BISBURY. See BISHBURY. BISCIPTON, gu. a fesse erm. betw. two chev. or. BISCLEY, quarterly or and sa. BESEID. See BISSET. BISET, [Scotland] az. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one. Crest, the stump of an oak tree shooting forth new branches. Motto, Exitus acta probat. BISETT, gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa. (Another, adds a label of three points az.) BISH, or, a chev. betw. three roses gu. - Crest, on a chapeau a demi lion ramp. BISHBERY, or BISBURY, ar. two bars sa. cottised of the same. BISHER, vairé, ar. and gu. on a canton or, a buck's head cabossed sa. BISHOP, [Crediton, Devons.] gu. three lozenges ar. each charged with a pheon sa. Bishop, [Dors. and Somers.] ar. on a bend cottised gu. three bezants.--Crest, an eagle's head erased party per fesse or and gu. beaked of the last. Bishop, [Norf. 1627] ar. on a bend cottised gu. three bezants. Bishop, [Evesham, Worc.] ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. three bezants. - Crest, out of a mural crown ar. a griffin's head, sa. beaked or. Bishop, [Middle-Temple. Granted, Nov. 1628] The same. Bishop, ar. on a bend gu. betw. two demi lions ramp. sa. three lozenges vair. Bishop, or Bisshopp, [Parham, Suss.] ar. on a bend cottised gu. three bezants. -Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a griffin sejant ar. resting the dexter claw on an escutcheon of the last. BISHOPPE, [Bristol, Somers.] erm. on a bend cottised gu. three bezants. -Crest, a griffin sejant ar. resting the dexter claw on an escutcheon. BISHOPSDALE, bendy of eight or and gu. BISHOPSDON, or, four bendlets az. a canton erm. BISHOPSTON, or, three bends and a canton erm. -Crest, an arm issuing from a cloud in fesse, holding a terrestrial globe. BISHOPTON, [Warw.] az. three bulls pass. or, a canton erm. Bishopton, or Bishopstone, [Warw.] az. three bends or, a canton erm. - Crest, See BISHOPSTON. Bishopton, bendy of ten or and sa. Bishopton, az. three spindles of silk or, a canton erm. BISHOR, gu. three lozenges or, each charged with an eagle displ. sa. BISHTON, per pale ar. and gu. two lions combatant counterchanged. BISHWORTH, [Yorks.] ar. a cross crosslet sa. BISKBERY, or BISKEBURY, ar. a fesse double cottised turned up erm, a lion pass. ar. resting the dexter paw on an escutcheon of the first. Bispham, [Bispham, Lanc. Granted, 1613] sa. a saltier betw. four bucks' heads cabossed erminois. Bisphum, [Bispham, and Billing, Lanc. Granted, 1640) gu. a chev. embattled, betw. three lions' heads erased ar. BISS, [Durham] sa. three escallops in pale ar. -Crest, on a mount vert, two serpents interlaced erect or, respecting each other ppr.; over the Crest this Motto, Ayez prudence; and on a ribbon under the arms, Nil conscire sibi. Biss, [Somers.] sa. three escallops in pale ar.-Crest, Bisse, [Somers.] sa. three escallops ar. or. BISSELL, gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa. Crest, a demi eagle with wings displ. sa. charged on the neck with an escallop shell, or. BISSET, [Scotland] ar. a bend gu. Bisset, [Worc.] az. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one. Bisset, [Worc.] az. three bezants, two and one. Bisset, gyronny of ten sa. and erm. Bisset, az. on a bend or, three escallops gu. Bisset, az. on a bend ar. three mullets gu.-Crest, out of the stump of a tree, eradicated and erased, a single branch ppr. Motto, Repullulat. Bisset, or Bizzet, ar. a bend sinister gu. Bisset, Bisside, or Beseid, gyronny of eight sa. and erm. BISSETT, [Darlington, Durham] az. a bend ar. within a bordure engr. gu. BISSHE, [Essex] or, a chev. betw. three roses gu.-Crest, a hind trippant ar. BISSHOP. See BISHOP. BISSHOPP, Baron DE LA ZOUCHE, of Harringworth, and a Baronet, D. C. L. and F. R. S. (who, in right of his mother, who was one of the co-heirs of the barony of De la Zouche, has, by special grace and favour of the crown, been summoned by writ, bearing date the 27th Aug. 1815, to the ancient place and seat of his ancestors in the upper house of parliament by the name, style, and title of Baron Zouche, of Haryngworth.) [Creations, Baron 1307; Bart. 24 July, 1620. Residence, Parham-Park, Sussex] quarterly; first, ar. on a bend cottised gu. three bezants; second, az. three swans' head erased ar.; third, per fesse or and gu. a pale counterchanged, three cornish choughs ppr.; fourth, gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one, a canton erm.-Two Crests, first, on a ducal coronet or, a griffin sejant ar. resting the dexter foot on an escutcheon of the last; second, on a flag folded round a halbert, lying | BLACKADER, [Blackader, Scotland, and of Berwickshire] fesseways, a falcon ar. Supporters, two falcons ppr. Motto, Pro Deo et ecclesia. BISSIDE. See BISSET. az. on a chev. ar. three roses gu. -Crest, an adder sa. in pale, holding in the mouth a rose gu. leaved and stalked vert. Motto, Vise a la fine. the first. BISSING, az. two coulters, or plough knives, points Blackader, [Fallahall] gu. on a chev. ar. three roses of erected or. ppr. BITTON, erm. a fesse gu. Bittour, ar. a bittern ppr. BITTS, az. a key, double bitted, in fesse or. Bitts, gu. three snaffles in pale ar. BIXTON, ar. on a bend sa. three covered cups of the first. BIZZET. See BISSET. Blaauw, az. a human foot in base ar. on a canton gu. a grappling iron or.-Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. Motto, Festina lente. BLABEY, or BLABY, paly of six or and az. a canton gu. BLABLEY, [Devons. 1599] paly of six or and sa. on a chief gu. three bezants.-Crest, a tiger's head erased ar. issuing out of rays or. Blabley, paly of six ar. and az. a canton gu. BLABY, [Leic.] or, five palets az. on a canton gu. a mullet sa. Blaby. See Blabey. BLACBORNE, [Lanc.] or, a fesse wavy betw. three mullets sa. BLACDEN, ar. a fesse betw. three trefoils slipped sa. BLACHFORD, [London and Dors. Granted, 1629] barry wavy of six or and gu. on a chief of the second three plates, with a mullet for diff. -Crest, a demi swan springing ar. guttée sa. Blachford, [Lord Mayor of London, 1750] barry wavy of six or and gu. on a chief az. three pheons of the first. BLACK, [Aberdeen] ar. a saltier sa. betw. a mullet in chief and a crescent in base gu. a chief of the second. -Crest, a demi lion ppr, Motto, Non cruz sed lux. Black, [Dennistoun, Scotland] vert, three boars' heads erased or. Black, [Temple, Scotland] ar. a chev, sa. betw. two mullets in chief and a crescent in base gu. Black, erm. a pile indented sa. bezantée, betw. a lion's paw erased in chief and base gu. over all, a bend vert.Crest, an arm embowed, vested purfled at the shoulder, the part above the elbow in fesse, the hand in pale, holding a branch of palm ppr. BLACKALL, [Devons. Granted, 1599] paly of six or and sa. on a chief gu. three bezants. Crest, a tiger's head erased ar. issuing out of rays or. BLACKAMOOR. See BLACKMORE, Devons. BLACKBORN, [Suss.] az. a fret erm. over all, a lion ramp. or, crowned gu. BLACKBORNE, [Lanc. and Yorks.] ar. a fesse wavy, betw. three mullets, sa Blackborne, or Blackeborne, [Yorks.] ar. on a pale sa. three antelopes' heads erased of the field, attired or.Crest, out of a cloud, shedding forth rays, an arm from the elbow erect, vested gu. holding a broken sword of the last. Blackborne, ar. on a pale sa. three goats' heads erased or. Blackborne, ar. a fesse nebulée betw. three mullets sa, Blackborne, ar. a fesse nebulée sa. betw. two mullets in chief of the last, and one in base, az. Blackborne, ar. a bend sa. Blackborne, gu. a lion ramp. chequy ar. and sa. BLACKBOURN, vert, a chev. erm. betw. three ducal coronets or. BLACKBURN, gu. a lion ramp. chequy erm. and sa. ducally crowned or.-Crest, an arm couped at the shoulder resting the elbow on the wreath, holding a bomb-shell fired ppr. BLACKDEN, or BLAKENDEN, [Devons.] az. three trefoils slipped ar. on a chief indented gu. as many annulets or. Blackden, or Blakden, az. three cinquefoils ar. a chief indented gu. BLACKE, [Suff. and Essex] gu. a pale sa. on a bend or, three mullets of the second.-Crest, a hand fesseways couped ppr. BLACKENDEN, az. three trefoils ar. on a chief indented or, two annulets gu. Blackenden. See Blackden. BLACKENHAM, Or BLAKENHAM, [Suff.] az. crusily, two bars or. BLACKENSOP, [N.umb.] The same as BLENKINSOP, Newcastle. BLACKENSTEINER, gu. eight lozenges in cross ar.Crest, out of a crown or, a plume of three feathers, the centre ar. the others gu. BLACKER, [Bucks. Old Saram] az. a chev. erm. betw. three moors' heads couped and side-faced sa.-Crest, two lions' heads erased, collared, and endorsed. Blacker, ar. a chev. erm. betw. three moors' heads, in profile, couped at the neck sa. wreathed about the head ar. and az. Crest, a nag's head couped az. bridled or. Blacker, [Granted, 1613] or, a chev. pean betw. three mens' heads, side-faced, ppr. crined sa. BLACKERBY, [Suff.] gyronny of eight ar. and sa. Blackerby, [London and Shakerland-Hall, Suff. Granted, 10 June, 1664] gyronny of eight or and sa. on a canton az. a mullet of the first. BLACKESTON, [Durham, 1642] ar. two bars, and in chief three cocks gu. within a bordure engr. az. Crest, a cock or. Blackeston. See Blackston. BLACKET, or BLACKETT, [Newcastle, N.umb. and Calverly, Yorks.] ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. as many escallops of the first. -Crest, a falcon's head | erased ppr. Motto, Nous travaillerons en l' esperance. Blacket, [Woodcroft, Durham] The same. Blacket, az. a bend betw. three cross crosslets fitchée or. BLACKETT, Bart. [Matfen, N.umb. 12 Dec. 1673] ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets pierced sa. as many escallops of the field. -Crest, a hawk's head erased ppr. Motto, Nous travaillerous en l' esperance. Blackett, [Somers.] gu. a chev. betw. two bezants in chief, and a griffin's head erased in base or. Bluckett, ar. a betw. three mullets az. BLACKFORD, or BLAKFORD, gu. three bars or. Blackford, or Blachford, [London and Dors.] barry wavy of six gu. and or, on a chief of the last three pheons az. a mullet for diff. -Crest, a demi swan springing ar. guttée sa. BLACKHALL, [Scotland] gu. a hand issuing out of the sinister flank, and thereon a falcon, perching and hooded or, on a chief ar. three mullets az. - Crest, an annulet or, stoned vert. Blackhall, gu. in fesse a dexter hand couped, and thereon a hooded falcon, perched, or, on a chief ar. three mullets of the first. BLACKIE. See BLAIKIE. BLACKISTON, [London] ar. two bars gu. in chief three cocks of the second. -Crest, a cock or. Blackiston, [Lord Mayor of London, 1761] The same arms. BLACKLEGG, sa. two bars or. BLACKLER, [London] paly of six sa. and or, on a chief of the first three bezants. .. Blackler, paly or and sa. on a chief gu. three bezants. BLACKLEY, or BLAKEY, [Blackley-Hall, Lanc.] gu. a chev. vair, betw. three cross crosslets fitchée or. - Crest, a dragon's head vert, ducally gorged or. Blackley, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' faces or. BLACKLOCK, [Scotland] ar. three square padlocks sa. BLACKMAN, [London and East Indies] erm. three lions ramp. within a bordure or. -Crest, a griffin erm. BLACKMANE. The same arms.-Crest, a demi griffin segreant ar. BLACKMISTER, sa. a fret ar. BLACKMONSTER, or BLANCHMISTER, ar. a fret gu. BLACKMORE, [Devons.] or, on a fesse betw. three moors' heads side-faced, couped sa. as many crescents ar.Crest, a moor's head side-faced, erased at the neck sa. round the neck a chaplet of roses or, leaved vert. Blackmore, [London. Granted, 1706) or, a chev. embattled betw. three moors' heads couped sa.-Crest, out of a mural coronet or, a dexter arm in armour ppr. purfled or. ; Blackmore, [Granted, 18 Nov. 1651] or, a fesse sa. betw, three moors' heads erased ppr.-Crest, an arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or, supporting a standard banner of the last, staff of the first, point ar. Blackmore, ar. a fesse dancettée, betw. three moors' heads side-faced, and couped sa.-Crest, out of a mural coronet, an arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or. Blackmore, or, a fesse sa. betw. three moors' heads erased Blackmore, or, on a fesse betw. three moors' heads erased sa. as many crescents ar. BLAGKMOISTER, ar. fretty gu. BLACKNELL, [Warw. and Berks.] per bend or (Another, ar.) and az. an eagle displ. counterchanged. -Crest, an arm embowed, vested gu. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. four feathers per pale ar. and gu. BLACKNEY, [Norf.] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopard's heads or. Crest, a harpy guard. ppr. BLACKNOLL, per bend az, and or, an eagle displ. counterchanged. Blacknoll. See Blakenhall. BLACKSHAME, gu. on a bend erm. betw. two plates three trefoils slipped vert.-Crest, an acorn or, stalked and leaved vert. BLACKSTOCK, [Scotland] ar. three trunks of trees, couped under and above sa. Blackstock, ar. three staved branches slipped sa. two and one. BLACKSTONE, ar. two bars gu. in chief three cocks of the second.-Crest, a cock gu. Blackstone, or Blakestone, [Gibside, Durham.] The same. BLACKWALL, [London] ar. a greyhound current sa. on a chief indented of the second, three bezants. Crest, a dexter hand gauntleted, holding a pheon all ppr. BLACKWELL, or BLACKWALL, [Blackwell, Derb.] ar. a greyhound in full course sa. collared chequy or and gu. and ringed or; on a chief dancettée of the second, three bezants. Crest, two arms embowed, habited in mail ppr. hands ar. holding betw. them, by the nose and ear, a greyhound's head, couped sa. collared chequy or and gu. (Another crest, a griffin's head erased sa. beaked and eared or, charged on the neck with a bar gemelle ar. and a trefoil slipped erm.) Blackwell, [Ampney Park, Glouc.] ar. a greyhound current sa. on a chief dancettée of the last, three bezants. -Crest, two arms embowed in scale armour, hands ppr. holding up a greyhound's head couped at the neck gu. collared sa. Blackwell, [Sprouston-Hall, Norf.] paly of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. a lion pass. guard. or, all within a bordure erm.- Crest, a swan's head and neck erased ar. ducally gorged or. Blackwell, paly of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. a lion pass. guard. or. Blackwell, ar. a greyhound in full course sa. on a chief of the second three bezants. BLACKWILL, ar. three trefoils slipped sa. on a chief of the last a lion ramp. of the second. -Crest, a demi lion holding in the paws an anchor ppr. BLACKWOOD, Baron DUFFERIN, and CLANEBOYΕ, and a Baronet. [Creations, Bart. 1763; Baron, 31 July, 1800. Residence, Balleyleidy Castle, Down, Ireland.] quarterly, first and fourth ar. a saltier sa, on a chief of the last three lozenges of the first; second, az. in chief a lozenge betw. two roses, in fesse two mullets, in base three arrows, all ar.; third, gu. three roses ar. on a chief or, a lion pass. guard.-Crest, the sun in splendour ppr. Supporters, the dexter a lion, the sinister a tiger, both collared. Motto, Per vias rectas. BLACKWOOD, Bart. [Admiral in the Navy, 23 July, 1814] ar. a saltier sa. on a chief of the last, three holly-leaves of the first. -Crest, the sun rising from Blackwood. Arms the same. --Crest, a hand holding a couteau sword ppr. Motto, Virtute parta tuemini. BLADDYN, or, a lion ramp gu. Bladdyn, ar. a stag couchant gu. BLADEN, [Glastonbury, Somers.] gu. three chev. ar.Crest, a greyhound's head erased ppr. Motto, Toujours fidele. BLADERIKE, or, a lion ramp. sa. collared gu. and chained gold.-Crest, a lion's head erased, struck through the mouth with a sword in fesse, all ppr. BLADES, [Broxwell Hall, Surrey; Sheriff of London, 1812 and 1813] az. two swords in saltier, ar. pomels and hilts or, surmounted of the Roman fasces, paleways of the last, axe headed of the second, interlaced with a double chain collar gold, on a chief erm. a bee volant, betw. two star-pagodas ppr. -Crest, a demi tiger ramp. guard. couped, supporting with the paws a a staff erect ppr. therefrom a banner flowing to the sinister az. fringed gold, charged with two swords, fasces and collar as in the arms; from the neck, pendent by a blue ribbon, a star-pagoda, also ppr. Blades, [Yorks.] vert, a saltier betw. four pheons ar.Crest, a talbot's head erased sa. rose gu.-Crest, a sword in pale az, hilt and pomel or. Motto, Pax aut bellum. BLAIR, Bart. [Dunskey, Wigtownsh. 10 June, 1786] quarterly; first and fourth, ar. on a chev. betw. three bugle-horns vert, garnished and stringed gu. a bezant; second and third, ar. a saltier sa. charged with nine mascles of the field; in chief an etoile gu. Crest, a stag lodged ppr. Blair, [Aberdeen] ar. a saltier sa. betw. a mullet in chief, and a crescent in base of the last. Motto, Non crux, sed lux. Blair, [Adamtoun] ar. on a saltier engr. sa. five mascles of the first. Blair, [Adamtoun] ar. a saltier and chief sa. the last charged with three mascles of the first. Blair, [Balmill] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three torteauxes, all within a bordure of the second.-Crest, a Roman head. Motto, Facies qualis mens talis. Blair, [Balthayock] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three torteauxes. -Crest, a dove with her wings expanded ppr. Motto, Virtute tutus. Blair, [Blair, Airshire] ar. on a saltier sa. nine mascles of the first, quartered with the arms of Scott.-Crest, a stag lodged ppr. Motto, Amo probos. Blades, sa, three crescents ar. two and one. BLADLOW, per chev. sa. and erm. two greyhounds counterchanged. Blair, [The Carss] ar. on a bend sa. three mascles of the first. Bladlow, per chev. ar. and sa. two greyhounds in full course, counterchanged. Bladlow, per chev. ar. and sa. in chief two greyhounds respecting each other of the first, within a bordure az. charged with eight fleurs-de-lis or. BLADMOST, ar. a fret gu. BLADWELL, [Suff.] per pale ar. and gu. a lion ramp. sa. Blair, [Milgerholme] ar. on a saltier betw. two crescents -Crest, a demi lion per pale indented ar. and gu, BLAEN, vair, a crescent gu. BLAGDEN, [Devons.] az. three trefoils slipped ar. on a chief indented or, two annulets gu. BLAGE, [Kent] ar. three bends engr. sa. over all, a scarpe gu. Blage, or Blake, [Kent and N.amp.] ar. a chev. betw. three garbs sa. Blage, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three mullets or.-Crest, on a broken tilting spear or, a lion pass. ar. crowned of the first. Blage, ar. a pile issuing out of the chief az. charged with three martlets or.-Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a martlet ar. Blage, ar. two bends engr. gu. BLAGGE, [Kent] ar. two bends engr. sa. a baton gu. BLAGRAVE, [Bullnash-Court, Berks.] or, on a bend sa. three legs in armour, couped at the thigh, and erased at the ancle, ppr.-Crest, an oak tree erased vert, Blagrave, or, on a bend sa. three shambroughs ar. Crest, a falcon ppr. BLAGROVE, .... Crest, a palm tree fructed ppr. BLAIKIE, or BLACKIE, [Scotland] ar. on a fesse az. three crescents or, in chief two lions' heads erased gu.-Crest, a wolf's head erased ppr. Motto, Virtute et fidelitate. BLAIN, BLAINE, or BLEAN, [Scotland) ar. on a fesse sa. a mullet betw. two crescents of the first, in base a in the flanques, and a garb in base sa. five mascles of the first. Motto, God be my guide. Blair, [Overdury] The same as of Balthayock; with the chev. invecked for diff. BLAKDEN. See BLACKDEN. BLAKE, Baron WALLISCOURT, of Ardfrey. [Creation, 30 July, 1800. Residence, Ardfrey Castle, Galway] ar. a fret gu. Crest, a leopard pass. ppr. Supporters, on the dexter side a leopard, on the sinister an antelope, both collared and chained or. Motto, Virtus sola nobilitat. BLAKE, Bart. [Langham, Suff. 19 Sept. 1772] ar. a fret gu.-Crest, a leopard pass. ppr. BLAKE, Bart. [Twisel House, Durham. 3 May, 1774] аг. a chev. betw. three garbs sa. on a canton az. a fret or.Crest, a martlet ar. charged on the breast with a fret gu. Blake, [Essex] ar. a pale sa. over all, a bend gu. charged with three martlets or. Crest, a dragon's head erased ar. pellettée. Blake, [Swaffham, Norf.] erm. on a pale engr. sa. bezantée, betw. two lions' paws erect and erased gu. a mullet ar. over all, a bend vert. Blake, [Wimbsam, Norf.] erm. a pile embattled, counterembattled sa. bezantée, betw. two lions' paws erect and erased gu. over all, a bend vert. Blake, [Suff.] ar. a fret gu. -Crest, a mountain cat pass. guard. ppr. Blake, [Wilts.] ar. a chev. betw. three garbs sa.-Crest, on a chapeau gu, turned up erm. a martlet ar. Blake, [Wilts.] ar. on a chev. betw. three garbs sa, a crescent of the first. Blake, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteauxes.- Crest, a bear's head sa. gorged with a collar ar. holding in the mouth, a lion's gamb erased or. Blake, per chev. az. and ar. in chief two cinquefoils of the second, and in base, a bat displ. of the first. Blake, per chev. az. and ar. two cinquefoils in chief or, and one in base sa. Blake, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs ar. Blake, az. three garbs or. Blake, or Bleak, ar. three sleeves erect sa. BLAKEBORNE, ar. a fesse nebulée betw. three mullets sa. BLAKEDEN. See BLACKDEN, Devons. BLAKWELL, ar. a greyhound current sa. collared or; on a chief indented of the second, three bezants. BLAMESTER, ar. a fret gu. Blamester, ar. fretty gu. BLAMNOSTER, gu. billetty or, a lion ramp. of the last, a label of three points, gobonated, az. and vert. BLAMONSTER. See BLAMESTER. BLAMORE, ar. a lion ramp. within an orle (Another, a bordure) gu. Blamore, or, on a fesse gu. betw. three moors' heads,. side-faced and erased, sa. three crescents of the first. BLAMSCHILL, ar. a fesse wavy az. in chief three piles, issuing from the chief gu. chief two bezants, in base a griffin's head erased of the second. Crest, on the point of a sword, in pale, a BLAKEN, BLAKNALL, or BLAKER, az. a sea-bull or, BLANCHARD, [Wilts. and Somers.] gu. a chev, or, in BLAKEFORD, gu. three bars or. tail targant. BLAKENBERG, gu. three pikes haurient, endorsed ar. BLAKENDON. See BLACKDEN. BLAKENEY, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' heads or.-Crest, an arm erect couped at the elbow, vested gu. cuffed ar. holding in the hand a sword ppr. hilt and pomel or. Motto, Auxilium meum ab alto. Blakency, or Blakney, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leopards' heads sa. BLAKENHALL, or BLACKNOLL, per bend or and az. an eagle displ. counterchanged. -Crest, a hand ppr. issuing out of a cloud az. fesseways, holding a plume of six feathers, two, two, and two, ar. and gu. all counterchanged. BLAKENHAM. See BLAKENHAM. BLAKENSOP, (N.umb.) The same as BLENKINSOP, Newcastle. BLAKENSTEIN, gu. per fesse, pointed with a ball there on ar. BLAKER, [Salisbury, 1613] or, a chev. pean, betw. three men's heads, side-faced, couped, ppr. crined sa.-Crest, a demi horse sa. ducally gorged or. Blaker, [Portslade, Suss. Granted, 19 Feb. 1616] ar. a chev. erm. betw. three moors' heads, side-faced, couped ppr. crined or.-Crest, a horse's head sa. bridled and maned or. Blaker. See Blaken. BLAKESTON. See BLACKSTONE. BLAKET, [Bucks.] gu. a chev. vert. (Another, vair.) Blaket, [Glouc.] az. a bend betw. three cross crosslets (Another, six) fitchée or. Blaket, [Glouc. and Heref.] az. a bend cottised betw. six cross crosslets fitchée or. Blaket, or, on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. as many eagles displ. of the field. Blaket, ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. an eagle displ. or. BLAKEY. See BLACKLEY. BLAKFORD. See BLACKFORD. BLAKINGHAM, [Suff.] az. two bars or, betw. seven cross crosslets of the second. BLAKISTON, Bart. [London, 22 April, 1763, afterwards of Bona Vista, near Lymington, Hants.] ar. two bars gu. in chief three cocks of the last. -Crest, a cock gu. Blakiston. The same aims.- Crest, a cock or. BLAKNALL. The same as BLAKEN. BLAKNEY. See BLAKENEY. BLAKNYS, [Norf.] The same as BLAKINGHAM, Suff. BLAKSTON, barry of four ar. and gu. in chief three cocks of the second. mullet. BLANCHARDEN, [Kent] az. a fesse nebulée and engr. ar. betw. three lions' heads, erased and collared gu.Crest, a cock's leg gu, armed with a cock's spur, the collar or, the spur sa. and erased at the thigh, from which issue four ostrich's feathers, two and two, counterchanged or and az. BLANCHFRONT, erm. on an inescutcheon, the arms of Mortimer, viz. barry of six az. and or, an inescutcheon ar. on a chief of the first, two pellets betw. as many gyrons of the second. BLANCH MAYNES, gu. a cinquefoil pierced erm.-Crest, a leopard's head guard. erased or. BLANCHMINSTER, bendy of six gu. and vert, a chev. erm. BLANCHMISTER. See BLACKMONSTER. BLANCKFRONT, az. two bars or, an inescutcheon ar. on a chief of the first, two pellets betw. as many gyrons, of the second. .... Blanckfront, or Blarnekfront, erm. an inescutcheon ar. BLANCKHARDON, -Crest, a falcon's claw, erased and conjoined to a plume of five ostrich's feathers. BLAND, [London. Granted, 10 May, 1563] gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three cross crosslets or, as many cinquefoils az. Bland, [London and Yorks.] erm. (Another, ar.) on a bend sa. three pheons or. Bland, [Kippax-Park, Yorks.] ar. on a bend sa. three pheons of the field. -Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head ppr. Bland, lozengy, or, and sa. Bland, sa. three pales engr. or. Bland, ar. three ewers (or pots) gu. two and one. BLANDE, gu. three covered flagons ar. BLANDFORD, [Dors.] barry of six or and gu. on a chief of the last, three plates. Crest, a dexter hand holding a pistol ppr. BLANDSON, per pale gu. and az. three annulets or, two and one, a chief of the second, fretty sa. BLANDVILE, or BLANDVILLE, or, three garbs az. BLANE, Bart. [Blanefield, Ayrsh. and Culverlands, Berks. 26 Dec. 1812] ar. on a fesse sa. betw. an anchor erect in chief, entwined by a serpent ppr. and in base, a rose gu. a crescent betw. two mullets of the field.-Crest, a sword erect ppr. Motto, Pax aut bellum. Blane, or Blain, [Scotland] ar. on a fesse gu. a mullet betw. two crescents of the first, in base a rose of the |