| Parliament commons, proc - 1742 - 494 pages
...Gofpel, and the Proteftant reformed Religion, elrablilhed by Law? And will you prelerve, unto the Bilhops and Clergy of this Realm, and to the Churches committed to their Charge, all fuch Rights and Privileges as by Law do or lh.a.11 appertain unto them, or any of them Y King and Queen,... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 544 pages
...gojpel and the proteßant reformed religion eftablijhed by law ? and will you prcferve unto the bijhcps and clergy of this realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, allfucb rights and privilèges as bylaw do or ßall appertain unto them, or any of them ? King and... | |
| 1767 - 534 pages
...Proteftant .retl formed religion eftablifhed by the law ? Arid will •* you prefcrve unto the bifhops and clergy of this " realm, and to the churches committed to their " charge, all fuch rights and privileges as by law V do or fhall appertain unto them, or any of them f *' King or... | |
| Jean Louis de Lolme - 1775 - 462 pages
...the proteftant reformed religion cftablifhcd tl by the law? And will you preferveunto the birfiops and ** clergy of this realm, and to the churches committed to " their charge, all fiich rights and privileges as by law do ** or fhall appertain unto them, or any of them ?— King... | |
| John Angel - 1781 - 302 pages
...Gofpel, and the proteftant reformed religion eftablifhed by jaw, and will you preferve unto the bifhops and clergy of this realm, and to the churches, committed to their charge, ail fuch rights and privileges as by law do or fhall appertain unto them, or any of them ? — The... | |
| Jean Louis de Lolme - 1784 - 564 pages
...God, the true profession of " the gospel, and the protestant reformed religion csta" blished by the law ? And will you preserve unto the " bishops and...churches " committed to their charge, all such rights and privi" leges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or But these laws, which limit the king's authority,... | |
| 1834 - 850 pages
...the true profession of the gospel, and the Protestant reformed religion established by law," and to " preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this realm,...privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them." Could any honest man deny, that a concurrence in any measure which tended to weaken the Protestant... | |
| Sir William Blackstone - 1791 - 518 pages
...the protcftant reformed religion eftablifhed by " the law ? And will you preferve unto the biihops and «' clergy of this realm, and to the churches committed to " their charge, all fuch rights and privileges as by law do or " fhall appertain unto them, or any of them ? — King or... | |
| Richard Wooddeson - 1792 - 532 pages
...gofpel, and the proteftant reformed tfeligion eftablifhed by law, and will preferve unto the bifhops and clergy of this realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, all fuch rights and privileges as by la'w do or fliall appertain unto them." Spiritual perfons are e diftinguifhed... | |
| Ireland. Parliament - 1793 - 426 pages
...of the " gofpel, and the reformed religion, eftablifhed " by the law, to preferve unto the bifhops, and " clergy of this realm, and to the churches " committed to their charge, all iuch rights and " privileges as by law, do or fhall appertain to " them." While a monarch fits on the... | |
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