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Where is Little Thibet? What is the principal town? Leh. For what noted? Its wool trade. On what river is it situated? What mountains in the southern part? H.


How is Chinese Tartary bounded? What mountains between Chinese Tartary and Siberia? What river crosses the northeastern part? What course does it run, and where does it empty? In what part is Little Bokhara? Soongaria? Mongolia? What deserts in Chinese Tartary? Where is Kirin-Oula? Cashgar? What sea touches the north-eastern part? channel separates Chinese Tartary from Saghalien Island?



What is Corea? How is it bounded?

What is the capital,

and how situated?


Q. What does the Empire of Japan comprise?

A. The islands of Niphon, Kiusiu, Jesso and Sikofk, or Sikoke.

What is the capital? J. How situated? For what noted? Its great number of palaces. Where is Miaco? For what noted? It is the religious capital, and is the centre of learning and science. Where is Osaca? Which extends farther south, Sikoke or Kiusiu ? Where is Jesso? What is the chief town on Jesso? M. What island north of Jesso? What is its length? 600 miles. What cluster of islands north-east of Jesso? Which is the largest? Staten Island. On which island is Nambu? N. How is Nangasaki situated?


1. Where are the following towns?

Bagdad? Seringapatam? Nankin? Teflis? Agra? Bassora? Balk? Lassa? Aden? Mecca? Teheran? Tauris? Angora? Dacca? Diarbekir? Amoy? Bombay? Tomsk? Cochin? Damascus? Cambodia? Malacca? Mosul? Goa? Benares? Irkoutsk? Shiraz? Tobolsk? Pondicherry? Cabul? Hue? Ava? Aleppo? Bukharia? Herat? Surat? Kelat? Muscat ? Candahar?

2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty?

Godavery? Jihon, or Amoo? Kiang-Ku, or Yangtse-Kiang? Euphrates? Krishna, or Kistna? Sihon? Hoang-Ho? Yenisei? Meinam? Indus? Nerbuddah? Cambodia? Tigris? Amour? Ural? Ganges? Burrampooter, or Brahmaputra? Irrawaddy? Lena? Obi? Helinund? Irtish? Kolima ?

3. Where are the following seas?

Caspian? Okhotsk? Japan? Black? Kara? Aral? Azof? Kamtschatka? Arabian? China? Yellow? Red? Dead?

4. Where are the following islands?

Kiusiu ?

Kurile? Nova Zembla? Andaman? New-Siberia? Nicobar? Hainan? Sumatra? Saghalien? Niphon? Formosa ? Loo-choo? Behring's? Staten? Socotra? Cyprus? Jesso? Hong Kong? Sikoke? Philippine?

5. Where are the following straits?

Behring's? Malacca? Ormus? Formosa? Corea? Sangar, or Matsmay? Babelmandel? Channel of Tartary?

6. Where are the following lakes?

Baikal? Balkhan, or Balcash, or Balcat? Dzaisang, or Zai zan? Durrah, or Zurrah? Poyang? Lob, or Lop-Nor? Tchany or Tcharry?

7. Where are the following capes?

Lopatka? Guardafui? Comorin? Cambodia, or Camboja 1 Romania? East?

8. Where are the following mountains?

Little Altai? Hindoo-Koosh? Ghaut? Peling? Himalaya? Caucasian? Beloor, or Belur Tag? Sinai? Great Altai? Ural? Taurus? Ramleah? Meling?

9. Where are the following towns?

Nangasaki? Cashmere? Columbo? Mocha? Candy? Miaco? Acheen? Tyre? Bankok? Jerusalem? Jeddo? Pekin? Madras? Calcutta? Khiva? Umerapoora? Canton ? Kecho, or Kesho? Smyrna? Cashgar? Lahore? Medina? Acre Patna? Palmyra? Samarcand? Tatta? Ispahan? Sana? Rangoon ? Baalbec? Macao? Ningpo? Tripoli? Astracan? Singapore? Amherst? Shanghae? Osaca? Matsmay? Saghalien?


How is Africa bounded? How is it connected with Asia? Q. For what is Africa distinguished?

A. For its immense deserts, its hot climate and unexplored regions.

How does it compare in size with the other grand divisions of the Globe?

A. It is third; being about three times as large as Europe.

Which is the most southern cape? The most eastern? The most western? The most northern? What large island southeast of Africa? What three clusters of islands near the northwestern coast? What islands in the Atlantic Ocean south-west of the Gulf of Guinea? What two large rivers in Africa? What mountains run through the centre, from east to west?


Q. What do the Barbary States include ?

A. Morocco, Algiers, or Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli. Beled el Jerid, or Country of Dates, forms a part of Barbary, and stretches along from the Atlas Mountains on the west, to Tripoli on the east.


How is Morocco bounded? What is the capital, and how situated? What mountains in Morocco? How is Fez situated? For what noted? It is the largest city in the empire, and was formerly noted for its literary institutions. How is Mogadore situated? Santa Cruz ? In what direction from Morocco is Mequinez, or Mequinet? In what part is Mount Miltsin?

How high is it? 11,400 feet. What strait on the north? How wide is it? 15 miles. In what part is Noon, or Nun? What town on the coast next south of Mequinez? Salee. For what has it been noted? Its piracies. What cluster of islands west of Morocco? What two towns situated on the strait of Gibral tar? Tangier and Ceuta. What town in the eastern part? Tafilelt. For what noted? It is a place to which persons are banished by the government for political offences.


How is Algiers bounded? What is the capital, and how situated?

Q. For what has Algiers been noted?

A. For its daring piracies and depredations on the


How is Oran situated? Bona? For what noted? Its coralfishery. In what part is Hemsen, or Tremsen? In what direction from Algiers is Constantina? What mountains in Algiers ?

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What country south of Algiers and Tunis? What are the principal towns in this country? Tuggurt and Gadames. For what are the towns in this region noted? They are mostly surrounded by walls, and inhabited by different tribes.


How is Tunis bounded? What is the capital, and how situ ated ? What noted cape in the northern part of Tunis? What direction is it from the capital? How is Kairwan situated? What gulf in the eastern part? What town at its head? Cabes, What lake west of Cabes? Lowdeah. The runis of what ancient city are found north-east of Tunis? Carthage. What large island between Tunis and Italy ?


How is Tripoli bounded? What is the capital, and how situated? How is Mesurata situated? What gulf north-east of Tripoli? In what part is Barca? For what was the coast of Barca once noted? For its three-fold crops. What is its capital, and how situated? What town in the western part on the Gulf of Sidra? What desert south of Barca?

Where is Fezzan? What is the capital, and how situated? What is Fezzan? Several oases, which produce large quantities of dates.


How is Egypt bounded? What is the capital, and how situated?

Q. For what is Egypt celebrated ?

A. For its great antiquity, its early civilization, its vast pyramids, and magnificent ruins of its ancient cities.

What noted river flows through Egypt? What is the triangular tract of land between the mouths of the Nile called?

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