While, lightly poised, the scaly brood In myriads cleave thy crystal flood; The springing trout in speckled pride, The salmon, monarch of the tide; The ruthless pike, intent on war, The silver eel, and mottled par. Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming... Annual Register - Page 202edited by - 1772Full view - About this book
| 1771 - 664 pages
...pride, The ialmon, monarch of the tide, The ruthlefs pike, intent on war, The filver eel and mottled par. Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy waters make, Bybow'rsof birch, and troves of pine, And hedges flow'r'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks, fo gayly... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1771 - 292 pages
...falmon, monarch of the tide ; The ruthlefs pike, intent on war ; The filver eel, and motled par. f Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy...make, By bow'rs of birch, and groves of pine, And edges flow'r'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks fo gayly green. May num'rous herds and flocks be... | |
| 1772 - 366 pages
...fpringin'g trout in fpeckled pride; The falmon, monarch of the tide, The ruthlefs pike intent on war; The filver eel, and motled par. Devolving from thy...charming maze thy waters make, By bow'rs of birch, aud groves of pine, And hedges flow'r'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks fo gayly green, May numerous... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1777 - 336 pages
...* The par is a fmall fifh^ not unlike the fmelt, which it rivals in delicacy and flavour. Devolving Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy waters make, By bowers of birch, and groves of pine, And edges flower'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks fo gayly... | |
| William Scott - 1789 - 416 pages
...• The falmon, monarch of the tide ; The ruthlefs pike, intent 9n war ' The filver eel, and mottled par. Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy waters make, . By bowers of birch and grev«s ^of pine,. , And hedges flower'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks-, .fo... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1790 - 420 pages
...fpeckled pride ; The falmon, monarch cf the tide ; The ruthlefs pike, intent on war; The filver tel, and motled par *. Devolving from thy parent lake,...charming maze thy "waters make, By bow'rs of birch, and grdves of pine, And hedges jlower' d -with eglantine. " The par is a fmall fid, not unlike the fmelt,... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 pages
...falmon, monarch of the tide; The ruthleis pike, intent on war; The lilver eel and mottled par, Involving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy waters make, By bow'rs of birch, and proves of piotf And hedges, flow'r'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks, fo gaily green, May num'rous... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 pages
...pride; The (aimon, monarch of the tide ; The ruthlels pike, intent on war ; The filvcr eel and mottled fliame to' fly. There Confufion, Terror's child ; Conflict fierce, and R how'rs of birch, and groves of pine, .And hedges, flowcr'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks, Ib gaily... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1796 - 564 pages
...fpringing trout in fpeckled pride ; The falmon, monarch of the tide ; The ruthlefs pike, intent on war; The filver eel, and motled par *. Devolving from thy...parent lake, • A charming maze thy waters make, By bowVs of birch, and groves of pine. And hedges flower'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks, fo gayly... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 574 pages
...pride ; The falmon, monarch of the tide ; The ruthlefs pike, intent on war; The fiU-er eel and mottled par. Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy waters make, By bow'rs of birch, .ind proves of pine, And hedges flower'd with eglantine. Still on thy banks, Го gaily green, May... | |
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