OF THE SENATE, OF THE TATE OF MISSOURI, AT THE FIRST SESSION OF THE THIRTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, ON MONDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR. JEFFERSON CITY: GUNN, HAMMOND & MAIN, PRINTERS. LIBRARIES 266892 MARCH 1930 • JOURNAL OF THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, At the first session of the Thirteenth General Assembly, begun and held at the City of Jefferson, on Monday, the eighteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. The President of the Senate being absent, the Senate was called to order by Robert E. Acock, President pro tempore, and Senator from the eighteenth Senatorial District. On motion, the roll of the Senate was called, when the following Senators answered to their names. Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Detchemendy, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Hancock. Harris, Harper, Hudspeth, Johnson, Jones. Lucas, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton. O'Bryan, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-32. Absent, Mr. Massey-1. The following Senators appeared, presented their credentials, were qualified and took their seats. From the first senatorial district-Pines H. Shelton. There also appeared the following Senators, whose terms of service commerced with the last session of the Senate. From the second senatorial district-Charles Harper. From the third senatorial district-John C. Welborn. From the fourth senatorial district-Joshua Gentry, and John I. Campbell. From the sixth senatorial district-John Wolfskill. From the eighth senatorial district-Robert B. Ellis. From the ninth senatorial district-Andrew Johnson and William R. Blythe. From the fourteenth senatorial district--Lilburn W. Boggs. From the twenty-second senatorial district--Ayres Hudspeth. From the twenty-fifth senatorial district--Clement Detchemendy. A quorum being present, at the request of the President pro tempore, James L. Minor, acted as Secretary pro tem. On motion of Mr. Rawlins, it was Resolved. That the Senate now proceed to the election of Secretary. Mr. Anderson nominated John H. Watson. Mr. Johnson nominated Benjamin F. Hickman. On the first ballot there appeared For Mr. Watson--Messrs. Anderson, Harper, Jones, Polk and Snyder--5. For Mr. Hickman--Messrs. Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, illis, Gentry, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan and Snell--13, For Mr. Jones-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Detchemendy, Fort, Hancock, Hudspeth, Monroe, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill--14. Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to a second ballot, when there appeared, For Mr. Watson-Mesers. Anderson, Harper, Jones and Snyder-4. For Mr. Hickman-Messrs. Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Ellis, Gentry, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan and Snell-13. For Mr. Jones--Messrs. Acock. Blythe. Detchemendy, Fort, Hancock, Hudspeth, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-15. : Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to a third ballot, when there appeared For Mr. Watson--Mr. Lucas--1. For Mr. Hickman-Messrs. Boggs, Campbell, Calhoun, Ellis, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Johnson, Jones, Miller, Mills, Netherton, O'Bryan and Snell. For Mr. Jones-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Detchemendy, Fort, Hancock, Hudspeth, Monroe, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-17. Whereupon Wm. Claude Jones having received a majority of all the votes given, was declared duly elected Secretary of the Senate, was qualified, and entered upon the discharge of his duties. A On motion of Mr. Rawlins the Senate proceeded to the election of Assistant Secretary. Nominations for the office of Assistant Secretary of the Senate being in order Mr. Welborn nominated James S. Green. Mr. Polk nominated J. D. Stevenson. Mr. Johnson nominated Thompson Ward. Mr. Blythe nominated E. D. Ewing. On the first ballot there appeared For Mr. Green-Messrs Campbell, Detchemendy, Hancock, Hudspeth, Pow ers, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Welborn and Wolfskill-10. For Mr. Stevenson - Messrs. Jones, Polk and Rawlins-3. For Mr. Ward-Messrs. Boggs, Gentry, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, O'Bryan and Thompson--7. For Mr. Ewing--Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Calhoun, Ellis, Fort, Harper, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton and Snell-12. Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to a second ballot, when there appeared. For Mr. Green--Messrs. Campbell, Detchemendy, Hancock, Polk, Powers, Rawlins. Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Welborn and Wolfskill--12. For Mr. Stevenson--Mr. Jones--1. For Mr. Ward--Messrs. Boggs, Gentry, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, O'Bryan, and Thompson--7. For Mr. Ewing-Messrs. Acock, Anderson, Blythe, Calhoun, Ellis, Fort, Harper, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton and Sneli-12. Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the name of Mr. Stevenson being withdrawn, the Senate proceeded to a third ballot, when there appeared For Mr. Green-Messrs. Campbell, Detchemendy, Hancock, Hudsreth, Jones, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Welborn and Wolfskill-13. For Mr. Ward-Messrs. Boggs, Gentry, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, O'Bryan and Thompson-7. For Mr. Ewing-Messrs. Acock, Anderson. Blythe, Calhoun, Ellis, Fort, Harper, Miller, Mills. Monroe, Netherton and Snell-12. Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the name of Mr. Ward being withdrawn, the Senate proceeded to a fourth ballot, when there appeared, For Mr. Green-Messrs. Campbell, Detchemendy, Gentry, Hancock, Harris, Hudspeth, Jones, Lucas, Polk, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Snyder, Thompson. Welborn and Wolfskill-17. For Mr. Ewing-Messrs. Acock. Anderson, Blythe, Boggs, Calhoun, Ellis, Fort, Harper, Johnson, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Netherton, O'Bryan and Snell -15. Whereupon James S. Green, having received a majority of all the votes given, was declared duly elected Assistant Secretary of the Senate, was qualified and entered upon the discharge of his duties. On motion of Mr. Polk, it was Resolved, That the Senate proceed to the election of door keeper. Mr. Rawlins nominated Elzey Tracy. Mr. Acock nominated Archibald E. Conn. Mr. Wolfskill nominated Jeremiah Phillips. Mr. Anderson nominated John W. Price. Mr. Harris nominated D. McTwitty. Mr. Johnson nominated William Woods. Mr. Miller nominated M'Daniel Dorris. Mr. Shelton nominated George Lynch. |