OF ARCHÆOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1898 [BEING THE EIGHTH ISSUE OF THE SERIES AND COMPLETING THE INDEX FOR THE PERIOD 1891-98] COMPILED BY G. LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A PUBLISHED BY ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & COMPANY 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS, WESTMINSTER UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CONGRESS OF ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES IN UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES CONTENTS [Those Transactions marked with an asterisk in the following list are now for Anthropological Institute, Journal, N.S. vol. i. pts. 1 and 2. Antiquaries, London, Proceedings of the Society, 2nd S. vol. xvii. pt. 1. Antiquaries, Ireland, Proceedings of Royal Society of, 5th S. vol. viii. Antiquaries, Scotland, Proceedings of the Society, vol. xxxii. Associated Architectural Societies, Transactions, vol. xxiv. pt. 1. Berks, Bucks and Oxfordshire Archæological Journal, vol. iv. Biblical Archæology, Society of, Transactions, vol. xx. Birmingham and Midland Institute, vols. xxii. and xxiii. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. xx. pt. 1. British Archæological Association, Journal, N.S., vol. iv. British Architects, Royal Institute of, Journal, 3rd S. vol. v. Buckinghamshire, Records of, vol. viii. pt. 1. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. ix. pt. 4. Chester and North Wales Architectural, Archæological and Historical Society, Transactions, vol. vi. pt. 2. Clifton Antiquarian Club, Proceedings, vol. iv. pt. 2. Cornwall, Royal Institute of, Proceedings, vol. xiii. pt. 3. Cumberland and Westmoreland, Archæological Society, vol. xv. pt. 2. Cymmrodorion Society, Transactions, 1897-98. Derbyshire Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. xx. Devonshire Association, Transactions, vol. xxx. Essex Archæological Society, Transactions, N.S. vol. vii. pts. 1 and 2. Folklore, Proceedings of the Folklore Society, vol. ix. Hellenic Society, Journal, vol. xviii. Huguenot Society, vols. v. and vi. pt. 1. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. xv. Leicestershire Architectural and Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. viii. pt. 5. London and Middlesex Archæological Society, vol. i. pt. 2. Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xxx. Numismatic Chronicle, 3rd S. vol. xviii. Royal Historical Society, Transactions, N.S. vol. xii. Royal Irish Academy, Transactions, 3rd Ser. vol. iv. pt. 5, vol. v. pt. 1. St. Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. i. N.S. pt. 2. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, Transactions, vol. iv. pt. 3. Shropshire Archæological and Natural History Society, Transactions, 2nd S. vol. x. Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History Society, Transactions, vol. xliv. Staffordshire, William Salt Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. xviii. Suffolk Archæological Institute, vol. x. pt. 1. Surrey Archæological Society, Collections, vol. xiv, pt. 1. Sussex Archæological Collections, vol. xlii. Thoresby Society, vol. viii., ix. pt. 1. Warwickshire Field Club, Transactions, 1898. Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Magazine, vol. xxx. Woolwich District Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. iii. Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Journal, vol. xv. pts. 1 and 2. NOTE THIS Index was begun under the auspices of the Congress of Archæological Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries. Its success being assured the Congress have placed it in the hands of the publishers to continue yearly. The value of the Index to archæologists is now recognised. Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following year; and whenever the papers of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing year for the annual Index. and that all transactions published in and since that year will find their place in the series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archæological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form, and the first part will be ready by March next. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to the editor, LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A., 24, Dorset Square, London, N.W. Single copies of the yearly Index from 1891 may be obtained. The subscription list for the complete Index up to 1890 is still open, and intending subscribers should apply at once to Messrs. ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & Co. Many of the Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies of the yearly Index to issue with their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the less will be the cost of the Index to each society. |