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St. Albans Architectural and Archæological Society, Transactions, 1892.

St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, Transactions, vol. iii, part iii.

#Salisbury Field Club, Transactions, vol. i.

Shropshire Archæological and Natural History Society, Transactions, 2nd S., vol. v,

parts i-iii.

Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History Society, Transactions, N.S., vol.


*Suffolk Institute of Archæology and Natural History, Transactions, vol. viii.

Surrey Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. xi, part ii.

Warwickshire Naturalists and Archæologist Field Club, 1892-1893.
Wilts Archæological and Natural History Magazine, vol. xxvii.

#Worcester Archæological Society, 1892.

Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Journal, vol. xii.

The following had not been issued in time for this index:

William Salt Archæological Society for Staffordshire, vol. xiv.
Berwickshire Naturalists' Field Club, vol. xiv.
Lancashire and Cheshire Archæological Society, vol. x.


Societies whose transactions are not indexed in this part, or the preceding parts for 1892 and 1891, are requested to communicate with


Care of W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, Esq.,
Society of Antiquaries,

Burlington House, W.

Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries, and other societies, may obtain single copies of the yearly index or a sufficient number of copies to bind up with their transactions for issue to each of their members. The value of the index for purposes of research and as a record of each year's archæological work is so well recognised that many societies have adopted the latter system, and the more this is extended the less will be the cost to each society. For particulars of this and other works now being carried on by the associated societies application should be made to W. H. St. John Hope, Esq., addressed as above.

IN 1893.

ABERCROMBY (HON. JOHN). Magic songs of the Finns. Folklore, iv.

ALLEN (J. ROMILLY, F.S.A.Scot.). The Early Christian Monu-
ments of Glamorganshire. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlix. 15-22.
ANDRÉ (J. L., F.S.A.). St. John the Baptist in art, legend, and
ritual. Arch. Jour. 1. 1-19.

ARMFIELD (REV. H. T., M.A., F.S.A.). The Essex dialect and its
influence in the New World. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 245-253.
ARNOLD (GEORGE M., F.S.A.). The ruined chapel of St. Katherine
at Shorne, Kent. Arch. Cant. xx. 195-202.

On the old Rectory at Northfleet. Arch. Cant. xx. 71-75.
ARNOLD-BEMROSE (H., M.A., F.G.S.). Notes on Crich Hill. Jour.
Derbysh. Arch. and N. H. Soc. xvi. 44-51.

ATKINSON (GEO. M.). Marks on Eastbourne Old Church. Arch.
Jour. 1. 133-136.

ATKINSON (ROBERT, LL.D.) On South-Coptic texts: a criticism on
M. Bouriant's "Eloges du Martyr Victor, fils de Romanus." Proc.
Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iii. 225-284.

On Professor Rossi's publication of South-Coptic texts.
Proc. Roy. Irish Soc. 3rd S. iii. 24-99.
ATKINSON (T. D.). On a Roman house at Swaffham Prior; on the
hall of Michael House; on excavations at Ely Cathedral.
Cambridge Antiq. Soc. Proc. viii. 229-243.

ATTREE (MAJOR F. W. T., R.E.). Some Hampshire dedications
gathered from Pre-Reformation Wills. Hampshire Field Club, ii.

BAILDON (W. PALEY, F.S.A.). An original pardon granted to Sir
John Moore under the great seal of James II. dated October 22,
1688. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xv. 58-61.

BAKER (F. BRAYNE). Some rare or unpublished Greek coins. Num.
Chron. 3rd S. xiii. 21-25.

BAKER (REV. H. DE FOE). Will of Lady Mary Lisle. Salisbury Field
Club, i. 172-173.

BALL (V., C.B., LL.D., F.R.S.). On the volcanoes and hot springs of
India, and the folklore connected therewith. Proc. Roy. Irish
Acad. 3rd S. iii. 151-169.

BARCLAY (EDGAR). Stonehenge. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlix. 179-205.
BARING-GOULD (REV. S.). Ancient settlement at Trewortha. Roy.
Inst. Corn. xi. 289-290.

BARKLY (SIR HENRY, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., etc.). The Berkeleys of
Cobberley. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xvii. 96-125.
BATEMAN (CHARLES E.). Castle Bromwich Church. Trans. Birm. and
Midland Inst. xix. 1-7.

BATES (CADWALLADER J.). Flodden Field. Arch. Æliana, N.S. xvi.


BATESON (MISS MARY). The register of Crabhouse Nunnery. Norfolk
Arch. Soc. xi. 1-71.

BAX (ALFRED RIDLEY, F.S.A.). Marriage and other licenses in the
Commissary Court of Surrey. Surrey Arch. Soc. xi. 204-243.
BEAUFORT (W. M.). Records of the French Protestant School founded
by Huguenot refugees, 1747. Publus. Huguenot Soc. iv. 355-


BECKLEY (F. J., B.A.). Notes on Irish architecture. Trans. St.
Paul's Eccl. Soc. iii. 142-154.

BELL (ALFRED). Notes on the correlation of the later and Post-
Pliocene Tertiaries on either side of the Irish Sea, with a reference
to the fauna of the St. Erth Valley, Cornwall. Proc. Roy. Irish
Acad. 3rd S. ii. 620-642.

BELL (EDWARD, M.A., F.S.A.). The origin and use of the word "Tri-
forium." Trans. St. Paul's Eccl. Soc. iii. 124-130.
BELLAIRS (COL.). The Roman roads of Leicestershire. Trans. Leicest.
Archit, and Arch. Soc. vii. 357-364.

The mortuary, or absolution

cross. Norfolk Arch. Soc. xi. 303-319.
BENSLEY (W. T., LL.D., F.S.A.). On some sculptured alabaster panels
in Norwich. Norfolk Arch. Soc. xi. 352-358.

BERKS. Early Berkshire Wills, ante 1558. Jour. Berks. A. and A. Soc.
ii. 175-178; iii. 47-48, 79-82.

BICKLEY (WILLIAM B.). Parish registers of Warwickshire. Trans.
Birm. and Midland Inst. xix. 71-104.

BIGGER (FRANCIS JOSEPH, M.R.I.A.). Pre-historic and historic forts
and Raths in the city and vicinity of Belfast. Belfast Nat.
Field Club, 2nd S. iv. 71-82.

Notes on the Isis in the Saxon
Charters and the signification of Berkshire. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlix. 251-256.

BIRD (W. H. B.). Astley, in the parish of Alveley. Trans. Shrop-
shire A. and N. H. Soc. 2nd S. v. 63-77.

BLACKMORE (H. P., M.D.). On a barrow near Old Sarum. Salisbury
Field Club, i. 49-51.

BLAIR (ROBERT, F.S.A.). On some fragments of Roman sculptured
and inscribed stones lately found at Wallsend. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
2nd S. xv. 67-69.

On a Roman altar found at Lanchester, county Durham.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xv. 35-37.

BLAKEWAY (REV. JOHN BRICKDALE, M.A., F.S.A.). History of Shrews-
bury hundred or liberties. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. Soc.
2nd S. v. 353-394.

BOLINGBROKE (L. G.). Pre-Elizabethan plays and players in Norfolk.
Norfolk Arch. Soc. xi. 332-351.

BOWER (REV. R., M.A.). Brasses in the diocese of Carlisle. Trans.
Cumb. and Westm. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xiii. 142-151.
BOWLY (CHRISTOPHER). On a Roman inscribed stone found at Ciren-
cester. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xvii. 63-67.

BOYD (J. ST. CLAIR, M.D.). The Irish language. Belfast Nat. Field
Club, 2nd S. iv. 97–110.

BOYLE (J. R., F.S.A.). The goldsmiths of Newcastle. Arch. Eliana,
N.S. xvi. 397-440.

BOYS (REV. H. J., M.A.). Layer Marney Church. Essex Arch. Soc.
N.S. iv. 227-234.

BRABROOK (E. W.). On the organisation of local anthropological
research. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxii. 262-274.

BRADLEY (JOHN W., B.A.). Badges, devises, and heraldic ornaments
of the Middle Ages. Trans. Birm. and Midland Inst. xix. 46-58.
BRASSINGTON (W. SALT, F.S.A.). Notes on ecclesiastical seals of
Warwickshire. Trans. Birm. and Midland Inst. xix. 59-70.
BRIDGES (T.). A few notes on the structure of Yahgan [language.]
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxiii. 53-80.

BROCK (E. P. LOFTUS, F.S.A.). Excavation of the site of Winchcombe
Abbey, Gloucestershire. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlix. 163-172.
BROCK (E. P. LOFTUS, F.S.A.). A comparison of the Roman stations of

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