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BURNARD (R.). Dartmoor Kistvaens. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 200-207.
C. Scottish Heraldry and Genealogy. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 426-


CALVERLEY (REV. W. S., F.S.A.). Fragments of pre-Norman
Crosses at Workington and Bromfield, and the standing cross
at Rocliffe. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc.
xii. 171-176.


Bewcastle Cross. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and
Arch. Soc. xii. 243-246.

CANHAM (A. S.). The Archæology of Crowland. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlvii. 286-300.

CARLISLE (BISHOP OF). Opening address of Architectural Section
at Edinburgh Meeting of the Royal Archæological Institute.
Arch. Jour. xlviii. 274-282.

CARTWRIGHT (J. J., F.S.A.). Inventory of the goods of Sir Cotton
Gargrave, of Nostell, Yorks, in 1588. Yorks Arch. and Topog.
Jour. xi. 279-286.

CAVE-BROWNE (REV. J.). Penenden Heath.

Assoc. xlvii. 260-267.

Jour. Brit. Arch.

The Abbots of Boxley. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii.


CHANCELLOR (F.). Shenfield Church, Essex.
Eccl. Soc. iii. vi-vii.

Trans. St. Pauls

CHANTER (J. R.). Second report of the Committee on Devonshire

Records. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 59-65.

CHURCH (REV. C. M., M.A., F.S.A.). Savaric, Bishop of Bath and
Glastonbury, 1192-1205. Archæologia, li. 73–106.


Jocelin, Bishop of Bath, 1206-42. Archæologia, li. 281-

Roger of Salisbury, 1st Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1244-
47. Archæologia, lii. 89-112.

CLARK (G. T., F.S.A.). Annals of the House of Percy; by E. B.
de Fonblanque. Yorks Arch. and Top. Jour. xi. 1-16.

Lands of Henry, Duke of Suffolk, in the manor of
Lutterworth. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 190-192.

CLARK (JOSEPH). The finding of King Arthur's remains at Glas-
tonbury. Glastonbury Antiq. Soc. 1-4.

CLARK (J. W., M.A., F.S.A.). Hammond's map of Cambridge.
1592. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 13-14.

A Consuetudinary of an English house of Black Canons.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 242-244.

CLARKE (J. F. MOSTYN). The Geology of the Bridgwater Railway:
a brief account of Lias cuttings through the Poeden Hills in
Somerset. Bath Field Club Proc. vii.

CLARKE (SOMERS, F.S.A.). Fall of one of the central pillars of
Seville Cathedral. Trans. R.I.B.A. N.S. vii. 169-194.

Collapse of a portion of the Cathedral Church of Seville.

Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 72-81.

CLARKSON (S. FLINT). The connection of Hitchin with Elstow.
Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 71-76.

St. Mary's Church, Hitchin. Trans. St. Albans Archit.
and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 64-70.

Stones found in the Abbey Orchard Field, St. Albans.
Trans. St. Albans Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 59-63.
CLODE (C. M., F.S.A.). Sir John Yorke, Sheriff of London (temp.
Henry VIII.- Mary). Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 278-


CLOTHIER (J. W. C.). Roman villas in the neighbourhood of
Glastonbury. Glastonbury Antiq. Soc. 56-64.

Cocks (A. H., M.A.). Local Words of S. Bucks, especially the

Thames Valley. Records of Bucks, vii. 61-70.

CODRINGTON (REV. R. H., D.D.). On the traditional connexion of
the Sussex and Gloucestershire families of Selwyn. Sussex
Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 163-165.

COOPER (REV. T. S.). The Church plate of Surrey. Surrey Arch.
Soc. x. 316-368.

COSSON (BARON DE, F.S.A.). Arsenals and Armourers in Southern
Germany and Austria. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 117-136.
COWPER (H. S., F.S.A.). Bone chessmen and draughtsmen. Arch.
Jour. xlviii. 194-196.

The domestic candlestick of iron in Cumberland,
Westmorland, and Furness. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xii. 105-127.

Hudleston Monuments and Heraldry at Millom, Cumber-
land. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii.

and MAXWELL (SIR H. E., BART., M.P.). Hardknott
Castle, Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and
Arch. Soc. xii. 228-233.

COX (REV. J. CHARLES, LL.D., F.S.A.). Benefactions of Thomas
Heywood, Dean (1457-1492) to the Cathedral Church
Lichfield. Archæologia, lii. 617-646.

COX (REV. J. CHARLES, LL.D., F.SA.). Sheriffs' precepts for the
county of Derby, temp. Commonwealth. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd
S. xiii. 69-72.

An Anglo-Saxon cemetery near Saxby, Leicestershire.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 331-335.

Seal of the Hundred of Langley, Glouc. Trans. Bristol
and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xv. 190-194.

CRIPPS (WILFRED, C.B., F.S.A.). Bronze grave-chalice from Hex-
ham Priory Church. Arch. Æliana, N.S. xv. 192-194.
CRISP (F. A.). Surrey Wills. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 143-149,

CROSSMAN (MAJOR-GENERAL SIR W.). Recent excavations at Holy
Island Priory. Berwickshire Nat. Club, xiii. 225-240.

Chapel of St. Cuthbert in the sea. Berwickshire Nat.
Club, xiii. 241-242.

CROWTHER (H.). The Pozo Pictorial inscribed stone. Roy. Inst.
Corn. x. 403-417.

CROWTHER (G. F.). A pax penny attributed to Witney. Jour.
Numis. Soc. 3rd S. xi. 161-163.

Pennies of William I and William II. Jour. Numis.
Soc. 3rd S. xi. 25-33.

CUMING (H. S.). Syllabub and Syllabub vessels. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlvii. 212-215.

Vessels of Samian Ware. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii.


DARTNELL (G. E.) and GODDARD (REV. E. H.). Contributions
towards a Wiltshire Glossary. Wilts Arch. and N. H. Mag.
xxvi. 84-169.

DASENT (A. I.). Church Plate in Berks. Quart. Jour. Berks A.
and A. Soc. ii. 76-82.

DAVEY (W. E.). (Bronze) antiquities found near Lampeter. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 235.

DAVIES (A. M.). Some Norman details in Romsey Abbey. Hants

Field Club, ii. 8-14.


Ewloe Castle, Flintshire. Arch. Cam-

brensis, 5th S. viii. 1-7.
DAVIS (C. T.). Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire. Arch.

Jour. xlviii. 19-28.


On St. Helen's Church, and the

ecclesiastical history of Wheathampstead. Trans. St. Albans
Archit. and Arch. Soc. for 1889, 12-22.

DAY (ROBERT). Bronze implements (from Ireland). Proc. Soc.
Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 225-227.


On some medals of the loyal Irish Volunteers. Roy.
Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 459-461.

An engraved medal of the loyal Irish Callan Volunteers.
Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 591-592.
DILLON (HON. H. A.). A letter of Sir Henry Lee, 1590, on the
trial of Iron for Armour. Archæologia, li. 167-172.

Arms and Armour at Westminster, the Tower, and
Greenwich, 1547. Archæologia, li. 219-280.

Sword of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Archæologia,
li. 512-513.

MS. list of Officers of the London Trained Bands in
1643. Archæologia, lii. 129-144.

DIXON (D. D.). British burials on the Simonside Hills, Northumb.
Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 23-32.

The Old Coquetdale Volunteers. Arch. Eliana, N.S.
xv. 64-75.

Old Coquetdale Customs. Salmon Poaching. Arch.
Eliana, N.S. xv. 144-153.

DIXON (G. H.) and NORTHESK (LORD). Cists and Urns found at
Brackenhill, Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. xii. 177-178.

DOHERTY (J. J.). Bells, their origin, uses, and inscriptions. Arch.
Jour. xlviii. 45-64.

DOHERTY (W. J.). Some ancient crosses and other antiquities of
Inishowen, co. Donegal. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. ii. 100-

DOLLMAN (F. T.). Priory Church of St. Mary Overie, Southwark.
Trans. R.I.B.A., N.S. vii. 389-397.

DREDGE (J. I.). Devon Bibliography. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 324-356.
DREW (T.). Surroundings of the Cathedral Church of St. Patrick
de Insula, Dublin. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 426-

DRINKWATER (H.). St. Michael's Church, Oxford. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 56-57.


St. Mary's Church, Iffley. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii.

DRINKWATER (REV. C. H., M.A.). Bailiffs' accounts of Shrewsbury,
1275-1277. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii.

DRINKWATER (REV. C. H., M.A.). Shrewsbury Tax Roll of 1352. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 265-274.

Grant of a garden in Murivance, Shrewsbury, by John Hoord, 1481. Trans. Shrophire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 275-280.

DUCKETT (SIR G.). Evidences of the Barri family of Manorbeer and Olethan with other early owners of the former in Pembrokeshire. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 190-208, 277296.

Ordinance for the better observance of obits, &c., throughout Cluniac monasteries. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 39-42.

Brief notices on Monastic and Ecclesiastical Costume. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 60-82.

Gundreda, Countess of Warenne. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 166-176.

DUIGNAN (W. H.). The will of Wulfgate of Donnington. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 36-40.

DUNKIN (E.). Presidential address. Roy. Inst. Corn. x. 303


DUNKIN (E. H. W.). Calendar of deeds and documents in the possession of the Sussex Archæological Society. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 137-140.

DYMOND (C. W., F.S.A.). Barnscar; an ancient settlement in Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 179-187.

An ancient village near Yanwath, Westmorland; an ancient village in Hugill, Westmorland. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 1-5, 6-14.

EARWAKER (J. P.). A small stone vessel from the inside of an

early British urn found in Penmaenmawr, North Wales. 182-183.


barrow on a hill above Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii.

Roman inscriptions at Chester. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xiii. 204-207.

Recent discovery of urns at Penmaenmawr. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 33-37.

Roman inscriptions at Chester. Arch. Cambrensis,

5th S. viii. 77-78.

EDWARDS (F. A.). Early Hampshire printers. Hants Field Club, ii. 110-134.

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