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IN presenting their Fourteenth Annual Report to the members of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society the Council are glad to be able to congratulate them on the continued stability of the Society. The papers contributed at the monthly meetings have not been inferior in point of number or interest to those given in previous years. A larger proportion than usual of these papers relate to local antiquities.

MEMBERSHIP. Twelve new members have joined the Society during the past year, whilst seventeen have been lost. by death, resignation, and other causes. The number of members at present is as follows:

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The small falling off possesses no significance. The fact, nevertheless, remains that the Society has not substantially increased its numbers for several years past. In all probability the Society has attracted already as many persons as the district furnishes who feel sufficient interest in local antiquities as to induce them to join the Society.

It has, however, been pointed out to the Council that the conditions of membership do in many instances deter persons from entering. To remove these objections, the Council propose to submit an alteration of two of the rules, of which notice has been given. If adopted, the effect will be to prevent the loss of time which occurs, during the summer months especially, between the proposal of a new member and his election, by giving the Council the power to elect. The Council should possess the confidence of the members sufficiently to assure them that the power if given to them will be exercised discreetly. The other alteration proposes the reduction of the entrance fee from one guinea to half a guinea, the new member being still chargeable for the first year's subscription. These changes, it is hoped, would also have the effect of lessening the difficulty the Treasurer experiences in some cases in getting in subscriptions.

WINTER MEETINGS.-The monthly meetings, during the months January to April and October to December inclusive, have been held as usual at the Chetham Library, with the exception of the meeting on October 9th, which was held at the City Art Gallery.

The titles of the papers and short communications are given in the following list:


Jan. 31.-Annual Meeting.

Feb. 7.-The Remains of the Town Wall of Stockport. Mr. Thomas

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Kay, J.P.

7.-Notes on the Architecture of Great Budworth Church. Mr.

Isaac Taylor.

7.-Lancashire Folk-Lore. Mr. William E. A. Axon, F.R.S.L. Mar. 6. The Moustache in Early Irish Sculptures. Dr. H. Colley March, F.S.A.

6.-Monumental Brasses. Mr. F. A. Bromwich.

April 10.-An Ancient Sculptured Fragment, with Inscription, from Manchester Cathedral. Rev. Henry A. Hudson, M.A.

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10.-Notes on William Green and his Map of Manchester. Mr. Charles Roeder.

10. The Norman and Tudor Work in Middleton Church. Mr.

John Dean.

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