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Oropa, mont, sanctuary of. Pastrycooks in the Grisons. 280


Orsera. 136.

Orsine, val. 418.

Orta, lake of. 320-326.

Orta, town of. 326.

Ouches. 405. 422.

Ouchy. 201. "Prisoner of Chil-

lon," written there, 201.

Oulx. 472.

[blocks in formation]


gress over one, described.
Ixviii. High road over them.
lxxi. Mode of passing in win-
ter. lxxiii. Vegetation on the
high Alps. lxx.

(Pass of the Grimsel. 115.

-Gries. 120.

-Furca. 123.

-Surenen. 127.

-St.Gotthard. 129.

-Susten. 128.

-Nufanen. 143.

-Gemmi. 143.
-Rawyl. 450.
-Sanetsch. 152.

-Simplon. 248.
-Lukmanier. 276.
-Julier. 278.
-Albula. 281.
-Finstermunz. 281.
-Bernina. 285.
-Splügen. 298.
-Maloja. 298.

-Bernadin. 300.

-Col de Tende. 488.

-Cornice or Riviera. 490.


[blocks in formation]

Pfyn. 37.
Pianazzo. 294. Fall. 295.
Piano del Re, the. 482.
di Fiorenza. 482.

PIEDMONT. 316. Roads, accom-
modation, etc., among the
Alps of. 317. Wine and mo-
ney. 318. Plains of. 480.
Pierre Pertuis. 8.




Pignerol to Embrun, by the
valleys of the Vaudois and
the col de la Croix, 475 -

Pilate, mount. 53.
Pilgrimage to Einsiedeln. 262,


Pollegio. 142.

Piotella, forest of. 139.
Piz Beveren. 288.

Plan des Dames. 424.

Playfair, professor. 80.

Pleurs. 296-299.

Pliny's Villa. 314.

Po, plains and valley of the..

Passports in Switzerland. xiii Polenzerthal. 276.


480. Source of. 481.

Poligny. 181.

Pontarlier. 176.

Pont Beauvoisin to Aix, by the
Mont du Chat. 449-451.
-to Chambery, by Aiguebel-
lette, 451-454.

-to Turin, by Les Echelles
Chambéry, and the Pass of
the Mont Cenis. 454.

Poute. 381.

-toVilleneuve, by Val d'Orca.


Pont d'Ael, Roman aqueduct.


-Pelissier. 405.

Ponte Tresa. 313.
Pontet. 423.
Pontresina. 285.
Porlezza. 313.

Port Vallais, 211. 216.
Posting in Switzerland xix, In
St.-Gall. 236.
Potence, or gallows. 137.
Praborgne, or Zermatt. 346.

Pralis. 477.
Pralorgnan. 447.
Pra, val. 381.

Pragel pass. 269.
Premia. 122.

Pré St. Didier. 390.

Prettigau, le. 277.

Prieuré, le. 406.

Reale, col de. 379. View of the
Alps from. 379.
Reding Aloys. 75.
Reichenau. 286.
-, island of. 28.
Reichenbach, falls of. 112.
-, baths of. 142.
Requisites for travelling in
Switzerland. xxxviii.

Resti, castle of. 143.
Reuse river, source of. 177.
Reuss valley. 128.
-river, source of. 137.
Rhætikon. 277.
Rhealt. 288.
Rheinfelden. 10. 19.
RHINE at Basle, 1. Falls of,
at Schaffhausen 26. Ancient
bed of, near Sargans. 45.
Sources of. 275. 276. 300.
-, change of its course. 243.
Rho. 232.

Rhoden, outer and inner. 248
RHONE, source and glacier of.
123. Al Geneva. 183.

-, perte du. 195.
RHONE, encroachments on the
Lake of Geneva. 198.

-, valley of the. 213.
Rhætzuns. 287.

Protestant valleys of Pied- Rifle matches. Ixii.

mont. 474. 479.

Prou, plain of 359.

Puschiavo. 285. Lake. 286.

Pusklav. 285.


Richtensweil. 44.

RIGHI, ascent of. 63.

----, from Küssnacht.65.

----, from Weggis, 66.

Rinder Horn. 145.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Rapperschwyl.44. Bridge of. 42 Rochefort. 178.

Roche Blanche. 395.

Rofla. 292.

Rogers, Samuel, his descrip-

Racconigi. 488.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]


tion of a mule crossing the
Alps. xxxiv. Of an alpine
maroad lxxiii. Of the first view
of the Alps. xliv. Lines on
the lake of Lucerne. 71.
Rolle. 201.

Romagnano. 320.
-to Turin. 328.

Roman Catholic cantons, lines
on by Wordsworth. lvi.

Romanche, val. 469,

Romansch language. 245.288.

Romont. 161.

Ronco. 380,
Rorschach. 237.
Rosa, monte. 331.

view of. 332.

Rosenlaui glacier. 111.

Rossberg, fall of the. 56-61.
Rothenthurm, 266.
Rotsbery, castle of. 79.
Rougemont (Retchmund). 155.
Rousseau on the Lake of Bien-
ne, 170. At Moutiers Tra-
vers. 177.

-at Geneva. 189; at Vevey.
204; at Clarens. 206. His
description of a romantic
spot bear Pont Beauvoisin.


[blocks in formation]

Les Rousses. 182.

ROUTES skeleton. Ixii.

Roveredo. 303.

Rudolph of Erlach. 457.

Rudolfszell. 28.

Rufiberg. 57.

Rumilly. 437.

Rütli. 76.

Ruz, val de, 174.


--, murder of. 88. -to Zurich. 32.

Schæuenberg, general. 125.

Scheideck, lesser. 104.

-, great. 110.

Schellinen. 133.

Schinner, Matthew, archbi-

shop of Sion. 147.

Schintznach baths. 23.

Schmadribach, 103.

-* to Basle. 11.

-to Constance, 25.

Scha ms, valley. 291.

Saane, valley of. 154.
Saanen (Gessonay). 154.

Schreckhorn. 107.
Schuolz, 284

[blocks in formation]

Sitten. 219.

Sempach, lake and battle of. Sixt, valley of. 403.


Sempione. 225.

Sennhutte. lxxvii.

Sennwald. 238.

Sense, stream of. 157.
Sentis. 251.

Septimer pass. 279.
Seris. 388.

Serrières, glen of: 172.
Servoz. 402.

Servetus, death of. 187.
Sesia, val. 321. 329.
Sesto Calende. 231.
Setrieres, col de. 473.
Sewen. 82.

Sherwill, Capt., account of
Sixt. 403. Sketch of Cha-

mouny. 407.

Siders. 220.

Sidli alp. 124.

Sieben Kurfursten. 239.

Sierre. 149-220,

Signau. 86.

Siblbrücke. 46.

Skeleton tours. lxii.

Snow line, lxxix.
Snow, red. lxxxvi.
Snow-storms. xcv. Dangers

from. xcv.
Sociétés des Dimanches. lix.
SOLEURE. 13. Cathedral. 13.
Clock-tower 13. Arsenal.
14. Museum. 14. Convent.
44. Ascent of the Weissen-
stein from. 15. Convent of
Santa Verena. 15.

-to Bienne. 16.
- to Basle. 13.
-to Berne. 87..
Solothurn. 43.
Sommariva, villa. 344.

Sonceboz. 9.

Soyhière. 7.
Spietz, castle of. 144.
Splügen. 292.
Splügen pass. 293, Galleries

of. 294.


Splügen * to Coire. 292.
-to Bellinzona. 300.
-to Chiavenna. 293.
St. Anne. 136.

St. Aubin. 173.

ST. BERNARD, pass of the GREAT.
357. 369. Hospice. 359.
Dogs. 364. Monks. 359. 364.
Morgue. 260. Jupiter Pen-
nius. 364. History of the
pass. 364.

St. Bernard, the "Apostle of
the Alps. " 434.

-, pass of the Little. 390.443.
The route of Hannibal. 393.

St. Bernardino. 302.

St. Blaize. 166.172.

St. Branchier to Aosta. 369.

St. Cergues, beautiful view of.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

St. Petronilla, chapel of. 142.
St. Pierre. 358.
-de Joux, château of. 176.

-d'Albigny. 438.
-isle. 170.

St. Remy. 368. 494.
St. Stephano. 494.
St. Sulpice. 177.
St. Théodule. 347.

St. Thibault de Coux. 456.
St. Vincent, hill of. 488.
St. Wolfgang. 50.

Staad. 152.

Stachelberg baths. 256.

Staël, madame de. 200.

St. Giacomo. 296. Valley. 296. Stæfa. 41.

St. Gingoeph. 216.

St. Giovanni. 475.

Staffelegg. 19.

Staffelhaus. 67.

St. Gotthard, pass of. 129. Hos- Stalden. 343.

pice of. 138.

St. Imier, val. 9.

St. Jacob, battle of. 7.

St. Joire. 404.

St. Julien. 431.

St. Marcel. 442.

Stalvedro, glen of. 140.

Stanz. 124. Buochs. 124.

Rathhaus of. 124. Parish

church of. 125. Nicolas von

der Flue. 81.

Stanzstadt. 124.

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