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[blocks in formation]

Revan Coruw. ar. a buil pass. gu.

Bewley, or, three bars sa. in chief two pales of the second, an inescutcheon gu.

Bewley, ar. a chev. betw. three choughs' heads (Another, hawks) erased sa. beaked gu. BEWMARRIS, or, a fesse az.

BEWPELL, [Cornw.) gu. a bend vair, cottised ar. betw. six escallops of the second.

Bewpell, gu. a bend vair betw. three eagles displ. ar.

BEWRIS, erm. a chev. sa. betw. two lions pass. guard. or.

De Corum) erm. a bull pass, gu. armed and un- Bewris, or Bewrys, erm. on a chev. sa. two lions pass. guied or

[blocks in formation]

combatant.-Crest, a lion's head ar. charged with two chev. sa. and ducally crowned or.

BEWRYE, [Collaton, Devons.] erm. on a bend engr. az. three fleurs-de-lis or.

BEWRYS, erm. on a chev. sa. two lions pass. respecting each other or.

BEWSHIN, paly of six wavy ar. and sa. on a chief of the second three crescents of the first, - Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's paw holding a palm branch ppr. BEWSON, ar. on a chev. betw. three goats' heads sa. as many escallops of the field.

BEWYKE, gu. on a bend ar. three boars' heads couped


Kiernan, Kase or betw, six trefoils slipped of BEXHULL, or BEXULL, or, a lion ramp. az. fretty or.

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Kawany w BRALCLEER, ar. a lion ramp. double BAWNAM.W BSWCHAM, gu. fretty ar.-Crest, a hand give the wreath, pruning a vine, ppr. ta ches, or, betw, three lions' heads erased

Nawalls, or a chev, betw, three torteauxes.
Bxwas, at a lon ramp, gorged with a ducal coronet or,
in chiet three martlets. -Crest, on a chapeau, a pegas-
us, with a branch in the mouth, ppr.

Bxwar, gu, a chev, betw. three demi lions ramp. ar.
Bawerck, quarterly indented ar. and az.
Bwave, as, three helmets ar.

BAWFORD, gu, a chief ar.

BEWPORT, per fesse ar. and gu. in chief three torteauxes, in base a plate.

BEWFOY, ar, a chev. gu betw. three eagles displ. vert. BEWFRONT, paly of six

or and gu.

BKWICKE, [Close House, N. umb.] ar. a fesse of five lozenges gu. each charged with a mullet of the first, betw, three bears heads erased sa. muzzled or.-Crest, a goat's head erased ar. gorged with a mural coronet gu. Motto, In cælo quies.

Bowicke, [Newcastle] The same.

BKWIE, or, three barrulets gu. over all a saltier of the last.

BEWIKE, per bend or and gu. billettée, and three boars' heads counterchanged.

Bowike, per bend gu. and or, on a bend ar. three boars' heads couped sa.

RAWLEY, [Kent] ar. a chev. betw. three eagles' heads erased sa.

Rawy, [London, 1245] quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross wanterchanged.

wley, [Suff.] gu. a fesse betw. three roses ar.-Crest, an ibex's head or, issuing out of the centre of a rose gu. barbed vert.

BEXWELL, ar. six annulets sa. three, two, and one. (Another, with a bordure engr. gu.)

Bexwell, ar. six ogresses, three, two, and one. (Another, adds a bordure gu.)

BEYARD, erm. a chev. gu. betw. three eagles displ. of the second. Crest, on a tower ar. windows and door sa. a lion ramp. gu.

BEYERLEY, or BYERLEY, or, a cross crosslet gu.
BEYFEARD, sa. six martlets or, three, two, and one.
BEYFORD, ar. three mullets gu.

BEYFRAND, sa. six martlets ar. three, two, and one.
BEYKLE, ar, a chev. engr. betw. three birds sa.-Crest,

a cross pattée gu. betw. two wings or. BEYLE, or BEYLEY, ar. three torteauxes, two and one. BEYMAN, or, on a cross sa. five bulls' heads ar. BEYMEYS. See BEAUMEYS.

BEYNARD, or, a fesse betw. three chev. sa. BEYNCLERE, [Suff.] or, a lion ramp. gu. collared ar. (Another, tail forked.)

BEYNHA, sa. three mallets ar.

BEYNHAM, [Heref. 1588] vert, a cross moline or.Crest, a beaver ppr.

BEYNTON, sa. a bend fusilly ar.-Crest, a griffin's head

erased sa.

Beynton, az. six escallops or, three, two, and one. BEYSIS, or BESTIS, or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure sa. bezantée.

BEYSYNURGH, or, a canton, indented in the bottom gu. BEZELEY, [Yorks.] ar. three torteauxes and a chief gu. BEZOME, lozengy (Another, fusilly) ar. and sa. BIANFRONS, paly of six or and gu.

BIBELLES, or BIBLES, and BIBBESWORTH, [Herts.] az. three eagles displ. or.

BIBERBACH, ar. on a mount in base, a tree, with two bodies, vert.

BIBISWORTH, and BIBLESWORTH, (Heref.] The same


BIBLESWORTH, sa. six eagles displ. ar. Biblesworth, az. six nails or.

BICHE, [Berks.) ar. on a bend gu. three bucks' heads or. Biche, vairé, ar. and gu. on a canton of the second, a garb or.

BICHINGFIELD, sa. a lion pass. ar.

BICKERING, chequy ar. and gu.

BICKERSTAFFE, [Kent and Lanc.] sa. a cross crosslet ar.-Crest, the sun surmounted of a unicorn ramp.


BICKERSTATH, [Bickerstath, Lanc.] ar. on a cross patonce sa. (Another, az.) five mullets or. BICKERSTON, [Scotland] ar. an eagle displ. gu.

BICKERTON, Bart. [Upwood, Hunts. 19 May, 1778] sa. on a chev. or. three pheons of the first; on a canton of augmentation gu. a mullet and increscent fesseways (in allusion to the Ottoman order) within a bordure embattled or. - Crest, a dexter arm in armour, embowed holding a dagger, all ppr.; and as an augmentation, suspended from the arm an escutcheon gu. charged with a mullet and increscent or.

Bickerton, [Essex and Beeby, Leic.] ar. on a chev. sa. three pheons of the field. - Crest, a martlet or. Bickerton, [Scotland] ar. an eagle displ. gu. beaked and membered sa.

BICKLEY, [Attleborough, Norf.] ar. a chev. counterembattled, betw. three griffins' heads erased sa. each charged with a plate. -Crest, a hind's head ppr. collared ar.

Bickley, [Chidall, Suss.] or, a chev. crenellée, betw. three griffins' heads erased sa.

Bickley, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three martlets sa.

BICKLIFE, [London] ar. a chev. counter-embattled, betw. three griffins' heads erased sa. Crest, a hind's head ppr. collared ar.

BICKNALL, or BICKNELL, erm. on a chief gu. a cherub's head.-Crest, an angel in a praying posture, betw. two branches of laurel, in orle.

chief engr. az. a tortoise or. -Crest, a dexter hand erect in armour or, holding an adder ppr.

BIDLAKE, [Bidlake, Somers.] gu. a fesse ar. betw, three birds of the second. - Crest, a cock holding in the beak a trefoil ppr.

BIDON, gu. a quarter erm. charged with a lion ramp. az,
-Crest, a lion ramp. betw. two wings.
Bidon, chequy ar. and gu. on a fesse az. three round
buckles or.

BIDULPH, [East Greenwich, Kent] vert, an eagle displ. ar.-Crest, a wolf salient ar. vulned on the shoulder gu. Bidulph, [East Greenwich, Kent] ar. an eagle displ. sa. Bidulph, [Bidulph, Staffs.] vert, an eagle displ. ar.Crest, a wolf sejant, reguard. ar. (Another, or) vulned on the shoulder gu.

BIDWELL, [Devons.] per saltier or and gu. four roundles, each charged with a martlet, all counterchanged.-Crest, a hand in fesse couped, holding a curling stone. Bidwell, or Bydewell, gyronny of four or and gu. four roundles charged with as many martlets, all counterchanged.-Crest, as the last.


BIE, az. three bees volant in arriére or. Crest, two oak branches in saltier ppr.

BIECH, ar. on a bend gu. betw. three bucks' beads
cabossed or, a label of five points az.
BIELEY, -Crest, a hawk close ppr.
BIELETT, ar. on a fesse embattled gu, a lion pass. guard.



BIEST, gu. three sheaves of arrows or, banded az.

Biest. See Beist.


BIFIELD. See BYFIELD, London. BIGBERIE, gu. an eagle ar. membered or. BIGBERY, [Essex] az. an eagle displ. or.-Crest, a hand holding a leg in armour, couped above the knee, and spurred ppr.

BICKNELL, [Spring Garden Terrace] ar. two bars gu. orall a lion ramp. of the first; impaling az. a lion ramp. ar. a canton of the last. -Crest, a dragon's head collared, couped at the neck.

Bigbery, [Devons.] az. an eagle displ. or. armed gu. (Another, ar.)

BICKNOR, ar. a chief az.

Bicknor, az. a bend gu. betw. six lions ramp. or.
Bicknor, Bickenor, or Bykenore, ar. on a chev. az. three Bigg, [Iping, Suss. and Arnwood, Hants.] erm, on a fesse

BIGEWARE, or, a fesse gu. betw. six lozenges az. BIGG, ar. on a fesse betw. three martlets sa. as many annulets or.-Crest, an arm embowed, vested .. couped at the shoulder holding a serpent, the tail twisted round the arm.

lions ramp. of the first. -Crest, a pheon erm.

BICKSBERY, ar. a fesse cottised sa.

BICKTON, [Cornw.] az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis

engr. betw. three martlets sa. as many anmulets or.Crest, an eagle's head couped and ducally crowned, betw. two wings elevated.

in chief, and as many annulets in base, or. BICKWITH. The same as BECKWITH, Alborough,


Bigg, [Hants.] per pale erm. and az. a lion pass. gu. crowned or, within a bordure engr. of the third, charged with eight fleurs-de-lis gold. -Crest, a rhinoceros

BICKWORTH, vair, a chief, erm.

[blocks in formation]

BIDALL, ar. a cross sa. in the first quarter an annulet of the second.

BIDDELL, BIDDLE, or BIDDELLE, ar. three double brackets sa.-Crest, a demi heraldic tiger ramp. gu. ducally gorged.

BIDDULPH, Bart. [Westcombe, Kent. 2 Nov. 1664] vert, an eagle displ. ar.-Crest, a wolf sejant ar. wounded in the shoulder ppr.

BIDE, or, on a pale engr. az. three anchors of the first.
BIDEFORD, ar. two bars wavy az. a chief or.
Bideford, or Bidford, barry wavy of six ar. and az. a
chief or.

BIDGOOD, [Exeter, Devons. Granted, 1690] ar, on a

BIGGAR, [Wolmet, Scotland] ar. a bend az. betw. three mullets gu.-Crest, a pelican's head couped ppr. Motto, Giving and forgiving.

BIGGE, quarterly, first, erm, on a fesse engr. betw. three martlets sa. as many annulets ar. second, ar. on a bend sa. three lozenges or. third, vert, three bulls' heads cabossed ar. fourth, az. betw. two flanches erm. three escallops in pale ar. -Crest, an eagle's head erin. mu-. rally crowned.. betw. two wings of the last.

BIGGER, ar. a bend, raguly, betw. two mullets az.--Crest, a pelican's head and weck, vulning her breast ppr.

Bigger, [Edinbro'] ar. a bend counter-embattled az, betw. | BILLESBY, ar. a chev. betw. three stone bills sa.

two mullets gu.-Crest and Motto, as Biggar.

BIGGES, [Stragglethorp, Linc.] gu. a fesse erm. betw. three talbots pass. ar. each having in the mouth a birdbolt or.

BILLESDON, [Lord Mayor of London, 1483] az. a bend

cottised or, in the sinister chief, an eagle's head erased of
the second.

Billesdon, or Bydelesdon, az. four costs or.
BILLESLEY, ar. a bull pass. gu.

BIGGS, [London] per pale erm. and az. a lion pass. gu.
crowned or, within a bordure engr. of the third, charged
with eight fleurs-de-lis of the fourth. --Crest, a leopard's griffin's head erased of the second.
face gu. (Another crest, a lamb couchant ar.)

BILLESTON, az. two bendlets or, in the sinister chief a BILNEY, [Norf.] ar. an eagle displ. vert, membered gu. | -Crest, a demi griffin ar. holding betw. the paws a buckle sa.

BIGHTINE, purp. a chev. couched sinister or.

BIGHTON, [Derb.] ar. on a bend gu. betw. two stags' heads cabossed sa. a greyhound current of the field. BIGLAND, [Norroy King of Arms. Granted, 21 Feb. 1760] az. two ears of big (i. e. wheat) stalked and bladed in fesse or. - Crest, a lion pass. reguard. gu. holding in the dexter paw an ear of big, as in the arms. Over the crest this Motto, Gratitude.

Bigland, [Glouc. London, and Heaton, N.umb.] The


Bigland, az. two ears of big in pale, couped and bladed or. BIGNELL, [Salisbury and London. Granted, 1764]

erminois, a lion ramp. gu. on a chief az. an ear of big, couped and bladed or, betw. two etoiles ar.-Crest, a wivern gu. wings elevated and endorsed or, resting the dexter foot on an anchor of the last.

BIGOD, or, on a cross gu. five escallops ar.

BIGOODS, ar. on a chev. gu. three crescents of the first. BIGOT, or, a cross sarcelly gu. -Crest, a martlet sa. Bigot, per pale vert and or, a cross moline sa. (Another, gu.)

BIGOTT, or, a cross gu. (Another, adds a label of five points az.)

Bigott, vert, a lion ramp. or.
BIGWAIES, vair, a chief gu.

BIGWARE, or, a fesse gu. betw, three lozenges az. (Another, six.)

BIGWOD, ar. on a chief sa. two crescents or.

BIGWOOD, ar. on a chief gu. three (Another, two) crescents of the field. -Crest, a hand erect issuing from a cloud, and holding a club in bend sinister.

BILDYNE, [Suff.] per fesse indented gu. and vert, three ducks ar.

BILERHIET, gu, a boy's face couped below the shoulders, betw. two demi pillars ar.

BILESBY, [Bylesby, Linc.] ar. a chev. betw. three demi lozenges couped per pale są. BILESTON, ar. on a bend sa. three martlets of the field. BILKSTON, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the first. BILL, ar. a stork ppr. holding in the dexter foot an ancient battle-axe, handle gu. top az.-Crest, a stork's head erased ppr.

Bill, erm. two wood-bills sa. with long handles ppr. in saltier, on a chief az. a pale or, charged with a rose gu. betw. two pelicans' heads erased at the neck ar.

Bill, or Byle, az. three griffins' head erased ar. BILLCLIFFE, [Turganby, Kent] az. a bend nebulée or, betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar.-Crest, a naked arm ppr. couped at the elbow, and erect, holding a battle-axe also ppr.

BILLEDGE, ar. a chev gu. betw. three holly-leaves vert. BILLERBERG, ar. three stone billets, carved gu. BILLERS, [Lord Mayor of London, 1734] per pale gu. and sa. a lion ramp. ar, crowned or. Crest, a snail in its shell ppr..

BILLESWORTH, [Heref.] ar. three eagles displ. az. Billesworth, az. three eagles displ. or. Crest, a squirrel

sejant cracking a nut ppr. collared or. BILLET, [Norf.] ar. a fesse gu. in chief a greyhound sa. (Another, purp.)



Billet, on a chief.. three cinquefoils Billet, Billot, or Bellet, (Devons. and Norf.] ar. on a chief gu. three cinquefoils of the field. -Crest, a hand and arm couped at the elbow, in armour ppr. in the gauntlet a baton or.

BILLETTES, ar. a billet, raguled and trunked on each side sa. fired in three places ppr.

BILLICH, ar. a rat salient to the sinister sa.-Crest, a rat as in the arms.

BILLING, [Deding, Oxon] ar. a cross voided betw. twelve cross crosslets fitchée gu.-Crest, an arm couped at the shoulder, resting the elbow on the wreath, and holding a spear in pale

Billing, gu. a chev. betw. three goats' ar. attired or. Billing, or Billinge, or, on a bend sa. three bucks' heads erased.-Crest, a buck pass. ppr. BILLINGDON, ar. on a saltier engr. sa. a fleur-de-lis or. Billingdon, or Billington, ar. on a saltier engr. sa. (Another, az.) five fleurs-de-lis or.

BILLINGE, [Billinge, Lanc.] ar. a cross (Another, voided) betw. four cross crosslets fitchée gu.-Crest, as BILLING, Oxon.

BILLINGER, billettée, counter-billettée gu. and ar.
Billinger, az. a rose in base or.

BILLINGFORD, [Norf. and Suff.] sa. two bills, endorsed, in saltier ar.

BILLINGHAM, ar. three ducal crowns or, insides sa. Billingham, ar. on a saltier engr. az. five fleurs-de-lis or, -Crest, a lion ramp. double queued ar.

Billingham, or Byrlangham, ar. on a cross engr. gu. five fleurs-de-lis or.

BILLINGHURST, [Newport, Isle of Wight] az. three eagles displ. or, betw. nine cross crosslets fitchée ar.Crest, an eagle displ. or, holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitchée ar.

BILLINGS, [Beds.] gu. a cross betw. four cross crosslets fitchée ar. Crest, an arm embowed, vested, holding a covered cup.

BILLINGSLEY, [Lord Mayor of London, 1596] quarterly; first and fourth, gu. a fleur-de-lis and canton or; second, ar. a cross voided of the field, five etoiles betw. four lions ramp. sa.; third, per saltier az. and or, two cinquefoils in pale, and as many martlets in fesse, all counterchanged.

Billingsley, [London] gu. a fleur-de-lis or, a canton of the second. Crest, on a mount vert, a leopard couchant or, spotted sa.

Billingsley, [Salop] ar. a cross sa. voided of the field, five etoiles in cross betw. four lions ramp. of the second. -Crest, as the last.


BILSDON, [London] az. a bend voided or.

the elbow erect, habited az. charged on the sleeve with a cross formée ar. cuff. of the last, in the hand ppr. a branch of laurel vert. (Another crest, on a rock ppr. an eagle rising or.)

Bilsdon, az. four bendlets or. -Crest, a ram's head couped Bingham, [Herts.] vert, a cross moline or.



BILSON, [Hants.] gu. a double rose, the inside gu. the
other ar. and a pomegranate or, seeded ppr. both stalked
and leaved vert, and conjoined in pale. -Crest, a bugle-
horn or, stringed ar. and tasselled gold.

Bilson, [Hants.] ar. a pomegranate slipped ppr.
Bilson, gu. a rose ar. and pomegranate or, conjoined in
pale, leaved vert, seeded of the third.

BILSTON, [London] az. two bendlets


a griffin's head

BILTERSWORTH, or, three figworth flowers ppr.
BILTON, paly of four or and gu. a bend sa.
BINCESTER, gu. a chief crenellée ar.

BINCKES, BINCKS, or BINKS, or, a crescent az. within
an orle of eight martlets gu.-Crest, a column winged

BINDE, ar. two bars sa. on each three martlets or.
BINDER, az. the head of an avosetta ppr.
Binder. See Bender.


BINDLEY, -Crest, out of a mural coronet a dexter
arm embowed, wielding a sword ppr.
BINDLOSSE, [Borwick, Lanc. and Westm.] quarterly per
fesse indented or and gu. on a bend az. a cinquefoil
betw. two martlets of the first. -Crest, a demi horse ar.
ducally gorged az.

BINDON, [Ireland] paly of eight or and gu.-Crest, on
a mount vert, a bull pass. ar.

BING, [Kent] quarterly sa. and or, in the chief dexter quarter, a lion ramp. guard. of the first. -Crest, a demi pegasus reguard. winged or, holding in pale a flag gu.

BINGE, [Kent] quarterly sa. and ar. in the first quarter, a lion ramp. of the second.-Crest, an antelope erm. attired or.

Binge, quarterly sa. and or, four lions ramp. counterchanged

BINGEWARE, or, a fesse gu. betw. four lozenges az. BINGHAM, Earl of LUCAN, Baron of Castlebar, and a Baronet of Nova Scotia. [Creations, Baronet, 1634; Baron, 15 July, 1776; Earl, 6 Oct. 1795. Residence, Castlebar, Mayo, Ireland) quarterly; first and fourth, quarterly; first, az. a bend cottised betw. six crosses pattée or, for Bingham; second, erm. a lion ramp. gu. ducally crowned or, the third as the second, the fourth as the first; second and third grand quarters, per pale gu. and ar. a fleur-de-lis per pale ar. and sa. for Lucan. -Crest, on a mount vert, an eagle with wings expanded ppr. armed or. Supporters, two wolves, their tails turned down az. collared and chained or. Motto, Spes mea Christus.

BINGHAM, Lord CLANMORRIS, Baron Clanmorris of Newbrook. [Creation, 31 July, 1800. Residence, Newbrook House, Mayo] az. a bend cottised betw. four crosses pattée or.-Crest, an eagle with wings endorsed ppr. Supporters, two lions ppr. Motto, Spes mea Christus.

Bingham, [Kent] or, on a fesse gu. three water-bougets ar.
Bingham, or, a fesse gu. betw. three water-bougets sa.
Bingham, per pale ar. and sa. a lion ramp. or, armed gu.
(Another, the lion crowned or.)
Bingham, or Bengham, az. a fesse dancettée ar.
BINGLEY, [Flintshire and Midd. 1605] ar. two bars sa,
on a canton of the second, a pheon of the first.-Crest,
a pheon ar. betw. two wings or, behind the pheon and.
wings a pellet.

Bingley, [Notts.] ar. two bars sa. on a canton of the
second a cross formée of the first, charged with an an-
nulet gu.-Crest, on a pellet, a cross formée ar. charged
with an annulet gu. betw. two wings or.

Bingley, [Yorks.] ar. three trefoils in bend sa. betw. two
cottises gu.-Crest, a bear's head erased ar. muzzled
and collared gu. studded and ringed or.
BINGWARE, or, a fesse gu. betw. six lozenges az.


BINNING, [Binning, Scotland] ar. on a bend engr. sa.
a mullet of the first.

Binning, [Carlouryhall, Scotland] ar. on a bend engr.
sa. a waggon of the field.-Crest, a horse's head fur-
nished for a waggon ppr. Motto, Virtute doloque.
Binning, [Easter-Binning] The same.
Binning, [Pelmuir, Scotland] ar. on a bend engr. az. a
waggon of the first, within a bordure erm.
Binning, [Wallifoord, Scotland] ar. on a bend engr. sa.
a waggon or, within a bordure of the second.-Crest, a
demi horse furnished for a waggon ppr. Motto, Christo
duce felicitur.

Binning, [Scotland] ar. on a cross az. a crescent betw.
four mullets of the first.

BINNS, or, a blackmoor's head couped sa. - Crest, a

mortar mounted ppr. BINQUEMOUNT, [France] or, three pellets. BINSTOUN, [Scotland] a lion salient within a bor dure engr.



BINTWORTH, gu. five lioncels ramp. in cross, or.
BINWORTH, az. five lozenges in cross, conjunct, or.
BIPEN, az. a lion ramp. with two heads or.
BIPONT, gu. ten annulets or, four, three, two, and one.
BIPSHAM, [Billinge, Lanc.] ar. a rose and thistle slipped,

conjoined in pale, both ppr.
BIRAM, ar. three hedge-hogs sa.
BIRASTON, az. a fesse dancettée erm. betw. six crosslets
formée fitchée ar.

BIRBECK, ar. a fesse chequy or and sa. betw. three lious' heads erased gu.

BIRCH, [Birch-Hall, Lanc. also of Linc. and London] az.
three fleurs-de-lis or. -Crest, a fleur-de-lis ar. entwined
by a serpent ppr.

Birch, [Lanc. and Salop] ar. a chev, betw. three mullets
sa.-Crest, a demi bird, with wings displ. sa.
Birch, az. three fleurs-de-lis and a canton ar.

Bingham, [Bingham-Melcombe, Dors.] az. a bend cottised |
betw. six crosses formée or. Crest, an arm couped at cross crosslets sa. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first.

BIRCHELLS, or BIRCHILLS, ar, on a chev. betw. three


BIRCHENSHAW, ar. a pegasus gu.
BIRLANGHAM, or, a fesse gu. betw. three torteauxes.
Birchenshaw, or Birkenshaw, [Lancaster] ar. a fesse BIRLE, [Essex, 1578] ar.. three torteauxes and a chief
cottised gu. in chief three mullets of the last.

BIRCHES, or, three birch twigs sa.

BIRCHILL, [Birchill, Ches.) ar. on a chev. betw. three cross crosslets fitchée sa. as many fleurs-de-lis of the field.-Crest, a lion ramp. az. supporting a tree vert.

BIRCKICHT, ar. on a mount, a tree, vert.

BIRCUT, [Scotland] gu. a chev. engr. betw. three cinquefoils ar.

BIRD, [Broxton, Ches.] per pale or and ar. over all, an eagle displ. sa.

Bird, [Ches.] ar. a cross flurt betw. four martlets gu. a canton az.-Crest, a martlet ppr.

Bird, [Derb.] gu. a chev. embattled ar.-Crest, on a mount vert, a stump of a tree couped and erased, thereon a falcon volant, all ppr.

Bird, [Bread-street, London, and Coventry, Warw.] ar. a cross moline vert, betw. four martlets gu. a chief dovetailed az.-Crest, a greyhound's head vert, erased gu. gorged with a dove-tailed collar or.

Bird, [Westminster, descended from Salop. Granted, 16 Sept. 1723] az. a lion pass. guard. and ducally crowned or, betw. three turtle-doves rousant ar. each holding in the beak a trefoil slipped gold. Crest, a ring-dove ppr. resting the right foot on a rose or.

Bird, vert, three bucks' heads ppr.

Bird, [1606] quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quarter, an eagle displ. of the second. -Crest, on a dolphin ppr. an eagle or, wings expanded.

BIRDMANSTON, ar. seven mascles conjoined, three, three, and one, sa.

Birdmanston, ar. six mascles gu. three, two, and one. BIRGHIEXTON, ar. three boars' heads couped betw. six crosslets gu.

BIRHORNSTON, ar. three bears' heads couped betw. six cross crosslets fitchée gu. BIRINGHAM. See BIRNGHAM.

BIRKBECK, [Cumb.] ar. a fesse counter-compony or and az. betw. three lions' heads erased gu. BIRKBEKE, [Westm.] ar. a fesse chequy or and sa. betw. two lions' heads erased, in chief, and in base, a boar's head erased gu.--Crest, a nut-branch vert, fructed or. BIRKBY, or BUCKBY, or, three garbs sa. two and one. -Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a garb or, banded ar.

BIRKEHOVER, [Lanc.] sa. three garbs or, within a bordure, engra of the last.

BIRKEN, [Yorks.] ar. a fesse az, and a label of three points gu.

BIRKENHEAD, or BIRKET, vert, a bordure ar. pellettée, surmounted of another engr. gu.

BIRKES, sa. three garbs or, on a chief ar. as many pellets gu.-Crest, an ear of wheat and palm branch in saltier

[blocks in formation]

erm.-Crest, an arm couped at the shoulder fesseways, holding in the hand ppr. a cross formée fitchée or, habited ar. cuff sa, on the arm three torteauxes.

BIRLEY, ar. a fesse engr. betw. three trefoils slipped gu. BIRLINGHAM, or, on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis of the field.

Birlingham, ar. on a cross purp. (Another, gu.) five fleurs-de-lis or.

BIRMEALL, az. a boars' head ar. erased or. BIRMINGHAM, [Norf.] ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. three escallops or.-Crest, two lions' paws in saltier


Birmingham, [Ireland] per pale indented gu. and or, within a bordure az. (Another, the bordurę vert.) Birmingham, az. a bend fusilly or. Birmingham, per pale indented ar. and az. two spears' heads counterchanged. Birmingham, az. a bend lozengy or. BIRN, or BRIN, [Ireland] ar. guttée de sang, a lion pass. guard. gu. -Crest, a dexter hand couped gu. BIRNALL. The same as BERNIL.

BIRNARD, ar. on a bend az. three escallops of the first. BIRNELL, [Oxon] ar. a lion ramp. sa. (Another, az.) guttée d'or.

Birnell, [Linc.] ar. a lion ramp. az. Birnell, or Byrnell, The same, with a label of three points gu.

BIRNEY, [Broomhill, Scotland] gu. a fesse ar. betw. a bow and arrow in full draught in chief, and three mens' legs, couped at the thighs in fesse, paleways, of the se-Crest, a lion's head erased gu. Motto, Sapere aude incipe.

Birney, [Salin, Scotland] gu. on a fesse ar. betw. a bow and arrow in full draught in chief, and three mens' legs couped at the thighs in fesse, paleways, of the second, a lion's head erased sa. -Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding an anchor erected or, environed with clouds ppr. Motto, Arcus artes astra.

BIRNGHAM, or BIRINGHAM, az. five fusils in bend or. BIRNIE. Same as BIRNEY, Salin. BIRNINGHAM, az. a bend engr. ar. (Another, adds a label of three points gu.) Birningham, az. a .... engr. or, a label of three points gu.

BIRON, gu. three bends ar. (Another, adds a label az.) BIRREL, or BIRRELL, ar. three torteauxes within a bordure vert, a chief erm.-Crest, an arm in armour embowed, wielding a scimitar, all ppr.

BIRSIN, or BASIN, sa. three flotes in pale ar.
BIRT, az. a birt-fish ppr.

Birt, ar. two chev. paly of six or and az. (Another, az. and or.)

BIRTE, [Devons.] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three buglehorns stringed sa. three cross crosslets fitchée of the first. Crest, a dexter arm fesseways embowed, issuing out of a cloud in the sinister, and holding a garland of laurel, all ppr.

BIRTLES, or BIRCHELLS, gu. three parrots, reguard. wings disclosed, ar.

BIRTON, paly of six or and gu. over all, on a bend sa. three guttes-ar.

Birton, or Brinton, sa. a chev, betw. three martlets or.

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