim the invention of connecting rods of metal by a nut, or hollow cylinder."

The ends of the rods to be connected, are screwed into this nut, from which the receiving, or discharging, point projects at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the rods.

8. For an improvement in Blinds for Horse Bridles; John G. Tibbets, New York City, October 9.

"The nature of this invention is to construct the bridle with leather arch blinds, nearly encircling the eyes, projecting forward and spreading outward in such a manner as not to chafe, or heat, the eyes, and exclude the air, and torture the animal, and eventually cause him to become partially, or entirely, blind, but to allow the eyes to be entirely free, cool, and open to an unobstructed circulation of the air around them, and to a direct view forward and laterally, of objects in their natural light and form, and at the same time prevent him from seeing what is going on behind, or over, him, and thus prevent him from taking fright from these causes, and suffering the evils complained of; said blinds being susceptible of an addition, or wing, at right angles thereto, for the purpose of preventing the animal seeing to the right, or left; said improvement being applicable to the bridles of carriage, as well as saddle horses."

Claim. "What I claim as my invention, is the before described mode of constructing bridles arching over the eyes, and flaring, in combination with the flanches, or wings, in the manner and for the purpose set forth."

9. For a Support for Copy Books in Teaching Writing; William Davison, Baltimore, Maryland, October 9.

"This copy support is a rectangular piece of tin wired around the edges, to which is attached the copy book wings and clasps by hinges. The book is riveted to a piece of tin hinged to the before described wire, at one end of said support, or back, the corners of the said piece of tin being cut off to permit the book to open freely when it stands supported at the angle required."

Claim.-"What I claim as my invention, is constructing the copy book with hinges, or wings, to support it when opened, as described, and, in combination with said wings, the clasps for retaining the leaves in place when the book is opened and supported."

10. For an improvement in the Art of Writing, by a construction of fountain pens, adapted to writing on a guide formed of ground glass, &c.; William Davison, Baltimore, Maryland, October 9. "The nature of this invention consists in writing upon the surface of ground glass, with a pen of peculiar construction, prepared with fine chalk, so as to render smooth the surface, prevent the spreading of the ink, and give perfect legibility to the writing, arranged and secured in a peculiarly constructed hinged metallic frame, which folds upon a metallic back, or plate, in the manner of the covers of a book, between which frame and back are placed a series of systematic exercises, or copies, under said prepared glass, the pen with which the ink is laid upon the glass being provided with a reservoir attached to the concave part, which takes a supply of ink at each dip. There is a piece of sponge compressed and put in a cup provided with a handle, for the purpose of washing off the writing.

Claim.-"What I claim as my invention, is the combined employment of a guide, as aforesaid, with a fountain pen of the construction described. I do not claim. as my invention, the attaching of a reservoir to metallic pens, for affording a supply of ink, as reservoirs have been applied to the backs of metallic pens; but what I claim as my invention, is combining the reservoir with the concave side of the pen by attaching a separate sheath to the back of the reservoir, or fountain, into which the pen is inserted substantially as set forth, by means of which arrangement the escape of the ink is prevented on the downward stroke of the pen, as by the pressure upon it, the surface of the pen is removed from the fountain, or reservoir, while in the old arrangement the pressure had the effect of opening the nib, and by bringing it nearer the reservoir increasing the flow of ink. I also claim the employment of chalk on the surface of the ground glass, as described, for the purpose of producing a whiteness on the surface, rendering the writing upon the surface more apparent, and preventing the ink from spreading, and rendering the surface more like paper. I likewise claim the method of employing sponge in a condensed form, by combining it, in the manner described, with a holder constructed as set forth. I also claim the combination of the case, roller, and wiper."

This last improvement consists of a roller within a tin case, which partly surrounds the roller, and then has the two edges turned in contrary directions. The cloth constituting the drier is passed over the roller, and put in the case by springing it open.

11. For an improvement in the manner of Casting Butt and other Hinges; Thomas Shepherd, Philadelphia, Penn., October 9.

The hinge pin, or shaft, is provided with flanches, to form the divisions of the knuckles of the hinge, and the spaces which are to receive the turning half of the hinge, are turned in a lathe, and the others left rough, that the cast metal may adhere. The pins thus prepared are put in the mould, and the spaces intended for the reception of the knuckles of the second half are filled up with sand, and after the first half of the hinge has been cast, it is put in the mould to receive the second half.

Claim.-"What I claim as new, is the casting of butt, or other, hinges, by preparing a shaft of cast metal, in the manner set forth, and laying the same in the flask with the spaces filled with sand, which are to form, or receive, the jointed knuckles of the hinge, and casting the first half thereon; and, as a component part of the operation, the subsequently placing this half in the flask, prepared as set forth, for the casting of the second half; the mode of procedure in all respects being substantially the same with that above made known. I do not claim the mere manufacturing of hinges by casting the first half, and placing this in the flask, to have the second half cast upon it, nor do I claim the casting of a hinge upon a joint pin, with washers between their joints; but I do claim the so doing, in combination with a shaft, or joint pin, formed and prepared in the manner made known."

12. For a machine for Cutting, or Making, Splints of Wood for making Brooms; Lyman Gleason, Le Roy, Genesee county, New York, October 9.

Blocks of elastic wood, such as is generally employed for making brooms, are cut, by any known machinery, into pieces of the length of the required splints, and as thick as their intended width. These are presented to the operation of knives attached to a cylinder extending from end to end, and at about an inch from the surface thereof; and between the knives and the cylinder there is a spring clearer, which forces the splint out as soon as it is separated from the block. The thickness of the splint will depend upon the feeding of the block to the knives.

Claim.-"What I claim as new, is the employment of the spring clearer, in combination with the knives, and with the curb, for the purpose, and arranged in the manner substantially as described."

13. For Raising Water by an Endless Chain of Buckets, applicable to other purposes; John Dutton, Aston, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, October 9.

As the chain of buckets for raising water is well known, it is only necessary to say that this patent is granted for a peculiar manner of forming the buckets, so as to discharge the water to better advantage into a shoot which carries it off, The mouth of the bucket is narrowed, and the sides extend up, forming flanches on the back, or that side opposite the one on the chain, to form a conduit for directing the water of the next bucket into the shoot, as it begins to turn over the upper drum, and thus save much of the water lost in the old methods of making the buckets.

Claim. "The invention claimed consists in the mode of constructing the buckets; that is to say, curving the sides inward at the mouth, to form a beak, in combination with the spouts formed on the back of the buckets and the shoot, as before described."

14. For an improvement in the Smut Machine for cleaning Grain; Lewis Greeve, Tiffin, Seneca county, Ohio, October 9. Claim.-"What I claim as new, is the mode in which I have combined the stationary and the revolving disks furnished with teeth upon their surfaces, with the revolving arms carrying square, vertical rods of iron, the whole being arranged, combined, and operating as set forth."

The disks are placed above the beaters, and the under and revolving one on the shaft of, and revolving with, the beaters. The grain passes in between the two disks, to be acted upon by the teeth through an eye in the permanent disk, and from these disks it is discharged, and acted upon by the beaters.

15. For an improvement in Propelling Vessels; Daniel Fitzgerald, New York City, October 9.

On each side of, and of sufficient diameter to cover, the bow, there is a large disk working on a shaft, for diminishing (as we are informed,) the resistance of the water to the motion of the vessel.That "there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamed of in our philosophy," we have the authority of the great poet for saying; and this invention satisfies us that we may add, "and in the brain of some inventors." The vessel is to be propelled by a vertical wheel working within a case under the water line, the paddles passing out below this casing at the bottom of the boat, or vessel, and air is to be admitted through tubes extending from the centre of the wheel to above the water line.

Claim.-"What I claim as my invention, is the application of revolving circular disks to the bow of the vessel, for diminishing the resistance in passing through the water, by separating the particles of the fluid, and turning them aside to prevent the bow impinging on them in sailing with great velocity. I likewise claim the introducing of air to the submerged wheel, in the manner and for the purpose set


16. For an improvement in the mode of Building Vessels, Boats, &c.; Joseph Francis, New York City, October 11.

This is for an improvement on the mode of building boats, &c., on temporary frames, or moulds, by bending boards in courses crossing each other, and the improvement consists in securing the boards to each other by spikes, or tree nails, passing through the width of one board, and into the edge of another.

Claim.-"What I claim as my improvement on the mode of building boats, vessels, &c., on temporary frames, or moulds, is the method of fastening the planking together edgewise, as described."

17. For a Submarine Gun Boat; Daniel Fitzgerald, New York City, October 11.

The patentee says, "The nature of this invention consists in constructing a gun boat, so that it may be wholly, or in part, submerged at pleasure, having the use of two, or more, large guns; in propelling said gun boat by means of conical, or other shaped propellers, with spiral paddles revolving on and extending over the whole, or part, of the bow, or stern-in the arrangement of a gunwale on the boat having a cut-water-in elevating bow and stern guns by attaching one on each end of a balance lever; and in elevating and depressing a central gun by placing it upon a platform supported on a piston fitting a cylinder into which steam, or compressed air, is admitted for raising it." To this summary should be added two other improvements described and claimed in the patent, viz., the employment of a spiral propeller at the bottom of the boat, with the shaft vertical, for the purpose of forcing the boat under water, or to the surface; and also a mode of affixing explosive shells to the bottom of an enemy's ship, by means of a pointed bar attached to the shell, one end of which is pointed to enter the enemy's ship, the other passing through an aperture in the side of the boat, with a cord attached to the lock of the shell for the purpose of discharging it.

Claim. "I do not claim as my invention, the mere employment of a screw, or screws, for propelling boats, as this has long since been done, but not in the manner described by me; and, therefore, what I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the method described, of propelling boats by means of propellers with spiral, or oblique, paddles revolving around and extending over the bow, or stern, or both, in manner substantially as described. Second, I also claim, in combination with the method of propelling described, the employment of a gunwale on the boat, having a cut-water extending over the propeller, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. Third, I claim the method of elevating the bow and stern guns by attaching one on each end of a balance lever, as described. Fourth, I claim the method of elevating and depressing the central guns, by placing them on a platform, or piston, fitted in a cylinder into which steam, or compressed air, is admitted, as described. Fifth, I claim the method of making the propellers with spiral wings extending in contrary directions, one placed at each end of the vessel, for propelling the vessel, and keeping her steady, and in trim. Sixth, I claim the mode of raising and lowering the boat, by means of the spiral conical propeller, placed in a vertical position at the keel, as described. And seventh, I claim the mode of affixing an explosive shell in the side of an enemy's vessel, by means of a pointed rod in combination with the mode of discharging it, by means of a cord connecting the lock, or match, with the gun boat."

18. For a mode of Doubling the Motion of a Crank Shaft, actuated by a reciprocating motion of any kind; Charles Johnson, Amity, Bond county, Illinois, October 11.

Instead of attaching the connecting rod directly to the crank, as is the usual practice, by which one revolution is given by one entire stroke back and forth, it is attached to one arm of a progressive lever, or toggle joint, the other arm being jointed to a slide from which a connecting rod extends to the crank, so that each stroke back and forth of the piston, &c., vibrates the toggle on each side of a vertical line, and thus gives the slide double the number of strokes.

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