INDEX TO VOL. IV., PART I. A. Acts of Congress, list of, passed in the se- Address of the Elitor, 1, 409 Agriculture, 22, 118, 153, 154, 184, 246, 344, 359, 377 Agriculture, political, 140 Alleghany River, improvements in, 337 Antiquities of America. 23 Adriedubra at Lishon. 203 4.3. 45. 47. 48. 49 It will be observed, on examination, that No. 4. 5. H 32. are not paged to correspond with the Volume. They contain precisely the same reading in relation to Internal Improvements, without the miscellaneous reading; and were put up, in half sheets, for a special purpose; but in consequence of the loss, by the late fire, of the whole sheets bearing those numbers, I am compelled to use these half sheets in lieu of whole sheets, or not be able to com 17 e K D, 6, 19, Badnall's Explanation respecting his fur- Method of transportation by from Omo German States, on the revenues of, 25 ther intended experiments respecting Un. dulating Railways, 178 Bees, Mr. Nutt's system of management, strictures on, 1 Biscuits for Ships, apparatus for making Blast at Craigleith Quarry, account of, 63 Boilers. Nott's tubular ones described, 165 Bridges, Suspension ones Mr. West's Report respecting, 325 At Freyburg, Switzerland, 416 Burden's Plan for Manufacturing Horse River to New-York, 181 Geology, primary, 118 Not opened, 2017 Great Britain and her Colonies, 73 McNeill's Report respecting, 274 Canal Navigation- 241, 274 Bache on the effect of Transparent Screens, Cow, average amount of food consumed by 393 C. annually, 38 Common Schools, Annual Report of the Cotton and Hemp, compared, 38 Canal Tolls, 280, 341 Canton, Buildings in, 169 Canal Locks, substitute for, 397 Erie, amount of tonnage passed down it in 1833 and part of 1834, 2; tance of in England, 249, 256 Gueymard, M. E.-Extracts from his Re- Gun, with a revolving breech, 295 H. Harkness' Brick Making Machine, 104 Hot Air, Dufresnoy's Report on the use of, Hoops for Casks. iron ones, specification of John Young's Patent for manufacturing, 152 1 |