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W. SPARROW, D.D., F.S.A.). On a mandate of Bishop On the draft of a letter from King CHARLES I. to his On a magical roll preserved in the British Museum. Jour. The palaces or town houses of the Bishops of London. SIX (J.). Aurae. Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 131-136. SMITH (CECIL). Recent Greek Archæology and Folklore. Folklore 120. Harpies in Greek Art. Jour. Hell. Stud. xiii. 103–114. SMITH (G. C. MOORE). Letters written by John Gibson, of St. John's Notes on early sickles. Arch. Jour. xlix. 53-68. The knowledge of Greek in Ireland between A.D. 500 and A.D. St. Fechin of Fore and his Monastery. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland 5th S. ii. 1-12. The Ogham inscriptions at Ballyknock. Arch. Cambrensis STRONG (H. W.). The potteries of North Devon. Devon. Assoc. xxiii. -Leather money, from Hartland. Devon. Assoc. xxiii. 408-409. SUPERSTITION. On a wide-spread superstition in connection with SWAN (R. M. W.). The ruined temples of central Africa: Zimbabwe TANNER (REV. T. C.). Canonsleigh Abbey. 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