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CAINE (CLESAR). Our cities sketched five hundred years ago. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 319-321.

CALVERT (E.). Contemporary account of the battle of Shrewsbury.

Shrop. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 295-305.

CANTRILL (T. CROSBEE). Note on a collection of objects obtained
during the recent exploration of a cairn in Breconshire. Anthrop.
Jour. N.S. i. 3-4.

The contents of a carn at Ystradfellte, co. Brecon. Arch.
Camb. 5th S. xv. 248-264.

CARDEW (G. ARTHUR). The moats or waterforts of the vale of Severn.
Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 58-69,

CARNEGIE (HON. DAVID W.). On a bark-bundle of native objects
from Western Australia. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 20–21.
CARNELL (GEORGE F.). Old Sevenoaks. Arch. Cant. xxiii. 329-333.
CAVE-BROWN (REV. J.). Shurland House. Arch. Cant. xxiii. 86-93.

Otham rectors. Arch. Cant. xxiii. 184-193.

CHADWICK (S. J.). The old painted glass in Dewsbury church. Yorks
Arch. Jour. xv. 211–223.

CHARLESON (MALCOLM MACKENZIE). Notes on some implements and
other relics of the early inhabitants of Orkney. Soc. Antiq. Scot.
xxxii. 316-324.

CHRISTISON (D.). Account of the excavation of the Roman station at
Ardoch, Perthshire. General history and description of defences.
Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 399-476.

CHRISTY (MILLER) and W. W. PORTEOUS. On some interesting Essex
brasses. Essex Arch. Soc. vii. N.S. 1-31.

CLARK-MAXWELL (REV. W. G.). The fall of the friars' houses and
alien priories in Wilts. Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxx.

CLEPHAN (ROBERT COLTMAN). Notes on the defensive armour of
mediæval times and of the renaissance. Arch. Eliana, xx.

COCHRANE (ROBERT). Ogam inscriptions discovered in Ireland in the
year 1898. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 399-408.
COCHRANE (ROBERT) and PROF. RHYS. Notes on the newly-discovered
Ogam-stones in County Meath. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th
S. viii. 53-60.

CODRINGTON (O.). Coins of the Bahmani dynasty. Num. Chron. 3rd
S. xviii. 259-273.

COFFEY (GEORGE). Knockmany. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.
viii. 93-111.

COFFEY (GEORGE). On a cairn excavated by Thomas Plunkett on
Belmore mountain, co. Fermanagh. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv.

COLES (FRED R.). Notice of the discovery of a cist with a double
burial at Ratho Quarry. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 44-50.
COLLIER (REV. CARUS VALE). Coats of Arms in Kent churches.

Arch. Cant. xxiii. 113-133.

COLLIER (MRS.). A few notes on mediæval and renaissance art in
France. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 63-68.

Some account of St. Crantock, an ancient Cornish church.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 305-318.
COLLINGWOOD (W. G.). Ulpha Old Hall. Cumb. and West. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xv. 315-320.

The Ormside cup. Cumb.and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc.

χν. 381-387.

COLLINGWOOD (W. G.) and J. ROGERS. Lost churches in the Carlisle
diocese. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 288-302.
COMPTON (C. H.). The Welsh marches. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour.
N.S. iv. 339-348.

CONYBEARE (FRED. C.). The character of the heresy of the early
British church. Cymmrodorion Soc. 1897–98, 84-117.
COOPER (REV. CANON J. H.). Cuckfield families. Sussex Arch. Soc.
xlii. 19-53.

The find of Edwardian coins at Balcombe. Sussex Arch.
Soc. xlii. 209-213.

COOPER (REV. T. S.). The church plate of Surrey. Surrey Arch. Soc.
xiv. 72-81.
COPLAND (JOHN). Rushenden. Arch. Cant. xxiii. 334-336.
CORBETT (W. J.) and T. TINDAL METHOLD. The rise and devolution

of the manors in Hepworth, Suffolk. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 19–48.
COURTNEY (L. H.) A letter of Elizabeth Trelawny. Roy. Inst. Corn.
xiii. 272-273.

COWPER (H. S.). Excavations at Springs Bloomery (iron smelting
hearth) near Coniston Hall, Lancashire, with notes on the prob-
able age of the Furness Bloomeries. Arch. Jour. lv. 88–105.


A relic of Pennington old church. Cumb. and West. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xv. 312-314.

COX (EDWARD W.). The antiquities of Storeton, in Wirral. Lancs.
and Chesh. Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiii. 47-70.

The architectural history of Bebington church. Lancs.

and Chesh. Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiii. 97-122.

COZENS (WILLIAM). Notes on prehistoric and Roman Dorchester.
Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 78-81.
CRACE (J. D.). Heraldic drawing and its adaptation. Roy. Inst. Brit.
Archit. 3rd S. v. 265-277.

CRAIGIE (W. A.). Evald Tang Kristensen, a Danish Folk-lorist.
Folk-Lore, ix. 194-224.

CRAMOND (WM.). Notes on a collection of impressions of postal stamps.
Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 175-178.

CRESSWELL (J. J.). A description of the fabric of Louth church, with
a glance at its history. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 57-62.
CRIPPS (WILFRID J.). On the discovery of the Roman basilica of
Corinium at Cirencester. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 201-208.

Notes on the Roman basilica at Cirencester. Bristol and

Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 70-78.

CROOKE (W.). The wooing of Penelope.
CRUM (W. E.). Note on the Coptic spell.
A Coptic "Letter of orders."


Folk-Lore, ix. 97-133.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 102.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 270-

CUMING (H. SYER). On mead and mead vessels. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
Jour. N.S. iv. 249-257.

CUNNINGHAM (J. Н.). Ardoch: account of the excavations and de-
scriptions of plans, etc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 436-452.
CUNNINGHAM (REV. DR.). The corrupt following of Hippodamus of
Miletus at Cambridge. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 421-430.

CURSITER (JAMES W.). Note on a stone bearing an incised cross, from
the site of St. Colin's chapel, Walls, Orkney. Soc. Antiq. Scot.
xxxii. 50-52.

DAVIES (J. H.). Early Welsh bibliography. Cymmrodorion Soc.
1897-98, 1-22.

DAVIS (W. J.). Old Warwickshire coins, tokens, and medals. Birm.
and Mid. Inst. xxii. 11-35.

DAVYS (REV. CANON). Conventual church of St. Mary and St.
Helen, Elstow. St. Albans and Herts. Archit, and Arch. Soc.
N.S. i. 107-109.

DAWBER (E. GUY). Some thoughts on old English architecture, with
special reference to the Cotswolds. Bristol and Glouc. Arch.
Soc. xx. 307.

DAWSON (MRS.) Notes on the monastery of Rosnat, or Ty Gwyn,
Pembrokeshire. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 1-20.

Notes on Border parishes-Winforton. Arch. Camb, 5th

S. xv. 201-221.

DEAN (JOHN). The ancient Lords of Middleton. Lanc. and Cheshire

Antiq. Soc. xv. 122-174.

DILLON (VISCOUNT). An effigy to a member of the Martin family in
Piddletown church, Dorset. Arch. Jour. lv. 119-121.


Tilting in Tudor times. Arch. Jour. lv. 296-321, 329-
DIX (E. R. McC.). Kil-ma-Huddrick, near Clondalkin, co. Dublin.
Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 165-166.

DIXON (MISS E.). The Florentine wool trades in the Middle Ages.
Roy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xii. 151–179.

DOLAN (DOM GILBERT). Lancashire and the Benedictines. Lancs.
and Chesh. Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiii. 123-169.

DOWDEN (JOHN). Observations and conjectures on the Kirkmadrine
epigraphs. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 247-274.
DOWDESWELL (REV. E. R.). Sketch of the history of the parish of
Bushley. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 213-233.

DOWNES (R. S.). The parish church of High Wycombe. Bucks
Records, viii. 55-87.

DRINKWATER (REV. C. H.). The priory of Bromfield. Shrop. Arch.
and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 93-112.

Humphrey Kynaston's pardon (1516) and will (1534).
Shrop. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 273-280.
DRYDEN (SIR HENRY J.). Dials on the church of Covenham St.
Mary, near Louth. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 175-176.

Two barns at Peterborough formerly belonging to the
Abbey. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 177-187.
DUCKETT (SIR GEORGE). The Battle of Hastings. Sussex Arch. Soc.
xlii. 73-74.

DUIGNAN (W. H.). On some Shropshire place names. Shrop. Arch.
and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 1-17.

DUNCAN (LELAND L.). The will of William Courtenay, Archbishop
of Canterbury, 1396. Arch. Cant. xxiii. 55-67.

Ecclesiological notes respecting the deanery of Shoreham,
Kent. Arch. Cant. xxiii. 134-149.

DUNCOMBE (CAPT. the HON. CECIL). Evidence of lake dwellings on
the banks of the Costa, near Pickering, North Riding of York-
shire. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 150–154.

DUNLOP (W.). Australian Folk-Lore stories. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i.

DYKE (JOHN G.). Some characteristics of old Watling St. Shrop.
Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 173-179.

DYMOND (C. W.). The ancient village near Threlkeld. Cumb.and
West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 309-311.

EARLE-FOX (H. B.). Greek coins in the collection of. Num. Chron.
3rd S. xviii. 286-293.

ELIAS (T.). History and associations of the abbeys and convents of
the vale of Conway and district. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S.
iv. 30-62.

ELWORTHY (FRED T.). On Terra-cotta stamps or moulds found at
Taranto. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 59–71.


On Devonshire verbal provincialisms.

Devon Assoc. xxx,

ELY (TALFOURD). The antiquities of Hayling island. Arch. Jour.
lv. 286-295.

some buildings of the Romano-British period discovered at
Clanville, near Andover, and on a deposit of pewter vessels of the
same period found at Appleshaw, Hants. Archæologia, lvi. 1-20.

EVANS (SIR JOHN). A hoard of Roman coins. Num. Chron. 3rd S.
xviii. 126-184.

EVANS (D. PUGH). Llandissilio church. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv.

FARRINGTON (T. B.). Report on searches made at the Public Record
Office in respect of the town of Conway. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
Jour. N.S. iv. 201-222.

FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR R. S.). More picture board dummies. Arch.
Jour. lv. 183-186.

Picture board dummies at Raby and Callaly castles. Arch.
Æliana, xx. 278-282.

Various finds in Ormside churchyard. Cumb. and West.
Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 377-380.

Some West Cumberland tokens. Cumb.and West. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xv. 392-416.

FERGUSON (C. J.). The growth of architecture. Shrop. Arch, and
Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 19-32.

FFENNELL (MARGARET C.). The shrew ash in Richmond Park. Folk-
Lore, ix. 330-336.

FFRENCH (REV. J. F. M.). A notice of some county Wexford and other
chalices. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 126-136.
FIRTH (C. H.). Marston Moor. Roy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xii. 17-79.
FISHER (REV. G. W.). Sir Thomas Harris of Boreatton and his
family. Shrop. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 77-92.

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