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which is probably La Vacherie in the direction of Acquigny.

An exception was made to this division in the case of Quitteboeuf, which, although it might lie beyond the boundary (as it did) was to go to the king of France; it was, however, not to be fortified. Existing forts within the respective areas might be retained with the exception of Portes and Londes, which were to be destroyed.

The boundary of Normandy to east and south of these limits had partly been fixed in 1195, and we must assume that in 1200 as then, the area between the Eure and the Seine was divided by a line midway between Gaillon and Vaudreuil. Damville on the Itun, and Tillières on the Avre were to remain Norman; the boundary therefore to the south would lie along the Itun as far as Damville, and thence along a line drawn to the Avre between Tillières and Nonancourt.

I add the text of the survey preceded by relevant extracts from the treaty.


EXTRACT FROM TREATY OF MAY 1200. (John's original letters in Tr. des Chartes, Angleterre II, No. 1, Carton J. 628, ed. Delisle, Cartulaire Normand., p. 280, No. 1063; Teulet, Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, I, 217-219, No. 578.

Copies of Philip's letters in the Record Office, Exch. T. R. Diplomatic Doc. 6, 13th cent., ed Rymer (Rec. Comm. 1816), i, 79-80; and in Howden, ed. Stubbs, iv. 148–151).

1. Cart. Norm., p. 276, no. 1057. "Et sciendum quod mete ponentur inter forteliciam Gallionis et forteliciam Vallis Rodolii in media via; et ex illa meta, sicut se portabit usque in Secanam et ex alia parte usque in Euriam, id quod erit ex parte Gallionis, erit regis Francie et id quod erit ex parte Vallis Rodolii erit nostrum." The words in italics appear to mean according to the natural declivity, or at right angles. The text is useful as evidence upon the way in which the boundary marks were connected.

Johannes, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, dux Normannie, Aquitanie, comes Andegavie, omnibus ad quos presens carta pervenerit, salutem. Noveritis quod hec est forma pacis facte inter dominum nostrum Philippum, illustrem regem Francie, et nos, scilicet quod nos tenebimus illi et heredibus suis pacem quam frater noster rex Ricardus, fecit illi inter Exoldunum et Charrotium, exceptis hiis que per presentem cartam excipiuntur vel mutantur, propter interceptiones 1 quas idem frater noster illi fecit de pace illa, scilicet quod nos donavimus illi et heredibus suis, sicut rectus heres regis Ricardi, fratris nostri, civitatem Ebroicarum et Ebroicinum cum omnibus feodis et dominiis, sicut subsequentes mete determinant. Mete autem sunt posite in media via inter Ebroicas et Novum burgum, et totum id quod erit inter has metas ex parte Francie erit domini regis Francie; et autem quod erit ex altera parte versus Novum burgum erit nostrum; et quantum terre habebit dominus rex Francie versus Novum burgum, tantum terre habebit versus Conches, et versus Akenny ad eandem mensuram,2 ex ea parte ubi abbatia de Noa 3 sita est sicut aqua Ytonie currit. Guitebo, ubicumque sit, donavimus domino regi Francie. Tillerie cum pertinentiis suis et Danvilla remanent nobis, ita tamen quod dominus de Bruerolis habebit id quod debet habere in dominatu de Tilleriis,


1. Exceptiones, Howden. For a similar use of interceptio, see Arthur's letters of adherence to Philip, July, 1202, printed below p. 478. 2. I follow Stubbs's punctuation.

3. For this well known abbey, evidently a landmark, see Gallia Christiana, xi, 665; Charpillon, Dict. hist. de toutes les communes du département de l'Eure, i (1868), p. 415. The site of the abbey, just north-east of La Bonneville, by the Itun, is now occupied by a farm.

4. Quitteboeuf, just beyond the boundary between Evreux and Neubourg in the direction of the latter. It was farmed as part of the honor of Evreux in 1198 (Rot. Scacc., ii, 262). In 1204-5 Philip Augustus surrendered Quitteboeuf, with the neighbouring fiefs of Ecrosville and Feuguerolles to Roger of Meulan, who ceded all claims to the viscounty of Evreux (Actes, p. 183, no. 806).

et dominus de Tilleriis habebit id quod habere debet in dominatu de Bruerolis. Concessimus etiam de episcopatu Ebroicensi domino regi Francie id quod est intra has metas, unde episcopus Ebroicensis domino regi Francie et heredibus ejus respondebit; idem autem Episcopus nobis et heredibus nostris respondebit de hoc quod erit extra has metas. Et sciendum quod neque dominus rex Francie neque nos poterimus firmare intra metas constitutas intra Novum burgum et Ebroicas, neque apud Guitebo, neque nos ex parte nostra neque dominus rex Francie ex parte sua, nisi ubi firmatum est infra metas predictas. Praeterea fortelicie de Portes 1 et de Landes 2 in continenti diruentur, neque ibi alie fortelicie poterunt reedificari. Hec autem omnia, que comes Ebroicensis infra has metas tenebat, fecimus domino regi Francie quietari a recto herede Ebroicarum.

Actum apud Guletonem, anno ab Incarnatione Domini millesimo ducentesimo, mense maio.

II. SURVEY MADE BY JURY OF FRENCH AND NORMANS. (Rotuli Chartarum, ed. Hardy, p. 97; translated by Stapleton, Observations on the Rolls of the Norman Exchequer, II, clxxii-iii.)

Hii interfuerunt metis ponendis inter Ebroycas et Novum burgum: et parte regis Anglie Willelmus de Humet constabularius Normannie, Robertus de Harecurt,

1. Portes lies west of Evreux, just east of the main road between Le Neubourg and Conches, and about 7 kilometres north of the latter. Its lord, Roger de Portes, a benefactor of La Noe, was compensated by John after the loss of Portes in May, 1203 (the passages from the Norman rolls are collected by Delisle, Cart. Norm., p. 14). Portes was granted in 1203 by Philip to Bernard du Plessis, Cart. Norm., p. 13, no. 70.

2. This fort was probably near Les Londes, on the west side of the road between Le Neubourg and Conches, about 9 kilometres south of the former. The name is very common (cf. Rot. Norm., 4), and this place must not be confused with Londa, between the Seine and the Risle, a centre of Norman administration.

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