BASILDEN PARK AND COMBE LODGE. is situated in the centre of an acclivity, which gives it a very commanding view of the Thames. The Grotto House presents a very pleasing object on the opposite bank of the river, behind which, Basilden and its woods, with the Streatley Hills, rise in great beauty. The village of Whitchurch, to which it belongs, has no other distinction than that of having been the residence of the celebrated grammarian and mathematician, Doctor Wallis, one of the professors of Gresham College, and to whose work, on the English language, all subsequent writers on that interesting and important subject, either have, or ought to have, acknowledged their obligations. PURLEY. THIS village is situate on the Berkshire side of the Thames, about four miles from Reading, in the road to Wallingford. The particular part of it which is the subject of the engraving is the seat of the late Anthony Storer, Esq. a gentleman well known in the literary and fashionable world. This spot was formerly in possession of the Bolingbroke family, and, we believe, formed a temporary residence of the nobleman, who, by his superior talents, has given so much celebrity to that title. By his immediate successor, it was separated from the family property, and, after several changes in its owners, became finally vested, by purchase, in Mr. Storer, who erected the present house, and was indulging. his fine taste in decorating its environs, when he was called to his long home. Tu secanda marmora Locas sub ipsum funus, et sepuleri You, with fortune's smiles elate, Hor. The mansion is on a plan in which elegance and accommodation have been united: it was suggested by the owner, with such improvements as the best professional assistance could give. The situation is inexpressibly pleasing. The shape of the grounds is of the happiest cast; and it need not be added, that nature would receive every help that art could offer, when it is considered, that the work of improvement was entrusted to the direction of Mr. Repton, the first landscape gardener of his own, and perhaps any other day. -When, therefore, we add to intrinsic beauties the charm 51 PURLEY. of the river which flows before it, and the range of rich, woody, upland country, on the opposite side of the stream, more need not be said to enhance the character of the place, which was, in every respect, suited to that of the late amiable owner of it. He was a man of considerable fortune, and was equally known and admired in the world of fashion, as in the better region of taste and literature: he did not, as he thought and acted like a gentleman, disdain to maintain, in every respect, the exterior appearance of that character. In the higher circles of society, he was ranked among the most accomplished and elegant men of his day; but no inconsiderable portion of his time was devoted to science, and he appeared to the same advantage as a scholar, among those who were eminent for literary attainments. He had been in parliament, but never ventured to make himself conspicuous as a senator. In the only public station that he filled, as Secretary of Legation to the Duke of Manchester's Embassy to France, he gave great satisfaction, at home and abroad, and, by his attractive manners, gained the uniform regard of all who had official communication with him. He was not advanced beyond the middle stage of life when he was called from it for ever, to the sincere regret of all who knew him. His choice and beautiful library he left to Eton College, where he had received his education, and to which place he did equal honour in his life and in his death. His saltem accumulem donis, hic fungar inani This last sad tribute of my love receive; |