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" A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the appeasing and quietting of all Unlawfull Tumults and Insurrections in the severall Counties of England, and Dominion of Wales. "
Catalogue of Tracts of the Civil War and Commonwealth Period Relating to ... - Page 7
by National Library of Wales - 1911 - 85 pages
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A Catalogue of the Books, Relating to British Topography, and Saxon and ...

University of Oxford (Oxford, Town of). - Bodleian Library - 1814 - 474 pages
...Commons to the King, for leave to remove the Magazine at Hull to the Tower of London. 4 to. London. 1642. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the Preservation, and Safety of the Kingdom and the Town of Hull. 4to. . London. 1642. 36 The Declaration,...
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Bibliotheca Devoniensis: A Catalogue of the Printed Books Relating to the ...

James Davidson - 1852 - 246 pages
...London, this weeke by the last Post, from the Western Counties of England, &c. Whereunto is annexed a Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the Protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northeott, Sir Samuel Rolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn,...
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A Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London Institude in the ...

Guildhall Library (London, England) - 1859 - 682 pages the Trained Bands in and about the city of London, Oct. vj. 1642. 4to . . . . . . . . Land. 1 642 A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence ; together with a relation of a victory of the parliament...
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Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, Part 3

British Museum. Department of Printed Books. Grenville Library - 1872 - 244 pages
...Northamton neere Keintith in Warwickshire on the third of August, 1642. London, 6 August, 1642. 4to. — A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of all power, and force, as well Trained Bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom,...
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Collections and Notes, 1867-1876: Second Series OfBibliographical ...

William Carew Hazlitt - 1882 - 746 pages
...doing shall be proceeded against . . . Decemb. 19. Printed for lohn Wright . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. e second separate signatures. Instructions for Forreine Travel!. Shewin Protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel Roue, and Sir Nicholas Martyn, in...
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Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English ...

William Carew Hazlitt - 1882 - 768 pages
...doing shall be proceeded against . . . Decemb. 19. Printed for lohn Wright . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : For the Protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel Rolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn,...
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A Catalogue of Old and Rare Books Offered for Sale

Pickering & Chatto - 1894 - 298 pages
...interesting commendatory verses by ABRAHAM COWLEY (< vp.J» THOMAS FLATMAN, etc., etc. 1396 PLAYS.— A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in...Parliament, for the appeasing and quieting of all unlawful! Tumults and Insurrections in the several! Counties of England and Dominion of Wales. Also...
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The Manuscripts of Lord Kenyon, Volume 14, Part 4

Great Britain. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts - 1894 - 730 pages
...the paines and penalties therein expressed." PROTECTION FOR TRAITOR8. 189. 1642[-3], January 12. — A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the protection of Sir William Brereton, in the County of Chester, who hath lately been proclaimed a traitor...
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A Catalogue of Old and Rare Books

Pickering & Chatto - 1895 - 268 pages
...extra, top edges gilt, TJNCUT, *•/ RIVIBRB, with the original covers at end, £6 10s 436 YORKSHIRE.— A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament FOR THE PRESERVATION AND SAFETY OF THE KINGDOM AND THE TOWN OF HULL, with the assurance of both Houses to satisfie...
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An Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books for Sale at Prices ..., Parts 1-2

Pickering & Chatto - 1899 - 396 pages
...edges £51 5s 2813 PLAYS. — A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for tie appeasing and quieting of all unlawfull Tumults and...severall Counties of England and Dominion of Wales. ALSO AN ORDINANCE OF BOTH HOUSES FOR THE SUPPRESSING OF STAGEPLAYES. 1642. Small 410, sewn, unbound...
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