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reproduction have been sought in the library and print-room of the British Museum, and are of great rarity and sisted excellence. There is nearly one inserted cut for every page of the 229 pages of text, besides "forty-eight unbacked page-subjects." The ordinary edition is limited to 500 copies, of which one-half are for America. An edition of larger dimensions admits Harvey's Dentatus, and Dürer's Apocalypse and Greater Passion and Triumphal Car of Maximilian; and this is limited to one hundred copies-one-half for America. The price for the small edition ts $50; for the large edition, $100. Subscriptions are receivable by G. P. Putnam and Sons, No. 27, West 23rd Street, New York.

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We are glad to be able to announce that Mr. Tom C. Smith, whose last work on Ribchester was favourably noticed in November Antiquary, will issue early in the New Year, "Preston Parish Church: Records and Registers." The unusually full and interesting churchwarden's account books, the registers, and minutes of the "Gentlemen and Twenty-Four" of the parish have hitherto been overlooked by the historians of Preston. From these Mr. Smith proposes to give copious extracts. The work will also include a map of the parish, a plan of the interior of the church circa 1650, and various other illustrations. It is to be issued by subscription by Mr. C. W. Whitehead, of Fishergate, Preston, from whom the prospectus can be obtained.

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A recent search, says the American Bookmaker, in the Connecticut State Library has led to the discovery of several books of a very ancient date. There is a black letter Latin dictionary of the year 1477, soon after the invention of printing from movable types, and fifteen years before Columbus sailed for America. There is a Melancthon book of 1501, and a notable one on logic, a quaint old book which once belonged to Samuel Parris, the Salen minister, in whose house the witchcraft phenomena appeared, and who himself led the persecution. It bears his autograph. The book was printed at Leyden in 1662.

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We have much pleasure in again referring to a work now on the eve of publication, which we mentioned in our issue for August. Mr. Weddell has now so satisfactorily traced the origin and continuous possession of "Ye Apothecarie His Book" (the valuable MS. that is being reproduced in facsimile) to the Fairfax family, that he is giving to the printed book the primary title of Arcana Fairfaxiana. We have seen some early sheets and also a specimen of the imitative cover of brown sheepskin, so that we have

the greatest confidence in cordially recommending our curious readers to subscribe. The introduction, besides an account of the manuscript itself, will include an historical sketch and genealogy of the Fairfax family, descriptive notes on the various styles of hand-writing, and "How the MS. was reproduced." The number of copies is limited, and as there will be no further issue, the original lithographic impressions are being destroyed as the work proceeds. The publication may be looked for just about Christmas, when, if any copies remain unsubscribed for, the price will be raised from 12s. 6d. to 21s. will be about 250 pages, fscap. 4to., instead of 180 as originally announced. The publishers are Messrs. Mawson, Swan, and Morgan, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Reviews and Notices of New Books.


[Publishers are requested to be so good as always to mark clearly the prices of books sent for review, as these notices are intended to be a practical aid to book-buying readers.]

WELLS WILLS, arranged in Parishes, and annotated. By Frederic William Weaver, M.A. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. Demy 8vo.,

pp. xii., 234. Price 10s. 6d.

Last month we noticed Bishop Hobhouse's invaluable work on Somersetshire Early Churchwardens' Accounts, and now we have another proof of the industry of our western antiquaries. Mr. Weaver has, with much discriminating labour, made digests of the whole of the wills contained in the first two willbooks at the Wells Registry. Their date is 15281536; they are six hundred in number, and pertain to the parishes of West and North Somerset. Mr. Weaver's industry throws much light upon the condition of Church life just before the Reformation, and amply confirms the interesting conclusions of Bishop Hobhouse. Every parish had its stores, each in the interest of some separate devotion or holy purpose, supported by an associated body, and had its separate balance-sheet, audit-day, and feast-day, and often even its separate wardens, apart from the general or high wardens. Mr. Weaver shows from these wills how numerous these several guilds or fraternities were, even in remote and small country parishes. Thus Cutcombe, with a present population of 564, and Winsford, with a population of 485, had each nine stores; whilst Wootton Courtney, with a population of 278, had six stores. We know each of these parishes, and it is not at all likely that the population has materially dwindled during the past three and a half centuries, for in no case has any special industry died out. These wills also establish that there was in every church an altare animarum, where masses were said for the dead, and where lights were kept burning in their memory. This light for the departed is mentioned for bequest in a large number of these life of the present day is, at any rate, something better than "a hideous pandemonium of snarling sects."

wills, under the following varied titles: "Allsolen Light," "Alsolen Store," "Lumen Animarum," "Almes Light," "Lumen Elemosinarum," "Dead Light," "Lumen Mortuum," "Lumen Mortuorum," "Lumen Defunctorum," "Lumen pro Defunctis," and "Lumen in Perpetuum."


The wills in this volume are well arranged, being placed under the different parishes to which they belong; whilst good indexes add to the value of the book. Brief explanatory notes are given in the margins of any unusual expressions that occur in the wills. These are all that could be desired, and are admirably concise. We could wish, however, that the occasional notes relative to places and sites had been more frequent and fuller. A note tells us that mounds" are still visible on the site of the chapel of the Holy Saviour in Luccombe parish by the roadside leading to Porlock. But unless the mounds are of recent growth, something more remains. The writer of this notice superintended the uncovering of the whole wall-plan of the foundations of this chapel as long ago as the year 1864. The site is known as "Chapel Gate." Again, there is no note of identification to the chapel of St. Olave, Porlock; but it is situate in the hamlet of Bossington. The walls, and a roof of much beauty, are still (or were recently) standing, and used as a barn. Nor is the introduction, sufficiently comprehensive. It would have been well, for instance, to draw more emphatic attention to the prevailing cult of St. Katharine; if this question had been studied, we believe a probable reason would have been found. But these, after all, are only errors of omission; for what is given us it is difficult to find anything but praise. These pages will prove of much value to the clergy, and to all intelligent residents of the parishes named; whilst every ecclesiologist should certainly possess the book, for he will find in it much of exceptional and novel interest that cannot be met with elsewhere. Mr. William Weaver, though a good antiquary, must be a wicked wag to give his book the alliterative but almost unpronounceable title of Wells Wills. Our greeting to this attractive volume is: Welcome, worthy writings, written with witty wisdom!


ANNALS OF THE HOSPITAL OF ST. WULSTAN, in the City of Worcester, together with a Chartulary of the said Hospital. By the Rev. F. T. Marsh. Worcester: Humphreys, London: Elliot Stock.

4to., pp. x., 140. Ten engravings. Price 21s. The interesting remains of the Hospital of St. Wulstan, or the Commandery, as it is locally called, are familiar to most of those who have visited the "Faithful City." The writing of its history has evidently been a labour of love to Mr. Marsh, who was a pupil there for some years, when it was used as a college for blind sons of gentlemen. Whether he imbibed there, with his love for the fabric, the strong and uncompromising views which he holds as to the circumstances which led to the dissolution of the house we cannot tell, but we think that the candid reader, whatever his opinions may be, will think that the words "Reformation apostasy are out of place in a work of historic research, and that the religious

When, however, we pass from the blemishes of the introduction to the body of the work, we find much that we can honestly praise: much careful research is evident in the chapter on the annals of the hospital; the buildings are well described; Mr. F. S. Bayley's etchings, and Mr. Stoyle's ground plan, add much to the value of the work, and a trustworthy transcript of the original charters, which are in the Bodleian Library, has been given. None of these charters are older than A.D. 1230, but there can be little doubt that the hospital was founded by the great Bishop Wulstan shortly before his death in 1095. Its chief object seems to have been to give shelter to the traveller who arrived from the South at the gates of the city after they were shut for the night. The original foundation consisted of a master, who was afterwards called a preceptor or commander, two chaplains, and some poor brethren, whose number is not stated. They were religious of the order of St. Augustine, and the commander was appointed by the bishop, and was removable by him at pleasure.

The greatest benefactor of the house seems to have been William de Molendinis, or at Mull, as the family was more commonly called, whose mill is still turned by the waters of the Salwarp in the parish of Claines. This worthy, to whose benefactions the sister hospital of St. Oswald, which still survives, also owed much, gave to the brethren in A.D. 1294, "sixty marks and ten pounds sterling," upon payment of which they made him partake of the benefits of all their masses and prayers. A few years later much bitterness of feeling arose between the brethren and the monks of St. Mary's, chiefly about the custody of the famous crozier of St. Wulstan, and the two houses, without counting the cost, entered into a lawsuit, which seems to have been going on in one form or another for one hundred and fifty years. The hospital eventually won the day, especially with regard to the Chapel of Chaddeswick and the great tithes of the parish of Claines, which had formed part of the original endowment of St. Wulstan.

In 1524 Cardinal Wolsey obtained a bull from the Pope authorizing him to suppress this and several other small religious houses, that he might endow Cardinal's College-now called Christ Church-at Oxford; but in consequence of his fall and death the dissolution of the house was delayed, and it was not surrendered to the King till May 20, 1541. Mr. Marsh says that the lands were granted to Christ Church, and that the hospital itself was given to Sir Richard Mauresine by deed bearing date March 15, 32 Henry VIII., who afterwards exchanged it with the King, who then gave it also to Christ Church. Mr. Marsh does not suggest that this Sir Richard Mauresine is identical with Richard Morison, the last preceptor, nor does he mention that the King, by patent dated October 1, 1546, granted the manors of the Hospital (Chaddeswick and Pirie), with the parsonage of Clanes (sic), which his Majesty had by exchange with Richard Morrison, amounting in all to £51 2s., to Christ Church, Oxford.

The only eventful scene of later date which the Commandery has witnessed was at the time of the

battle of Worcester. In a room south of the great staircase Charles held a council of war, and in the same room the Duke of Hamilton died, having been mortally wounded at the close of the battle.

The most interesting part of the structure, which still remains, is the great hall, which is fairly perfect, though it has unfortunately been mutilated by a carriage way having been taken through its western end. It is chiefly of the date of Henry VII, though parts may be earlier. The grand high-pitched open roof is divided into five bays, besides the space over the so-called "minstrel's gallery," the lofty oriel window still contains the greater part of the original diamond panes, every alternate one bearing the motto of the Hospital, "Emanuel," while others show curious representations of animals and birds.

Mr. Marsh is to be congratulated on having made a useful addition to our knowledge of the history of our smaller religious houses.

ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS IN BRITAIN, 1888-90. By F. Haverfield, M.A. William Pollard and Co., Exeter. 8vo., pp. 39. Numerous illustrations. This reprint from the just issued number of the journal of the Archæological Institute (noticed elsewhere in these columns) is absolutely invaluable to Romano-British antiquaries. It will be remembered that the late Mr. W. T. Watkin, for some little time before his untimely death, wrote a series of articles year by year, wherein he chronicled the new discoveries of Roman inscriptions made in Britain. These yearly articles were much prized by competent judges both in England and abroad. Mr. Haverfield has now undertaken to continue this work. In this pamphlet are included all the inscriptions which have been found or made public since the date of Mr. Watkin's last contribution. It is no indignity to the memory of Mr. Watkin's painstaking work to say that Mr. Haverfield's continuation is a decided improvement in style, method, and completeness. The only inscriptions omitted by Messrs. Watkin and Haverfield are the makers' names on pottery. "Of them selves they do not prove the presence of Romans or Romanized natives where they are found, and their real value lies in the light which, when collected together, they throw upon the extent and character of the ancient earthenware trade." We are glad, however, to learn that Mr. Haverfield is collecting potters' marks, and hopes eventually to be able to publish them in connected lists. Probably Mr. Haverfield is aware of the extensive collection made by Rev. Canon Raine, of York. To those who have only paid casual attention to recent Roman discoveries in Britain, it will probably cause no small surprise to learn that Mr. Haverfield is able to enumerate no less than seventy-three inscriptions in a period of little more than two years. They are chiefly on stone, but include three inscriptions on pottery (not makers' marks), one on pewter, one on a silver spoon, several on lead seals, and one on a pig of lead. They have been found at the following places: Bath, Bossens, Caervoran, Carrawburgh, Castor, Chester, Chesterholm, Chesters, Cirencester, Colchester, Goldcliff, Ilkley, Kent, Lincoln, Little Chester, London, Netherby,

Peterborough, Reculver, Richborough, Sandy, Slack, Southcave, Staincrossmoor, Tintagel, Tregeare, Wall (Northumberland), and York.

THE BOOKWORM: an Illustrated Treasury of OldTime Literature. Third Series. Elliot Stock. 8vo., pp. 380. Price 7s. 6d.

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The third series of the Bookworm forms an attractive volume, brimful of articles and miscellanea relative to old book-lore. In turning over these attractive pages, we notice a mistaken idea as to the nature of Mr. Gladstone's recently-built receptacle for his wonderful collection of letters and manuscripts. It is described at p. 165 as an octagonal tron tower," a description of this adjunct to his library which will amuse no one more than Mr. Gladstone. But the series of articles, "Bookworms of To-Day," in which this occurs, is a good one, on which their author, Mr. Roberts, is to be congratulated; the modern bookworms treated of are Mr. Joseph Knight, Mr. F. Locker-Sampson, Mr. A. H. Huth, and the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M. P.

THE CHRISTMAS CAROL OF CHARLES DICKENS IN FACSIMILE, with an Introduction by F. G. Kitton. Elliot Stock. Large 4to., pp. viii., 136. Price 10s. 6d.

The genuine pathos, sparkling humour, and manly tone of Dickens' Christmas Carol won for it a rapid and phenomenal success. Fifteen thousand copies were sold in 1843-4, the season of its conception. Had Charles Dickens written nothing else, this short tale would have immortalized his name in English literature. Soon after its publication, the manuscript of the story was given by Dickens to his old friend and schoolfellow, Mr. Thomas Mitton. In 1875, Mr. Mitton sold it to a London bookseller for £50, from whom it passed to Mr. H. G. Churchill, a collector of autographs. In 1882, Mr. Churchill disposed of it to a Birmingham bookseller, who soon realized £200 from Messrs. Robson and Kerslake, of Coventry Street, London. It was then catalogued by this firm at £300, and was speedily secured at that price by Mr. Stuart M. Samuel, of Kensington Palace Gardens, among whose extensive collection of Dickensiana it still remains. The manuscript, bound in red morocco, consists of sixty-six quarto pages of closely-written matter, every sheet of which has been reproduced in faithful facsimile through a photographic process. At the bottom of the title-page, Charles Dickens has written, "My own and only MS. of the Book." The manuscript has been most carefully revised-every page has numerous corrections, insertions, and erasures; and yet it is wonderfully legible throughout. It is most interesting to puzzle out from these pages the nature of Dickens' corrections. For instance, in the account of the party at the Finniwigs, in stave two of the Carol, Dickens originally wrote: "And there was lemonade and negus and cake, and there was a great piece of cold roast, and there was a great piece of cold boiled, and there were mince pies, and plenty of beer." But apparently this small concession to teetotalers, whom he abhorred, was too much for the novelist, and in the revision out came the "lemonade," and it ran: "And there was cake, and there was negus, and there was a great piece," etc. Mr. Kitton's introduction tells, in an attractive way, the tale of the writing, printing, and publishing of the book, and of Dickens' intense disappointment over the financial result, as he had reckoned on clearing a thousand pounds, instead of which his profits on 15,000 were only £726. The volume is perfectly got up, and bound in half parchment. As only five hundred copies have been printed for the English market, an early application for the book is indispensable if our readers wish to secure it. It is an excellent memorial

of the genius and method of work of the great English


HISTORY OF KENNINGTON. By H. H. Montgomery, D.D., Bishop of Tasmania, formerly Vicar of Kennington. Simpkin, Marshall and Co. Cheap edition. Crown 8vo., pp. 190. Price Is. 6d.

This is a chatty, pleasant little volume on all that pertains to Kennington. The story of Vauxhall Gardens is well told, and much that is amusing and quaint centres round the history of "The Horns." A large share of the book relates to cricket in general, and to Surrey cricket in particular; and this is only fitting, as the Bishop was in his day captain of the Harrow eleven. The Bishop is more at home in the cricket-field than in the wider domain of antiquarian research, for the opening chapter that treats of the older history of Kennington is meagre in quantity and unsatisfactory in quality. On page 132 is a ghastly, irreverent story of a collector of old plate giving a dinner to "a large party of gentlemen, and before each of them on the table there stood a chalice, which dated from before the Reformation, out of which to drink their wine. The host called that dinner Belshazzar's Feast." We are thankful to know that this story which the Bishop's friend palmed off on him is an impossibility, as there is no such collection of pre-Reformation chalices extant; but we have ourselves sat down to luncheon not far from Salisbury at a well-known antiquary's bouse, when the table and sideboard were ornamented with eight fifteenth and sixteenth century chalices placed there for decorative purposes. And our true story has a better ending. The host, on being remonstrated with, saw the objection, and promised that this habit should be given up, and has already presented some of the cups to needy churches.


Stock. Crown 8vo., pp. x., 120. Price 7s. 6d. This is no transcript of registers, but a careful and, at the same time, interesting account of the voluminous register books of the old undivided parish of Gainsborough. A good deal of well-known antiquarian lore pertaining to registers that has often been used before is ingeniously worked in, so that the account assumes the form of a small book. It is of no particular value to the general antiquary, but will doubtless give satisfaction to the local subscribers. There are a few curious blunders, but they are more than

counterbalanced by the record of remarkable register entries. Those who are specially interested in parish register lore would do well to purchase this book, though they must not accept all its conclusions.

HISTORY OF THE FAMILY OF MALTHUS. By John Orlebar Payne, M.A. Privately printed. 4to., pp. xii., 154.

These collections for the history of those bearing the name of Malthus assume the form of a summary of original records. The name is of great rarity, and hence possesses no little attraction for the genealogist. The name Malthus is in all probability a corruption of Malthouse, taking its origin from the man who superintended the malting, though in the preface Mr. Payne hazards other conjectures. The volume, which is well printed on excellent paper, contains extracts from a variety of Berkshire, Yorkshire, Middlesex, and Lincolnshire parish registers, from Alumni Oxonienses, admissions to the Inns of Court, and the City Company records, as well as from wills, deeds, and Chancery proceedings. A folding pedigree table at the end of the book starts from William Malthus, of Binfield, Co. Berks, who died in 1429, and was buried in the church of the Blackfriars, London; his descendants are traced down to the present day. Mr. Payne, in his preface, we don't quite know why, deals briefly with the question of the old altar stones of our parish churches, and their bad and deliberate desecration at the time of the Reformation. It may interest him to know that in no inconsiderable number of cases of recent restoration they have been rescued from the flooring, and put back on supports to their original use. Though this volume is, of necessity, of much more limited interest than his previous work on Old English Catholic Missions, some of our readers may be glad to know that Mr. Payne has still a few copies of this painstaking book to dispose of; it can be obtained of the author, Holly Village, Highgate, London, at a guinea.

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Of this quarto work we have received the two first parts, containing 128 pages of text and two illustrations. The volume is to be completed in four parts. The editors hope to be able to reproduce and publish with Part III. Gascoigne's Survey of the Parish of Stepney, 1703, in its original size of about four feet square. This will add very much to the completeness of the book; but as it will also add very materially to the cost of its production, the addition must depend greatly on the number of new subscribers that may be forthcoming. Only 250 copies are being printed on small paper, and 75 on large paper. The subscription (payable to Mr. G. W. Hill, 352, Mile End Road, London, E.) is only Ios. 6d. large paper, or 6s. small paper. We can with confidence say that these memorials are being well done, and we urge our readers interested in Stepney to send in their names. Our notice of the volume is reserved until its completion.


By E. M. Beloe, jun., Kings Lynn. Price 25. 6d.

The second part of this excellent series of photolithographs of brasses and matrices of brasses of the county of Norfolk, though not dealing with such fine examples, is quite up to the standard of the first section which we have already noticed. The plate of the once beautiful brass of Sir Hugh Hastings, 1347, at Elsing, is taken from an impression preserved in the British Museum, and shows how much of it has disappeared during the last hundred years. The two small fragments that appear in the margin of this plate are loose, and kept at the Vicarage. Hence they were missed, and do not appear in the plate of the Elsing brass as it now is, which appeared in the first part of this series. Mr. Beloe tells us that he has made several rubbings of these fragments, so that if any subscriber to his series wants them to complete his rubbing, he will be pleased to send them. Plate XII. gives the matrices of three brassesStradsett, 1322; Harpley, 1332; and Watlington, 1329-none of which have been reproduced before. The marginal lettering in each case is in separate Lombardic capitals; two of the inscriptions are in Norman-French, and the other in Latin. The matrix at Watlington is generally described as belonging to Sir Robert de Watlington, circa 1290; but Mr. Beloe, in a communication to us, says that the letters OUHA can be made out at the place the name occupies in the inscription. Now, the Stradsett matrix is to Dame Emma de Montalt, Montalt being spelt in the French inscription MONHAUT; moreover, it is known for certain that a Sir Robert de Montalt lived at this time, and died 1329. Hence Mr. Beloe is undoubtedly right in assigning this matrix, contrary to the usual statement, to the Montalt knight. The two parts already issued contain all the Norfolk brasses of the fourteenth century now existing, with the exception of the beautiful Flemish ones at Kings Lynn. Mr. Beloe hopes to bring out these in Part III., together with some reproductions of the grand thirteenth and fourteenth century brasses formerly at Ingham, and now, alas! labelled "effs. lost."

Why the editor of the Antiquary should have his opinion asked with regard to certain publications we cannot conceive. Enterprising publishers who cater to the taste for skin-deep beauty must find other columns to notice their wares. Messrs. Macfarlane must therefore excuse us saying more of their shilling number of Beauty's Queens than that it is evidently an excellent medium for cosmetic advertisements. The proprietor of Pearson's Weekly persists in pestering us with copies asking for a notice. His importunity has prevailed, and he shall have our opinion : It is a feeble and very vulgar imitation of Tit Bits, well calculated to pander to a low taste for gambling, and now introducing some of the worst features of a recently-suppressed matrimonial paper. The Weekly Review is a poor attempt to follow up Mr. Stead's deserved success with the Review of Reviews; it might with advantage have an a in the place of the

second e.

BOOKS, ETC., RECEIVED.-Reviews are held over of Lake Dwellings, Manual of Brasses, Irving's Shakespeare, Gainford Register, Part iii., vol. i., Handbook of Folklore, King John's House, Ornaments of Cornish Crosses, etc., etc.

The following may be noted among the pamphlets, papers and magazines that have gathered on our table since our last issue: The Building World for November; a good number. This paper continues to be a wonderful fourpennyworth; it is not only useful to the architect, but especially so to the antiquary and ecclesiologist. Ancient Arms and Armour, a useful sixpenny pamphlet, by Mr. Stephen W. Williams, published by Whiting and Co. Salopian Shreds aud Patches, Part vi., vol. ix., reprinted with additions from Eddowes's Shrewsbury Journal. The Custody of Local Records (Spottiswoode and Co.), a valuable paper read by Mr. W. P. W. Phillimore at the annual meeting of the Incorporated Law Society, October, 1890. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, 47th quarterly part, edited by Rev. Beaver H. Blacker. There are a considerable number of brief and good articles and extracts pertaining to the county. The editor is a trifle too ingenious in linking on interesting matter as pertaining to the county; about the longest article in this issue is a verbatim copy from the Antiquary (duly acknowledged) of Mr. Hardy's "Tracing a Church Robbery by Magic," which related to a Lincolnshire church, but Mr. Blacker makes copy of the whole, "as one of the parties in the case was a Gloucestershire man"! The Erskine Halaro Genealogy, by Rev. H. Erskine, is a good genealogical work of fifty pages, 5s., published by George Bell and Son. The American Antiquarian as usual, some excellent illustrated articles, but we think the printing has fallen off. The current numbers of Bye-gones, relating to Wales and the border counties, the Western Antiquary, and the East Anglian, etc., etc., have been

rian for September has,


Among numerous book-catalogues that arrive by almost every post, foreign ones reach us from time to time. The twenty-first catalogue, Der Lipport sohen Buchhandling Antiquariat in Halle, Gr. Staintrasse 67, is chiefly of English literature, and abounds in Shakespeariana. The most charming little catalogue that we have seen for many a day is No. 66 of the antiquarian section of the catalogues of Allrico Haepli, of Milan, Catalogo d' Una Raccolta di Opere Stampate Dai Gioliti de' Ferrari in Venezia: it is a gem of topography for such a purpose; there is no English bookseller who turns out half so attractive a list of books.


BOOKS IN CHAINS. (Vol. xxii., p. 212.)

THE following extract may add another to the list of places where "Books in Chains" have been, or are


"A black-letter copy of Foxe's Book of Martyrs

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