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Mr. Welborn nominated Robert Bronaugh.

Mr. Miller nominated John G. Walker.

On the first ballot, there appeared

For Mr. Buford--Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones, Shelton and Snell-4.
For Mr. Flach--Messrs. Detchemendy, Netherton and Snyder--3.

For Mr. Lindsay--Messrs. Lucas, Mills and Polk--3.

For Mr. Fort-Messrs. Anderson, Fort, Johnson, O'Bryan, Rawlins and Wolfskill-6.

For Mr. Bronaugh-Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Massey, Reese, Thompson and Welborn-9.

For Mr. Walker-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Boggs, Calhoun, Ellis, Miller, Monroe and Powers-8.

Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to ballot the second time,

When there appeared

For Mr. Buford-Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones and Snell-3.

For Mr. Flach-Messrs. Detchemendy, Netherton and Snyder-3.

For Mr. Lindsay-Messrs. Lucas, Mills and Polk-3.

For Mr. Fort-Messrs. Anderson, Fort, Johnson, O'Bryan, Rawlins and Wolfskill-6.

For Mr. Bronaugh-Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Massey, Reese, Shelton, Thompson and Welborn--10.

For Mr. Walker-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Loggs, Calhoun, Ellis, Miller, Monroe and Powers-8.

Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to ballot a third time,

When there appeared

For Mr. Buford-Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones and Snell-3.
For Mr. Flach-Messrs. Detchemendy, Netherton and Snyder-3.

For Mr. Lindsay-Mr. Polk-1.

For Mr. Fort--Messrs. Anderson, Fort, Johnson, O'Bryan, Rawlins and Wolfskill-6.

For Mr. Bronaugh--Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Lucas, Massey, Mills, Reese, Shelton, Thompson and Welborn--12.

For Mr. Walker--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Boggs, Calhoun, Ellis, Miller, Monroe and Powers-8.

Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the name of Mr. Lindsay being withdrawn, the Senate proceeded to ballot a fourth time, When there appeared

For Mr. Buford--Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones, Polk and Snell-4.

For Mr. Flach-Messrs. Detchemendy, Netherton and Snyder-3.

For Mr. Fort-Messrs. Anderson, Fort, Johnson, O'Brjan, Rawlins and Wolfskill-6.

For Mr. Bronaugh--Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Lucas, Massey, Mills, Reese, Shelton, Thompson and Welborn-12.

For Mr. Walker-Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Boggs, Calhoun, Ellis, Miller, Monroe and Powers-8.

Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to ballot a fitth time,

When there appeared

For Mr. Buford-Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones, Polk and Snell--4. For Mr. Flach-Messrs. Detchemendy, Netherton and Snyder-3. For Mr. Fort-Messrs. Anderson, Calhoun, Fort, Johnson, O'Bryan, Rawlins and Wolfskill-7.

For Mr. Bronaugh-Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Lucas, Massey, Mills, Reese, Shelton, Thompson and Welborn--12.

For Mr. Walker--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Boggs, Ellis, Miller, Monroe and Powers---7.

Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to a sixth ballot,

When there appeared

For Mr. Buford--Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones, Polk and Snell-4.
For Mr. Flach--Messrs. Detchemendy, Netherton and Soyder-3.

For Mr. Fort--Messrs. Anderson, Fort, Johnson, O'Bryan, Rawlins and Wolfskill--6.

For Mr. Bronaugh--Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Lucas, Massey, Mills, Monroe, Powers, Reese, Shelton, Thompson and Welborn


For Mr. Walker--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Boggs, Calhoun, Ellis and Miller --6.

Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes given, the Senate proceeded to ballot the seventh time,

When there appeared

For Mr. Buford--Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones, Polk and Snell-4.

For Mr. Flach--Messrs. Boggs, Detchemendy, Ellis, Netherton and Snyder


For Mr. Fort--Messrs. Anderson. Fort, Johnson, O'Bryan,, Rawlins and Wolfskill-6.

For Mr. Bronaugh--Messrs. Campbell, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Massey. Mills, Monroe, Powers, Reese, Shelton, Thompson and Welborn-13. For Mr. Walker--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Calhoun and Miller--4. Absent, Mr. Lucas.-1.

Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the name of Mr. Fort being withdrawn, the Senate proceeded to ballot the eighth time When there appeared

For Mr. Buford---Messrs. Hudspeth, Jones, Polk and Snell--4.
For Mr. Flach-Messrs. Boggs, Detchemendy, Ellis, Netherton and Snyder


For Mr. Bronaugh--Messrs. Anderson, Campbell, Fort, Gentry, Hancock, Harper, Harris, Johnson, Massey, Mills, Monroe, Powers, Rawlins, Reese, Shelton, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-18.

For Mr. Walker--Messrs. Acock, Blythe, Calhoun, Miller and O'Bryan-5. Absent, Mr. Luoas--1.

Whereupon, Robert Bronaugh having received a majority of all the votes given, was declared duly elected enrolling cierk of the Senate, was qualified and entered on the discharge of his duties.

Mr. Hudspeth moved the Senate proceed to the election of a Sergeant at

Arms, which was determined in the negative.

On motion,

The Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning, at ten o'clock.

TUESDAY MORNING, November 19th, 1844.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Rawlins offered the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the House of Representatives be inmed that the Senate has organized by electing William Claude Jones. Secretary; James S. Green, Assistant Secretary; William C. Oliver, Engros ing Cierk; Robert Bronaugti, Enrolling Clerk; and John W. Price, Door-keeper, and that they are now ready to proceed to business.

Mr. Welborn offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the Senate appoint a committee of two to join such committee as may be appointed by the House, to wait upon the Governor, and inforın him that the twe Houses have organized. and are now ready to receive any communication which he may be pleased to make.

Whereupon, the Chair appointed Messrs. Welborn and Gentry, the commit. tee on the part of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Jones,

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate furnish for the use of the Senate, thirty-five copies of the Revised Code of 1835, and an equal number of the acts of each subsequent session of the Legislature, and also, an equal number of the journals of the Senate of 1840 and 1841.

Mr. Pok submitted the following:

Resolved, That seats within the bar of the Senate be assigned to such reporters of newspapers as may desire the same.

Mr. Hudspeth offered the following substitute:

Resolved, That reporters of newspapers be admitted within the bar of the

Senaté, under the direction of the President.

Which was accepted and adopted.

Mr. Jones submitted the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the hours of meeting of the Senate during the present session, unless otherwise ordered, shall be ten o'clock in the forenoon, and two o'clock in the afternoon.

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The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

The President presented a communication from the Secretary of State, which On motion of Mr. Monroe, the reading being dispensed with, was laid on the


Mr. Monroe offered the following:

Resolved, That the Senate now proceed to the election of a Sergeant at Arms.

Mr. Massey moved to lay the resolution on the table, which motion was on leave of the Senate, withdrawn.

On motion of Mr. Monroe, a call of the House was ordered.

When, the roll being called, the number of Senators answering to their names was 32.

Absent, Mr. Detchemendy--1.

The question was then taken on the adoption of the resolution, and determined in the affirmative.

Message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Huston, Assistant Clerk, Mr. President, I am instructed to inform the Senate that the following resolution has passed the House of Representatives:

Resolved, That the Senate be informed that the House of Representatives has assembled, and elected C. F. Jackson, Speaker; William Gilpin, Chief Clerk; George W. Huston, Assistant Clerk; Sol. J. Lowe, Engrossing Clerk; Wm. B. Baskett, Enrolling Clerk; Richard B. Jackson, Door-keeper; Richard Brannan, Sergeant at Arms, for the present session; and that it is now organized, and ready to proceed to business.

Also the following resolution.

Resolved. That a committee of three members be appointed on the part of the House, to join the committee on the part of the Senate, to inform the Governor that the two Houses of the General Assembly have organised, and are now ready to receive any communication which he may think proper to make, and that

Messrs. Bay, Brown and Richmond, were appointed said committee. Mr. Welborn, from the joint committee appointed to wait upon the Governor, 'made the following report:

That they had perpormed the duty assigned them, and received for answer, that the Governor would make a communication in writing, this evening at 3 o'clock.

The President announced that nominations for the office of Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, were in order.

Mr. Monroe nominated Hiram R. Phillips.

Mr. Hudspeth nominated Cyrus Frost.

Mr. Reese nominated John McAfee.

Mr. Powers nominated A. G. Brannan.

Mr. Miller nominated Clifton Lundy.

Mr. Miller also, nominated Benjamin Ferguson.

On the first ballot there appeared.

For Mr. Phillips--Messrs. Hancock, Massey, Monroe, Thompson and Wolfskill-5.

For Mr. Frost--Messrs. Blythe, Boggs, Detchemendy, Hudspeth, Jones, Netherton, Polk and Snyder--8.

For Mr. Richardson- Mr. Harris-1.

For Mr. McAfee--Messrs. Anderson, Campbell, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Johnson, Lucas, Mills, Reese, Shelton, Snell and Welborn-13. For Mr. Brannan-Messrs. Acock, Powers, and Rawlins-3.

For Mr. Lundy-Mr. Miller-1.

For Mr. Ferguson-Mr. O'Bryan-1.

Absent, Mr. Calhoun.

Neither candidate having received a majority, the Senate proceeded to a second ballot,

When there appeared

For Mr. Phillips-Messrs. Hancock, Monroe and Thompson-3.

For Mr. Frost-Messrs. Blythe, Boggs, Detchemendy, Hudspeth, Jones, Netherton, Polk and Snyder-8.

For Mr. McAfee-Messrs. Anderson, Campbell, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, Mills, Reese, Shelton, Snell and Welborn-14.

For Mr. Brannan-Messrs. Acock and Powers-2.

For Mr. Ferguson-Messrs. Massey, Miller, O'Bryan, Rawiins and Wolfskill


Neither candidate having received a majority, the name of Mr. Phillips being withdrawn, the Senate proceeded to ballot a third time,

When there appeared

For Mr. Frost-Messrs. Blythe, Boggs, Hancock, Hudspeth, Jones, Netherton, Polk and Snyder-9.

For Mr. McAfee-Messrs. Anderson, Campbell, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, Mills, Monroe, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Thompson and Welborn-16.

For Mr. Brannan-Mr. Powers-1.

For Mr. Ferguson--Messrs. Acock, Massey, Miller, O'Bryan, Rawlins and Wolfskill-6.

Absent, Mr. Calhoun-1.

Neither candidate having received a majority of the votes given, the names of Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Lundy and Mr. Brannan being withdrawn, the Senate proceeded to ballot the fourth time,

When there appeared,

For Mr. Frost-Messrs. Blythe, Detchemendy, Hancock, Hudspeth, Jones, Massey, Miller, Netherton, Polk and Snyder-10.

For Mr. McAfee--Messrs. Acock, Anderson. Boggs, Campbell, Ellis, Fort, Gentry, Harper, Harris, Johnson, Lucas, Mills, Monroe, Powers, Rawlins,, Reese, Shelton, Snell, Thompson, Welborn and Wolfskill-21.

For Mr. Ferguson-Mr. O'Bryan-1.

Absent, Mr. Calhoun.

Whereupon, John McAfee, having received a majority of all the votes given, was declared duly elected sergeant at arms of the Senate; was qualined and entered on the discharge of the duties of his office.

The following message from the Governor was communicated by Jas. L. Minor, Secretary of State, and was received and ordered to be read:

Fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives:


You have again assembled, in your respective Halls of legislation, to discharge the high and important duties imposed on you by the Constitution and laws of the State.

In consequence of the death of the late THOMAS REYNOLDS, Governor of this State, which event occurred on the ninth day of February last, the Chief Executive Office devolved on me, and it becomes my duty, under the organic law of the State, to address you on the present occasion.

In the performance of this duty, I should do injustice to my own feelings, if I failed to express the deep and lasting regret occasioned by the melancholy occurrence, which deprived the State of the valuable services of this able officer, and highly esteemed citizen, whose unceasing exertions, from the time he was called to preside over the State, to the day of his death, were directed solely to the promotion of the best interests of the people of Missouri. His remains now lie in the public burying ground near this place, and it is respectfully recommended, as a tribute of respect, that provision be made by law, for the erection of a suitable monument to his memory.

The loss sustained in consequence of the excessive rains during the past spring, by the people of the State, and particularly those who resided on the bottom lands of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their tributaries, has been seriously felt; and the sickness and death which have resulted from the overflow of the low lands, in many sections of the State, have greatly aggravated the sufferings of those exposed to their influence. Yet it is consoling to know that these things have passed away, and that favorable seasons and good health have again returned among us, and that we are now in the full enjoyment of plenty, afforded by the abundant resources of our State; and that peace, harmony and comparative prosperity reign within our borders. For such blessings we owe our devout thanks to HIM who alone can bestow them. It is a source of gratification that since the adjournment of the last Legislature, the circulating medium of our State has been greatly improved, and indeed it is believed that at no previous time, has our currency been in a sounder or better condition than at present. All the depreciated and worthless paper of other States has ceased to circulate among the people, and in its place may now be seen in circulation a fair proportion of silver and gold, the only true repre sentatives of value.

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