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Gough, ar. on a chev. gu. three lions pass. guard. or. GOUGHTON, or GOFTON, [Stockwell, Surrey] The same as GOFTON.

Goughton, az. three bucks or.

Goughton, or Gowtheton, ar. (Another, or) a bend gobonated, gu. and ar. betw. two ogresses. GOUIS, [Duntish, Dors. Temp. Edw. II.] ar. a lion

ramp. sa.

GOULBORNE, [Ches.] ar. a cross patonce betw. four martlets gu. a canton az. - Crest, a stag's head or, gorged with a chaplet of laurel vert.

GOULD, [Dorchester; Staverton, Devons.; and Edmonton, Midd.] per saltier, az. and or, a lion ramp. counterchanged. Crest, an arm, vested vert, holding in the hand ppr. a banner or, charged with three bars wavy az. on a canton ar. a rose gu.

Gould, [Fleet-House, Dors.] The same arms.Crest, an arm embowed, vested gu. cuff or, holding in the hand ppr. a banner, paly of six, az. and of the second; on a canton ar. a cross of the first, the staff gold.

Gould, az. a lion ramp. or, betw. three scrolls ar.-Crest,
a demi lion ramp. or, holding a scroll ar.
Gould, paly of six, ar. and sa. six cross crosslets or.
Gould, [Ireland] or, a lion ramp. gu.-Crest, a martlet


Gould, [Scotland] See Goold.


GOULDEN, vairé, or and az.-Crest, a lion's head erased ppr.

GOULDESBOROUGH, az. a cross patonce ar.-Crest, a pelican ppr.


GOULDIE, vert, a land turtle pass. ar.

Gouldie, [Scotland] ar. a chev. gu. betw. two trefoils slipped, in chief, and a cinquefoil, in base, vert. -Crest, a garb or. Motto, Quid utilis.

GOULDING, [North Newherbar, Kent. Confirmed 13 May, 1772] ar. a cross voided, betw. four lions pass. gu.-Crest, a lion sejant sa. supporting with the dexter foot an escutcheon or.

Goulding, [Ireland] ar. a cross betw. four demi lions ramp. couped gu.-Crest, a hawk, jessed, belled, and hooded, ppr.

GOULDINGHAM, [Norf.] ar. two bars wavy gu. Gouldingham, [Suff.] ar. a bend wavy gu. -Crest, a lion's gamb erased


Gouldingham, az. a cross engr. ar. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. (Another, erm.)

GOULDINGTON, or GoldINGTON, or, on a bend az. six fleurs-de-lis of the field, two, two, and two.

sa. Crest, out of a well or, a branch of columbines, stalked and leaved vert, flowered ppr.

Gouldwell, [Kent] gu. (Another, az.) a lion ramp. ar. billettée sa.

Gouldwell, gu. a lion ramp. ar. billettée sa. a chief of the last.

Gouldwell, az. a chief or, over all a lion ramp. ar billettée



GOULSTONE, ar. two bars nebulée gu.; over all, on a bend sa. three plates. -Crest, an ostrich's wing of five feathers, alternately ar. and gu. charged with a bend, as in the arms.

Gounery, or GoUNERIS, gu. a chev. or. GOUNING, [Mayor of Bristol. Granted 22 Dec. 1662] gu. three cannons barways, in pale, ar. GOURLAY, [Kincraig, Scotland] sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed and beaked gu.-Crest, an eagle as in the arms. Motto, Profunda cornit.

Gourlay, Gourlee, Gourly, or Gourley, erm. a fesse betw. three martlets gu. -Crest, a boar's head erased ppr. Gourlay, or, an eagle, wings displ. sa. surmounted with a bend of the second, charged with crescents gu. GoURLE, ar. on a cross moline sa. five etoiles or. GOURLEE. See GOURLAY.



GOURLEYBANKS, ar. a tree, growing out of a mount in base, betw. two banks, and on the tree a roundle charged with a mullet.

GOURLIE, and GOURLEY, sa. an eagle displ. ar. -Crest, two hands conjoined and couped, in fesse, ppr. supporing a cross crosslet fitchée gu. Gourlie, ar. three martlets gu. GOURLY. See GOURLAY. GOURNAY, az. on a bend cottised ar. three leopards' heads (Another, crowned) gu.

GOURNEY, or GURNEY, [Devons.] paly of six, or and


Gourney, or Gurnay, [Harpley, Westbarsham, Keswick,
and Norwich, Norf. 28 Hen. II.] ar. a cross engr. gu.
Gourney, ar. a cross engr. betw. four etoiles gu.
Gourney, erm. a saltier engr. gu.

GOUSELL, paly of six, ar. and gu.; on a chief az. a barrulet indented or.

Gousell, paly of six, ar. and gu.; on a chief indented or, two barrulets wavy az.

Gousell, or Goussell, barry of six, or and az. a canton


GOUSETON, az. three roses or.

GOUSHILL, paly of six, ar. and gu.; on a chief az. a fesse dancettée or.

Gouldington, erm. two bars wavy gu.
GOULDNEY,-Crest, a quatrefoil ensigned with a lion's Goushill. See Gosell.

head erased.


GOULDSMITH, [Nantwich, Ches.] gu. on a fesse or, betw. three martlets ar as many fleurs-de-lis az. Gouldsmith, [Crayford, Kent] gu. a chev. betw. three goldfinches ar.; on a chief or, a lion pass. of the field. -Crest, a cornish chough ppr. guttée d' eau.

Gouldsmith, [Kent] gu. on a chev. betw. three goldfinches ar. as many roses sa. a baton of the third; on a chief of the second, a lion pass. of the first.

GOUSLEY, paly of six, ar. and gu.; in chief a bar indented or.

GOUSTON, [N.umb.] per saltier, or, and chequy, of the first and gu.

GOUTENES, ar. a lion ramp. sa. GOUTHETON, or, a bend componée, gu. and ar. betw. two pellets.

GOUTON, gu. three bucks or.

Gouton, az. three bucks, tripping, or.
Gouton. See Gonton.

GOVAN, [Cardrona] ar. a sword, in pale, az, hilt or, en

GOULDWELL, [Wisbeach, Cambr.; and Bury St. Edmund's,
Suff.] az. a chief or, over all a lion ramp. ar. billettée, signed by a mullet gu.

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S. Durian az. a chev. betw. three hounds ar. GT Esex ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads eraset 12—Crest, a wolf's head erased or. roses suze Sner and barry of six, ar. and gu. in chief three beders-Crest, two wings displ. or.


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bute leaves or.

3. and a canton

Ces, a unicorn pass.

Canton erm. in chief

the ravens sa, each holding in
the second.

ar. on a chev, az. three leopards' faces

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.. a chev. betw. three eagles' heads

*w. and Wore.] gu. a fesse erm. betw, six ZTE ZONES inter u.

Frantita.l, W.) az. a chev. betw. three wolves' kas met H.-Crest, a wolf's head erased or. Sumam, Yess barry of eight, ar. and gu. over ul. a cuss fury sa.-Crest, a wolf pass. ar. collared

and Ines Jr.

Sower, Stanesby, Yorks.] erm. a cross flory gu.

wer, Yorks.] ar. a fesse betw. three talbots pass. sa. -Crest, a demi eagle or.

Gower, [Yorks.] ar. four bars gu. over all a cross crosslet


Gower, gu, a fesse erm.

Gower, gu. on a cross pattée or, nine etoiles sa.
Gower, az. on a chev. or, three leopards' heads gu.
Gower, az. a lion ramp. or, a chief gu.
Gower, or, three bars gu. in chief as many torteauxes.
Gower, or Gowers, ar. a bull pass. gu.

armed or.

Gowis, [Wales] gu. a chev, erm.
Gowis, ar. a lion's head erased gu.
GOWLAND, [Durham. Granted 1749] per pale, gu.
az. two bars or, betw. three bezants in chief, and a pheon
in base, ar.-Crest, a bezant charged with a mount vert,
thereon a stag, trippant, ppr.

GoWNE, ar. a chev. betw. three talbots gu.
GOWNNES, ar. on a chev. sa, betw. three pellets, as many
mullets of the first.
GOWRE, gu. a fesse erm.

As you 2 STAFFORD, Earl Gower, Vis་ཆེས ད * ། སྣ་ The CW Staford, Baron Gower of Stitthan a Karvet. [Creations, Bart. 2 June, Kom, to March 1705; Visc. and Earl, 8 July, GOWRELEY, erm. three martlets gu. Momax 20. 1786. Residences, Trentham Gowreley, erm three mullets gu. Rich Co. Dub Castle, Sutherland; and West- GOWRLA, [Gowrla, Scotland] ar. three falcons gu. Al, Word, Surrey; Town House, 1, Cleveland GowSHELL, [Norf.] paly of six, or and gu. a canton erm. So we ; first and fourth, barry of eight, ar. Gowshell, or Goshall, ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu. kerak, a cross patonce sa. for Gower; second GoWSLEY. See GOSHELL. and what as three laurel-leaves or, for Leveson.-GOWTHETON, or, a bend gobony, ar. and Cas, a woit pass, ar, collared and lined or. Supporters, pellets. ud motor an each collared and lined or. Pways mom plectes.

Motto, Gowtheton. See Goughton.

P& Countess of SUTHERLAND, (Marchioness of For Baroness Strathnaver, Co. of Sutherland in page of Scotland. [Creation, 1228. Residence, Castle, Sutherland; Town House, 1, Cleveland gu. three mullets or, within a bordure of the d, charged with a double tressure flory counterflory,

chev. gu.


betw. two

GOYES, [Langford, Wilts.] ar. a whirlpool az.
Goyes, [Wraxal, Temp. Edw. III.] lozengy or and az, a
Goyes, [Temp. Hen. III.] lozengy, or and az.
Goyes, or Goys, erm. a chief indented sa.
GOYLER, gu. billettée, three mullets ar.
GOY LIN, az. on a bend betw. two eagles displ. ar. three

garbs vert; on a chief or, as many mullets sa.-Crest, a greyhound's head, per pale, ar. and or, betw. two roses gu. stalked and leaved vert, a mullet sa. on the neck for diff.

Goylin, per pale, gu. and az. on a bend, betw. two eagles displ. ar. three garbs vert; on a chief or, as many mullets, pierced sa.

GOYLING, gu. on a fesse betw. three eagles ar. as many garbs vert.

Goyling, per pale, gu. and az. on a bend ar. three garbs vert, betw. two eagles displ. of the third. GOYLYN, per fesse, ar. and sa. a pale counterchanged, three eagles displ. sa.


GOYTER, gu. billettée three cups with handles ar. GOZHECHE, ar. a bend lozengy, gu. and of the first. GRAA, or GREY, ar. on a bead betw. two cottises az. three griffins pass. or.

GRAAS, [Devons.] erm. a fesse sa. betw. three cinquefoils


GRABEN, ar. a bend gu.-Crest, an eagle displ. or, gor-
ged with a chaplet of leaves vert.

GRACE, Bart. [Grace Castle, Kilkenny; succeeded Sir Rich. Gamon, of Michenden, Midd. pursuant to the patent of creation, 11 May, 1795] gu. a lion ramp. per fesse, ar. and or.-Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar.; over the crest, En grace affie. Motto, Concordant nomine facta. Supporters, dexter, a lion ppr.; sinister, a boar or; anciently a lion and a talbot, as appear on the monument of Sir Oliver Grace, of Ballylinch Castle, at Jerpoint Abbey, Kilkenny.

Grace, [Beaconsfield, Bucks.] The same arms.-Crest, a lion ramp. per fesse, ar. and or.

Grace, [Ellington, Durham; Hunts.; Somers. ; and Wilts.]
gu. a lion ramp. or, within on orle of cinquefoils of the
second.-Crest, a lion pass. per fesse, ar. and or.
Grace, [London] gu. semée de cinquefoils, a lion ramp. ar.
Grace, or, a lion ramp. vert.

Grace, gu. a lion ramp. or.-Crest, a demi lion ramp.
Grace, gu. a lion ramp. ar.

Grace, az. three lions ramp. or, a chief ar.

Grace, az. three lions ramp. or, a chief of the second, fretty ar.

Grace, az. a fesse betw. three lions ramp. or. (Another, ar.)

Grace, gu. a lion ramp. per fesse indented, ar. and or.— Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar.

Grace, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three round buckles gu. GRACEDIEU, ar. a fesse dovetailed, in base, gu. betw. three torteauxes.

GRACIE, [Scotland] erm. three lions' heads erased
Crest, a fox current.


GRADEN, [Scotland] ar. on a chev. az. betw. three otters sa. each devouring a fish ppr. as many pheons barbed or.-Crest, a demi otter, erect, sa. devouring a fish. Motto, Ad escam et usum.

GRADOCK, or GRADOCKE, ar. three boars' heads couped sa.-Crest, a horse-shoe az. betw. two eagles' wings ppr.

GRADY, [Ireland] per pale, vert and gu. three lions ramp. in pale, ar.-Crest, a horse's head ar.

callops or.-Crest, a stag lodged ppr. Motto, Cubo ut excubo.

Græme, or, a wall in fesse, masoned ppr. the top broken, in base a rose gu. on a chief sa. three escallops gold.Crest, a cubit arm, erect, holding in the hand a chaplet of laurel, all ppr. (Borne, quarterly with the arms and crest of Jones, by Thomas Græme Esq. late Jones, of Aldbury Court House, Stapleton.)

Græme, ar. on a chief dancettée sa. three escallops or.— Crest, the rising sun ppr.

GRAFFORD, ar. two lions pass. sa. crowned or. GRAFTON, [Shrewsbury; Little Missended, Bucks; Chester; London; and Worc.] per saltier, sa. aud erm, a lion ramp. or.-Crest, on the trunk of a tree, couped and eradicated or, an eagle volant of the last.

Grafton, [Worcester and Stafford, Temp. Hen. VIII.] per saltier, sa. and erm. a lion ramp. or, armed and langued gu.

Grafton, [1605] gyronny of four, erm. and sa. a lion ramp. or.-Crest, on a tun or barrel, or, a falcon, with wings expanded ar. holding in the claw a sceptre of the first.

Grafton, per saltier, erm. and sa. a lion ramp. ar. Grafton, or, a chev. gu. and canton erm. GRAGor, or Gregor, or, three boars' az.; on a chief of the second, a lion pass. of the first. GRAHAM, Duke of MONTROSE, Marquess Montrose, Marquess of Graham and Buchanan, Earl of Montrose, Earl of Kincardin, Viscount Dundaff, Lord Aberuthven, Myndock and Fintray, in the peerage of Scotland; Baron Graham and Earl Graham of Belford, N.umb. in the peerage of England, D.C.L. [Creations, Lord Graham, 1445; Earl of Montrose, 3 March, 1504; Marquess of Montrose, 16 May, 1644; Duke of Montrose, 24 April, 1707: English Titles, 23 May, 1722. Residences, Mynadoc Castle, and Buchanan Castle, both in Perthshire; Town House, 25, Grosvenor Square] quarterly; first and fourth, or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the field, for Graham; second and third ar. three roses gu. barbed and seeded ppr. for the title of Montrose.-Crest, a falcon ppr. armed and belled or, perched upon a heron lying upon its back, also ppr. beaked and membered gu. Supporters, two storks ppr. beaked and membered gu. Motto, Ne oubliez.

GRAHAM, Baron LYNEDOCH of Balgowan, Perthshire. [Creation, 17 May, 1814; Town House, Warren's Hotel, Regent Street, Pall-Mall] or, three piles sa. within a double tressure flory counterflory gu.; on a chief of the second, a rose betw. two escallops ar. -Crest, an eagle or. Supporters, dexter, a dapple-grey borse reguard. ppr.; sinister, a peasant of Andalusia, habited, and bearing on the exterior shoulder a hoe, ppr. Motto, Candide secure.

GRAHAM, Bart. [Esk, Cumb. 29 March, 1629] quarterly; first and fourth, or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the field, for Graham; second and third, or, a fesse chequy, ar. and az. in chief a chev. gu. for Stewart.--Crest, two wings endorsed or. Motto, Reason contents me. GRAHAM, Bart. [Norton Conyers, Yorks. 17 Nov. 1662 ; since, also, of Kippax, in the same Co.; Hill Place, near Droxford, Hants.; Quarndon Hall, Leic. Town House, 17, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square] or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the field.--Crest, on a wreath, a


GRAHAM, Bart. [Netherby, Cumb. 28 Dec. 1782] The same arms.-Crest, a crown demival or. Motto, Reason contents me.

GRAHAM, Bart. [Kirkstall, Yorks.; and Edmond Castle, Cumb. 3 Oct. 1808; Town House, 1, Portland place] per pale indented, erminois and sa. on a chief, per pale, of the last and or, three escallops counterchanged. Crest, two armed arms issuing out of the battlements of a tower, ppr. holding an escallop sa. Motto, Fideliter et diligenter.

Graham, Sir Robert, Knt. [one of the Barons of the Exchequer, 1826] ar. a human heart, surmounted by a regal crown ppr.; on a chief engr. sa. three escallops or.-Crest, an oak-branch erect ppr. bearing one acorn or. Graham, [the Nunnery, Cumb.] or, on a fesse sa. three escallops of the first, all within a bordure engr. az.— Crest, two wings conjoined or.

Graham, [Petham, near Canterbury] The same arms and crest as of Killern, Scotland.

Graham, [Eske, Cumb.] sa. a cross pattée ar. Graham, [Ireland] ar. an escallop sa. ; on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first.-Crest, a hand, in fesse, couped ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or.

Graham, [Airth, Scotland] quarterly; first and fourth, or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the first; second and third, ar. a fesse embattled, betw. three roses gu.~ Crest, a hand holding a sword, in pale, ppr. Motto, Non immemor.

Graham, [Bachlavy, Scotland] or, a stag current, betw. three roses gu.; on a chief sa. as many escallops of the field.

Graham, [Balgowan, Perth, Scotland] or, three piles in chief, sa.; on a chief of the last, a rose betw. two escallops or, all within a bordure .., thereon a double tressure flory counterflory gu.-Crest, a bird ar. beaked and membered gu. Motto, Candite et secure. Graham, [Ballargus, Scotland] or, three piles issuing from a chief sa, charged with as many escallops of the first, in base a rose gu. within a bordure az. Graham, [Brackness, Scotland] or, a lion's gamb, erased and erect, betw. three roses gu.; on a chief sa. as many escallops of the first.-Crest, a lion's gamb as in the arms, grasping a sword, in pale, ppr. Motto, Nec temere nec timide.

Graham, [Braco, Scotland] or, on a chief engr. sa. three escallops of the first.-Crest, two bands issuing out of a cloud, in each a sword, the dexter flourishing aloft, the sinister in a defensive posture. Motto, Defendendo virco.

Graham, [Claypots, Scotland] or, three piles issuing from a chief sa. charged with as many escallops of the first, in base a rose gu. all within a double tressure flory counterflory of the last.

Graham, [Claverhouse, Scotland] or, three piles wavy sa. within a double tressure counterflory gu.; on a chief of the second, as many escallops of the first. Graham, [Douglastoun, Scotland] or, a heron volant ppr. on a chief sa. three escallops of the first.-Crest, an escallop or. Motto, Pignus amoris.

Graham, [Drynie, Scotland] or, a dyke, (or wall) broken in sundry place, in fesse, az. and in base a rose gu. a bordure of the last; on a chief sa. three escallops of the field.-Crest, a falcon ppr. armed and beaked or, standing on a heron. Motto, Ne oublié.


Graham, [Dumblain, Scotland] ar. on a chief sa. three escallops or, a crescent of the third, surmounted of mullet of the second, for diff. Motto, Prosequor Alis. Graham, [Duntroon, Scotland] The same arms as of Claverhouse, with the chief engr.-Crest, a flame of fire. Motto, Recta sursum.

Graham, [Fintray, Scotland] or, three piles within a double tressure flory counterflory sa.; on a chief of the second, as many escallops of the first. Graham, [Gartmore, Scotland] or, a pale gu. charged with a mullet ar. on a chief sa. three escallops of the first.Crest, an eagle displ. in the dexter talon a sword erect ppr. Motto, For right and reason. Graham, [Garture, Scotland] or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the field, within a bordure chequy, of the second and first.-Crest, a dove rising with a palmbranch in the beak, ppr. Motto, Peace and Grace. Graham, [Garvock, Scotland] or, three piles gu. issuing from a chief sa. charged with as many escallops of the first. Crest, a lion ramp. gu. Motto, Noli me tangere. Graham, [Glasgow, Scotland] or, on a fesse ermines, three escallops of the first.-Crest, on a rock an eagle reguard. with wings displ. ppr. Motto, Souvenez. Graham, [Gogar, Scotland] or, a cross crosslet issuing out of a crescent gu. within a double tressure flory counterflory sa.; on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first.

Graham, [Gorthy, Scotland] or, three roses within a bordure gu. on a chief sa. as many escallops of the field.-Crest, two arms, issuing from a cloud, erect, and holding up a man's skull, encircled with two branches of a palm-tree, and over the head a marquess's coronet. Motto, Sepulto viresco.

Graham, [Grahamshall, Scotland] or, a lion ramp. az. betw. three roses gu.; on a chief sa. as many escallops of the first.-Crest, a lion couchant under a sword, in pale, ppr. Motto, Nec temere nec timide. Graham, [Inchbrakie, Scotland] or, a dyke (or wall) fesseways, broken down in some places, and in base a rose gu.; on a chief sa. three escallops of the first.-Crest, a hand holding a garland ppr. Motto, A Deo victoria. Graham, [Killern, Scotland] or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the first.-Crest, a falcon killing a stork, ppr. Motto, Memor esto.

Graham, [Limekilns, Scotland] or, a buckle az. betw. three roses gu. on a chief engr. sa. as many escallops of the field.--Crest, an arm from the shoulder, holding a tilting spear ppr. Motto, Pro rege.

Graham, [Monargan, Scotland] or, three piles sa. on a chief of the last, as many escallops of the first, within a double tressure flory counterflory gu. with a crescent for diff.-Crest, a flame of fire issuing out of the wreath ppr. Motto, Nunquam deorsum.

Graham, [Meickle, Scotland] or, on a chief embattled sa. three escallops of the first.-Crest, a star ppr. Motto, Auxiliante resurgo.

Graham, [Morphy, Scotland] sa. a chev. ar. betw, three escallops or.

Graham, [New-Wark, Scotland] or, a boar's head erased sa.; on a chief of the second, three escallops of the first. -Crest, a pelican's head couped ppr. Graham, [Orchill, Scotland] or, a boar's head couped gu. on a chief sa. three escallops of the first.-Crest, an eagle volant ppr. Motto, Prosequor alis.

Graham, [Pottento, Scotland] The same arms as of Cla- | Grandford, ar. a saltier gu.
verhouse, with the chief indented.-Crest, the same.
Motto, Semper sursum.

Graham, [Solicitor to King James VII.] or, three roses
gu.; on a chief sa. as many escallops of the first.-
Crest, a hand issuing out of a cloud, reaching to a gar-
land, all ppr. Motto, Numen et omnia,

Graham, [Scotland] or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the first, within a bordure, quarterly, gu. and of the second.-Crest, a falcon ppr. Motto, Prædæ memor. Graham, [Scotland] ar. on a chief sa. three escallops or. Graham, [Scotland] or, on a chief indented sa. three escallops of the first.

Graham. The same arms as of Gorthy.-Crest, within a wreath of cypress vert, out of clouds, two arms embowed, ppr. holding a skull ar. crowned or.

Graham, ar. a lion ramp. gu. regally crowned ppr. on a
chief sa. three escallops or.-Crest, an escallop or.
Graham, gu. a saltier ar. on a chief az. three escallops of
the second.

GRAIDEN, [Scotland] ar. two chev. engr. gu.
GRAINGER, [Essex] gu. a pomegranate, slipped and
leaved, or, seeded of the first.

Grainger, or Grave, [London] az. on a fesse, betw. two
pomegranates, stalked and leaved or, seeded gu. as many
portcullises, with chains, of the third.-Crest, a dexter
arm couped az. purfled or, cuff ar. hand ppr. holding by
the chains gold, a portcullis gu.

GRAISON, paly of six, ar. and az. on a bend gu. three
eagles displ. or.-Crest, a stag lodged reguard. ppr.
GRAKENTHORPE, or, a chev. betw. three mullets az.
GRALHY, or, on a cross sa. five escallops ar.
GRAMARY, [Linc.] gu. billetteé or, a lion ramp. ar.
GRAMMAR, erm. on a fesse gu. three bezants.
GRAMMER, [Ware, Herts.] az. billettée ar. a lion ramp.
of the second.-Crest, a demi lion ramp. az. billettée or.
Grammer, [London and Warw.] gu. billettée or, a lion
ramp. ar.

GRAMORE, [Yorks.] ar. three lozenges gu.
GRAMSTON, paly of six, ar. and az.

GRANADA, ar. a pomegranate, slipped, in pale, ppr.
GRANCE, or GRANCEY, gu, a lion ramp. ar. crowned
or, within a bordure engr. of the third.

Grance. The same arms.-Crest, a holly-branch vert, fructed gu.

GRANCESTER, or GRAUNCESTER, erm. on a chief or, a lion pass. guard. gu.

Grancester, erm. on a chief or, a lion pass. gu.

GRANCEY, gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure engr.



GRANCOURT, sa. semée de lis or.

Grancourt, gu. semée de lis or.

Grancourt, ar. a saltier gu.

GRAND, vairé, or and az. a bend gu.

GRANDALL, [Yorks.] erm. a cross pattée gu.

Grandall, or Graundall, erm. a cross patonce gu.
GRANDEN, ar. three chev, gu.

GRANDETOFT, [Linc.] sa. an eagle displ. ar.
GRANDFORD, gu. a lion ramp. within a bordure ar.—
Crest, a hawk perching on a fish ppr.

Grundford, ar. two lions pass. gu. crowned of the first.
Grandford, or, two lions pass, sa. crowned of the first.

GRAND-GEORGE, or GRAUNDORGE, [Donington, Linc.]
az. three ears of guinea-wheat, couped and bladed, or,
two and one.-Crest, a stag's head ar. gorged with a
bar gemel gu. (Another crest, a stag's head couped,
per pale, sa. and or, guttée counterchanged.)
GRANDIN, az. three mullets or.

Grandin, az. six mullets or, three, two, and one.
GRANDISON, or GRANDSON, [Lanc.] paly of six, ar.
and az.; on a bend gu. three eagles displ. or.
Grandison, [Lanc.] paly of six, ar. and az.; on a bend
gu. three escallops or.

Grandison, [Temp. Hen. III.] paly of six, ar. and vert;
on a bend gu. three eagles displ. or.
Grandison, Grandeson, Grandson, and Granson, paly of
six, ar. and az. a bend gu.-Crest, a lady supporting a
portcullis ppr.

Grandison, or Granson, az. an eagle displ. or.
Grandison, paly of six, ar. and az.; on a bend gu. three
buckles (Another, mullets) or.

GRANDIVILLE, or GRANVILLE, gu. three flutes or cla-
rions or.-Crest, a griffin's head betw. two wings endor-
sed ppr.

GRANDMESNILL, or GRANDMAIN, gu. a pale or.
GRANDOE, or, a fesse betw. six cross crosslets gu.
GRANDON, [Leic.] ar. three chev. gu. (Another adds, a
label vair.)

Grandon, [Warw.] vairé, ar. and sa.; on a bend of the
second, three eagles displ. or.

Grandon, ar. three chev. gu.-Crest, out of a heart, a
hand wielding a cutlas, ppr.

Grandon, vair, on a bend gu. three eagles displ. or.
Grandon, az. three mullets within a bordure engr. or.
Grandon, ar. two chev. gu. (Another adds, a label vaire,
ar. and sa.)

Grandon, ar. two chev. within a bordure gu.
Grandon, az. six martlets ar. three, two, and one.
GRANDORGE, az. three arrows or.

Grandorge, or Grandeorge. The same arns as Grand-

GRANDPRE, paly of six, or and az.; on a chief
hydras of the first.

gu. three

GRANDSON, or GRANSON, az. an eagle displ. or.--
Crest, a poplar tree ppr.

Grandson. See Grandison, and Graundson.
GRANDYN, az. six mullets or.

GRANDVELL, sa. on a cross engr. or, five ogresses within
a bordure, also engr. of the second.-Crest, a grey-
hound's head sa. collared and ringed or.
GRANDVILLE, gu. three rests or.-Crest, a griffin pass.


GRANE, [Yorks.] ar. on a fesse counter-embattled sa. betw.
three pellets, on each a wolf's head erased or, a martlet
betw. two crescents of the third.-Crest, a wolf pass.
paly of four, or and sa. holding in the mouth a pen of
the first.

Grane, per bend, vert and gu. an eagle displ. or.-Crest,
a boar pass. sa. collared and lined or.
Grane. See Grave.

GRANELL, [France] ar. on a chief gu. a lion ramp, az.
crowned or.

Granell, ar. on a chief gu. a lion ramp. of the first, crowned or.-Crest, a serpent entwined round a pheon, shafted ppr.

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