NOTE. The value of this Index to archæologists is now recognised. Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following year; and whenever the papers of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing year for the Index and that all transactions published in and since that year will find their place in the series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archæological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as arrangements can be made. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to THE EDITOR OF THE ARCHEOLOGICAL INDEX, Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, London, W. Single copies of the yearly Index may be obtained. Many of the societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies to issue with their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the less will be the cost of the Index to each society. For particulars of this and other works now being carried on by the societies in union application should be made to the Honorary Secretary, RALPH NEVILL, F.S.A., 13, Addison Crescent, Kensington, W. INDEX OF ARCHEOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED ABERCROMBY (HON. JOHN). Recent excavations in the Caucasus. Traditions, customs, and superstitions of the Lewis. Folk- lore, vi. 162-170. ACLAND (C. L.). Norse remains in North Britain. Trans. Camb. ALLEN (T. W.). The text of the Homeric Hymns. Jour. Hell. Stud. AMERY (P. F. S.). Thirteenth report of the Committee on Devon- ANDERSON (JOSEPH, LL.D.). Notice of a cave recently discovered at Notes on the contents of a refuse heap at the base of the ANDRÉ (J. LEWIS). Antiquarian notes on the Rose. Arch. Jour. lii. The chancel screens of parish churches, illustrated chiefly ANDREWS (EMILY J.). Two Christmas eve customs. Folklore, vi. 93. ARKWRIGHT (W.). The frontier of Lycia and Caria. Jour. Hell. ARMSTRONG (REV. B. J.). Notes on the church and family of Shelton. Norf. Arch. xii. 234-242. ARNOLD (REV. F. H., LL.D.). The corn-supply of the south-coast in British and Roman times. Sussex Arch. Coll. xxxix. 154-160. ASHCOMBE (RT. HON. LORD). A charge given by Hugh Hare, Esq., J.P., at the general quarter sessions for the county of Surrey holden at Dorking 5th April, 1692. Surrey Arch. Coll. xii. 109-144. ASHTON (CHARLES) and J. E. LLOYD. Defodau Powys, the customs of Powys. Montgomerysh. Coll. xxix. 1-27. ATKINSON (REV. J. C., CANON). The progressive or expansional significance of place-names. Arch. Jour. lii. 253-265. ATKINSON (T. D.). On a bridge over the King's ditch. Trans. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 33-35. On a chalice and paten from Westley Waterless. Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 21-24. ATTREE (MAJOR F. W. T.). List of Sussex gentry at various dates with descriptions of the arms of a few families not previously noted. Sussex Arch. Coll. xxxix. 99-133. AUDEN (REV. JOHN ERNEST). Notes on the church, castle and parish of Shrawardine. Trans. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. vii. 120-202. AXON (W. E. A.). Visitations of the plague in Lancashire and Cheshire. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. i. 265-270. BAGNALL-OAKELEY (M. E.). A week in the Aran Islands. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 99-107. Early Christian settlements in Ireland. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 22-24. On a great hoard of Roman coins found at Bishops Wood near Ross. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 162-166. BAILLIE-HAMILTON (HON. MRS.). Note on two rare paintings at Langton House. Proc. Berwick. Field Club, xiv. 338. BAKER (ARTHUR). Plas Mawr. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xii. 40-49. BALFOUR (C. B.). Notes on Newton Don and its former owners. Proc. Berwick. Field Club, χίν. 291-313. BARDAN (PATRICK). The Shamrock. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. v. 178-179. BARKER (W. R.) An ancient bronze collar from Wraxall, Somerset. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 89-94. Local silver and bronze tokens in the Bristol museum. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 132-133. BARNES (HENRY, M.D.). On touching for the King's evil. Trans. BARRETT (C. R. B.) Riding Skimmington and Riding the Stang. BARRON (REV. DOUGLAS GORDON). Notice of a small cemetery of BARRY (REV. E.). On ogham stones seen in Kilkenny county. Jour. BATES (C. J.). A forgotten reference to Roman mile-castles. Arch. BATES (REV. E. H.). On the discovery of an ancient representation BATTEN (JOHN). Notes on North Perrott. Proc. Somerset Arch. and Notes on the documentary history of seals. Wilts Arch. and BAX (ALFRED RIDLEY). On the state of certain parish churches in BEAZLEY (C. RAYMOND). Exploration under Elizabeth 1558-1603. BEDDOE (JOHN, M.D.). On the northern settlements of the West BELOE (EDWARD M.). Castle Rising: its castle and borough. Norf. Freebridge Marshland hundred and the making of Lynn. The padder's way and its attendant roads. Trans. Camb. BENSON (E. F.). Aegosthena. Jour. Hell. Stud. xv. 314-324. Fourth century head in central museum, Athens. Jour. Hell. Stud. xv. 194-201. BERKSHIRE Wills from the P.C.C. ante 1558. Berks. Arch. and BETHAM (REV. C. J.). Brettenham and the Wenyeve family. Suff. |