W. (T. J.). The cow legend of Corofin, co. Clare. Jour. Roy. Soc. WAGNER (HENRY). A pedigree of the descendants of John Waugh, WAKEMAN (W. F.). On a recently discovered pagan sepulchral Roscam round tower near Galway. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. WALLER (J. G.). On the roof of the church of St. Andrew, WALLER (WILLIAM CHAPMAN). Essex field names. Trans. Essex WARD (JOHN). Deepdale cave, near Buxton. Derbyshire Arch. and Account of some barrows recently opened in the vicinity WARE (MRS. HENRY). On some additional seals of the Bishops of On some encaustic tiles recently found in Bristol. Clifton WATKINS (REV. JOHN). On the history of Willingham Church. Proc. WATSON (GEORGE). The Hutton effigies now in Great Salkeld church- WATTERS (T.). Some Corean customs and notions. Folklore, vi. 82- WEBB (E. DORAN). Notes on Aldbourne Church. Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxviii. 156-160. WEBER (F. PARKES). Additional remarks on a portrait medal of Medals of Centenarians. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xv. 301-315. WESTROPP (T. J.). Aran Islands. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. v. 250-274. Barony of Burren, co. Clare. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 302. Athenry. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. v. 297- Ennis Abbey and the O'Brien tombs. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. WEYMAN (HENRY T.). The Members of Parliament for Ludlow. WHALE (REV. T. W.). Manors in Bratton Clovelly. Trans. Devon. WHITEHEAD (REV. H.). Church bells in Leath ward. Trans. Cuть. WILLIAMS (REV. A. A.). Colton Church. Trans. Cumb. and Westmor. WILLIAMS (F. H.). Crypte Court, Watergate Street, Chester. Jour. Deva: on some traces of a building discovered west of the WILLIAMS (STEPHEN W.). Notes upon some bronze and stone- The Cistercian abbey of Cwmhir, Radnorshire. Trans. Soc. Notes upon some sepulchral slabs and monumental effigies WILSON (REV. JAMES). The victims of the Tudor disestablishment in Riding Antiq. Soc. iii. 1-12. WINNING (JOHN G.). Notice of a cist containing an urn found near WITCHBURNING AT CLONMEL. Folklore, vi. 373-384. WOODMAN (W.). Documents: Berwick-on-Tweed and Morpeth. Reminiscences and desultory notes of Morpeth social WOODS (CECIL C.). The goldsmiths of Cork. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Devon. Assoc. xxvii. 374-403. Okehampton beginnings. 93-112. Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvii. Okehampton Castle. Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvii. 124--136. WROTH (WARWICK). Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in WYON (ALLAN). Seals of the Bishops of Winchester. Jour. Brit. YORK (ARCHBISHOP OF). Inaugural address to the annual meeting Paintings: Baillie-Hamilton, Home- Pavements: Frazer. Stained Glass: Harrold, James. Assyrian antiquities: Budge. Bewcastle: Charlton. Bexhill: Dawson. Bibliography (Books and MSS.) : Bowes, Ferguson, Lawlor, Lithgow. Birkenhead: Cox. Bisham: Hone. Bitterne: Darwin. Blackstone Edge: Marsh. Bratton Clovelly: Whale. Bridges: Atkinson. Bristol: Barker, Bramble, Ellis, Fryer, Bronze period: Barker, Darwin, Day, Burbage: Goddard. Buxton: Ward. Caer-Hên-Eglwys: Llewellyn. Caerwent: Martin. Caldecot castle: Cobb. Calendar: Fisher. Cambridge: Gray, James, Macalister. Cambridgeshire: Atkinson, Pearson. See "Cambridge," "Westley Waterless," "Willingham." Canterbury: Brock. Canute (temp.): Liebermann. Carlisle: Ferguson. Carmarthenshire: Laws. Carthage: Cart. Castleacre: Hope, Housman. Castle Rising: Beloe. Castles: Beloe, Bogle, Cobb, Cox, Gray, Caucasus: Abercromby. Caves: Anderson, Turner, Ward. Celtic or British period: Andrew, Charles I. (temp.): Frazer, Phillips, Cheshire, Axon, Cox, Gray, Irvine. Chirburn: Hodgson. Christian (early): Bagnall-Oakeley, Church and State: Birchall. Churches: André, Armstrong, Auden, Bates, Bax, Bensley, Bilson, Birch, Church bells: See "bells." Church plate: Atkinson, Betham, Colchester: Round. Connaught (Old): Wakeman. Cork: Woods. Corn supply: Arnold. Cornwall: Langdon, Lewis. Cumberland: Collingwood, Ferguson, Cup and ring markings: Coles, Fer- Cwmhir: Williams. Abbot,”“Okehampton," "Torbay." Dialect: Elworthy, Macritchie, Rhys, Russell. Diserth: Cox, Taylor. Domesday: Domesday, Reichel, Skaife, Taylor, Worth. Domestic antiquities: Dugan, E, Ely, Ferguson, Ffrench, Driffield: Cole. Martindale, Dripole: Blashill. دو Dyes: Schunk. "South Earthworks and mounds: Cole, Gann, Easington: Savage. Education: Leadman, Little, Raven, Edward I. (temp.) : Leonard, Tout. Price, Spurrell. Elizabeth (Queen) temp.: Beazley, Bülow, Carrington, Finch. Essex: Essex, Waller. See "Col- chester." Farne Island: Huggup. |