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Mr. Rawlins nominated John J. Lowry.
The vote being taken, there appeared,
For Mr. Lowry-127 votes.
For Mr. Griffin--1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Lowry-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, CalPoun, Detchementy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill -32.

Absent, Mr. Netherton.

Whereupon Mr. John J. Lowry, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected president of the branch bank of the State of Missouri at Fayette, for the ensuing two years.

Nominations for directors of the branch bank at Fayette being in order,
Mr. Stringfellow nominated Alford W. Morrison,

The vote being taken. there appeared,

For Mr. Morrison-125 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Morrison--Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchenendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper. Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe. O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Recse, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Weiborn and Wolfskill -32.

Absent, same as above.

Whereupon Mr. Alford Morrison having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Fayette for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Fort nominated Thomas Jackson.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Jackson-126 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Jackson--Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson. Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller. Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Pulk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Sneil, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wol.skill-33.

Whereupon Mr. Thomas Jackson, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly clected a director of the branch bank at Fayette, for the two years next ensuing.

Nominations again being in order,
Mr. Rawlins nominated William A. Hall.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Hall-123 votes.

For Mr. White--1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Hall--Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones,

Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-31.

For J. R. White--Mr. Gentry-1.

Absent, Mr. Netherton.

Whereupon Mr. William A. Hall, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Fayette, for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order.
Mr. Fort nominated John Viley..

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Viley--118 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Viley-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--32.

Absent, same as above.

Whereupon Mr. John Viley, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Fayette, for the two years next ensuing.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Stringfellow nominated Benjamin F. Jeter.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Jeter--121 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Jeter--Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-31.

Absent, Messrs. Calhoun and Netherton.

Whereupon Mr. Benjamin F. Jeter, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Fayette, for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Rawlins nominated Charles R. Scott.

The votes being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Scott-119 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Scott-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Detchemendy, Ellis, Gentry, Hancock, Hancock, Harper, Harris. Hudspeth, Johnson, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Welborn and Wolfskill-23.

Absent, Messrs. Calhoun, Fort, Snell, Netherton and Thompson.

Whereupon Mr. Charles R. Scott, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Fayette, for the two years next ensuing. Nominations for president of the branch of the bank of the State of Missouri at Palmyra being in order,

Mr. Richmond, of the House, nominated William Blakey.

Mr. Carson, of the House, nominated David Willock.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Blakey-68 votes.

For Mr. Willock--56 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Blakey-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Fort, Harper, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Massey, Miller, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Snyder, Thomp. son, Welborn and Wolfskill-18.

For Mr. Willock--Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Campbell, Detchemendy, Ellis, Gentry, Hancock, Harris, Lucas, Mills, O'Bryan and Snell--12.

Absent-Messrs. Calhoun and Netherton.

Sick-Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon Mr. William Blakey, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected president of the branch bank at Palmyra, for the ensuing two years.

Nominations for directors of the branch bank at Palmyra, being in order, Mr. Jones of the House nominated John Taylor.

Mr. Campbell nominated David Willock.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Taylor-71 votes.

For Mr. Willock-47 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

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For Mr. Taylor-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Boggs, Fort, Harper, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Massey, Miller, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-18.

For Mr. Willock-Messrs. Anderson, Campbell, Detchemendy, Ellis, Gentry, Hancock, Harris, Lucas, Mills, O'Bryan and Snell-11.

Absent-Messrs. Calhoun, Monroe and Netherton.

Sick--Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon, Mr. John Taylor, having received a majority of all the votes, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Palmyra for the two years next ensuing.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Welborn nominated William Priest.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Priest-112 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Priest-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Reese, Snell, Snyder, Thomp. son, Welborn and Wolfskill-28.

Absent--Messrs. Calhoun, Gentry, Lucas and Netherton.

Sick-Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon Mr. William Priest having received a majority of all the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank at Palmyra for the ensuing two years.

On motion of Mr. Fort, the two houses took a recess until two o'clock.


The two houses assembled at two o'clock.

Nominations for directors of the branch bank at Palmyra, being in order,

Mr. Lowry nominated Thomas E. Palmer.

On motion a call of the houses was ordered, when the number of Senators found to be present was 17.

Absent-Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Gentry, Hudspeth, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, Reese and Snyder.

Sick-Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon, the sergeant at arms was despatched after the absentees, and
On motion of Mr. Stringfellow, all further proceedings under the call were

dispensed with.

Nominations being still in order,

Mr. Stringfellow nominated David Willock.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Palmer-12 votes.

For Mr. Willock-99 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Palmer-Messrs. Jones, Miller, Polk, Powers and Reese-5.

For Mr. Willock-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Massey, Monroe, O'Bryan, Rawlins, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-23.

Absent-Messrs. Lucas, Mills, Netherton and Snell.

Sick-Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon, Mr. David Willock, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected, a director of the branch bank at Palmyra, for the two years next ensuing.

Mr. Richmond of the House, moved a reconsideration of the vote just taken on the election of David Willock.

The President of the Senate decided that the motion was not in order.

Mr. Carson of the House appealed from the decision of the chair.

And upon the question being put, "shall the decision of the Chair stand as

the judginent of the House?"

It was decided affirmatively.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Richmond nominated James Eagon.

The votes being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. Eagon-108 votes.

For Mr. Ellis-1 vote.


For Mr. Jones--1 vote.

For Mr. Detchemendy-1 vote.

For Mr. Carson-1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Egon-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Hancock, Harper. Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Mills, Monroe, O, Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Sneil, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--23.

For Mr. John Ellis-Mr. Gentry--1.

Absent-Messrs. Campbell, Miller and Netherton.

Sick--Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon Mr. James Ergon, having received a majority of the votes given was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank, at Palmyra for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Moss nominated Elias Kinchaloc.

Mr. Richmond nominated Edward W. Cannon.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Kinchaloe--10 votes.

For Mr. Cannon--76 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Kinchaloe-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Detchemendy, Hancock, Huds

peth, Johnson, Monroe, Polk, Reese, Snell and Wolfskill--11.

For Mr. Cannon-Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Jones, Massey, Miller, Mills, O'Bryan, Powers, Rawlins Sayder and Welborn--18.

Absent--Messrs. Lucas, Netherton and Thompron.

Sick--Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon, Mr. Cannon, Laving received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the branch bank, at Palmyra, for the two years next ensuing.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Jones, of the House nominated John Redd.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr Redd--110 votes.

For Mr. Kinchaloe-1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Redd-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Massey, Miller, Mills, O'Bryan, Poik, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Snell, Snyder, Welborn and Wolfskill--27.

Absent--Messrs. Calhoun, Lucas, Netherton, Monroe and Thompson.

Sick-Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon Mr. John Redd having received a majority of the votes given,

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