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The equation of time, added to the given mean time, gives 10h. 53m. 0.5sec. A, M. for the apparent time.

EXAM. 2. Required the sun's longitude, hourly motion &c. on the 15th of May, 1836, at 8h. 59m. 20sec. A. M., mean time at Philadelphia.

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To find the Sidereal Time corresponding to a given Mean Time.

To the sun's mean longitude from the true equinox, found as in the last problem, and converted into time by Prob. III, add the given mean time of the day, expressed astronomically, rejecting 24 hours from the sum if it exceeds that quantity, and the result will be the sidereal time.

When the sidereal time or right ascension of the zenith is required in arc, and not in time, it is most conveniently obtained by adding the mean time, expressed in arc, to the sun's mean longitude from the true equinox.

Note. When the sidereal time has been found for a given mean time, it may be found for any other time, a few hours later or carlier, by simply adding or subtracting the sum of the quantities corresponding to the hours, minutes and seconds of the interval, taken from table X.

EXAM. 1. What was the sidereal time at Philadelphia, on the 28th of May, 1840, at 3h. 19. 20sec. P. M., mean time?

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When the sidereal time is required in arc, and not time.

M Long. from true equinox

Given mean time, in arc

Sidereal time, in arc

66° 26'


49 50


116 16 1

Let now the sidereal time be required at 6h. 40m. 56.5sec. P. M. Then the interval is 3h. 21m. 36.5sec.

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To find from the Tables, the Moon's Longitude, Latitude Equatorial Parallax, Semi-diameter, and Hourly Motions, in Longitude and Latitude, for a given time.

When the given time is not for the meridian of Greenwich, reduce it to that meridian; and when it is apparent time reduce it to mean time.

With the mean time at Greenwich, take out from tables XXXII to XXXVI, the arguments, numbered 1, 2, 3, &c., to 20, and find their sums, rejecting the ten thousands, in the first nine, and the thousands in the others. The resulting quantities will be the arguments for the first twenty equations of Longitude.

With the same time, and from the same tables, take out the remaining arguments and quantities, entitled Evection, Anomaly, Variation, Longitude, Supplement of the Node, II, V, VI. VÒ. VIII, IX, and X; and add the quantities in the column for the Supplement of the Node.

For the Longitude.

With the first twenty arguments of longitude, take, from tables XXXVII to XLII, the corresponding equations, and place their sum in the column of Evection. Then, the sum of the quantites in this column will be the corrected argument of Evection.

With the corrected argument of Evection, take the Evection from table XLIII, and add it to the sum of the preceding equations. Place the resulting sum in the column of Anomaly. Then, the sum of the quantities in this column will be the corrected Anomaly.

With the corrected Anomaly, take the Equation of the Centre from table XLIV, and add it to the sum of all the preceding equations. Place the resulting sum in the column of variation. Then, the sum of the quantities in this column will be the corrected argument of variation.

With the corrected argument of Variation, take the variation from table XLV, and add it to the sum of all the preceding equations; the result will be the sum of the first twenty-three equations of the Longitude. Place this sum in the column of Longitude. Then, the sum of the quantities in this column will be the Orbit Longitude of the Moon, reckoned from the mean equinox.

Add the Orbit Longitude to the Supplement of the Node. The result will be the argument of the Reduction. It will also be the first argument of Latitude.

With the argument of Reduction, take the Reduction from table XLVI, and add it to the Orbit Longitude. Also, with the 19th argument, which is the same as argument N, for the Sun's Longitude, take the Nutation in Longitude, from table XXX, and apply it, according to its signs to the last sum. The result will be the Moon's true Longitude from the Apparent equinox.

For the Latitude.

Place the sum of the first twenty-three equations of Longitude, taken to the nearest minute, in the column of Arg. II. Then the sum of the quantities in this column will be Arg. II of Latitude, corrected. The Moon's true Longitude is the 3d argument of Latitude. The 20th argument of Longitude is the 4th Argument of Latitude. Convert the degrees and minutes, in the sum of the first twenty-three equations of Longitude, into thousandth parts of the circle, by taking from table L, the number corresponding to them. Place this number in the columns, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX; but not in column X. Then the sums of the quantities in columns, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X, rejecting the thousands, will be the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th arguments of Latitude.

With the sum of the Supplement of the Node, and the Moon's Orbit Longitude, which is Arg. 1 of Latitude, take the Moon's distance from the North Pole of the Ecliptic, from table XLVII, and with the remaining

nine arguments, take the corresponding equations from tables XLVIII, XLIX, and LI. The sum of these ten quantities will be the Moon's true distance from the North Pole of the Ecliptic. The difference between this distance and 90°, will be the Moon's true latitude; which will be North or South according as the distance is less or greater than 90°.

For the Equatorial Parallax.

With the corrected arguments, Evection, Anomaly, and Variation, take the corresponding quantities from tables LII, LIII, and LIV. Their sum will be the Equatorial Parallax.

For the Semi-diameter.

With the Equatorial Parallax take the Moon's Semi-diameter from table LV.

For the Hourly Motion in Longitude.

With the arguments, 2, 3, 4, and 5, of Longitude, rejecting the two right hand figures in each, take the corresponding equations from table LVI. Also with the correct argument of Evection, take the equation from table LVII.

With the sum of the preceding equations at top, and the correct anomaly at the side, take the equation from table LVIII, Also, with the correct anomaly take the equation from table LIX.


With the sum of all the preceding equations at the top, and the correct argument of Variation at the side, take the equation from table LX. the correct argument of Variation, take the equation from table LXI. And with the argument of Reduction, take the Equation from table LXII. These three equations added to the sum of all the preceding ones, will give the Moon's Hourly Motion in Longitude.

For the Hourly Motion in Latitude.

With the 1st and 2nd arguments of Latitude, take the corresponding quantities from table LXIII and LXIV, and find their sum, attending to the signs. Then 32′ 56′′ the moon's true hourly motion in Longitude

this sum the moon's true hourly motion in Latitude. When the sign is affirmative, the moon is tending north; and when it is negative, she is tending south.

EXAM. 1. Required the moon's longitude, latitude, equatorial parallax, semi-diameter, and hourly motions in longitude and latitude, on the 6th of August 1821, at 8h. 46m. 33sec. A. M. mean time at Philadelphia.

Mean time at Philadelphia, August,
Diff. of Long.,

Mean time at Greenwich, August,

d. h. m. sec.

5 20 46 33

5 0 40

6 1 47 13

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