terial, and by riveting the back straps of the hinges to said strip forming the ledge, and by otherwise arranging the respective parts in the manner set forth; these parts being claimed only in combination with each other, so as to attain the end which is the object of this invention." 43. For an improved Apparatus, or Instrument, for Counting Coins, and other articles of similar character; Philos B. Tyler, executor of Rufus Tyler, deceased, Branch Mint, Louisiana, October 11. This instrument consists of a square board, or plate, with parallel strips, or ledges, projecting from its surface about the thickness of the coin to be counted, and at distances apart equal to the diameter of the said coin, and at one end there is another ledge, or strip, at right angles to the parallel ledges, thus forming troughs, or receptacles, for the reception of the pieces of coin. Claim.-"What is claimed, is the described manner of dividing the face of the instrument into a series of separate shallow troughs, by means of the strips of metal, in combination with the strip placed at one end thereof; said strip not rising higher than the thickness of the coin to be counted-the whole being arranged, combined, and 'ememployed for the purpose, and substantially in the manner made known." Improvements added to previously granted Letters Patent, during the month of October, 1841. 1. For improvements in the Counter Twist Speeder; Jesse Whitehead, Manchester, Chesterfield county, Virginia, October 11. This is for improvements on a counter twist speeder patented to Jesse Whitehead on the 29th of May, 1841, and noticed in this journal at page 51, of the fourth volume, third series, to which the reader is referred. The first improvement is for making a groove in the revolving block, or roller, which receives the roping from the condensing belt, and conducts it to the bobbin, instead of the curved and grooved guide, described in the original patent. The second, is for the method of doffing the spools, after they are filled, by means of a plate which projects from a horizontal shaft, and which extends under the spool, the shaft being provided with a handle, by which the plate is brought up under the spool, and lifts its journals from the forks in which they work, and permits it to roll back on to a table, thus leaving a portion of the roping on the plate in a convenient position for the operator. And the third improvement is for hinging the guide, which is placed between the grooved block, or roller, and the condensing belt, so that it can be thrown back when the operator wishes to introduce the roping in the groove of the block, and which also permits it to yield when a knot in the roping passes between it and the block, or roller. We are under the necessity of omitting the claims, as they refer to the drawings, and could not well be understood without them. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Extracts from the Reports of the Judges appointed to examine the Articles offered at the Fourteenth Exhibition of American Manfactures; held October, 1844. Report on Silk Goods. Although nothing particularly new, or remarkable, in the article of Silk has been submitted to your committee, yet it is highly gratifying to notice the continued efforts to advance so interesting and important a branch of manufacture; and when we contrast the incipient stages of the manufacture of cotton, with the great perfection to which it has now attained among us, we cannot but feel encouraged to hope, that the active and untiring genius of this people will yet place the silk manufacture in the fore-front of the productions of this country. Report on Musical Instruments. The number of piano fortes at the exhibition is smaller than it has been for several years, and the improvement which they indicate in the art of manufacturing them is not remarkable. Several of the instruments were, however, of excellent character, well made, and, in all respects, such as to confirm the opinions heretofore expressed in favor of the establishments from which they come. Those from Mr. Gale, of New York, and Meyer, of Philadelphia, are of this class. The committee, however, do not think themselves justified in asking for these, or the other exhibitors, among whom several presented good specimens of work, any of the marks of distinction within the power of the Institute. The improved double action harp (No. 2028, exhibition number,) may fairly challenge rivalry with the best imported instruments of the kind. Its plan of construction, workmanship, tone, and appearance are worthy of very high praise. The only doubt that has arisen in the minds of the committee as to the propriety of awarding to it the Institute's medal, originates in the fact, that in an engraving upon the body of the instrument the maker's residence is said to be in London, and the decorative engravings on the reverse are to the same effect. Evidence has been presented to the committee going to show that the instrument is, in fact, American; as is declared also by the engraved plate which covers the European inscription, and that the London mark, which is that of a branch of the same establishment, was assumed merely as a sale mark, in consequence of the general want of reputation of American harps. If the committee on exhibitions find, in this circumstance, no objection to the grant of the medal, then the undersigned would recommend that the medal should be awarded to No. 2028. The evidence, presented by the exhibitor of the harp, is herewith submitted. It is probably intended to cover the whole ground of American character. It may be made clearer, however, by distinct proof, that the mechanism of the instrument, which is found between the two engraved plates at the top, and includes the most difficult, and, therefore, most meritorious part of it, was itself made in this country. This remark is not made in a jealous spirit, but with the view of guarding both the manufacturer and the Institute from insidious criticism hereafter. The wind instruments from Mr. Weygandt were, as heretofore, meritorious. Report on China, Glass, and Earthenware. The judges on china, glass and earthenware, respectfully report, that but two invoices were entered on their list; these were, of glass ware: No. 1036. Made by M. & R. H. Sweeny, of Wheeling, Va., deposited by Jos. Bell-an invoice of flint glass, comprising one very large and beautiful covered bowl, fruit bowls, celleries, pitchers, decanters, tumblers, and wine and jelly glasses, all richly cut. This glass is of uniform quality throughout, remarkably clear and brilliant, and will compare favorably with the best ever brought to these exhibitions. The judges recommend the award of a silver medal to this lot. No. 1051. Made by The Boston and Sandwich Glass Co., deposited by Wm. M. Muzzey-an invoice of colored glass, far surpassing in excellence, any colored glass ever before made in this country. The amber, carnelian and ruby have been imparted with such admirable success, that there is but little room left for improvement, and the combination of colors in some of the specimens, has produced tinges exceedingly beautiful. The specimens of opaque glass of various colors and shades, are new and eminently successful. The judges recommend the award of a silver medal to The Boston and Sandwich Glass Co., for their success in the manufacture of colored glass. The display of glass at this exhibition, though small, has not been surpassed in point of interest. The manufacturers say they have been so busy making goods to order, that they have been unable to furnish many for exhibition; which, it is presumed, is the best evidence they desire that the art is flourishing. The samples furnished by the Messrs. Sweeny, prove that the difficulty heretofore experienced in producing good color and brilliance in the article, west of the mountains, has been overcome; and that they are now prepared to furnish the best and purest flint glass. We have been dependent on foreign manufacture for our colored glass in a great measure, but the Boston and Sandwich Co., who have erected a furnace on purpose for making it, have shown, that henceforth it will be unnecessary to go from home for any description of the article. It is not a large item in our commerce, but it is an item, and consequently a step advance in the manufactures of our country. Report on Chemicals. The committee of judges upon Chemicals respectfully report, that in their opinion, the Institute has great reason to be gratified by the variety and excellence of the preparations, although they regret to notice the absence of several names which have generally graced their display. No. 503, extract of indigo, by A. Gunn; a very neat form of exhibiting the dye, and worthy the attention of manufacturers. The committee cannot go into such an investigation as must be necessary to decide fully upon its merits. No. 505, indelible ink with mordant, Potts, Linn & Harris. As to the merits of these nothing but long experience can decide; the specimens of writing look well. One of the committee has tried No. 506, and speaks favorably of its color. No. 509, sugar, from Lovering & Co.; a very beautiful, white, and crystaline sugar; remarkable for the size of the grain, and for the purity of its color. Its appearance sustains the reputation which the manufacturers gained at the last exhibition. No. 518, spermaceti, Alexander H. Campbell; a preparation of exceeding beauty and purity, and well worthy the attention of every one. No. 521, chemicals, by Dilwyn Parrish; a lot of very excellent chemicals, all of which deserve credit. A small bottle of bromine apparently belonging to this lot, but made by E. Gillespie, possesses great interest on account of its novelty as an American manufacture, and its apparent purity. No. 524, magnesia calcined and fluid, by Thomas J. Husband; the articles look very well, and your committee regret that their time will not allow them to test their purity. The calcined magnesia appears very light, white, and free from grit, or lumps; and if it can be substituted for Henry's, as the manufacturer asserts, will be of great importance. The plaster exhibited by Mr. Husband is not within the province of a chemical committee. No. 525, three small bottles of chemical preparations, by J. Taylor; the iodide of lead is very beautiful, but the specimen is not large enough; the others are not worthy of note. No. 532; Edward Pryor exhibits oils of hemp seed and peach kernels, both excellent preparations, but not important unless they can be made cheaper than that imported, of which your committee have not the means of judging. No. 535, cyanide of potassium, by H. Worthington; a beautiful preparation, and superior in appearance to either of the other specimens of this substance exhibited. No. 536, chemicals, by Smith & Hodgson; a fine display of beautifully prepared articles, among which the biniodide of mercury, mosaic gold, chromic, and gallic acids, are peculiarly deserving of note. No. 537, chemicals, by William Procter, jr.; all these preparations are excellent, and several very superior; the committee would advise, however, more attention to extracting the coloring matter, which would add greatly to the beauty of their appearance. No. 539, Seidlitz powders, &c., by Haskell & Merrick; these are neatly put up; would appear to be very convenient, and will, doubtless, be found very agreeable. No. 547, a lot of mustard and spices, from the Messrs. Fell; the articles are neatly prepared and well put up, and will be found convenient for family use, but of their peculiar excellencies the committee are not able to judge. No. 548, chemicals, by Edwin Parrish; they are generally very good specimens of preparation. The tannin is lighter in color than any other specimen shown. No. 551, chemicals, by Farr, Powers & Weightman; this is decidedly the best lot of chemicals exhibited, and derives increased interest from the fact, that they are manufactured upon a very large scale. The committee would call attention especially to the samples of quinine, calomel, and corrosive sublimate, by two different methods.— These articles are merely the commercial articles of this firm, such as they sell to their ordinary customers, and the committee deem them deserving of the highest approbation. No. 552, pine oil or camphine, manufactured by Benj. T. Davis; this is a very superior article, entirely colorless and transparent, with comparatively a faint smell, and great purity, as is indicated by its preservation of its properties in open vessels; the committee judge it to be worthy of high praise. No. 553, a box of beautiful isinglass, by Delacour. No. 561, a lot of chocolate and cocoa, from the manufactory of G. Schmitz; it looks, smells and tastes well, but the committee cannot go into any nice investigation of its merits. No. 577, a box of starch, by Altemus; appears to be very white, soft and pure. No. 580, polishing rouge, by Mrs. West; the article seems to be very good, being well prepared and free from grit; it has a little acidity, which is probably not injurious to its good qualities; it is deserving of praise. Nos. 502, 522, 549, and 578, perfumery, by Messrs. N. B. Hinton, Hauel, Roussel and A. E. Wetherell. Roussel still maintains a decided superiority in his perfumery over his competitors, although Hauel has very much improved upon his exhibition of last year; the committee, however, regret to see upon his stand bottles of extracts, purporting from the label to have been manufactured in Paris. Such extracts are not proper subjects of exhibition in the Institute, and should have been, in the opinion of your committee, excluded. The judges have taken no notice of them in instituting their comparisons. Nos. 528 and 564, soap, by Messrs. H. P. & W. C. Taylor and J. R. Graves; these gentlemen exhibit each a beautiful lot of soaps, in the manufacture of which, a decided improvement is very visible. Messrs. Taylors' collection consists entirely of the pure transparent soap, while Mr. Graves exhibits a variety of the article as more usually employed in the arts, and offers them at prices which much enhance the importance of his display. The committee consider both these gentlemen to have deserved the approbation of the Institute, |