| Sir William Blackstone - 1791 - 518 pages
...: and therefore all the laws " and ftatutes of this realm, for fecuring the eftablifhed re" ligion, and the rights and liberties of the people thereof, " and all other laws and ftatutes of the fame now in forctj «f are ratified and confirmed accordingly." AND, as to the terms... | |
| William Blackstone - 1793 - 686 pages
...: and therefore all the laws " and ftatutes of tins realm, for fecuring the eftablifhed re" ligion, and the rights and liberties of the people thereof, " and all other laws and ftatutes of the fame now in force, " are ratified and confirmed accordingly." J /. 2. t. 16. §3. «... | |
| Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 432 pages
...the fame : and therefore all the other laws and flatutes of this realm, for fecuring the eflahliihtd religion, and the rights and liberties of the people thereof, and all othev laws ami Statutes of the fame now in force, are by his majefty, by ami with the advice and confcnt... | |
| William Blackstone - 1800 - 678 pages
...to the fame: and therefore all the " laws and ftatutes of this realm, for fecuring the eftablifhed " religion, and the rights and liberties of the people thereof, " and all other laws and ftatutes of the fame now in force, " are ratified and confirmed accordingly." <l /. i. e. 16. § j.... | |
| William Blackstone - 1800 - 680 pages
...the fame : and therefore all the " laws and ftatutes of this realm, for fecuring the eftabliflied " religion, and the rights and liberties of the people thereof, " and all other laws and ftatutes of the fame now in force, " are ratified and confirmed accordingly," « /. ie 16. § 3. •... | |
| Sir William Blackstone - 1807 - 686 pages
...officers and ministers ought to serve them " respectively according to the same : and therefore all the " laws and statutes of this realm, for securing the...laws and statutes of the same now in force, " are ratified and confirmed accordingly." d 1. 2. c. 18. sec.3. ec.s.and34. (1) This is also well and strongly... | |
| William Nicholson - 1809 - 704 pages
...officers and ministers ought to serve them respectively, according to the same ; and therefore all the laws and statutes of this realm for securing the established...other laws and statutes of the same, now in force, are ratified and confirmed accordingly. See LIBERTIES. A* to the terms of the original contract between... | |
| William Nicholson - 1809 - 734 pages
...same ; and therefore all the laws and statutes of this realm for securing the established réunion, and the rights and liberties of the people thereof,...other laws and statutes of the same, now in force, are ratified and confirmed accordingly. See LIEEIÍTIFS. As to the terms of the original contract between... | |
| John Adolphus - 1818 - 560 pages
...to " the fame: and therefore all the laws and ftatutes of this " realm, for fecuring the eftablifhed religion, and the rights " and liberties of the people thereof, and all other laws and " ftatutes of the fame now in force, are ratified and confirmed " accordingly." To the performance... | |
| Harold Nuttall Tomlins - 1819 - 726 pages
...same. The Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, do therefore further humbly pray, that all die Laws and Statutes of this Realm for securing the established...other Laws and Statutes of the same now in force, may be ratified and confirmed ; and the same are by his Majesty, by and with the advice and consent... | |
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