A bill to organize the county of Mississippi. A bill to organize Highland county. A bill regulating the terms of the circuit courts. A bill to regulate the practice at law. The question was then taken on the adoption of the resolution in relation to instructing the joint committee on the revision of the laws, And was determined in the affirmative by the following vote. Yeas.-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder and Welborn--28. Nays.--Massrs. Massey, Rawlins and Wolfskill--3. Absent, same as above. On motion of Mr. Snyder, Resolved, By the Senate, that two hundred copies of the report of the curators of the State University be printed for the use of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Ellis, Reoolved, That the door-keeper is hereby directed to have suitable locks and keys fixed to the drawers in the Senate chamber. A bill to repeal the 27th and 28th sections of an act concerning costs in crim inal cases, approved 27th February, 1843, Was read a second time. Mr. Fort moved to lay the bill on the table, but On leave of the Senate withdrew his motion, Mr. Jones offered the following amendment, To come in as an additional section, 1 And that the law repealed by said sections, concerning costs in criminal ca ses, be and the same is hereby revived and continued in full force. This act to take effect from and after its passage. Which was agreed to by the Senate. Mr. Fort moved to refer the bill to the joint committee on the revision of the laws. Mr. Mills moved to refer it to the committee on the judiciary, Which was negatived, and The question recurring on the reference of the bill to the joint committee on the revision of the laws, it was determined in the affirmative. A memorial to Congress praying for the donation of certain inundated lands to the counties in which they are situated, Was read a third time and passed. Mr. Fort on leave of the Senate submitted the following, which was rejected, Resolved, By the Senate that every bill or joint resolution, introduced into the Senate by its members of a general character, shall be referred to the committee on Revision, without motion as a rule of the Senate, unless otherwise ordered. Message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Huston. MR. PRESIDENT: I am instructed by the House of Representatives to inform the Senate, that the following resolution has passed the House: Resolved, That 2000 copies of the Bank report be printed for the use of the House, and that it be immediately transmitted to the Senate, with the accompanying documents, for the use of that body, with the request that it be returned to this House as early as practicable, and The House has adopted the following resolution in relation to the printing of the bank report: Resolved, That a select committee of two on the part of the House, be appointed to join such committee as may be appointed on part of the Senate to superintend the printing of the report of the committee, appointed by the Governor to examine into the condition of the bank, and That Messrs. Carson and Bay constitute the committee on part of the House. On motion, the Senate adjourned. EVENING SESSION. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. On motion the report of the committee appointed by the Governor to exam ine into the condition of the bank, Was received and read. Whereupon, the resolution from the House of Representatives, in relation to the appointment of a select committee to superintend the printing of the report of the committee, appointed to examine into the condition of the bank, Was taken up and concurred in, and The President appointed Mr. Fort, the committee on the part of the Senate, under said resolution. On motion of Mr. Anderson, Ordered, that one thousand copies of the said report of the committee appointed to examine into the condition of the bank, with the accompanying documents, be printed for the use of the Senate. A bill to provide for the collection of the revenue in the county of Cole, On motion of Mr. Polk, the Amendments to the constitution of the State of Missouri in relation to the incorporation of religious societies, Were ordered to a third reading on Wednesday next. Message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Gilpin their clerk, MR. PRESIDENT, Representatives: The following bills have been introduced into the House of A bill for the relief of Mellina Hammond. A bill to authorise George W. Hennikle and William C. Hennikle, to erect a water mill on Big Blue river in Jackson county. A bill for the relief of Thornton Grimsley. A bill to change the name of Niangua county to Dallas. A bill to change the name of John Boggs. A bill for the relief of Stephen W. Wood late sheriff of Franklin county. A bill amendatory and explanatory of an act, to fix the time of holding cin cuit courts, approved February 24, 1843. A bill to organize Lawrence county. A bill for the relief of Ferdinand Kennett. A bill for the relief of Corrick W. Aikin. A bill for the relief of Margaret Ann Aikin. A bill for the relief of William Parish. A bill for the relief of John Wilson. A bill for establishing and keeping in repair roads and highways in the county of Pike. On motion the Senate adjourned. TUESDAY MORNING, November 26, 1844. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Huston. MR. PRESIDENT, I am instructed by the House of Representatives to inform the Senate, that the House of Representatives has adopted the following resolution: Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate agreeing thereto: That the committee of revision of the two Houses, be and they are hereby permitted to use the room fitted up for the Supreme court for the sitting of said committee during the present session, so as not to interfere with any sitting of the said. court. Which resolution on motion of Mr. Jones, The President announced Messrs. Massey, Snyder, Ellis, Thompson, Mills, Rawlins and Gentry as the committee on new counties, on the part of the Senate. .. Mr. Monroe presented the petition of sundry citizens of Morgan county, praying the Legislature to relinquish to Adolph Caltner, the interest of the State in the escheat of the estate of Frederick Leowe, deceased, which was read and referred to a select committee consisting of Messrs. Monroe, Powers and O'Bryan. Mr. Hancock presented a petition in relation to a certain State road in the county of Greene, which On motion, the reading being dispensed with, was referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Hancock, Massey aud Acock. Mr. Acock presented the proceedings of the Osage convention, met at Warsaw, on the 18th December, 1843, which were read and referred to the committee on internal improvements. Message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Houston. Mr. PRESIDENT: I am instruct ed by the House ef Representatives to inform the Senate, that the following resolution has been adopted by the House. Resolved, That Messrs. Williams, Wilson of Randolph, Hughes of Platte, Sanford and Ballou be, and they are hereby added to the joint committee on the revision of the laws. Mr. Hancock, from the committee on claims, to whom was referred the petition of Rea and Slack, inspectors of the State tobacco warehouse in the city of St. Louis, reported A bill for the relief of Rea, Slack and others, Which was read a first time, and Ordered to a second reading. Mr. Hudspeth, from the committee on elections, to whom was referred the credentials of Senators, elected at a general election held on the first Monday in in August, A. D., 1844, Reported that they had examined the same, found them to be in due form of law, and that the following persons were duly elected Senators at said election. From the first Senatorial district--Pines H. Shelton. From the fifteenth Senatorial district-William Calhoun. From the twenty-third Senatorial district-Charles Jones. From the twenty-seventh Senatorial district-Aaron Snyder, Which was read and agreed to. The following bills were severally introduced, read a first time, and ordered to a second reading. By Mr. Polk, A bill to distribute the proceeds of the sales of the lands, donated to this State by Congress. By Mr. Acock, A bill to amend an act entitled an act to regulate marriages, approved Feb ruary 20, 1835. By Mr. Ellis, Joint Resolutions concerning the annexation of Texas. Mr. Snell on leave introduced A bill for the relief of Harvey McClure, Which was read a first time, the rule suspended read a second time, and re ferred to the committee on claims. Mr. Detchemendy on leave, introduced A bill to survey and mark out a State road. The rule was suspended, and the bill read a second and third time and passed. Resolved, That a committee of members be appointed by the President of the Senate, whose duty it shall be to consider and report to the Senate, on such subjects as may be referred to them, and such subjects as the committee may deem necesssary for the action of the General Assembly, touching the bank of the State of Missouri, and that it shall be known as the committee on the bank. On motion of Mr. Massey, The blank in the resolution was filled with "five," and Whereupon the President announced Messrs. Fort, Johnson, Anderson, Boggs and Calhoun, as the committee under said resolution. On motion of Mr. Fort, Resolved, That the committee on Internal Improvements be instructed to enquire into the expediency of appropriating a portion of the proceeds of the sales of the 500,000 acres of land, donated to the State of Missouri, by the Government of the United States, for the purpose of constructing a macadamized road from Hannibal, in Marion county, to Brunswick, in Chariton county; and should the committee come to the conclusion that an appropriation from that fund, for the purpose above specified would be inexpedient at this time, that the committee enquire into the expediency of appropriating such amount of the three per cent. fund as shall be necessary to locate and establish said road. Mr. Massey submitted the following: Resolved, That the committee to contract for the printing for the Senate, be and they are hereby instructed to contract for the printing of bills in open work, and that the resolution adopted requiring bills to be printed in close work be rescinded. Which was rejected. Mr. Jones gave notice that he would on to-morrow, or some day thereafter, Introduce a bill to amend the ninth section of the fourth article of the law on administrations concerning the allowance of demands against estates, approved 21st March, 1835. On motion of Mr. Reese, Messrs. Fort and Welborn were added to the commitee on revision. On motion, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning, at ten o'clock. 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING, November 27, 1844. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. The President presented a communication from the Governor, transmitting to the Senate, the evidence in his possession in relation to the publication of the amendments proposed by the twelfth General Assembly to the constitution of the State of Missouri. Which was read. Mr. Hancock, from the committee on claims, to whom was referred "a bill for the relief of Harvey McClure," Reported it back to the Senate with the following amendment: "Strike out the word "twenty," in the fourth line, and insert in lieu thereof the word "ten," and recommended the passage of the same as amended. Which was read and agreed to. Mr. Campbell from the joint committee on revision, Reported that the committee had had under consideration bills of the follow ing titles, to wit: An act regulating the action of account. An act concerning boatmen. An act concerning apprentices. An act concerning advertisements. And reported the same to the senate without amendment. Also, An act concerning arbitrations and references, and recommended to the Sen ate the following amendment: Strike out the 34th section--also a bill entitled An act to provide for building bridges, And recommend that the same be amended as follows: Strike out the 18th section. Which report was read and agreed to. The following bills were severally read a first time and ordered to a second reading. An act regulating the action of account. An act concerning advertisements. An act concerning apprentices. An act concerning arbitrations and references. An act concerning boatmen. An act to provide for building bridges. Mr. Hancock, from the select committee, to whom was referred a petition in relation to a certain State road in the county of Greene, reported A bill to change a certain portion of a State road. Which was read a first time, and ordered to a second reading. Mr. Polk, from the select committee, to whom was referred the petition of sundry citizens of Shannon county, praying for the divorce of Milley Owen, reported A bill for the relief of Milley Owen. Which was read a first time and ordered to a second reading. On motion of Mr. Thompson, |