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The Congress has also issued a




giving suggestions as to transcriptions, &c., and a list of printed registers and transcripts.

Copies may be had from the Secretary of the Congress, W. H. St. JOHN HOPE, Esq., Burlington House, London, W. Price 6d. each.

FEB 27 ני



IN 1891.

ABERCROMBY (HON. J.). An Amazonian custom in the Caucasus.
Folklore, ii. 171-181.

- Magic songs of the Finns. Folklore, ii. 31-49.
Samoan Stories. Folklore, ii. 455-467.

The harmonies contrived by

ACLAND-TROYTE (CAPT. J. E., M.A.). Nicholas Ferrar at Little Gidding. Archeologia, li. 189-204, 485-488.

ADAMSON (HORATIO A.). Tynemouth Castle; the Eve of the Commonwealth. Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 218-224.

ALFORD (REV. D. P.). Inscribed Stones in the Vicarage Garden,
Tavistock. Devon Assoc. xxii. 229-233.

ALLEN (F. J.). A Photographic Survey of Somerset. Proc.
Somerset Arch. and N. H. Soc. xxxvii. pt. 2, 100-105.
ALLEN (J. R.) Early Christian sculptured stones of the West
Riding of Yorkshire. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 156-171,

A mediæval thurible found at Penmaen in Gower.
Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 161-165.
ANDRÉ (J. L., F.S.A.). Symbolic Animals in English Art and
Literature. Arch. Jour. xlviii. 210-240.

Mural Paintings in Sussex Churches. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 1-20.

West Grinstead Church and recent discoveries in that edifice. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 46-59. ANDREWS (S.). Sepulchral slabs at Monk Sherborne. Hants Field Club, ii. 135-139.

ARNOLD (REV. F. H., M.A., LL.B.). Memoirs of Mrs. Oldfield, &c. Sussex Arch. Collns. xxxviii. 83-98.

ATKINSON (T. D.). House of the Veysy family in Cambridge.. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 93-103.





BABER (REV. H.). The parish of Ramsbury, Wiltshire. Jour.

Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 139-145. BAGNALL-OAKELEY (MRS.). Round Towers. Proc. Clifton Antiq. Club, 142-151.

Monumental Effigies of the Berkeley family. Trans. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xv. 89-102. BAILDON (W. PALEY). The Elland Feud. Yorks Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 128-130.

BALFOUR (MRS. M. C.). Legends of the Lincolnshire Cars.

Folklore, ii. 145-170, 257-283, 401-418.

BANKS (R. W.). Lingebrook Priory. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. viii. 185-189.

BARKER (W. R.). Monuments, &c., in the Mayor's Chapel, Bristol. Trans. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xv. 76-88.

BARNES (HENRY, M.D., F.R.S.E.). Quarter Sessions Orders relating to the Plague in the county of Durham in 1665. Arch. Æliana, N.S. xv. 18-22.

BARROW-IN-FURNESS (LORD BP. OF). On a sculptured wooden figure at Carlisle. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 234-236.

BARRY (REV. EDMOND). Fifteen Ogham inscriptions recently discovered at Ballyknock in the barony of Kinnatalloon, county Cork. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 514-535.

BATTEN (JOHN). Additional notes on Barrington and the Strodes.
Proc. Somerset Arch. and N. H. Soc. xxxvii. pt. 2, 40-43.
BAX (A. R.). The Church Registers and parish account books of
Ockley. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 20-78.


Notes and extracts from a memorandum book of Nicholas Carew (afterwards first Baronet of Beddington). 170-1708. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 255-273.

Muster roll of troops raised in Surrey to be employed in the Low Countries, 1627. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 280-282. BEDDOE (JOHN, M.D., F.R.S.). Inaugural Address-An apology for Archæology. Trans. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xv. 46-54.

BELL (E. F.). Carlisle medals of the '45. Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 42-50.

BELLAIRS (COL. G. C.). Hallaton Church, Leicestershire, and recent discoveries there. Trans. Leic. A. and A. Soc. vii. 218-222.

BELOE (E. M., F.S.A.). The Great Fen Road and its path to the Sea. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 112-130,

BELOE (E. M., F.S.A.). The Mortuary or Absolution Cross.
Norfolk Archeology, xi. 303-319.

BENSLY (W. T., LL.D., F.S.A.). On some sculptured alabaster
panels in Norwich. Norfolk Archeology, xi. 352-358.

BENT (J. T.). Journey in Cilicia Tracheia. Jour. Hell. Stud. xii.


BERRY (H. F.). The water supply of ancient Dublin. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 557-573.

BIRCH (W. DE GRAY). Some private grants of armorial bearings.
Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 323-326.

BLACKMORE (H. P., M.D.). On a Barrow near Old Sarum, Wilts.

Salisbury Field Club, i. 49-51.


BLAKEWAY (REV. J. B., M.A.). History of Shrewsbury Hundred
or Liberties. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii.

BLANCHET (J. A.). Inedited Gold Crown of James V. with the
name of John, Duke of Albany. Jour. Numis. Soc. 3rd S.

xi. 203-204.

BOLINGBROKE (L. G.). Pre-Elizabethan Plays and Players in
Norfolk. Norfolk Archeology, xi. 332-351.
BOUGHTON (THOMAS). Confession and Abjuration of Heresy, 1499.

Salisbury Field Club, i. 15-18.


The religion of the Apache Indians.

Folklore, ii. 419-454.
BOWER (REV. R.). Piscinas in the Diocese of Carlisle. Trans.
Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xii. 206-211.
BOYLE (J. R., F.S.A.). Christopher Hunter's copy of Bourne's
History of Newcastle. Arch. Eliana, N.S. xv. 167-191.
BRAMBLE (COL. J. R., F.S.A.). Ancient Bristol Documents-VIII.
Three Civil War Retournes. Proc. Clifton Antiq. Club, ii.

BREWER (H. B.). Churches in the neighbourhood of Cleves.
Trans. R.I.B.A., N.S. vii. 301-319.

BRIDGEMAN (HON. AND REV. G. T.O.). Supplt. to History of the
Manor and Parish of Blymhill, Staffs. Collns. for Hist. of
Staffordshire (Wm. Salt Arch. Soc.), xii. pt. ii. 3-16.

Some account of the Family of Forester of Watling
Street, and now of Willey, co. Salop. Trans. Shropshire A.
and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii. 151-184.

BRIGGS (H. B.). History and characteristics of Plainsong. Trans.
St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 27-33.

BROCK (E. P. LOFTUS, F.S.A.). Churches of Middlesex. Trans.
St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 21-26.

BRODRICK (HON. G. C.). The ancient buildings and statutes of
Merton College. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. xlvii. 1-11.
BROOKE (THOS., F.S.A.). Advowson of Rotherham Church. Yorks
Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 202-203.

BROWN (WILLIAM). Pedes Finium Ebor. temp. Ricardi Primi.
Yorks Arch. and Topog. Jour. xi. 174–188.

BROWNE (CHARLES, M.A., F.S.A.). The Knights of the Teutonic
Order. Trans. St. Pauls Eccl. Soc. iii. 1-15.

BROWNE (REV. G. F., B.D., F.S.A.). Stone with Runic inscription
from Cheshire; Stone with Ogham inscription; and an altar
slab in St. Benet's Church, Cambridge. Proc. Cambridge
Antiq. Soc. vii. 86-92.

BROWNING (A. G.), and KIRK (R. E. G.). The early history of
Battersea. Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 205-254.

BROWNLOW (REV. CANON). St. Willibald, a west country pilgrim of
the 8th century. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 212-228.

BRUSHFIELD (T. N.). A perforated stone implement found in the
parish of Withycombe Raleigh. Devon. Assoc. xxii. 208-211.
Notes on the parish of East Budleigh. Devon. Assoc. xxii.


BRUTON (E. G.). The town walls of Oxford. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. xlvii. 109-119.

BUCKLE (EDMUND, M.A.). The Old Archdeaconry, Wells. Proc.
Somerset Arch. and N. H. Soc. xxxvii. pt. 2, 119-126.
BUDGE (E. A. WALLIS, M.A., F.S.A.). On the Hieratic Papyrus
of Nesi-Amsu, a scribe in the temple of Amen-Ra at Thebes,
с. в.с. 305. Archæologia, lii. 393-608.

Syriac and Coptic legends of St. George. Proc. Cam-
bridge Antiq. Soc. vii. 133-135.

BUICK (REV. G. R.). Fresh facts about prehistoric pottery. Roy.
Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 433-442.

An ancient wooden trap, probably used for catching
otters. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. i. 536-541.
BULKELEY-OWEN (HON. MRS.). History of the parish of Selattyn,
Shropshire. Trans. Shropshire A. and N. H. S. 2nd S. iii.

BULLEID (J. G. L.). The Benefice and Parish Church of Saint
John the Baptist, Glastonbury. Glastonbury Antiq. Soc. 19-50.
BURKE (H. F.). Funeral certificate of Sir Nicholas Heron, 1568.
Surrey Arch. Soc. x. 140-142.

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