Nature ; they will suggest many observations which would probably escape you, if your study were confined to Nature alone. And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting that in this instance the ancients had an easier task than the Moderns. They had, probably,... Annual Register - Page 123edited by - 1772Full view - About this book
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1771 - 620 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I cannot help fufpe&ing, that in this inftance, the ancients had an eafier tafk than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...things, is obliged to remove a veil, with which the fafliion of the times has thought proper to cover her.' For our Author's Difcourfe on the diftribution... | |
| Several Hands - 1771 - 614 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I tannot help fufpedling, that in this inftance, %e ancients had an eafier tafk than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...approaching to this defirable fimplicity ; while the moJerti artift, before be can fee the truth of things, is obliged to remove a veil, with which the... | |
| Sir Joshua Reynolds, Edmond Malone - 1801 - 440 pages
...suspecting, that in this instance the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, I little or nothing to unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| Sir Joshua Reynolds, Edmond Malone - 1809 - 430 pages
...alone, And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting, that in this instance the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| Sir Joshua Reynolds, Edmond Malone - 1819 - 614 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting, that in this instance the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| Sir Joshua Reynolds - 1819 - 610 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting, that in this instance the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| James Northcote - 1819 - 382 pages
...alone, and indeed, I cannot help suspecting,, that in this instance the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| sir Joshua Reynolds - 1824 - 332 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting, that in this instance, the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modem artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| Sir Joshua Reynolds - 1824 - 332 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting, that in this instance, the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
| sir Joshua Reynolds - 1835 - 726 pages
...alone. And, indeed, I cannot help suspecting, that, in this instance, the ancients had an easier task than the moderns. They had, probably, little or nothing...unlearn, as their manners were nearly approaching to this desirable simplicity ; while the modern artist, before he can see the truth of things, is obliged to... | |
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