| 1834 - 896 pages
...and the Arts now consists of fifty members. COM. PUB. Report on Amasa HolcornVs Reflecting Telescope. The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted...for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was re-rred for examination a Reflecting Telescope, manufactured by Mr. Amasa Holcomb, of Southwick, Hampden... | |
| 1834 - 882 pages
...powerful telescopes. Yale College, August 15, 1834. The Committee on Science and the Arts, appointed by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania...Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination a Reflecting Telescope, made by Mr. Amasa Holcomb, of Southwick, Hampden County, Massachusetts : REPORT... | |
| 1835 - 398 pages
...of the committee. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary. March 13, 1834. Report on Mr. Smith1* Comptas Needle. The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted...promotion of the mechanic arts, to whom was referred fur examination an Improved Compass Needie, manufactured by Mr. Smith, of Washington City, report —... | |
| 1835 - 834 pages
...Journal of the Franklin Inuitute.] Report on Mr. MW Baldwin's Locomotive Engines. The Committee oil Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin...Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination certain improvements in Locomotive Engines, mnde by Mr. Matthias W. Baldwin, of the City of Philadelphia,... | |
| 1835 - 908 pages
...of this Journal. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. Report on Mr. MW Baldwin's Locomotive Engines. The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvaniaforthe promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination certain improvements... | |
| 1836 - 848 pages
...the Franklin Institut«. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. Report on Mr. AC Jones" Spark Arretier. The Committee on Science and the Arts» constituted...Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination, an apparatus for stopping the sparks from the flues of locomotive engines, invented by Mr. Alfred C.... | |
| 1836 - 498 pages
...ascemenied, there is great danger of their giving way. SHULTZ'S RAILWAY CARRIAGE SPARKARRESTER. Report of the Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for t/te Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred/or Examination a Saark-drrester,... | |
| Perry Fairfax Nursey - 1836 - 506 pages
...Magazine, " Go on and prosper." JONES' 8PARK-ARRBSTKK. (Prom the Journal of the Franklin Inetltute.) The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the átate of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, In whom was referred fof examination... | |
| 1836 - 950 pages
...intricate art. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. Report on Mr. Amasa Holcomb's Reflecting Telescope. The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the VOL. XVIII.— No. 2.— AUGUST, J8S6. 10 State of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the Mechanic Aits,... | |
| 1836 - 1044 pages
...committee. July 14, 1836. AViLtiAM HAMILTON, Actuary. Report on Mr. Prulzmaii's Lever Lock and Key. The Committee on Science and the Arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of tbe State of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for examination,... | |
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