SPRINGFIELD BRANCH. 1 BRANCH BANK OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, TO MESSRS. FORT, CARSON & BAY. Committee, &c. GENTLEMEN : Your communication of the present date containing certain interrogatories touching the business and condition of this bank, I have had the honor to receive, and hereby respond to the same, in the order in which they are propounded. Answer to Ist interrogatory. We received of the Mother bank, on the 14th day of January, 1844, in silver, In gold, Leaving in the possession of the Mother bank, $70,058 84 $40,000 00 10,000 00 In gold and silver subject to the order of this branch, of which last amount, we have received since, by checks on Mother bank $11,435 65. Answer 2nd. The amount of circulation received of the Mother bank a same time, $160,000 00. Answer 3rd. The amount of the circulation of this branch to date is $40,990 00. Answer 4th. This branch has of her capital, $47,669 65 employed, leaving a balance unemployed, $72,389 19. Answer 5th. This branch has no suspended debt. Answer 6th. All the specie now in possession of this bank belongs to it.The deposites are all general and amount to $2,308 17. Answer 7th. This branch has on deposite in paper currency, $4,390 00. This branch has no contingent fund. For the liabilities of each of the Directors at the end of each branch went into operation see exhibit (A.) None of the Directors have an account with the bank. quarter since the Answer 10th. None of the Executive officers of the State nor the bank attorneys are indebted to this bank. In reference to the members of the 13th General Assembly, see exhibit (B.) Answer 11th. The amount to which any one person or firm is limited, is $2,000. Answer 12th. The officers of this branch are, President, Cashier and Clerk, with the following salaries: I'resident, Cashier, Clerk, Answer 13th. Expense account see exhibit (C.) Answer 14th. is in the negative. Answer 15th. $350 00 700 00 500 00 The reply to interrogatory No. 14, and every branch thereof, The answer to this interrogatory is also in the negative. Answer 16th. The bank owns one lot in this place for building a banking house which cost Answer 17th. is not known. 600 dollars. This bank owes no debt except for stationary, and this amount Answer 18th. The profits of this branch thus far, have been derived exclusively from discounts and checks on St. Louis, and amount to the sum of $695 29. J. H. McBRIDE, President of the Branch at Springfield, Mo. Α. (4.) A statement shewing the names of Directors who are liable on local line to the bank, and the extent of such liability, whether as payer or endorser at the end of each quarter, since the bank went into operation. Liability to end of quarter, Sept'r 30th, 1844. W. B. Edwards, Winfrey Owens, Jno. W. Thompson, Payer End'r Am't A statement shewing the names of the Members of the 13th General Assembly. Executive officers of the State and Bank Attorneys, who are indebted to this Bank, whether as payer or endorser, and the amount Members of the 13th General Assembly. Aaron Finch, B. A. James, Payer End'r Am't 250 800 110 1440 500 1200 360 3940 $4200 CENSUS OF THE DIFFERENT COUNTIES In the State of Missouri, taken in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. APPENDIX. Kore FREE WHITE MALES. FREE WHITE FEMALES. BELGO Under 10 Of 10 & Of 18 and Of 21 and Of 45 Total Under 10 Of 10 and Of 18 and COUNTIES. years of under 18 under 21 under 45 years and free white years of under 18 under 21 Of 21 and Of 45 yrs. Total free age. years. years. years upwards. males. age. years. years. years. upwards. Females. Total free lation. Free white persons be- tween the age of 6 & 18 yrs |