In preparing this edition, the greater part has been written anew and so modified as to increase the value of the work as a text book. Several of the more abstruse investigations of the First Part have been omitted, references being made to larger works, and others have been transferred to the Appendix Many of the figures illustrating the text have been rendered more perspicuous, by a change in the construction, and a number of new ones are added. The progressive state of the science has claimed attention, and notices of recent results have been introduced.
The Appendix in addition to the other matter, contains Professor Bessel's late investigation of formulæ for computing Solar Eclipses, Occultations and Transits, reduced to a more elementary form. In the Second Part, the formulæ are applied in the computation of these phenomena.
The Tables are nearly the same as in the last edition. Instead however of some small ones, which have been omitted, a table of Logarithms, and one of Sines and Tangents to four decimal figures, have been inserted. These are convenient in many computations not requiring greater precision.
Haverford School, 9mo. 1842.