SHIPLAKE LOCK AND PAPER MILL. THE several objects which are represented in the annexed engraving, compose a very pleasing picture. They consist of a Lock and Paper Mill, on the Thames, in the parish of Shiplake, in the county of Oxford; and the residence of Joseph Hill, Esq. in the parish of Wargrave, in the county of Berks, which is remarkable for the extent, beauty, and variety of its prospect. Shiplake is a small retired village, which has acquired some degree of notoriety, from its having possessed for its pious, learned, and exemplary minister, the Rev. Mr. Grainger, the most eminent biographical writer of the times in which he lived. He died in the year 1776, while he was performing the sacramental functions at the altar of his parish church. Wargrave is now no more than a pleasant village, but was in former times a considerable market town. Some years past it became remarkable for the theatrical exhibitions of the late Earl of Barrymore.. |