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exemplified where the space covered by the bichromate of potassa is without a plant.

These results merit the attention of those who are engaged in the study of vegetable economy. Do not they point at a process by which the productions of climes more redolent of light than ours may be brought in this island to their native perfection?

Dr. Draper's "experiments" (Philosophical Magazine, Feb. 1840, pres. vol. p. 81) appear at variance with mine.

Under the influence of a nearly tropical sun permeating half an inch of solution of the bichromate of potassa, cress grew of a green colour, whilst it took five days to give a sensitive paper a faint yellow green colour. From this Professor Draper argues the existence of two classes of rays, a different class being necessary to produce the green colouring of vegetable foliage from that which darkens chloride of silver.

With submission to one whose facilities for such inquiries are so much greater than my own, I would suggest a repetition of the experiments with some of the recently discovered photographic preparations. The papers, f, and h, both under coloured glass and great thicknesses of yellow fluid, are deepened to a plum-brown in less than an hour.*

Under three inches of the bichromate of potassa, the paper, f, became, in eight hours sunshine, of a full blue-brown.

18. The fact of cress and peaplants growing green, under the influence of such powerful light as penetrated Professor Draper's yellow media, will not appear at all surprising when we examine the rays which pass through such fluids.

This I have done by forming a spectrum, interposing the coloured body between the prism and the sun. The following are the effects of February sun at Devonport.

Through a deep blue solution of the ammonia-sulphate of copper, the violet, indigo, blue, and a portion of the green rays pass.

Through solutions of the muriate, acetate, and nitro-muriate of copper with iron, the green ray, and a considerable portion of the yellow; a trace of the blue also is evident.

Through solutions of the bichromate and chromate of potassa, the chloride of gold and decoction of turmeric, the red, the yellow, and the green rays are seen, and by taking their impression on a Daguerreotype plate, a line of the blue is distinctly marked.

Through nitro-muriate of cobalt in ammonia, carmine in ammonia, and sulphuric acid and decoction of cochineal, the red and yellow rays alone appear to penetrate.

* The papers which accompany this article were exposed under the glasses and three-fourths of an inch of fluids for forty minutes. The order of interference and consequent colouring is plainly shown.

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19. It will be observed, that the light which has passed through a green medium (2, 7, 9, 10, 15, 16.) acts less powerfully in darkening photographic papers, and occasions vegetable leaves to be even paler than that which has been subjected to the interference of a yellow medium.

I am led to suspect that the band of rays formed by the meeting of the yellow and the green has an influence similar to the extreme red, in neutralizing the powers of the other adjacent rays, as was first noticed by Sir John Herschel, (22.,) (23.,) (26.)

20. The annexed figure represents the solar spectrum, as it impresses itself on a Daguerreotype plate, not in shadows merely, but in colours, which have the peculiar appearance of the down upon the nectarine.

The most refrangible portion of the spectrum is represented in full colours, shading from indigo to a delicate rose, which is lost in a band of pure white.

21. Beyond this a protecting influence is powerfully exerted, and notwithstanding the chemical effect produced over the plate, by the dispersed light, a line is formed free of mercurial vapour, and which consequently appears black.

22. The green portion of the spectrum is represented in its true colour, but it is considerably less in size than the space occupied by these rays.

23. The yellow rays are without action, or rather they do not prepare the silver for the reception of the mercury, and consequently a black belt marks the space on which they fell, and extends a little beyond it into the green (19.)

24. A white line marks the place of the orange light.

25. The red is represented by a well defined rose colour, bounded, as


were the more refrangible rays, by a white line, shaded, at the lower extremity, with a green.

This passing of the red into a green, and of the blue into a rose colour, (20.) is strikingly similar to the effect produced, by the interference of coloured media, on some photographic drawings (8.)

26. The lowest dark space on the picture is a beautiful illustration of the influence of the extreme red rays in protecting the silver from luminous action (19.) (21.)

27. What appears more surprising to me than even the detection of the negative? rays at each end of the prismatic spectrum, is the continuation of the dark line throughout its whole length, evidently showing the influence of the same cause as is so effective at the least refrangible extremity.

This band is not equally defined throughout its entire circumference. It is the most strikingly evident from the extreme red to the green; it fades in passing through the blue, and increases in intensity as it leaves the indigo, until, beyond the invisible chemical rays, it is nearly as strong as it is at the calorific end of the spectrum.

Does not this protected surrounding band appear to indicate the existence of rays of a peculiar and unknown order, proceeding from the extreme edge of the sun?

28. By lightly rubbing a Daguerreotype picture of the prismatic rays, it is obliterated, except over the space of the yellow and red portion. This effect corresponds with my experiments on media of these colours (11. 12. 13.)

Until we have more experience than we now have of the effects of the solar rays individually and collectively, we can offer no satisfactory explanation of the process in action, on a Daguerreotype plate, by which the subtle painter, LIGHT, impresses such delicate designs.

The existence of two iodides of silver, is, I think, certain. In my photometric experiments, I have always observed the formation of an iodide which speedily darkens, and of another portion which is unalterable by light.*

The sensitive film on the silver plate appears to be the former of these iodides. Throughout the range of the chemical spectrum, particularly so called, the iodide is I imagine converted into an oxide of silver; that a partial oxidation takes place, numerous experiments have rendered certain; whilst the influence of the rays of least refrangibility is to form the unchangeable iodide of silver. Experiments, however, are wanting to prove this satisfactorily.

An attentive consideration of the facts I have enumerated, will, I think, satisfy all, that we can no longer with propriety attach the name of chemical to the most refrangible rays only. Every ray has its particular chemical office, either of composition or of decomposition; and although Seebeck has attributed the acquirement of a rose hue by chloride of silver when put into the red ray, to the heating power of that portion of the spectrum, it is now proved to be dependent upon some other influence, for where it has been shown the most calorific rays exist, this salt undergoes no change.

Devonport, February 29, 1840.

Lond. & Ed Philos. Mag.

• See Mr. Talbot's account of the processes employed in Photogenic Drawing Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., vol. xiv., p. 210 (2.)-EDIT.

Deep Soundings.

The following extract of a letter from Capt. James Ross, R. N., to the hydrographer of the Admiralty, will interest our readers. It will be seen that the mean velocity of the weight in descending 2677 fathoms was 3.2 per hour; the first 50 descended at the rate of 7.1 miles, and the last 100 at 2.4 miles per hour. This is one thousand fathoms less than the soundings in the last number.

H. M. S. Erebus, at sea, 3d March, 1840.

(Lat. 33° 21′ S. long. 9° 4′ E.)

"I have just obtained another deep sounding, and although we have not yet been able to get down so far as I wished, and still hope to do, I am quite satisfied that if we get into any sea deep enough, we shall have no difficulty in accomplishing it. The weight employed was 540 lbs., and we had on the reel something more than 5000 fathoms of line: the first 437 fathoms were a single strand of whale line; the rest was of two strands of three-yarn spunyarn, and the following are times of each of the marks passing off the reel.

[blocks in formation]

Crozier took down the time of each mark passing off the reel, and when the weight struck the bottom, it stopped so suddenly that the boats' crew all called out, "It is down." We veered away 50 fathoms afterwards, and then hauled in again, but could not get an inch more than the mark at which it first struck. Nothing could be more satisfactory than this sounding, and it is the more so from shewing very plainly that we have the means of getting soundings however deep the sea may be, and I trust our next trial will be in deeper water. I have ordered the line to be again completed to 5000 fathoms; but it would be useless to attempt it any more on this side of the Cape. JAMES F. Ross.

Naut. Mag.

On Certain Effects of Temperature. By C. T. COATHUPE, Esq. Having, from the nature of my occupations, an excellent laboratory for observing the effects of temperature, I beg to offer you some experiments illustrative of some of these effects.

A modern glass-house is generally a cone built of brick, having its interior diameter, at the base, varying from 58 to 60 feet, and its perpendicular height varying from 90 to 100 feet. The upper aperture through which the smoke ascends, varies from 9 feet 6 inches to 10 feet in diameter. This cone terminates at its base in substantial pillars of brick about 3 feet square, following the exterior inclination of the surface of the cone, and united above by arches which spring from pillar to pillar, and below by inverted arches beneath the ground.

Around the centre of the interior floor of this cone, the furnace is erected; and around the exterior of the pillars which support the main body of the cone, the glass-house is extended by shed roofs, whose rafters bear against the exterior of the brick cone, above the arches which connect the pillars. This extension constitutes the manufacturing workshop, or space occupied by the glass-making operatives. The interior space around the furnace and within the pillars, is that occupied by the founders, or the men whose duty it is to fill the pots with raw materials for the production of glass, to urge the fire, to examine from time to time the state of fusion, and in short, to make from sand, alkali and lime, by the aid of intense heat, the material which the glass-making operatives subsequently convert by manipulation into glass.

For very many consecutive hours during the process of founding the raw materials, a thermometer placed at the greatest possible distance from the furnace, but within the area occupied by the founders, and freely suspended from a rod projecting from the interior surface of one of the brick pillars (a distance in the present instance = to 20 feet 5 inches,) will indicate a temperature varying from 316° to 325° of Fahrenheit. The founders have cool recesses, into which they frequently retire during their work, but the average of temperature here mentioned, viz: from 316° to 325°, and frequently very much beyond 325°, they bear without experiencing any inconvenience whatsoever. Strangers universally wonder at the possibility of human beings existing in a situation in which their clothes are continually scorched, while their naked skin exhibits no marks of the effects of fire. I had myself often wondered at the circumstance, until I made some experiments to endeavour to ascertain the cause of such an anomaly. The results of some of these experiments are curious from the extent of the ranges of

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