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LEE (REV. CANON). Gift of Hanmer Church to Haughmond Abbey, Salop, 1166-77. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 185-208.

LEE (REV. F. G., D.D., F.S.A.). Episcopal Staves. Archæologia, li. 351-382.

Amersham Churchwardens' Accounts. Records of Bucks, vii. 43-51.

LEES (REV. T., M.A., F.S.A.). Church of St. Andrew, Greystoke, Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 90-102.

LEFROY (the late GEN. SIR J. H., K.C.M.G., F.R.S.). Parochial Accounts, 17th century, St. Neots, Cornwall. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 65-76.


LEGG (J. W., M.D., F.S.A.). Inventory of the Vestry in Westminster Abbey, taken in 1388. Archeologia, lii. 195-286.


Some imitations of Te Deum. Trans. St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 34-40.

LEICESTER. Registers of St. Nicholas' Church, Leicester. Trans. Leic. A. and A. Soc. vii. 227-232.

LEVESON-GOWER (G. W. G., M.A., F.S.A.). Roman pottery found at Limpsfield, Surrey. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 247-251. LEWIS (A. L.). The Wiltshire Circles. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xx. 277-288.

Specimen of the stone used by Admiral Tremlett to cut marks on the granite of which the Breton Dolmens are formed. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xx. 330-331

LEWIS (B., M.A., F.S.A.). Roman Antiquities of Augsburg and Ratisbon. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 137-161, 396-415.

LEWIS (F. B.). Some early Surrey Parsons. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 165-172.

LINES (H. H.) and PHILLIPS (W.). Titterstone and other Camps in Shropshire. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 1-35.

LINKINHORNE Church, Wall paintings in. Roy. Inst. Corn. x. 438441.

LLYFR Siliu yn cynnwys achau amryw Deuluoedd yn Ngwynedd, Powys, etc. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 86101, 209-223.

LONGSTAFFE (W. H. D.). Norton, Durham. Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 1-13.

Married and Hereditary Priests. Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 14-17.

MACAN (R. W.). ̔Αθηναίων πολιτεία. Jour. Hell. Stud. xii. 17-40.
MACDONALD (JAMES, LL.D., F.S.A.Scor.). Is Burghead the
Winged Camp of Ptolemy, etc.? Arch. Jour. xlviii. 361-395.
Burghead as the site of an early Christian Church;
with notices of the incised bulls and the burning of the
Clavie. Glasgow Arch. Soc. N.S. ii. 63–115.

Procurators' or Churchwardens'
Accounts of St. Ewen's, Bristol. Trans. Bristol and Glouc.
Arch. Soc. xv. 139-182.

Constables of Bristol Castle and Town. Trans. Bristol
and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xv. 187-189.

MACMICHAEL (J. H.). The horn book and its cognates. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 146-155.

MADDISON (REV. A. R.). A visitation of Lincoln Cathedral held by
William Alnwick, Bishop of Lincoln, A.D. 1437. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 12-24.

MAGNUSSON (E., M.A.). The Stone of Jællinge, in Jutland. Proc.
Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 18-23.

MALAN (REV. A. H.). Altarnon Church. Roy. Inst. Corn. х. 263-


MALDEN (H. E.). The Stane Street of the Parish of Capel.
Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 104-107.

MANNING (REV. C. R., M.A., F.S.A.). Will and codicil of Peter
Peterson, citizen and goldsmith of Norwich, 1603. Norfolk
Archæology, xi. 259-302.

Three old halls in Norfolk. Norfolk Archæology, xi.
MANX OGHAMS. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 38-41.
MARKHAM (C. A.). The ancient MS. known as Liber Custumarum

Villæ Norhamptoniæ. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 301-

MARTIN (REV. W.). Some fragments of sculptured stone found in
a barn at East Barsham, Norfolk. Norfolk Archeology, xi.

MAXWELL (COL. GRANT). Slava (The Servian National Custom).
Folklore, ii. 65-72.

MAXWELL (SIR H. E., BART., M.P.). Inaugural Address at Edia-
burgh Meeting of the Royal Archæological Instituto Arch.
Jour. xlviii. 241-250.

MATHEW (REV. S. M.). Murra; its reproduction and original.
Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 216-221.

LEE (REV. CANON). Gift of Hanmer Church to Haughmond Abbey, Salop, 1166-77. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 185-208.

LEE (REV. F. G., D.D., F.S.A.). Episcopal Staves. Archæologia, li. 351-382.

Amersham Churchwardens' Accounts. Records of Bucks,

vii. 43-51.

LEES (REV. T., M.A., F.S.A.). Church of St. Andrew, Greystoke, Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc.

xii. 90-102.

LEFROY (the late GEN. SIR J. H., K.C.M.G., F.R.S.). Parochial Accounts, 17th century, St. Neots, Cornwall. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 65-76.

LEGG (J. W., M.D., F.S.A.). Inventory of the Vestry in Westminster Abbey, taken in 1388. Archæologia, lii. 195-286.

Some imitations of Te Deum. Trans. St. Pauls Eccl. Sur.

iii. 34-40.

LEICESTER. Registers of St. Nicholas' Church, Leicester. Tra
Leic. A. and A. Soc. vii. 227-232.
LEVESON-GOWER (G. W. G., M.A., F.S.A.). Roman pottery fou
Limpsfield, Surrey. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 247-21
LEWIS (A. L.). The Wiltshire Circles. Jour. Anthrop. 1

Specimen of the stone used by Admiral Trenil...
marks on the granite of which the Breton Dolmens
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xx. 330-331

LEWIS (B., M.A., F.S.A.). Roman Antiquities of
Ratisbon. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 137-161, 396-11:

LEWIS (F. B.). Some early Surrey Parsons.
x. 165-172.

LINES (H. H.) and PHILLIPS (W.). Tittor

in Shropshire. Trans. Skrops







101, 20




of Chester and Leices

Bury and Hatfield.

... and Lilies of France.

th century compared. 217-259.

1. Beckery. Glastonbury

dar and Rite used by zabeth. Archæologia, lii.

Im's Chapel in Canterbury lii. 389-392.

ent Irish hot-air bath or sweat

Batin. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland,

in Sicilian Museums.

Jour. Hell.

ancient MS. life of St. Caillin of Fenagh Irish Acad. 3rd S. i. 441-445. Roscommon. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th

Fragment of a Tabula Iliaca.

7. 2nd S. xiii. 100-103. theatre ticket of ivory in the British Museum. tiq. 2nd S. xiii. 202-203.

Gladiator's Tessera. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii.

L.). John Mason: poet and enthusiast. Records vii. 9-42.

F.S.A.). Wimbledon, the camp and the battle. Sur. ch. Soc. x. 273-279.

F. M., F.S.A.). A revised history of the Column of cas in the Roman Forum. Archæologia, lii. 183–194. NGALE (J. E., F.S.A.). Medieval chalice from Manningford Abbas, Wilts. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 164–165.

Matrices and seals of Peculiars in Dorsetshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 165-168.

The Priory of Ivychurch, near Salisbury. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 352-355.

MEDLICOTT (H. E.). Notes on Market Lavington, the three graves
on Wickham Green, Escott, Erchfont, Conock, Weddington,
and Rushall Park, Wilts. Wilts Arch. and N. H. Mag. xxv.

MICHELL-WHITLEY (H.). Incised markings on the pillars of some
Sussex Churches. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 43-45.

Discovery of Romano-British remains near Green Street,
Eastbourne. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 160-162.

MIDDLETON (PROF. J. H., M.A., F.S.A.). On the Chief Methods
of Construction used in Ancient Rome.
Archæologia, li.

Ancient Rome. MS. notes by P. Ligorio, c. 1553-1570,
Archæologia, li. 489-508.
A 13th century Oak Hall at Tiptofts Manor, Essex.
Archæologia, lii. 647-650.

On a Roman Villa in Spoonley Wood, Glouc., and on
Romano-British houses generally. Archæologia, lii. 651-668.
Altar-cloth from Lyng Church, Norfolk. Proc. Cam-
bridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 4-6.

Two Chasubles from Sawston Hall. Proc. Cambridge
Antiq. Soc. vii. 10-13.

Three choir-stalls from Brampton Church, Hunts. Proc.
Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 28-30.

Blue-glazed Oenochoë of Ptolemaic manufacture. Proc.
Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 72-76.

Alabaster retables in Cambridgeshire. Proc. Cambridge
Antiq. Soc. vii. 106-111.

Christian engraved Gem. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc.
vii. 171-175.

- MILLIGAN (S. F.). Ancient forts in county Sligo. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. i. 574-582.

MINET (W., M.A., F.S.A.), and WALLER (W. C., M.A.). Registers
of the Protestant Church at Guisnes, 1668-1685. Publns.
Huguenot Soc. iii. 1-329.

MOENS (W. J. C., F.S.A.). Bibliography of "Chronyc Historie der
Nederlandtscher Oorlogen, etc." Archæologia, li. 205-212.
MONEY (WALTER, F.S.A.). Anglo-Saxon objects found at East
Shefford. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 107-108.

Tomb, with shields of arms, of John Baptist Castillion
in Speen Church, Berks. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 108-

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