been broached, I would recommend a most interesting letter which appeared in the Sacristy, of November, 1872, by H. B. Taylor, in which the arguments for and against each are clearly and concisely given. D. ALLEYNE WALTER. 2, Jarratt Street, Hull. P.S.-It should be remembered that where many chantries were founded, the Masses would be frequent and daily, and that it would be sufficient notice of the elevation if given on the small bell from the Low Side Window. The large bell might be only used for the parish Mass on Sundays, or Holy Days of obligation. MURAL PAINTINGS AT PICKERING CHURCH. was greatly interested in the account given by Rev. G. H. Lightfoot in the April Antiquary of the restoration of the elaborate series of wall-paintings of the parish church of Pickering. I own, however, to having felt more than doubtful as to the expediency and fitness of the reparation that had been undertaken, so far as I was able to judge from the printed account. But the article induced me to make a pilgrimage to the church of St. Peter, Pickering, and I wish to put briefly on record the great pleasure that the sight of these fifteenth-century church pictures gave me. Ecclesiologists owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Lightfoot for the scholarly ability and painstaking conservation with which he has superintended this delicate task of reparation. All my scruples as to the propriety of the steps taken at once vanished on my actually seeing the accomplished work. Pickering Church can now give an incomparably better idea of medieval wall decoration of the legendary character than any other ecclesiastical edifice in England. I write this, because I think that many summer visitors to Scarborough, Whitby, or Filey, may like to know of the exceptional interest that attaches to this church. F.S.A. Intending contributors are respectfully requested to enclose stamps for the return of the manuscript in case it should prove unsuitable. During June, July, and August, the CONFERENCE will be suspended. 66 It will be resumed in the September number, subject: Suggestions for the better Management and Usefulness of Archæological Societies.' The "Low Side Window" discussion can be continued in the Correspondence columns. GLIMPSES INTO NATURE'S SECRETS; Or, STROLLS ON BEACH AND DOWN. "Mr. Martin gives us some very pleasant essays on nature's workings, sometimes geological, sometimes biological. The chapter on mussels is especially interesting."—The Star. SEVENTH EDITION, tastefully printed in crown 8vo., with Illustrations, cloth and vellum binding, price 5s. each, post free. DAYS AND HOURS IN A GARDEN By E. V. B. With Head and Tail pieces designed by the Authoress. "This is a delightful little work."—Athenæum. "A beautiful book in a beautiful dress."-Academy. "This most fascinating book, from the study of which one must rise wiser, happier, and better."-Morning Post. 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