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duce a quick and sufficiently powerful re- is not to thwart or prevent their efforts. action. In this case, however, stimula- We must, therefore, be rather the spectation would be more quickly and certainly tors of the conflict of the system, than acfatal than bleeding, even indiscreetly tive agents against the disease; taking care, urged ; for, by the former, you cannot however, constantly to remove, as much fail to increase the inflammation of the as it may be in our power, any obstacle mucous membrane of the stomach, which that may appear to interfere with the genwill necessarily augment the danger; eral progress to recovery, as an irregular while the latter only diminishes the power condition of the bowels, of the stomach, of reaction ; therefore, by the first prac- of the state of air, &c. &c. Nausea and tice, the cause of the disease is increased; vomiting are troublesome conditions of by the second, the effects of this cause the stomach, and its relief should be atare only augmented. For the first, there tempted by leeching, cupping and blismay be no adequate remedy; for the sec- tering, over its region, by Seltzer water, ond, a remedy may be found : hence, the effervescing draught, lime water and when, in the early stage of yellow fever, milk, &c., but never, or but very rarely recourse is had to internal stimulants, the in the beginning of the disease, by stimucase is almost uniformly fatal ; whereas, lants : after decided marks of debility, bleeding, even when injudiciously employ- clove tea, mint tea, or strong coffee, with ed, only depresses the system, which may mustard to the epigastrium, may be tried. recover by the aid of external stimuli; and When black vomit has come on, the spirit the case is not as desperate as when stim- of turpentine, with the oil of cinnamon, uli have been thrown into the stomach in thirty drop doses, has been certainly of during the state of active inflammation. temporary use, and occasionally of perIn the case, however, under considera- manent benefit. Thirst may be abated tion, it is only an abuse of the proper by small quantities of very cold water, or remedy; for, if the abstraction of blood by frequently swallowing small portions be judiciously made in this state of the of ice, as directed above: sometimes the system, the system, instead of becoming feeling of the stomach is in favor of warm prostrate, will react promptly; for the drinks; when this is the case, the craving pulse, in the beginning of this disease, is or instinct should be indulged. Hiccough in a state of depression, as has already is sometimes extremely distressing in this been explained, and not of absolute weak- complaint. Camphor, in doses of from ness ; for there have been instances of five to ten grains, will sometimes relieve recovery, as already stated, after spontane- it. Should it offend the stomach, it may ous hæmorrhages from various parts of bo given very advantageously in a gill of the body, but where the abstraction of rich flaxseed tea, and thin starch, or mublood from the general system by the cilage of gum-arabic, as an enema. The lancet would certainly have proved fatal. utmost attention must be constantly paid Does not this flow of blood intimate to to the patient by the nurse : he should us the propriety of imitating it, by the have the luxury of fresh air constantly, application of a leech or two to various and the frequent renewal of clean, fresh parts of the body? One thing is verybody linen and bed clothes. certain in the generality of cases of yel- YORCK, GENERAL. (See York.) low fever, that when bleeding, either general or topical, fails to afford relief, stimulants never succeed: therefore, when the

Z. time is past for both general and topical bleeding, it is in vain to attempt the relief of the patient by the exhibition of stimu- ZAARA. (See Sahara.) lants. By doing little or nothing at this ZARAGOZA. (See Saragossa.) time, the recuperative powers of the sys- ZEBAOTH. (See Sabaism.) tem, if left to themselves, may restore the ZEID. (See Seyd.) patient; for all that art can do, at this time, Zetland Isles. (See Shetland.)

WITHERSPOON, John, D. D., LL. D., the constitution of New Jersey, and, in president of the college at Princeton, 1776, was appointed a member of conNew Jersey, was born in Yester, Scot- gress, and retained a seat in that body till land, February 5, 1722, and educated at the conclusion of peace.

His name is Edinburgh. He was settled in the min- affixed to the Declaration of Indepenistry, first at Beith, and afterwards at dence, and the Articles of Confederation. Paisley, and became one of the most After the war, the college was re-opened, distinguished of the Scottish clergy for and he returned to his duties there. talents and influence. He published During the last two years of his life, he while there his Characteristics, and be- suffered the loss of his sight. He died came the leader of the orthodox part of November 15, 1794, in the seventy-third the clergy. He was invited to remove to year of his age. He possessed a mind of several distinguished cities in Europe, great vigor and activity, of uncommon but, at length, accepted an appointment shrewdness and humor. His learning was to the presidency of the college at Prince- very various and extensive, and his diston, New Jersey, and came to that state, cernment of character singularly keen. with his family, in 1768. The war of His preaching was characterized by perthe revolution dispersed the students, and spicuity and energy. He was an able left bim at leisure to engage in civil politician, and a zealous friend of liberty, employments, to which he was almost and a highly amiable, amusive, and immediately called. He was elected a instructive companion. His works have member of the convention which formed been published in 4 vols., 8vo.

Note referred to on page 502 of this Volume. Since this volume was put in type, we have received the work of Messrs. De Beaumont and De Toqueville on the Penitentiary System in the United States (Paris, 1833). These gentlemen were sent by the French government to inquire into the

state of the American prisons, and to give a report on the systems here adopted. . Their work (a translation of which is now making in this country) contains, as may be supposed, much valuable information on the Auburn system, as well as on that practised in the Eastern penitentiary, near Philadelphia ; and the report on the health of the convicts in solitary confinement, according to the Pennsylvania plan, is highly satisfactory.



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Page. Vortices of Descartes (see


28 Wagram (Battle of)..... 39 Vision (see Optics) 7 Vosges (mountains)... " Wagtail

40 Visions

a department in Wahabees, Wahabites, Vistula..


France (see De- Wechabítes.... Vitalians (see Apollinarians).

partment) 29 Wahlenberg (George)...... 43 Vitellius (Aulus) "Voss (John Henry)..

Wahlstadt Viterbo

9 Vossius, or Vos (Gerard Wahoo (see Elm).. Vitriol, Green (see Copperas) John)...

30 Waifs (see Estrays). (Oil of)...


" Wakefield (a town) Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus)... "Votiacks (see Finns)..

(Gilbert) Vittoria (Fernandez Guada- Votive Tables.....

Mrs. Priscilla)... 44 lupe).... "Vouet (Simon)....

“ Walachia, or Wallachia..... (Battle of)

10 Voulgarians (see Bulgaria).. “ Walcheren, or Walchern... 45 Vitus's Dance, St., or Chorea Voussoirs

“ Walckenaer (baron of)..... Sancti Viti Vow....

" Waldeck. Vives (Giovanni Ludovico).. 11 Vowel

..... 31 Waldenses

46 Viviani (Vincent)

“ Voyages of Discovery (see Waldis, Burkard (see BurkVivianite (see Iron, vol. vii, Travels, and North Polar ard Waldis) p. 69).......

32 Waldstädte

47 Vizier..

" Voyer (see Argenson) “ Waldstädtersee (see VierVliessingen (see Flushing)... “ Vries (Hieronymus van)...."

waldstädtersee).. Voeal Music... “Vroon (Henry Cornelius)

“ Waldstein-Wartemberg.. Vogler (George Joseph)..... 12 Vulcanists...

" Wales Voice.. “Vulcanus...


48 Voice, in music.......... 14 Vulgar Era.....

New South (see New Voigtland

Fractions (see Frac-

South Wales)..... Voiture (Vincent)


(Prince of).... Volatile Oils (see Essential Vulgate.......

« Walker (John).. Oils)...

Vulpinite (see Anhydrite)..., “Walkyrias, or Valkyrias (see Volatility..

Northern Mythology)..... 49 Volcanoes

Vyasa (see Indian Litera- Wall (see Architecture, vol. i, Volga (see Wolga).. 21


34 Volhynia...

Wall-Flower Volition (see Will)


Wallace (sir William), Volney (count de).

Wallachia (see Walachia)... " Volpato (Giovanni).

W (letter). .

34| Wallenstein (count of ).....“ Volsci

22 Waadtland, or Die Waadt. 35 Waller (sir William) Volta (Alessandro): 66 Waal..

(Edmund).. Voltaic Pile (see Galvanism) 23 Wabash

" Wallingford

54 Voltaire (Francis Marie Arou- Wach (William Charles).... “Wallis (John)... et de)..

(John Frederic

(see Valais).
27 Louis)

"Walloons Volume " Wad, or Wadding ....

" Walmoden (Louis). Volumnia (see Coriolanus)... Wad, Black (see Manganese) "Walnut Volunteer

Walpole (Robert)...

.......... 57 Volutes (sec Architecture, vol. Wagenaar (John)


58 i, p. 340)....

" Wagering Policies (see In- Walpurga, Walburga, Von ...

..... 33


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36 Walpurgis

59 Vondel (Joost van der)..... 28 Wages....

4 Walrus

................. 60 Vorarlberg “ Wagner (Ernest)

38 Walsall..... Vorstius (Conrad). “Wagnerite.

| Walsingham (Thomas of).,, "




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Walsingham (sir Francis)... 60/Water Cements (see Ce- Weimar (Charles Augustus) 112


90 (Bernard) ......
Walther of the Vogelweide.. " Holy (see Holy Weinsberg
Walton (Isaak)

Water)......... “ Weishaupi (Adam).
62 Water-Cress

“ Weiss (Christian Samuel).. 113
“ Water-Lily.

91 Weisse (Christian Felix).

“ Water-Melon (see Melon). . “ Welcker (Frederic Theophi-

Water-Snake (see Serpent) lus)...
63 Waterford

« Weld (see Wald).
Wanker (Ferdinand Gemini- Waterlanders (see Anabap-


Welding Heat
Wapatoo Island..
“ Waterloo (a village)......


(Anthony) 93 Welland Canal (see Inland
War ..........

“ Waterspout
(see Whirl-

War, Private, or Club Law 64 wind).

« Wellesley (marquis of)....
War, Northern (see Northern Waterville

“ Wellington (duke of)...... 115
65 Watlingstreet..

« Wells...

of 1812–1815 (see Rus- Watson (Richard).

« Welser (family).
sian-German War)...

94 Wen...

of Thirty Years (see Watt (James)......

6 Wenceslaus
Thirty Years' War).. “ Watteau (Antoine).. 95 Wends...

-, Peasants', or Rural (see Wattel (see Vattel)

“ Wentworth (see Strafford). 121
Peasants' War)......
« Watts (Isaac).

“ Werf (Adrian van der)....
Warbeck (Perkin)...


“ Werner (Abraham Goitlob) “
Warburton (William).......

96 Wesel ......

Ward (Artemas)... 66 Waverley Novels (see Scott, Weser
67 sir Walter)....

“ Wesley (John).
Wavre ...


Warham (William)........

“ Wesseling (Peter).:

- Figures..

97 Wessenberg (Ignatius Hen-
Warnefridus (see Paul the Wax-Myrile, or Bayberry.. 98 ry von)...

“ Wax Painting (see Encaus-

Warp (in manufactures)....

tic Painting)....... 99 West (Gilbert)
(a rope)..
Sealing (see Sealing-

Warren (sir Peter).


" West India Apricot (see
" Wayne (Anthony)..


68 Weaning..

101 West Indies..
"Weapons (see Arms)..
11 West Point.............

69 Wear......


............ 130
“Wearmouth, Bishop's, and

Westall (Richard).
Wartenburg (Battle of ).... Monk Wearmouth' (see Western Empire....
Warton (Joseph). .

Islands (see Heb-
70 Weasel

rides, and Azores) 135
Warwick (a town).........
“ Weaving


University (see
(Guy, earl on).....“ Weber (Godfrey):

..... 104

Earl of (see Dud-

(Henry William)... “ Westerwald
ley)......... 71 (Charles Maria von). Westmacoti (Richard)..
Wasa, Gustavus (see Gusta- Webster (John)..

106 Westminster...

vus 1)...
Wechabites (see Wahabees) « Westphalia...

Order of (see Sweden) “ Wedderburn (Alexander).. Duchy of Westphalia....
Wash' (see Brewing). “ Wedding, Wedlock (see Circle of Westphalia.......

Marriage, and Husband Kingdom of Westphalia..
Washing of Ores (see Mining, and Wife)....

The Prussian Province of
vol. vii, p. 504).

" Wedekind (baron von)..... Westphalia..... 139
Washington (capital of the U. Wedge (see Mechanics)... “ Westphalia (Peace of).....
States) “ Wedgwood (Josiah).

Wethersfield Prison (see
(a village).
72 Wednesday

107 Prison Discipline)...... 140
« Week
4 Wetstein

William Augus- Weeninx (John Baptist).... “ Wette (William Martin Le-
tine)......... 81 Weevil

berecht de).....
· Islands, or Ingra-

Wegscheider (Julius Augus-

ham Islands 82 tus Louis).....

« Wettin (counts of).......
Mount (see Weigel, Valentine (see Wei- Weyde, Roger van der (see
White Mountains).


................ 109 Roger)..
“ Weigelians

« Weymouth
« Weights

" Wezlar ..................

French Measures of Whale
Waste-Book (see Book-keep- Weight


English Measures of Whalebone

Wat Tyler, or Walter the Ty- Weight

" Wharton (marquis of)....
Ancient Weights.


(duke of).......
Watch and Clock Making... 84 Weigl (Joseph).

" Wheat....
Watelet (Claude Henry).... 85 Weimar (Saxe):

" Wheel and Axle (see Me-

Waters (Mineral).......... 86

(a town)........... 112 chanics) ...
(Anna Amalia).... " Wheel-Work ....

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