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" His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to approve and confirm the finding and sentence of the Court. "
The British herald, or Cabinet of armorial bearings of the nobility & gentry ... - Page 84
by Thomas Robson (engraver.) - 1830
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 81, Part 1; Volume 109

1811 - 770 pages
...with much approbation. GAZETTE PROMOTION. JTAiteAa.'/'.JJIS RH the Prince Regent .>/rti/ 23. has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to constitute and appoint Field Marshal His RH the Duke of York to be Commander in Chief of the Land Forces....
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Sporting Magazine, Volume 40

1812 - 422 pages
...charge, and they do sentence him the said Lieutenant William Nash, to he dismissed from the regiment." His Royal Highness the Prince Regent was pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to approve and confirm the finding «nd sentence of the Court, and the Commander ia Chief directs, that...
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The Royal Military Chronicle: Or, British Officers Monthly ..., Volume 5

1812 - 640 pages
...particle of evidence to substantiate the same. I am to acquaint yonr Lordship, that His Royal Highness was pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to approve and confirm (lie finding and sentence of the Court ; and the Princr Regent taking in view the...
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The Military [afterw.] Royal military panorama or Officer's companion, Volume 2

1813 - 744 pages
...ntimacy after having made such assertions, &c. I am to acquaint your lordship that his Royal Highness was pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to approve and confirm the finding and sentence of the Court. Your lordship will therefore acquaint me...
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The Royal Military Chronicle VOL.IV May,1812

The Duke of York - 1812 - 706 pages captain John Pollen to be major. Whitehall, September 7, 1812. — The Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to give and grant unto Horace David C'liolwell St. Paul, в lieutenant-colonel in the army, of Ewart-house...
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Cobbett's Political Register, Volume 22

William Cobbett - 1812 - 442 pages
...occasion of the ** recent victory obtained near Salamanca, ** his Royal Highness the Prince Regent is ** pleased, in the name and on the behalf of * His Majesty, to command, that the Of" ficers who are now serving with tempo" rary rank in the several regiments of...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volume 22

1812 - 448 pages
...occasion of the " recent victory obtained near Salamanca, " his Royal Highness the Prince Regent is " pleased, in the name and on the behalf of " His Majesty, to command, that the Of" ficers who are now serving with lempo" any rank in the several regiments of that...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history ..., Volume 32

1812 - 1038 pages
...Sierra Leone and its dependencies. Whitehall, May 25. His royal highness the prince regem has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf' of his majesty, to constitute and appoint field-marshal his royal highness the duke of York to be commander-m-chief of...
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The Parliamentary Debates from the Year 1803 to the Present Time, Volume 24

Great Britain. Parliament - 1812 - 676 pages
...occasion of the recent " victory obtained near Salamanca, his " royal highness the Prince Regent is " pleased, in the name, and on the behalf " of his Majesty, to command, that the " officers who are now serving with tem" porary rank in the several regiments of...
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The Local Militia Paymaster; Or, Military Friend

George Thomas (captain) - 1812 - 238 pages
...the home department, I have the honour to acquaint that his royal highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his majesty, to order that the several corps of Local Militia, in Great Britain, shall be assembled for trainin» and...
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