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Balcombe: Cooper.
Ballyneanig: Macalister.
Banwell Hill: Martin.

Barnstaple: Napier.

Battle: André.

Battles: Calvert, Duckett. Bebington: Сох. Bedfordshire. See "Elstow." Bells: Payne, Perry, Walters.

Berkshire: Keyser, Money, Sherwood. See "Aldermaston."

Bethersden: Brown.

Biblical Chronology: Horner, Selwyn. Bibliographical and literary: Arnold, Davies, Howarth, Jackson, Lawlor, Medley, Pearson, Smith.

Bishop, a misappropriated: Watson. Bishop's Castle: Weyman.

Bloomeries: Cowper.

Bracon: Irvine.

Breamore: Hill.
Brecon: Cantrill.

Breconshire: Cantrill.

Brimpsfield: Bazelcy.
Brislington: Richardson.
Bristol: Hyett, Latimer.
Bromfield: Drinkwater.

Bronze antiquities: Anderson, Mitchell,

[blocks in formation]

Chester: Price.
Chirbury: Boyd.
Choir-screen: Sympson.
Church goods: Hone, Walker.
Church plate: Bates, Cooper, Ffrench,
Minet, Myres, Stanley, Walker.

Church towers: Allen.

Churches: André, Arnold, Atkinson, Bigger, Birch, Brownlow, Chadwick, Collier, Collingwood, Cowper, Cox, Cresswell, Darys, Dawson, Downes, Dryden, Evans, Fowler, Glynne, Gould, Grave, Grayling, Hall, Haslewood, Hill, Hodgson, Hope, Irvine, Johnston, Keyser, Longley, Lynam, Macalister, Micklethwaite, Moens, Morgan, Page, Parker, Ponting, Raven, Richardson, Skaife, Sutton, Swainson. Warren, Whitley.


Cinque Ports: Rutton. Cirencester: Cripps. Cities: Caine.


Clapton-in-Gordano: Warren.
Clare: Westropp.
Clare Island: Browne.
Claverley: Hartshorne.
Clifford Chambers: Stanley.
Clynnog fawr: Lynam.
Cobham: Rogers.
Colchester: Rickword.

Congo: Burrows.

Conway: Elias, Farrington.
Coptic antiquities: Crum, Legge.
Corbridge: Brown.

Cornwall. See "Golden Probus,"

"Truro," " Yeovil." Cotswolds: Martin, Sawyer, Taylor. Courteney (Archbishop): Beazeley. Crecy and Calais: Wrottesley. Cricklade: Maskelyne.

Crosses: Cursiter, Hartshorne, Haswell,


Cuckfield: Cooper.
Cuckmere Bay: Rice.
Cumberland. See "Carlisle."

Cymri: Holt.

Damascus: Spiers.

Danby: Mortimer.

Danes graves: Mortimer. Dartmoor: Gould.

Deal: Rutton.

Dean, Forest of: Brown. Denbighshire. See "Llansilin."

Deneholes: Vincent.

Deodands: Yorkshire.

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ser, Pearson, Reichel, Rogers. Sce
"Honiton," "Plymouth," "Sal-
combe Regis," "Seaton."

Dewsbury: Chadwick.

Dialect: Elworthy, Powell, Skeat.
Dials: Dryden.

Dingle: Macalister.
Dinton: Lee.
Dog-wheels: Laws.

Donnington: Macnamara.
Dorchester: Cozens.

Dorking: André.

Dorsetshire. See "Piddletown."

Dublin: Berry, Dix.
Dun at Dorsey: Lett.
Dunbey Fort: Lynch.
Dundunnolf: Orpen.

Earthworks and mounds: Bidyood,

Martin, Newsteads. Eastbourne: Hudson, Whitley. Ecclesiology: Atchley, Conybeare, Duncan, Gilmore, Horner, Legg, Öfjord, Olden, Oppert, Rassam, Robinson, Selwyn, Simcor, Stokes.

Egyptian antiquities: Griffith, Heppolyte-Boussac,


Pichl, Sayce, Tuckett, White.

Elstow: Darys.


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Heywood (John): Andrew.

High Wycombe: Downes,

Holderness: Skeat.

Holmesfield: Kerry.

Honiton: Hughes, Troup.

Hospital: Browning.

"Dingle," "Dublin," "Dun-atDorsey," "Dunbeg Fort." "Dundunnolf," "Fermanagh," "Kerry," "Kil-ma-Huddrick," "Knockmany," "Mayo, Meath," "Mount Merrion," "Roserk and Mayne," "St. Doulough," "Stillorgan," "Wrexford." Irish proper names: Olden. Iron casting: Gardner. Islay: Mitchell.

Italian building accounts: Scott.

Jekris: Granville.

[blocks in formation]

Huguenots: Hinde, Rousselet, Villiers. Libraries: Jackson.

Ijos: Granville.

Inchaffray: Reid.


Asiatic: York.

Hittite: Rylands.

Ogams: Buick, Cochrane.

Roman: Haverfield, Offord.

Siloam: Pilcher.

Picts: Rhys.

Ipswich: Haslewood.

Ireland: Berry, Cochrane. See "Ant

rim," "Armagh," "Clare Island,"

Lily: André.

Limerick: Westropp.

Lincoln: Foster, Maddison. Lincolnshire. See "Gedney," "Lin

coln," "Louth."

Literature: Grundy, Arnold.

Liverpool: Morton.
Llanblethian: Fowler.
Llandissilio: Evans.

Llansilin: Hughes.

London: Birch, Bradley, Oliver. See

"Aldgate," "Carmelite Build

ings," "Charlton," "Lambeth,"

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Pennington: Cowper.
Pershore: Andrews.

Perthshire. See "Ardoch."

Peterborough: Dryden.

Phrygia: Anderson.

Picture board dummies: Ferguson,
Piddletown: Dillon.

Place names: Duignan, Macritchie,

Maskelyne, Phenè.
Plataiai: Woodhouse.
Plumstead: Howell.
Plymouth: Risk.
Postal stamps: Cramond.
Pottery: Anderson, Pilcher.
Prehistoric remains: Westropp.
British settlement: Mortimer.
Burial places: Hutcheson, Irvine.
Cairns: Cantrill, Coffey, Plunkett.
Cist: Coles, Frazer.
Cromlechs: O'Reilly.
French Stonehenge: Worsfold.
Flint scrapers: Knowles.

Horn implements: Newstead,

[blocks in formation]

Schools: Leach, Thomas, Wildman, Scotland: Mitchell. See "Ardoch," "Catrail," "Oban, "Oransay," "Orkney."

Sculptured stones: Irvine.

Seaton: Troup.
Sevenoaks: Carnell.

Severn: Cardew.

Sherborne: Wildman.

Sheriff's farm, The: Turner,
Shetland: Irvine, Mitchell.
Shoreditch: Hudson.

Shorne: Arnold.

Shrewsbury: Phillips.

Battle of: Calvert, Fletcher.

Shropshire: Duignan, Fletcher, Sand-
See "Bishop's Castle,"

"Bromfield," "Chirbury," " Cla-
verley," "Rodington," " Shrews-
bury," "Wombridge."

Shurland House: Cave-Brown.

Sittingbourne: Grayling.

Sobos: Granville.
Somerset: Bates, Fry, Rogers.
Somersetshire: Allen. See "Banwell

Hill," "Brislington," "Clapton-
in-Gordano," "Somerset," "Wal-

South Elmham: Raven,

Southwark: Giuseppi.

Spinning: Blashill.
Staffordshire: Boyd. Sce "Okeover."
Steyning: Breach.

Stillorgan park: Ball.

Stoke Mandeville: Parker, Streachy. Stone, incised: Cursiter.

Stones (hammer): Anandale.

Inscribed: Haverfield,

Ogam: Rhys.

Llandrudian: Rhys.

Storeton: Cox.

Strata Marcella: T.

Suffolk. See "Hepworth," " Ipswich,"

"Sandling," "South Elham."

Sundials: Middleton.

Surrey: Bar, Cooper.

Sce "Dork

ing," "Richmond Park," "Weybridge.

Sussex: André, Rice, Round.


"Balcombe," "Battle," "Cuckfield," "Cuckmere Bay," "Eastbourne," "Hastings," "Steyning."

Tanna: Gray.

Tax rolls: Whale. Temple bar: Price, Tenby: Laws.

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