| 1749 - 684 pages
...foftly, I entreat you ; For if he chance to wake, be fure he'll eat you. »c. On Sir John Vanburgh. Lie heavy on him, earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee. •6. Here lies the body of Tbmat Small, 'r ••/..;• r /.A weaver, and that's all. 17. 0* a Mifer.... | |
 | Voltaire - 1760 - 300 pages
...would be commodious enough. Some wag, in an Epitaph he made on Sir John Vanbru*bt has thefe lines : *« Lie heavy on him Earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee* H 2 SIR SIR John having taken a tour into Trance before the glorious war that broke out in 1701, was... | |
 | Voltaire - 1760 - 300 pages
...would be commodious enough. Some wag, in an Epitaph he made on Sir John Vanbrugh, has thefe lines : Lie heavy on him Earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thée. Hz SIR SIR John having taken a tour into France before the glorious war that bioke out in 1701,... | |
 | 1764 - 164 pages
...Afpeft ; the feeming Weight of which occa- • iioned this Epitaph on the Architect Sir John Vanlrugh. Lie heavy on him, Earth ! for He Laid many a heavy Load on thee. The South Front is lefs loaded with Ornament ; on it is a Bufto of Louis XIV. taken from the Citadel... | |
 | Horace Walpole - 1782 - 324 pages
...died at Whitehall March 26, 1726. In his chara&er of architect, Dr. Evans bpftowed on himthi* epitaph, Lie heavy on him, earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee. ROBE £ TI, An architeft, who built the ftaircafe at Coudray, the lord Montacute's j Pelegrinr painted... | |
 | Sir Richard Steele - 1786 - 516 pages
...concludes his account of Sit John, with Dr. Evans's epitaph on him, in his chara&eJ of architect. ' . ' . Lie heavy on him, earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee. Utfopra. TAT. N° 13. p. 140. -Kate, add, See KALM'S " Travels, £c." TAT. Hid. p. 144. Note, aJfaem,... | |
 | [Gebhard] Friedrich August Wendeborn - 1791 - 372 pages
...tafte. Luckily, this folly, together wiih that of furnifhing houfes in the Chinefe way, has fubfided. * Lie heavy on him earth ! for he, Laid many a heavy load on thee. There There are here and there many good modern buildings to be met with in London; but they are too... | |
 | 1794 - 614 pages
...confpicuous as to become almoft proverbial; and which procured for him the following well-known epitaph: " Lie heavy on him, Earth, for he " Laid many a heavy load on thce." Let us attend to what is here boldly urged in his favour: • Sir John Vanbrugh has long been... | |
 | William Seward - 1795 - 682 pages
...acutely, « fhould apply to the be ft landfcape-painter you " know." The epftaph made for Sir John, Lie heavy on him, Earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee, is remembered more on account of its point than of the truth it contains. Size and maffivenefs are... | |
 | William Seward - 1796 - 442 pages
...very acutely, " fhould apply to the beft landfcape-painter you " know." The epitaph made for Sir John, Lie heavy on him, Earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee, is remembered more on. account of its point thaij of the truth it contains. Size and maffivenefs ar^... | |
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