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IN 1894.

ABERCROMBY (HON. J.). Note on a tanged dagger or spear head from
Crawford Priory, Fife. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxviii. 219-225.
ACLAND (REV. C. L.). The antiquities of the immediate past. Proc.
Cambridge Antiq. Soc. viii. 314-317.

AILSA (MARQUIS OF). Notes on the excavation of a mound called
Shanter Knowe, near Kirkoswald, Ayrshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
Scot. xxvii. 413-416.

ALLEN (J. ROMILLY). A sculptured Norman capital from Lewes
Priory, Sussex, now in the British Museum. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
2nd S. xv. 199-208.



Fonts of the Winchester type. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
1. 17-27.

Celtic art in Wales and Ireland compared. Arch. Cambren-
sis, 5th S. x. 17-24.

Iolo Morganwg's readings of the inscriptions on the crosses
at Llantwit Major. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. x. 326-331.

The cross of Eiudon, Golden Grove, Carmarthenshire.
Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. x. 48-55.

Suggestions for an archæological survey of Wales. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. x. 56-61.

The early Christian monuments of Lancashire and
Cheshire. Trans. Lanc. and Chesh. Hist. Soc. N.S. ix. 1-32,
31-32A; Jour. Archit. Arch. and Hist. Soc. of Chester and North
Wales, v. 133-174.

Report on the photographs of the sculptured stones earlier
than A.D. 1100 in the district of Scotland, north of the river Dee.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxviii. 150-177.

ALLEN (MRS. THOMAS). List of effigies in south Wales. Arch. Cam-
brensis, 5th S. x. 248-251.

AMERY (P. F. S.). Twelfth report of the Committee on Devonshire Folklore. Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvi. 79-85.

ANDERSON (JOSEPH). Notes on two Highland targets from Dunollie Castle, near Oban, Argyleshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvii. 3437.

Notice of a bronze sword with handle plates of horn found at Aird in the island of Lewis. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvii. 38-41.

Notice of Dun Stron Duin, Bernera, Barra Head: with plans. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvii. 341-346.

Notes on two chisels or punches of bronze-like metal from Sutherlandshire and Dumfries. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxviii. 207-213.

ANDRÉ (J. LEWIS). Compton Church. Coll. Surrey Arch. Soc. xii. 1-19.

Notes on an ancient lock at Beddington Park. Coll. Surrey Arch. Soc. xii. 27-28.

ANICHKOF (PROF. EUGENE). St. Nicolas and Artemis. Folklore, v. 108-120.

ARCHÆLOGIA. A fifteenth century treatise on gardening. Archæologia, liv. 157-172.

ARMITAGE (MRS.). General Pitt-Rivers' excavations in Cranborne Chase. Yorks. Arch. Soc. xiii. 35-43.

ARNOLD (G. M.). Filborough farmhouse, East Chalk, Gravesend. Arch. Cant. xxi. 161-169.

ASHCOMBE (RT.-HON. LORD). Mural monuments in Dorking Church. Coll. Surrey Arch. Soc. xii. 20-24.

ASTON (W. G., C.M.G.). Japanese Onomatopes and the origin of Language. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxiii. 332-362.

ATKINSON (A.). On a bronze spearhead and two bronze celts found in Lincolnshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xv. 138-140.

ATKINSON (ROBERT, LL.D.). On South Coptic texts: a criticism on M. Bouriant's Éloges du Martyr Victor, fils de Romanus'. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iii. 225-284.

On Professor Rossi's publication of South Coptic texts. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iii. 24-99. AVELING (S. T.). Rochester Inns. Arch. Cant. xxi. 315-326. AXON (WILLIAM E. A.). The library of Richard Brereton of Ley

1557. Trans. Lanc. and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xi. 103-112. AYLMER (H. H.). The Aylmer family. Jour. Kildare Arch. Soc. i. 295-307.

BAILDON (W. P.). On the original roll of accounts of the reeve of
the manor of Appleby, Leicestershire, for the year 1367-8. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xv. 309-322.

Yorkshire Star Chamber proceedings. Yorks. Arch. Soc.

xiii. 312-315.

BAKER (ARTHUR). History of St. Silin Church, Llansilin, Mont-
gomeryshire. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xi. 108-121.

BAKER (HAROLD). Notes on the Avon Valley from Pershore to
Tewkesbury. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xx. 10-28.

BALL (V., C.B.). On the volcanoes and hot springs of India and the
folklore connected therewith. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iii.

Description of two large spinel rubies with Persian
characters engraved upon them. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S.
iii. 380-399.

BARRETT (C. R. B.). Hippo-sandals.

Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. 1.

BATES (REV. E. H.). Notes on a pamphlet of the Restoration period.

Leicest. Archit. Soc. viii. 30-33.

Notes on a recently recovered register of Claybrooke.

Leicest. Archit. Soc. viii. 34-39.

BATHER (A. G.). The bronze fragments of the Acropolis. Jour.
Hell. Studies, xiii. 232-271.

The development of the plan of the Thersilion. Jour.
Hell. Studies, xiii. 328-337.

The problem of the Bacche. Jour. Hell. Studies, xiv.


and V. W. YORKE. Excavations on the probable sites of
Basilis and Bathos. Jour. Hell. Studies, xiii. 227-231.
BATTEN (E. CHISHOLM). Burton Pynsent. Somerset Arch. and Nat.
Hist. Soc. xl. 155-170.

BATTEN (JOHN). Stoke under Hamdon in connection with Sir
Matthew de Gournay, Kt. and the Duchy of Cornwall. Somerset
Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xl. 236-271.

BEAUMONT (G. F.). Layer Marney earthwork.

Soc., N.S. v. 100.

BELL (A. M.).

Trans. Essex Arch.

Remarks on the flint implements from the chalk

plateau of Kent. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxiii. 266-284.
BELL (EDWIN WESTON). Notes on the British Fort on Castle Law at
Forgandenny, Perthshire, partially excavated during 1892.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvii. 14-22.

BELLAIRS (COL. G. C.). Discovery of one of the main sewers of
Roman Leicester. Leicest. Archit. Soc. viii. 40-40.

BENSON (E. F.). The Thersilion at Megalopolis. Jour. Hell. Studies,
xiii. 319-327.

BERRY (H. F.). The manor of Mallow in the thirteenth century.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. iv. 14-24.

BEVAN (REV. CANON). Extracts from the statute-book of St. David's
Cathedral. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. x. 218-225.
BICKNELL (A. S.). A forgotten Chancellor and Canon [Dr. Biconyll]
Somerset Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xl. 179-226.

BLACK (G. F.). Report on the antiquities found in Scotland and pre-
served in the British Museum, &c., and in the Museum of
Science and Art, Edinburgh. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvii.


Scottish charms and amulets. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvii.
Notice of a charm bead from Craignish. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
Scot. xxviii. 230-233.

Descriptive catalogue of loan collections of prehistoric and
other antiquities from the shires of Berwick, Roxburgh, and
Selkirk. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxviii. 321-342.

BLAKEWAY (REV. J. B.). History of Shrewsbury hundred or liberties.
Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. Soc. 2nd S. vi. 373-414.
BODGER (J. W.). Roman objects discovered at Peterborough. Jour.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. 1. 57-59, 64-5.

BODINGTON (N.). Pampocalia [near the village of Bardsey].
Thoresby Soc. Misc. iv. 60-64.

Note on a Roman altar preserved in the museum of the
Leeds Philosophical Society. Thoresby Soc. Misc. iv. 79-80.
BOODLE (REV. J. A.). Boughton under the Blean. Arch. Cant. xxi.

BOSVILLE DEEDS. Yorks. Arch. Soc. xiii. 219-225.

BOWES (R.). On the first and other early Cambridge newspapers.

Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. viii. 347-358.

BRAKSPEAR (HAROLD). Notes on encaustic tiles at Heytesbury House.
Wilts. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxvii. 241-244.

BRIGG (WILLIAM). Testamenta Leodiensia, extracted from the Pro-
bate Registry at York. Thoresby Soc. Misc. iv. 1-16, 139-147.
BROCK (E. P. LOFTUS). The Saxon church at Whitefield, near Dover,
Arch. Cant. xxi. 301-307.

BROOK (ALEXANDER J. S.). Notice of the sword belt of the sword of state
of Scotland restored in 1892 to the Scottish regalia by the Rev.
Samuel Ogilvy Baker. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxviii. 279-298.
BROOK (ALEXANDER J.S.). An account of the archery medals belong-
ing to the university of St. Andrews aud the grammar school
of Aberdeen. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxviii. 343-469.

BROOKE (JOHN). Manchester Cathedral. Trans. Lanc. and Chesh.
Antiq. Soc. xi. 21-26.

BROWNE (REV. CANON G. F.). Sculptured stone found on site of
chapel by the cloister in the burial ground of Wells Cathedral
Church. Somerset Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xl. 275.


The ethnography of Inishbofin and Inish-
shark, co. Galway. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iii. 317-370.
BROWNLOW (BISHOP). Clerical and social life in Devon in 1287.
Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvi. 209-229.

BRUSHFIELD (T. N., M.D.). The rows of Chester. Jour. Archit.
Arch. and Hist. Soc. Chester and North Wales, v. 207-238.

The Church of All Saints, East Budleigh. Trans. Devon.
Assoc. xxvi. 237-295.

The churchwardens accounts of East Budleigh. Trans.
Devon. Assoc. xxvi. 335-400.

BUCKLE (EDMUND). On the Lady Chapel by the cloister of Wells
Cathedral and the adjacent buildings. Somerset Arch. and Nat.
Hist. Soc. xl. 32-63.

BUICK (REV. G. R.). The crannog of Moylarg. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. iv. 315-331.

BULKELEY-OWEN (HON. MRS.). Selattyn: a history of the parish.
Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. Soc. 2nd S. vi. 79-98, 291-326.
BULLEID (ARTHUR). The Lake village near Glastonbury. Somerset
Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xl. 141-151.

BURD (REV. J.). An ancient bronze matrix found at Chirbury.
Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. Soc. 2nd S. vi. 174-176.
BURNARD (ROBERT). Exploration of the hut circles in Broadun
Ring and Broadun. Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvi. 185-196.
BURNE (MISS). Guy Fawkes on the South Coast. Folklore, v. 38-

BURSON (W.). The Kynaston Family. Trans. Shropshire A. and
N. H. Soc. 2nd S. vi. 209-222.

C. (E. K.). A brawl in Kirkgate [Leeds] 13 Edward II. Thoresby
Soc. Misc. iv. 125-138.

CALVERT (E.). Extracts from a fifteenth century MS. Trans. Shrop-
shire A. and N. H. Soc. 2nd S. vi. 99-106.

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