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PHENÉ (DR., F.S.A., F.R.G.S.). Existing analogues of Stonehenge and Avebury found in the "Talayots" and "Taulas" of Minorca. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlviii. 265-279.

Excavations into the tumuli of the Troad and of the historical antiquities of Samothrace and Pergamos. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlviii. 311-335.

PHILLIPS (M.). Notes on some forgotten burying-grounds of the
Society of Friends. Arch. Æliana N.S. xvi. 189-210.
PIT-DWELLINGS (so-called) on the site of the new schools in the High
Street, Oxford. Arch. Oxon. Part 1, 7-14.

POPE (THOMAS S.). Notes on baptismal fonts. Clifton Antiq. Club ii. 229-238.

PRESTWICH (JOSEPH, D.C.L., F.R.S. etc.). On the primitive character of the flint implements of the chalk plateau of Kent, with reference to the question of their glacial or pre-glacial age. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxi. 246-276.

PRITCHETT (G. E., F.S.A.). St. Mary's Church, Elsenham, Essex. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 120-124.

PRITCHETT (J. P.). Selby Abbey Church. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlviii. 93-99, 285-291.

PROWSE (A. B., M.D.). Ancient metropolis of Dartmoor. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 307-314.


The bounds of the Forest of Dartmoor. Devon. Assoc. xxiv. PULLINGER (W.). Architectural features of Astbury Church. Trans. Lanc. and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. x. 33-45.

RADFORD (MRS. G. H.). Thomas Larkham. Devon. Assoc. xxiv. 96-146. RAHLEUBECK (C. A.). Quelques notes sur les réformes Flamands et Wallons de 16th siècle refugiés en Angleterre. Publus. Huguenot Soc. iv. 22-44.

RANKILOR (H. M.). Blundelliana. Devon. Assoc. xxiii. 410-419. RAVEN (J. J., D.D.). Caledonian Campanology. Arch. Jour. xlix. 13–14. READ (C. H., F.S.A.). Notes on a find of bronze implements from

Shoebury, Essex. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiv. 174–179. REED (T. B.). John Baskerville, Printer. Trans. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xviii. 30-43.

RENAUD (F., M.D., F.S.A.). The uses and teachings of ancient encaustic tiles. Trans. Lanc. and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. ix. 1-29. RHYS (PROFESSOR J.). The Irish invasions of Wales and Dumnonia. Arch. Cambrensis 5th S. ix. 56-73.

Manx Folklore and Superstitions. Folklore iii. 74-91.

RHYS (PROFESSOR J.). First foot in the British Isles. Folklore iii.


Folklore Miscellanea. Folklore iii. 375-386.

The inscriptions and language of the Northern Picts.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvi. 263-351.

The Chester pigs of lead. Arch. Cambrensis 5th S. ix.

Ruined chapels in Carmarthenshire. Arch. Cambrensis 5th
S. ix. 166.

RICHARDSON (A. B.). Notice of a hoard of broken silver ornaments
and Anglo-Saxon and Oriental coins found in Skye. Proc. Soc.
Antiq. Scot. xxvi, 225-240.

RIPON (MARQUIS OF, K.G.). Inaugural address at York. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. xlviii. 1-6.

ROME (W.). On a small head of Egyptian glass (purchased in Cairo).
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiv. 148-150.

ROWE (J. B.) and COTTON (R. W.). Fourth report of the committee
on Devonshire records. Devon. Assoc. xxiv. 61-69.
ROWLEY-MORRIS (E.). The vicarage of Halowell. Arch. Cambrensis
5th S. ix. 245-247.

ROYCE (REV. DAVID). Bourton-on-the-Hill. Bristol and Glouc. Arch.
Soc. xvi. 68-95.

RUNDLE (REV. S., M.A.). Cornubiana. Roy. Inst. Corn. xi. 84-90.
RUSSELL (LADY). Swallowfield and its owners. Jour. Berks. A. and
A. Soc. ii. 83-87, 109-115, 129-133, 157-163.

RUSSELL (MISS). A recent discovery in Rome in connection with
mythology and symbolism in Britain. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
xlviii. 209-216.

SAVILE (LORD, G.C.B., F.S.A.) Further excavations at Lanuvium.
Archæologia liii. 147-154.

SELLERS (E.). Three Attic Lekythoi from Eretria. Jour. Hell
Stud. xiii. 1-12.

land. Trans. Cumb. and

Senhouse of Seascale Hall in Cumber-
Westm. Ant. and Arch. Soc. xii. 247, 260.
The course of the Roman road from

Deva to Varis. Arch. Cambrensis 5th S. ix. 257-274.
SIBREE (REV. J.). Divinations among the Malagasy. Folklore iii.

SIMPSON (H. F. M., M.A., F.S.A. Scot.) On two rune prime-staves
from Sweden and three wooden almanacs from Norway. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxvi. 358-378.

SIMPSON (REV. W. SPARROW, D.D., F.S.A.). On a mandate of Bishop
Clifford superseding the ancient use of St. Paul's Cathedral
church by the use of Sarum. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiv. 118-

On the draft of a letter from King CHARLES I. to his
Queen, Henrietta Maria, December 3, 1644; and on a vow made
by the King on April 13, 1646; the originals of which documents
are now in the Library of St. Paul's Cathedral Church. Archæo-
logia liii. 155-160.

On a magical roll preserved in the British Museum. Jour.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlviii. 38-54.

The palaces or town houses of the Bishops of London.
Lond. and Midd. Arch. Soc. N.S. vol. i. 13-73.

SIX (J.). Aurae. Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 131-136.
SMITH (A. H.). Recent additions to the sculptures of the Parthenon.
Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 88-100.

SMITH (CECIL). Recent Greek Archæology and Folklore. Folklore
iii. 529-545.


Harpies in Greek Art. Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 103–114.
Derne legends on attic vases. Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 115-

SMITH (G. C. MOORE). Letters written by John Gibson, of St. John's
College, 1667-70. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. Proc. viii. 64-73.
SPURRELL (F. C. J.). Some flints from Egypt of the IVth Dynasty.
Arch. Jour. xlix. 48-52.

Notes on early sickles. Arch. Jour. xlix. 53-68.
STEPHENSON (MILL, B.A., F.S.A.). Monumental brasses in the
East Riding. Yorks. Arch. and Topog. Jour. xii. 195-229.
STOKES (REV. G. T., D.D.). Greek in Gaul and Western Europe
down to A.D. 700. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. ii. 177-186.

The knowledge of Greek in Ireland between A.D. 500 and A.D.
900. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. ii. 187-202.

St. Fechin of Fore and his Monastery. Roy. Soc. Antiq.

Ireland 5th S. ii. 1-12.
STOKES (PROF. WHITLEY). The Bodleian Dinnshenchas. Folklore iii.

The Ogham inscriptions at Ballyknock. Arch. Cambrensis
5th S. ix. 163-164.


The potteries of North Devon. Devon. Assoc. xxiii.

-Leather money, from Hartland. Devon. Assoc. xxiii. 408-409.
STUART-GLENNIE (J. A.). Queries as to Dr. Tylor's views on
animism. Folklore iii. 289-307.

SUPERSTITION. On a wide-spread superstition in connection with
hernia in young children. Somerset Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc.
N.S. xviii. 362-369.

SWAN (R. M. W.). The ruined temples of central Africa: Zimbabwe
in Mashonaland, its archæology, astronomy, and mathematics.
Trans. Glasgow Arch. Soc. N.S. ii. 193-214.

TANNER (REV. T. C.). Canonsleigh Abbey. Somerset Arch. and Nat.
Hist. Soc. N.S. xviii. 328-346.

TARTE (F. W. Κ.). Much Hadham Church. Trans. St. Albans
Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1890 and 1891, 14-16.
TAYLOR (REV. C. S.). Gloucestershire in the eighth century. Bristol
and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xvi. 208-230.

The early history of Bedminster churches. Clifton Antiq.
Club ii. 179-213.

TAYLOR (HENRY, F.S.A.). The first Welsh municipal charters. Arch.
Cambrensis 5th S. ix. 102-119.

TEALL (J. J. H., M.A., F.R.S.). Notes on Sections of Stonehenge
Rocks belonging to Mr. W. Cunnington. Wilts Arch. and N. H.
Mag. xxvii. 66-68.

THOMAS (THE VEN. ARCHDEACON). Discovery of Bishop Richard
Davies' MS. Welsh version of the pastoral epistles and other
documents. Arch. Cambrensis 5th S. ix. 177-191.

THOYTS (MISS E. E.). The archæological survey of Berkshire. Jour.
Berks A. and A. Soc. ii. 164-166.

TIERNEY (H. C.). Ruined chapels in Carmarthenshire. Arch. Cam-
brensis 5th S. iv. 166-167.

TILLE (ALEX.) German Christmas and the Christmas tree. Folklore
iii. 166-182.

TILLEY (REV. H. T., M.A.). The church bells of Warwickshire.
Trans. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xviii. 14-27.

TROLLOPE (RIGHT REV. E., D.D., F.S.A.). St. Petroc's church, Pad-

stow. Roy. Inst. Corn. xi. 97-102.

TROUP (FRANCES B.). Biographical notes on Doctor Matthew Sutcliffe,
Dean of Exeter 1588-1629. Devon. Assoc. xxiii. 171-196.

Ellis Veryard, of Plymtree, physician and author. Deron.
Assoc. xxiv. 458-469.
USSHER (W. A. E.). The British Culm measures. Somerset Arch. and
Nat. Hist. Soc. N.S. xviii. 111-219.
VENABLES (REV. PRECENTOR). Some account of the Roman colon-
nade discovered in Bailgate, Lincoln. Arch. Jour. xlix. 131-

VENABLES (REV. PRECENTOR). Some account of a Roman villa in the
Greetwell Fields, near Lincoln. Arch. Jour. xlix. 258-262.

VICARS (A., F.S.A.). Notes on an illuminated pedigree of the Peverell
family and their descendants, in the possession of Mr. Hart-
shorne. Arch. Jour. xlix. 44-47.

VIGORS (COLONEL P. D.). Extracts from the books of the old corpor-
ation of Ross, co. Wexford. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland 5th S. ii.
171-176, 287-290.

VINYCOMB (J.). Historical and descriptive account of the City of
Belfast. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland 5th S. ii. 323-333.

VIRTUE (RIGHT REV. BISHOP, F.S.A.). Three MSS. formerly in Reading
Abbey and an illuminated MS. book of prayers. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
2nd S. xiv. 278-281.

WAKEMAN (SIR OFFLEY, BART.). Some leaves from the records of the
court of quarter sessions for the county of Salop. Trans. Shrop-
shire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iv. 65-114.

WAKEMAN (W. F.). Ante-Norman churches in the county of
Dublin. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland 5th S. ii. 101-106.
WALLER (J. G., F.S.A.). Note on a piece of sculpture at the west
entrance of Peterborough Cathedral. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S.
χίν. 236-238.

WALTERS (H. B.) Poseidon's trident. Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 13-20.
Odysseus and Kirke on a Boeotian vase. Jour. Hell. Stud.

xiii. 77-87.

WARD (JOHN). On Rains Cave, Longcliffe, Derbyshire; the pottery,
and the human and animal remains. Jour. Derbysh. Arch. and
N. H. Soc. xv. 161-176.

WARREN (FALKLAND). Notes on some medieval coins of Cyprus.
Num. Chron. 3rd S. xii. 209-219.

WARREN (ROBERT HALL). Glastonbury Abbey. Clifton Antiq. Club
ii. 214-228.

WATSON (REV. E. W.). Broughton Gifford; copy of deed belonging
to the Rev. S. S. Keddle, relating to the tithes of Monkton
Farm, in the parish of Broughton Gifford. Wilts Arch. and N.
H. Mag. xxvii, 41-42.

WEAVER (REV. F. W.). The fate of the dispossessed monks and nuns.
Somerset Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. N.S. xviii. 327-346.
WEBER (F. P.). A find of small Roman copper coins [at Cologne in
1886]. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xii. 179-182.

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