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8th. Bills passed, and other business acted on by the House of Representatives.

And that the 8th rule under the order of business be considered the 9th.
Which was read, and

Under the rule lies upon the table one day.

The following bills were severally read a second time, referred to a committee

of the whole and ordered to be printed.

A bill concerning grand jurors.

A bi'l respecting circuit judges.

A bill in relation to locating State roads.

The following was read a third time;

A bill for the relief of Milley Owen.

Mr. Acock moved to refer it to the committee on the judiciary,

Which was rejected.

The question then recurred on the passage of the bill,

Which was rejected by the following vote:

The yeas and nays being called for and ordered,

Yeas.--Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Fort, Hancock, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones,

Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Thompson and Welborn-14.

Nays.-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Gentry, Harper, Harris Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, Snell, Snyder and Wolfskill--18,

Sick, Mr. Shelton.

A bill concerning bank directors,

Was read a third time

Mr. Polk moved to amend the bill by way of ryder as follows:

Fill the blank with "five cents;

Which was read a first time, and on motion

Of Mr. Hancock, the bill and ryder were indefinitely postponed. Amendments to the constitution of the State of Missouri in relation to judi

cial tenures,

Were taken up, and

On motion of Mr. Monroe,

A call of the House was ordered, when all the Senators answered to their


On motion, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Amendments to the constitution of the State of Missouri, in relation to judi

cial tenures being under consideration.

On motion, a call of the House was ordered, when the number of Senators an. swering to their names was 29.

Absent Messrs. Monroe, Netherton and Reese-3.

Sick, Mr. Shelton.

Whereupon the sergeant at arms was despatched for the absentces.
Mr. Ellis moved to lay the said constitutional amendments on the table.
Which was determined in the negative by the following vote:

The yeas and nays being called for and ordered,

Ycas. Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harris, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, Reese and Snell-15.

Nays.--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Detchemendy, Hancock, Harper, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Masscy, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawline, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--18.

Mr. Boggs moved to postpone the further consideration of the sail constitutional amendments until Wednesday next.

Which was determined in the affirmative by the following vote.

Yeas.--Messrs. Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Jones, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, Reese and Snell--19.

Nays. Messrs. Acock, Hancock, Hudspeth, Johnson, Massey, Monroe, Polk, Powcis, Rawlins, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-14.

Mr. Recse, on leave, of the Senate submitted the following:
Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri:

That the joint committee on revision be, and they are hereby authorised, to employ one clerk, whose duty it shall be, when not engaged on the business of of said committee, to assist the engrossing and enrolling clerks of the two Hou


Which was read, and under the rules, lies one day on the table.
On motion of Mr. Ellis,

The Senate repaired to the Hall of the House of Representatives for the purpose of electing a President and Directors for the bank of the State of Missouri and its baanches.

The President of the Senate took the Speaker's chair and announced the object of the meeting.

Nominations for the office of president of the bank of the State of Missouri at St. Louis, being in order,

Mr. Fort nominated Ferdinand Kennett.

Mr. Welborn nominated Robert Campbell.

No other nominations being made for president of the bank,

On the first ballot there appeared,

For Mr. Kennett-76 votes.

For Mr. Campbell-54 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:


For Mr. Kennett-Messrs. Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry. Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Lucas, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, Snell and Snyder--19.

For Mr. Campbell-Messrs. Acock, Hancock, Jones, Massey, Miller, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-14.

Whereupon Mr. Ferdinand Kennett having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected president of the bank of the State of Missouri, for the ensuing two years.

Nominations for directors of the bank of the State of Missouri, being now in

order, was announced by the President of the Senate.

Mr. Stringfellow nominated William L. Sublette.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Sublette-129 votes.

For Mr. Fort-1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:


For Mr. Sublette-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth,

Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--33.

Whereupon Mr. William L. Sublette, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director for the two years ensuing.

Nominations being again in order,
Mr. Fort nominated Edward Walsh,

The vote being taken there appeared,
For Mr. Walsh-128 votes.

For Mr. Fort-1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Walsh-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-33.

Whereupon, Mr. Edward Walsh, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank of the State of Missouri for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Welborn nominated Robert Campbell.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Campbell-126 votes.

For Mr. Fort-2 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Campbell-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blv the, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson,. Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-31.

For Mr. Fort-Mr. Gentry-1.
Absent--Mr. Snell.

Whereupon, Mr, Robert Campbell having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director for the two years next ensuing.

Nominations being again in order.

Mr. Welborn nominated O. D. Filley.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Filley-126 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Filley-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--31.

Absent, Messrs. Gentry and Snell.

Whereupon, Mr. O. D. Filley, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank of the State of Missouri for

the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Boas nominated Thomas M. Horine.

The vote being taken there appeared,


For Mr. Horine-129 votes.
The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Horine-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Cal. houn, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill---33.

Whereupon Mr. Thomas M. Horine having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Monroe nominated Ernest Anglerodt.
The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Ernest Angierodt-127 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Anglerodt-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller. Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-32.

Absent, Mr. Gentry.

Whereupon Mr. Ernest Anglerodt having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank of the State of Missouri for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Anderson nominated William T. Christy.

Mr. Welborn nominated George W. Huston.

The vote being taken, there appered,

For Mr. Christy-68 votes.

For Mr. Huston-61 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Christy-Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harris, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, and Snell-15.

For Mr. Huston--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Hancock, Harper, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Massey, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--18.

Whereupon Mr. William T. Christy, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank for the two years ensuing.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Anderson nominated John O'Fallon.

The vote being taken, there appeared,

For Mr. O'Fallon-122 votes.

For Mr. Fort-3 votes.

For Mr. Shelton-1 vote.

For Mr. Agnew-1 vote.

For Mr. Dent-1 vote.

For Mr. McDearman-1 vote.

For Mr. Allen-1 vote.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. O'Fallon-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detcl emendy, Ellis. Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Massey, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Welborn and Wolfskill-31. For Mr. Fort--Mr. Polk-1.

Absent--Mr. Thompson.

Whereupon Mr. John O'Fallon havir.g received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected, a director of the bank for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Welborn nominated William Hardin.

Mr. Williams of the House, nominated Robert A. Barncs.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Hardin-75 votes.

For Mr. Barnes-52 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Hardin-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Fort, Hancock, Harper, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Massey, Miller, Monroe. Netherton, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Recse, Skelton, Snyder, Thompson and Welborn-20.

For Mr. Barnes-Messrs. Anderson, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Gentry, Harris, Lucas, Mills, O'Bryan, Snell and Wolfskill-13.

Whereupon Mr. William Hardin, having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank, for the ensuing two years.

Nominations being again in order,

Mr. Fort nominated Thoras Barnes.

Mr. Welborn nominated Nicholas Tiernan.

The vote being taken there appeared,

For Mr. Barnes-83 votes.

For Mr. Tiernan--44 votes.

The Senators voted as follows:

For Mr. Barnes-Messrs. Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, Snell and Woliskill-20.

For Mr. Tiernan-Messas. Acock, Hancock, Jones, Massey, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson and Welborn-13.

Whereupon Mr. Thomas Barnes having received a majority of the votes given, was declared duly elected a director of the bank of the State of Missouri for the ensuing two years.

On motion of Mr. Polk, the two houses then took a recess, until to-morrow morning at half past ten o'clock.

TUESDAY MORNING, December 3, 1844.

The two houses assembled at half past ten o'clock.

The President announced that nominations for president of the branch bank at Fayette, were in order.

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