The Repertory of patent inventions [formerly The Repertory of arts, manufactures and agriculture]. Vol.1-enlarged ser., vol.40, Volume 21843 |
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Common terms and phrases
affixed apparatus applied argand burner arrangement axis blocks bobbin boiler burner candles carbonic acid carried cause cement centre chimney claim the mode cocoa nut oil colour combined combs construction copperah cotton county of Middlesex cylinder drawing earthenware edge effect Engineer fabric Figl formed fragile matter frame furnace glass grooves heat hollow invention relates iron June 15 kiln lamp lever light lime machine malt mandril manganese manner means metal Middlesex months motion muriatic acid naphtha obtained ordinary ornamental pass Patent granted pieces pipe placed plate platted wicks presents pressure produced purpose reels registrar rollers saponifying schist screw Sealed August Sealed July Sealed June Sealed November shaft shown at fig shows side view spermaceti steam stearic acid stearine substances suitable sulphuric acid surface tallow temperature thereof tube understood upper valve vapour vessel warp threads West Lambrook wheel yarns
Popular passages
Page 217 - I wish it to be understood that I do not confine myself to the precise details shown, so long as the peculiar character of my invention be retained.
Page 69 - Having thus described the nature of my invention, and the best means I am acquainted with for performing the same, I would wish it to be understood that I do not confine myself to the precise details shown, provided the peculiar character of either part of my invention be retained.
Page 249 - Articles of Manufacture, and, if the Lords of the said Committee see fit, an Assistant Registrar and other necessary Officers and Servants ; and such Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Officers, and Servants shall hold their Offices during the Pleasure of the Lords of the said Committee; and such Registrar shall have a Seal of Office; and the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may from Time to Time fix the Salary or other Remuneration of such Registrar, Assistant Registrar, and other Officers and...
Page 248 - Majesty, for encouraging the Art of making new Models and Casts of Busts and other Things therein mentioned...
Page 251 - And for the interpretation of this act, be it enacted, that the following terms and expressions, so far as they are not repugnant to the context of this act, shall be construed as follows ; (that is to say) the expression " Commissioners of the Treasury " shall mean the Lord High Treasurer for the time being, or the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the time being, or any three or more of them ; and the singular number shall include the plural...
Page 248 - ... be it enacted, That the proprietor of every such design, not previously published either within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or elsewhere, shall have the sole right to apply the same to any articles of manufacture, or to any such substances as aforesaid, provided the same be done within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland...
Page 101 - Having now described the nature of my invention, and the manner in which the same is to be performed, I would have it understood that I...
Page 248 - And with regard to any new or original design for any article of manufacture having reference to some purpose of utility, so far as such design shall be for the shape or configuration of such article, and that whether it be for the whole of such shape or configuration or only for a part thereof...
Page 251 - And be it enacted, that this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in the present session of parliament.
Page 190 - Dec. 17. -For a new preparation or manufacture of a certain material produced from a vegetable substance, and the application thereof to the purposes of affording light, and for other uses.