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coasts of Asia, and across the gulf of Nicomedia. At a future time, you may expect some account of this, and of my summer's labors and place of residence.

Aug. 9.-I wish I could sit down this evening by your side, and talk of all the marvellous things which I have seen since I left America. "And what have you seen?" you will ask. I have seen the Maltese ploughing with an ox and an ass yoked together; and then what ploughs! A boy would cut a better one from a single crooked stick in any farmer's wood-pile. In this island, they don't plough much, but dig up the ground with a fork, to prepare it for gardens and vineyards. The vines, whose finest clusters, the sultanas, we are just beginning to gather, are not suffered to depend upon trees, as in Italy, but are cut off like a stalk of corn, two or three feet from the ground. Twice a year it is necessary to prune away the shoots, that would otherwise vegetate too luxuriantly. The grapes are trodden out with the feet, each household having for this purpose, its own wine press. This is a trough, a few feet in dimensions, usually made of stone and mortar, with a small opening for the wine to escape into the vat, by its side. Whoever has "trodden the wine-press alone," will find his outer oriental garments dyed with the juice of the grape, which is usually of a dark red color. Here, as they were in Judea, during the days of our Saviour, bread and wine are the principal sustenance of the people. From this their common use among the Jews, they were doubtless set apart as most significant emblems in the sacrament of the supper. Refreshing and needful as they are to the body, so are grateful, affectionate and confiding thoughts of Christ to the soul. The

common wines, have about the same strength as the cider of New England. A single bottle costs from twelve to fifteen paras-three cents. It is customary at the inns, and even at ordinary entertainments, to place one by the side of every individual.

The olives whether salted green, or in the riper and black state as the common people use them, soon come to be esteemed as a relish by foreigners. They do not abound in this quarter, but are brought from continental Greece, the Archipelago, and Asia Minor. My lamp is now burning with the oil of the olive, which is cheaper and more agreeable than the tallow of Russia, or the spermaceti oil, which is not indeed found here. Our apples are not as good as yours, but our cherries are far superior. My patients from the coast of Asia, have brought some baskets of them, which can hardly be surpassed by those of the neighboring district, whence it is said they were first introduced into Europe. Melons of several different kinds, we have in abundance, and most of your garden vegetables. Among them are tomatas, cauliflowers, ocras, and a fine species of gourd ; but potatoes are brought in foreign vessels to Constantinople and Smyrna.

Mutton is the principal meat, and when it is not goat, is of a good quality. A fat sheep will sell for two or three dollars. The number of protestants on this island is so small, that we are often compelled to fast with our Greek and Catholic neighbors. We may share, however, with them in the fine fish that abound near the islands. Some of the medals of Byzantium have a tunny fish upon one side. Cheese from goat's milk is not highly prized nor are kaimac or butter much used here. It is several months since I have eaten any. Cow's milk is scarce on

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these hilly and rocky islands.

Yaourt, or milk soured in

a particular manner, is one of the most common, and is regarded by the people as one of the most grateful and healthful luxuries. You may see at evening on the marina, (our whole town is built along the shore,) numbers of small brown earthen dishes in which it is exposed for sale. The price is from thirty to sixty paras, exclusive of the vesssel, which is exchanged from day to day. Our bread which is made from Russian wheat is good. Some of the people use barley bread. Indian corn is grown in the country, but I do not see it eaten by the people. Pilaf or soup begins the daily meal. The rice for the former comes from Egypt. Olive oil and lemons are seldom absent from the table. Should the lemons fail, the Turks would almost rise in rebellion. There is no molasses here, but petmes, a syrup prepared from grapes, is a partial substitute. Tea is only the luxury of Franks. Coffee closes the meal of every one, from the Sultan to his meanest slave. An ass is the only beast used for riding. One may be purchased for fifteen or twenty dollars. Horses and camels, particularly the first, are most common in this part of Asia Minor.

About half the children in Prinkipos are able to read a little. I can now talk with them in Greek as well as with the Catholic children in Italian. A good deal is said about a war with the English, but I rather think the storm will blow over.



Situation-Desolate islets-Mineral and vegetable productions -A widowed family-Permanent and occasional residentsIntercourse with the city-Monasteries-Their secular character-Property--Ecclesiastical prison--Superstitious resort of the sick-Brutal conduct of an Hegumenos—A benevolent monk-Churches-Agiasmas-Priests.

Syra, Dec. 1827.

THE Princes' Islands, of which I promised you a more particular account, are situated in the Sea of Marmora, at the distance of twelve and twenty miles, south-east from Constantinople. The channel between them and the coast of Asia, varies from three to six miles, and is the ordinary passage for vessels to the gulf of Is-nik-mid-the ancient Nicomedia.

The four principal islands, and the only ones now inhabited, are Prinkipos, Chalke, Antigone and Protos. These are separated from each other, for the most part only by narrow channels. Their relative extent as well as distance from Constantinople, is in the order of their names; Prinkipos being ten or twelve miles in circum. ference, and Protos scarcely half as much. The latter derives its name from its position, being the first as you approach from the city.

Oxeia and Plateia, so called from their narrow and broad forms, are at a considerable distance to the north west of the group. On these, and several of the other islets and the larger islands, are ruins, probably of the time of the Greek emperors. Myriads of gulls


and other sea fowls have taken possession of them, and their clamors and fearlessness, forcibly remind one, of the neighboring country of the harpies. I once landed here with a company, which amused themselves with catching some dozens of their young. The noise of the thousands just over our heads was such, that we could with difficulty hear each other's voices. shower of feathers constantly descended from birds, which but seldom were roused on the wing, while the ground beneath, was covered like a poultry yard. Their unwonted tameness, added to the tall and rank weeds with which foundations of dwellings, fountains and fortresses are overspread, give an air of indescribable desolation to these solitary islets.


All the islands exhibit the same general aspect, rising gradually from the sea, to the height of from one to four hundred feet, and having little or no plane surface. The summits, and indeed the greater part even of the larger islands, is uncultivated, and where not rocky, extensively covered with low evergreens. these, the principal are the pine, the juniper, and the arbutus or strawberry tree. The soil is argillaceous, and strongly impregnated and colored red with iron. Clays resembling the cimolite, or fullers' earth, form the basis of the islands at the level of the sea; on this rests beds of argillaceous iron ore; while the upper strata are of naked quartz rock. Copper ore is also found in small quantities.

On the lower grounds are some fine gardens, and wheat was extensively cultivated ten or twelve years since. Latterly, however, the vine has become the chief object of culture, for which the sunny hills are well adapted. Besides wine and grapes for home con

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