ON Leven's banks, while free to rove, And tune the rural pipe to love, I envied not the happiest swain That ever trod the Arcadian plain. Pure stream, in whose transparent wave My youthful limbs I wont to lave ; No torrents stain thy limpid source, No... Annual Register - Page 201edited by - 1772Full view - About this book
| Tobias Smollett - 1771 - 288 pages
...clouds, inviting the approach of Yours always, Cameron, Aug. *8t MATT. BRAMBLE. ODE ODE to LEVEN-WATER, ON Leven's banks, while free to rove. And tune the...tranfparent wave My youthful limbs I wont to lave 5 No torrents ftain thy limpid fource ; No rocks impede thy dimpling courfr, That fweetly warbles oe'r... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1771 - 292 pages
...the, approach of Yours always, Cameron, Aug. it. MATT. ODE 42 THE EXPEDITION OF ODE to LEVEN-WATER. ON Leven's banks, while free to rove, And tune the rural pipe to love i I envied not the happieft fwain That ever trod th' Arcadian plain, Pure ftream ! in whofe tranfparent... | |
| 1772 - 366 pages
...locks, and bars fhall hold, Thy love lhall nail my foul. ODE to LEViiN-WATER. ty the Author of RODERIC RANDOM. ON Leven's banks while free to rove, And tune the rural pipe to love; J envied not the happieft fwain That ever trod th" Arcadian plain. Pure ftream ! in whofe tranfparent... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1777 - 330 pages
...•;• t.- • I • ...ii-:; : ••• ..v- iS/.-^tt !".V ,s •.VV, ;1 { . I. •. LEVEN - WATE R. . ON Leven's banks, while free to rove, And tune the...love ; I envied not the happieft fwain That ever trod the Arcadian plain, Pure ftream ! in whofe tranfparent wave My youthful limbs I wont to lave ; No torrents... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1777 - 336 pages
...gay, And genial Art's refulgent ray. ODE ODE. TO LEVEN-WATER. ON Leven's banks, while free to rov6, And tune the rural pipe to love ; I envied not the happieft fwain That ever trod the Arcadian plain, Pure ftreara ! in whofe tranfparent wave My youthful limbs I wont to lave ; No... | |
| William Scott - 1789 - 416 pages
...To make men moral, good, and wife. II. Oit* to Leven Water. . f)N Leven's banks, while free to rofe And tune the rural pipe to love, I envied not the happieft fwain That ever trode th' Arcadian plain. Pure ftream ! in whofe transparent wave My youthful limbs I wont to lave... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1790 - 420 pages
...clouds, inviting the approach of Yours always, Cameron, Aug. 28. MATT. BRAMBLE. ODE TO LEVEN WATER. ON Leven's banks, while free to rove. And tune the rural pipe to love, I envied not the happiejl fwain That ever trod th Arcadian plain. Pttrejlream! in whofe tranfparent wave My youthful... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 pages
...Tylle ynne one flame all the whole worldc expyre. § 84. Ode to Lc-ven Water. S.MOLLET. ON Lcven's banks, while free to rove, And tune the rural pipe to love, I envied not the happicft fwainThat e^cr trod th' Arcadian plain. Pure ftream ! in \vhofe tranfparcnt wave My youthful... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 pages
...•-- No cloud that rides the biaft (hall ui troubled air. /~\ ^ § 89. Ode to Lcvtn Water. SMOLLET. N Leven's banks, while free to rove, And tune the rural pipe to love, I cnvy'd not the happictt twain That ever trod th'Arcadian plain. Pure ftrcam ! in whole tranfparcntn-aiic... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1793 - 260 pages
...clouds, inviting the approach of Yours always, Cameron, Aug. 28. MATT. BRAMBLE. . ODE to LEVKN-WATER. ON Leven's banks, while free to rove, And tune the...happieft fwain That ever trod th' Arcadian plain. £ ure' dream ! in whofe tranfparent wave, My youthful limbs I wont to lave ; No torrents (tain thy... | |
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