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Chapter I sea, and


may be found; but if any person shall give information to any such officer so that seizure of such spirits may be APPENDIX giving information may made, he shall be entitled to such reward as the Combe rewarded, missioners of Customs may direct.

Offences on

&c., and

229. Where any offence shall be committed in any the water, place upon the water not being within any county of the jurisdiction. United Kingdom, or where the officers have any doubt whether such place is within the boundaries or limits of any such county, such offence shall for the purposes of the Customs Acts be deemed and taken to be an offence committed on the high seas; and for the purpose of giving jurisdiction under such Acts every offence shall be deemed to have been committed, and every cause of complaint to have arisen, either in the place in which the same actually was committed or arose, or in any place on land where the offender or person complained against may be or be brought.



6 Georgii IV. c. 78.

Goods and

Order of

also all ves

from any

V. And whereas certain sorts of goods and merchanvessels spe- dize are more especially liable to retain infection, and cified in any may be brought from places infected into other countries, Council sub-and from thence imported into the United Kingdom, or ject to qua- the islands aforesaid; be it enacted, That all such goods and rantine; as merchandize as shall be particularly specified for that pursels arriving pose in any Order or Orders made by His Majesty, His heirs or successors, in Council, concerning quarantine and the preport under vention of infection as aforesaid, which shall be brought or suspicious imported into any port or place in the United Kingdom, or the islands aforesaid, from any foreign country or place, any vessel whatever, and the vessels in which the same shall be brought, and also all vessels which shall arrive from any port or place whatever, under any alarming or suspicious circumstances as to infection, shall be subject and liable to such regulations and restrictions as shall be made by such Order or Orders


stances as
to infection.


y, His heirs or successors, in Council as aforesaid, Chapter I


III. And be it further enacted, That every commander, cer, or other person having the charge of any vessel e to the performance of quarantine, shall be and is by required, at all times, when such vessel shall meet any other vessel at sea, or shall be within two leagues he coast of the United Kingdom, or the islands of rnsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, to hoist a signal enote that his vessel is liable to the performance of antine, which signal shall in the day-time, if the said el shall have a clean bill of health, a large yellow of six breadths of bunting, at the maintop mast-head, if such vessel shall not have a clean bill of health, a like yellow flag, with a circular mark or ball, eny black in the middle thereof, whose diameter shall be breadths of bunting; and in the night-time the both cases be a large signal lanthorn with a light s is commonly used on board His Majesty's ships of ne mast-head; and such commander, master, or other ceep such signals respectively, as the case shall be, such time as the said vessel shall continue within other vessel, or within two leagues of the said coasts or hile so in sight, or within such distance, until such e to quarantine as aforesaid shall have arrived at the where it is to perform quarantine, and until it shall gally discharged from the performance thereof; on f such commander, master, or other person having ship or vessel so liable to the performance of quaraneit and pay for every such offence the sum of one ds.

X. And be it further enacted, That every commander, ter, or other person having the charge of any vessel on rd whereof the plague or other infectious disease or emper highly dangerous to the health of His Majesty's jects shall actually be, shall be and is hereby required all times when such vessel shall meet with any other sel at sea, or shall be within two leagues of the coast of United Kingdom, or the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, erney, Sark, or Man, to hoist a signal to denote that the plague or other infectious disease or distemper


Chapter I highly dangerous to the health of His Majesty's subjects actually on board thereof, which signal shall be in the day-time a flag of yellow APPENDIX and black, borne quarterly, of eight breadths of bunting, at the

maintop mast-head; and in the night-time, the signal shall be two large signal lanthorns, such as are commonly used on board of His Majesty's ships of war, one over the other, at the same mast-head; and such commander, master, or other person shall keep such signal hoisted during such time as the said vessel so having the plague or such other infectious disease or distemper as aforesaid on board thereof, shall continue within sight of such other vessel, or within two leagues of the coasts or islands aforesaid, while so in sight or within such distance, until such vessel so having the plague or such other infectious disease or distemper as aforesaid on board thereof, shall have arrived at the port or place where it is to perform quarantine, and until it shall have been legally discharged from the performance thereof; on failure thereof such commander, master, or other person having charge of such vessel shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of one hundred pounds.

Penalty on


X. And be it further enacted, That if any commander, master, or other person having the charge or command of any vessel, and knowing that the same is not liable to the performance of quarantine, shall hoist such signal as liable, 50% aforesaid, or either of them, by day or night respectively, such commander or other person as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty pounds.

when not



38 & 39 Vict. c. 55.

130. The Local Government Board may from time to time make, alter, and revoke such regulations as to the same Board may seem fit, with a view to the treatment of persons affected with cholera, or any other epidemic, endemic, or infectious disease, and preventing the spread of cholera and such other diseases as well on the seas, rivers, and waters of the United Kingdom, and on the high seas

es of the coasts thereof, as on land; and may declare Chapter I y or authorities such regulations shall be enforced

Regulations so made shall be published in the London APPENDIX h publication shall be for all purposes conclusive 1 regulations. Any person wilfully neglecting or or carry out or obstructing the execution of any under this section, shall be liable to a penalty not ounds.

ever any part of England appears to be threatened d by any formidable epidemic, endemic, or infectious al Government Board may make, and from time to revoke, regulations for all or any of the following ly

speedy interment of the dead; and

se-to-house visitation; and

provision of medical aid, and accommodation for the aning, ventilation, and disinfection, and for guarding id of disease;

Her declare all or any of the regulations so made to n the whole or any part or parts of the district of any ind to apply to any vessels, whether on inland waters rts of the sea within the jurisdiction of the Lord High JUnited Kingdom, or the Commissioners for executing Lord High Admiral for the time being, for the period entioned; and may by any subsequent Order abridge period.


t. c. 19.

-(1) Regulations of the Local Government Board in pursuance of section one hundred and thirty or n one hundred and thirty-four of the Public Health 1875, or in pursuance of either of those sections, as ded to London by the Public Health (London) Act, may provide for such regulations being enforced and ted by the officers of Customs and the officers and in the Coastguard as well as by other authorities without prejudice to the generality of the powers se sections may provide for

Chapter I


(a) The signals to be hoisted by vessels having any case of epidemic, endemic, or infectious disease on board; and

(b) the questions to be answered by masters, pilots, and other persons on board any vessel as to cases of such disease on board during the voyage or on the arrival of the vessel; and

(c) the detention of vessels and of persons on board vessels; and

(d) the duties to be performed in cases of such disease by masters, pilots, and other persons on board vessels.

(2) Provided that the regulations shall be subject to the


(a) So far as they apply to the officers of Customs, of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs; and

(b) so far as they apply to officers or men employed in the Coastguard, of the Admiralty; and

(c) so far as they apply to signals, of the Board of Trade.

(3) If any person wilfully neglects or refuses to obey or carry out, or obstructs the execution of, any regulation made under section one hundred and thirty or section one hundred and thirty-four of the Public Health Act, 1875, or in pursuance of either of those sections 54 & 55 Vict. as extended to London by the Public Health (London) c. 76. Act, 1891, and as amended by this Act, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further penalty not exceeding fifty pounds for every day during which the offence continues; and any such penalty, if not recovered under the provisions of the Acts relating to public health, shall be recoverable by action on behalf of the Crown in the High Court.

Transfer of

40 Vict. c.

2. The powers exercisable by Her Majesty in Council or any two of the Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council under 39 & under section two hundred and thirty-four of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, shall be exercisable by the Local Government Board, and accordingly in that section the words "the Local Government Board" shall be substituted for the words "Her Majesty in Council, or any two Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council."

36, s. 234.

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