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Acheley, gu, on a fesse engr. becw, three lenpandis heads
erased or, as IBLLY CROSS crossets finchee sa-Coest, a
grifin's heat erased age.

Acheley, per me, c. and ac, a feur-de-is counterchanged.
ACHENKY, ar, time mengesan ser betw. four of the

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ACHS3, Kent" eru, om a chef embattled az. three Loms

rang oral head erasedge. ACREATON Lens close ar. beiled or.

Acesso a GOSFORD, Viscount and Baron Gos-
Mens, se eskertu. Armagh, and a Baronet. Creations,
Ba Na 2 Ba, 20 July, 1776; Visc. 20 June,
15. Bar, F. 106. Residence, Gosford Castle, Co.
of mach ar an eagle displ, with two heads,
৪ পাছা আর on a chief vert, two mullets of the third.
Cash and gu, standing on a trumpet ppr. Sup-
porters two leopards por, the sinister reguard. both col-
lared and chained or.

Motto, Vignantibus.
Acesumar、an eagle ampl. wth two heads sa, on a chief
vert, three muidets of the hist. -Crest, a sand-glass ppr.
Асыктык, цu, a bead betw, three martlets ar.

Achtsson, Capt. or, an eagle displ. with two heads sa.
on a chief vert, a cross staff betw. two spur rowels or.
--Crest, an astrolabe ppr. Motto, Observe.

ACHILLES, as, two hous ramp. endorsed or.- Crest, a savage's head affrontee, ducally crowned ppr.


ACLAND, Bart. [Killerton, Devons. and Holnicote, Somers. 1 May, 1645] chequy ar. and sa. a fesse gu. - Crest, a man's hand, couped at the wrist, in a glove lying fesseways, thereon a falcon perched, all ppr. Motto, Inebraniable.

ACLAND, Bart. (Fairfield, Somers.; and Newhouse, De-
vons. 3 Oct. 1818] Arms and crest as the last.
Acland, [Devons.] gu. a bend or, charged with three tre-
foils vert, betw. a lion ramp. in chief, and three lozenges
in base, of the second.

ACLE, [Devons.] gu. two lions pass. reguard. or. -Crest,
an annulet or, stoned sa.
ACLEY, or ACKLES, or, three palets az.

Acock, ar. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest,
out of a mural coronet a demi swan issuing ppr.
ACOOTES, or Acotes, ar. on a cross, quarterly pierced
az. twenty bezants, placed by fives, in saltier.

ACOTTES, or, on a cross counterpierced, az. twenty be-
zants, five at each end in saltier.-Crest, a lion ramp.
gu. supporting a standard az. charged with a saltier ar.
ACOTTS, or, on a cross pierced az. four cinquefoils of the
field. Crest, same as the last.

Acotts, or Acotis, a cross quarter pierced, az. and or, the first charged with five bezants. -Crest, a lion ramp. supporting the standard of Scotland ppr.

ACHMUTY, [Fueshire] ar. a broken spear bendways, Acotts, or, a cross pierced az. bezantée.

betw, two mullets az.


ACHYM, ar, a maunch within a bordure sa. charged with

eight cinquefoils or. Crest, a crescent or.

Achym, or Acklame, ar. a maunch within an orle of eight cinquefoils gu.-Crest, a lion sejant guard. or, collared and chained sa.

ACHYN, [Cornw.] ar. a maunch within an orle of eight cinquefoils gu.

ACKELAM, ACKLOME, ACLOME, or ACKLAM, [Moreby, Yorks.] gu. a maunch ar. within an orle of cinquefoils of the second. (Another, or.)


ACKERS, or AKERS, sa. a bend betw. three acorns or. -
Crest, a doric column or.

ACKET, or AKET, [Ireland] az. three hake-fishes haurient

[blocks in formation]

A'COURT, Bart. [Heytesbury House, Wilts. 23 June, 1795] per fesse, or, and paly of six, erminois and az. in chief an eagle displ. sa. charged on the body with two chereronels ar.-Crest, an eagle displ. sa. charged with two cheveronels or, beaked and legged gu. holding in the beak a lily, slipped ppr.

A'Court, per fesse, in chief az. an eagle displ. ar. in base, paly of six, of the first and second.-Crest, a lion's head reguard. gu.

ACRE, [Westm.] gu. three escallops within an orle of demi trefoils, slipped ar.-Crest, a triangular harrow ppr. Acre, [Westm.] gu. three fusils in fesse or, and in chief as many escallops ar.

Acre, gu. three escallops betw. nine trefoils slipped, three,
three, two, and one, ar.

Acre, gu. a fesse fusily betw. three escallops ar.
Acre, gu. three lozenges or, in chief as many escallops ar.
Acre. See Acris.

ACRES, [N.umb.] ar. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de-lis şa.-
Crest, an eagle displ. ppr. charged on the breast with a

torteaux sa.

ACKLAND, [Columb John, Devons.] See ACLAND, Bart. Acres, gu. three trefoils slipped in fesse or, betw. as many



escallops ar.


Acres, or, a cross potent gu.

ACKLEWARD, or ACLEWARD, sa. a chev. betw. three ACRIS, or ACRE, [Westm.] az. on a cross or, (Another,

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ar.) four escallops gu. - Crest, same as ACRES, N.umb. ACTON, Bart. [Aldenham, Salop, 17 Jan. 1744; since, also, of Acton Round in that County] gu. two lions pass. ar. betw. nine cross crosslets fitchée or.-Crest, within a wreath, ar. and gu. a human leg and thigh in armour ppr. garnished or, couped, and dropping blood.

Acton, [Ches.] ar. a chev. gu.

Acton, [Acton, Essex,] vert, a chev. betw. three etoiles


Acton, [Acton, Essex,] ar. a cross pattée engr. within a bordure sa. bezantée.

Acton, [Bockington,] ar. three cinquefoils sa.

Acton, [Leic.] quarterly per fesse indented ar, and az. Acton, [London.] quarterly per fosse indented ar. and gu.

in the first quarter, a Cornish chough sa. Acton, [Ripford,] ar. a fesse within a bordure engr. erm. Acton, [Salop.] quarterly per fesse indented ar. and gu. in the first, a bordure sa.

Acton, [Warw.] gu. a fesse within a bordure erm. Acton, [Worc.] gu. a fesse erm, within a bordure engr. of the second.-Crest, an arm in armour, embowed ppr. holding in the hand a sword ar. hilt or; thereon, a boar's head couped sa. the neck distilling blood.

Acton, [Acton, Worc.] ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.

Acton, [Worc.] gu. a fesse ar. within a bordure engr. or. Acton, [Worc.] gu. a fesse and bordure, both engr. erm. in chief a chaplet vert.

Acton, gu. a fesse and bordure engr. erm. on a canton or, a tree eradicated of the field.

Acton, gu a bordure engr. erm.

Acton, per fesse indented ar. and az.-Crest, a pine-tree leaved vert, fructed or.

Acton, quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu. on a bend az. three crosses formée fitchée or.

Acton, gu. a cross sa. within a bordure engr. erm.
Acton, gu, a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar.
Acton, gu. a maunch within eight cinquefoils in orle ar.

Acton, or, three bars vairé.

Acton, ar. three piles wavy, gu.

Acton, gyronny of eight ar. and gu.

Acton, the same; adding, on the second quarter, a cross pattée ar. charged with five escallops gu.

Acton, gu. crusulée of cross crosslets fitchée or, two lions pass. ar.

Acton, quarterly, ar. and gu. in chief an annulet counterchanged; on a bend az. three crosses pattée fitchée or. ACTONLEY, barry of six, erm. and gu. and per pale az. a chief engr. of the third, and a point indented ar. ACWELL, paly of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. a leopard pass. or.

Acwell, or Hackwell, paly of six ar. and az. a chief sa. ACWORTH. See ACKWORTH.

ADAIR, [Kinhilt] per bend or, and ar. three dexter hands, apaumée and erect. -Crest, a man's head couped and bloody ppr. Motto, Loyal au Mort.

ADAM, [Christ-Church, Hants.] ar. a crescent betw. three cross crosslets fitchée gu. -Crest, a crescent, as in the

[blocks in formation]

Adam, 'sa. two bars ar, in chief three plates. Adam, ar. a fesse betw. six mullets gu.

ADAMS, [Cambr.] vert, a pale ar. betw. two griffins segreant or.-Crest, a griffin's head gu. betw. two wings or.

Adams, [Linc.] Arms the same. Crest, a griffin's head betw. two wings gu. beaked az. on each wing three bezants.

Adams, [Devons.] or, a lion ramp. betw. ten cross crosslets sa.-Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi lion affrontée. Adams, [Brompton, Kent, descended from the Adams' of Devons.] or, a lion ramp. betw. eight cross crosslets fitchée sa. all within a bordure engr. az.

Adams, [Leic.] or, on a fesse az. three escallops of the


Adams, [London] erm. three cats-a-mountain in pale az. -Crest, a boar's head ar. couped gu.

Adams, [London] ar. on a cross gu. five mullets or.Crest, a lion ramp. or.

Adams, [London] sa. a martlet ar.

Adams, [Middle Temple, Granted 14 March, 1639] sa. on a bend or, betw. two bezants, three martlets of the field.-Crest, on a bezant, a demi eagle sa.

Adams, [Midd.] ar. on a bend az. three trefoils slipped or. Adams, [Midd.] ar. a fesse betw. four martlets gu. three and one. Crest, an eagle volant reguardant.

Adams, [St. Ives] ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets pierced


Adams, [Salop.] erm. three cats-a-mountain in pale az. tails coward. Crest, a greyhound's head erased erm. Adams, [Cheaton, Salop.] erm. a chev. vairé or, and az. betw. three roses gu. seeded of the second-Crest, a griffin's head erased erm. beaked gu. charged with a chev. vairé or, and az.

Adams, [Wales] az. a crescent betw. three mullets or. Adams, erm. three cats-a-mountain in pale ppr.-Crest, a greyhound's head erased, erm.

Adams, vert, on a cross or, a mullet of six points gu.Crest, a raven sa.

Adams, vert, a cross or. Crest, a griffin's head betw. two wings, endorsed vert, charged on the breast with a

cross or.

Adams, per pale ar. and gu. a chev. betw. three gadbees, all counterchanged. -Crest, an arm couped at the shoulder and embowed ppr. vested gu. holding a flag sa. charged with a bee.

Adams, or, crusulée fitchée, a lion ramp. within a bordure sa.

Adams, sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Adams, sa. a martlet ar.

Adams, quarterly eım. and az. in the second and third an eagle rising or.

Adams, barry of six or, and az. a saltier gu.
Adams, barry of six ar. and gu. over all a lion ramp. or.
ADAMSON, [Westm.] vert, on a cross or, an etoile sa.-

Crest, a talbot pass. az. collared or, and bezantée. Adamson, [Scotland] ar. a mullet az. pierced of the field betw. three crosslets fitchée gu. - Crest, a crosslet fitchée, surmounted of a sword in saltier ppr. hilt and pomel or.

Adamson, ar. a rose betw. three cross crosslets gu.Crest, see ADAMSON, Westm.

Adamson, ar. a crescent (Another, a star) gu. betw. three crosslets fitchée az.

ADAN, vert, on a chev. ar. three pheons of the field.
ADCANE, ar. a chev, betw. three griffins' heads erased sa.
-Crest, a grittin's head ppr.

ADCOCK or ADDCOCK, az on a saltier ar. nine peilets.:
-Crest, a fox's bead issuing ar.
ADDAIR, Scotland; per bend ar. and az a crescent


ADDAMS. See Arms. Lme.

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ADELSDORF, or, two wings elevated sa.-Crest, two wings, as in the arms.

ADELSREIDT, gu. a goat saliant to the sinister ar. ADEN, ar. a fesse betw. four martlets gu. three in chief and one in base.

ADENSTOCY, ADINGSTOUN, or ADINSTON, ar. a cross engr. sa. cantoned with four cross crosslets fitchée gu.Crest, a dexter hand holding a cross pattée fitchée. 17. Clacknail, Staffs.] ar. on a bend az. tbree mascles of the field, each charged with a pheon gu.Cest, a leopard's head couped or, pierced through the mouth with a sword-blade, broken, ar.

de cads.] ar, on a chev. sa. three mullets of the

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MAGINGTON (London per pale erm. and ermines a chev.

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30 See ADSTON.

Posades humede ece, the AKINS, ern, in chief two lions ramp. az.-Crest, a lion

rap gu, supporting a flag staff and ropes ppr. flag

Whispers, or, tave mullets az. on a bordure of the last.

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as mars benints in chief or. Crest, a hand gu. hold

APLARA ar, on a fesse gu. betw. three wolves' heads eraset sa. as many mullets of the field. -Crest, a cubit arm, helling in the hand a dagger erect, all ppr.

ADLER, Filaverstoke, Essex] sa. two bends erm. on a canton ar, a lion ramp. sa. - Crest, a demi eagle, with wings displ, sa, charged on the breast with an etoile or. : ADLEY, or ADELLEY, [Somers.] gu. on a chev. or, three cross crosslets sa. ADLINGTON, (Ches.] ar. a cross flory sa. Aatington. See ADDLINGTON.

becked beaded and ADLYN, (London, 1590] gu. nine martlets, three, three,

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two, and one, or. -Crest, on a mount vert, a martlet or. ADMEROLD, [of the round table,] ar. three barrulets, and in chief a hon pass. gu. ADMINSON. See EDMONDSTON.

ADNEY, az, a fesse dancettée betw. three cherubs' heads ar.-Crest, an eagle's head holding in the beak an acorn, slipped and leaved ppr.


Crest, on a APOKES, [Lanc.] ar. a cross sa. in the first quarter, a

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tleur-de-lis gu.

[blocks in formation]

ADRYAN, barry nebulé ar. and sa. a chief chequy or and az.

ADRYPAYN, [Linc.] gu. a fesse humetté ar. in chief
three griffins' heads erased or.
ADSHEAD, and ADSHADE, vert, three harrows ar.-
Crest, an antelope pass. ar.
ADSTON, ar. a bend indented sa.

Adston, or Adiston, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three pellets.
ADWOOD, gu. a lion ramp. tail fourchée nowed ar.

ADY, [Dodington, Kent, and Borough of Southwark; Granted 1615] az. a fesse dancetté betw. three cherubims' heads or, faces ar.-Crest, on a mount vert, a stag lodged ar. attired and ducally crowned or.

Ady, or Adry, gu. on a bend ar. three leopards' faces sa. -Crest, a leopard's face or, jessant a fleur-de-lis gu. Ady, Adey, or Addey, [Kent, London, and Heref.] gu. on a bend ar. three leopards' faces vert, langued of the field.

ADYER, [Darham, Kent] ar. a chev. dancetté betw. three cherubims gu.-Crest, a cherub's head ppr.

ADYN, [Dorchester] ar. on a saltier gu. five lions saliant or. Crest, a lion's head ppr. ADZWOOD, ar. three ravens' heads couped ppr. AERBOROUGH, or AERBURG, or, an eagle's head with hound's ears az.

AERMINE, erm. a saltier engr. gu. on a chief of the same, a lion pass. or, armed and langued az.-Crest, on a mount vert, an ermine ar. tip of the tail sa.

AERNEST, ar. three holly leaves conjoined in fesse point,


AETH, sa. a griffin pass. or.-Crest, a demi griffin or, holding a battle axe gu.

ÆTHERSTON, az. three martlets or, within a bordure engr. ar.

AFFLECK, Bart. [Dalham Hall, Suss. Created, 28 May, 1782] ar. three bars sa.-Crest, an ear of rye ppr, AFFORDBIE, [Afordby, Linc.] ar. a saltier engr. sa.Crest, a horse's head erased sa. bridled or.

AFTON, [Devons.] ar. a chev. engr. betw. three fleurs-delis sa.


AGANE, per pale ar. and sa. a chev. erm. betw. six martlets counterchanged of the field.

AGAR, Earl of NORMANTON, Viscount Somerton, Baron of Somerton, Kilkenny, Ireland: (Creations, Baron, 12 June, 1795; Viscount, 21 Dec. 1800; Earl, 7 Feb. 1806) az. a lion ramp. ar. in chief, a crescent of the last. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. Supporters, two lions ppr. Motto, Via trita via tuta.

Agar, [Ireland, and Cranham Hall, Essex] az. a lion ramp. or.-Crest, a demi lion ramp. or. Motto, Spectemur

AGARD, [Lanc.] ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads erased sa. langued gu. armed or.-Crest, a bugle horn ar. garnished or, stringed sa.

Agard, [Lanc.] ar. a chev. (Another, engr.) gu. betw. three boars' heads couped sa.---Crest, an ibex's head. or. charged with hurts, maned, tufted, horned, and collared, az.

Agard, [Sudbury, Derbys.] ar. a chev. gu.. betw. three boars' heads erased.

AGAS, [Wymondham, Norf.] az. a fesse cottised erm. in chief three stags' heads cabossed or. Crest, a moor's head sa. wreathed about the temples ar. and gu.

AGAYLE, or AYALE, or, three pallets sa.
AGBOROUGH, az. a chev. engr. betw. threc escallops

[blocks in formation]

AGINAL, [Cresseley] ar. a lion ramp. reguardant gu. AGLIONBY, [Cumb.] az. (Another, ar.) two bars sa. in chief three martlets of the second.--Crest, a demi eagle displ. or.

AGMONDESHAM, [Horsley, Surrey] ar. on a chev. az. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. langued or, five cinquefoils of the last. -Crest, a stag or.

Agmondesham. See AUNSHAM. Agmondesham, Ansam, or Ensam, erm. on a canton sa. a fleur-de-lis or.

AGMONDISHAM, [Surrey] The same arms as AGMONDESHAM, Surrey.-Crest, a stag lodged ppr.

Agmondisham, [Surrey] ar.. on a chev, az. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. five cinquefoils of the field. AGNEW, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.-Crest, the sun shining on the stump of a tree ppr. Agnew, or Agneu, [Lochnaw] ar. a chev. betw. two cinquefoils in chief gu. and a saltier couped in base az. -Crest, an eagle issuant and reguardant ppr. Motto, Consilio non impetu.

Agnew, and Agneu, [Lochryan] The same within a bordure of the second. -Crest, an eagle issuant and reguardant, holding in the right claw a sword ppr. Motto, Consilo et impetu,

Agnew, [Scotland) ar. three sinister hands couped and erect gu.


AGNIN, [France] or, fretty gu.
AGOLLON, or AGULLUN, [Yorks.] gu. on a canton ar.
a cross flory sa.

AGON, ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
AGOUT, [France] ar. a wolf saliant az.

AGRAS, ar. a hind trippant gu. on a canton of the second,


AGREVELL, [Chesley] or, a lion ramp. reguardant ar.- AILEWARD, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or.

Crest, a bezant.

AGRICOLL, erm. a canton gu.

AGRUALL, gu. crusulé or, a lion ramp. guard. of the
second. Crést, a lion's face guard. betw. two wings


AGUILLIAMS, ar. a lion ramp. ermines, armed sa. col-
lared or.

AGUILLON, sa. a lion ramp. erm. - Crest, a pelican
vulning herself ppr.

AGUILLUM, or AGULLUM, gu. on a canton ar. a cross
flory az.

AGULLUM, gu. a fleur-de-lis or.

Agullum. See AGUILLUM.


AIME, or AINE, az. a ship in full sail or, in the sea ppr.
-Crest, a pillar barry of four, ga. and or, winged


AINGE, [London] az. a chev, erm. between three crosses pattée ar. Crest, a cross formée fitchée or, betw. two wings az.


AINSLIE, Bart. [Great Torrington, Linc. 1804] or, a cross flory sa.-Crest, a dexter hand and arm grasping a scimitar ppr. Motto, Pro rege et patria.


AIPHANT, gu. three crescents ar.

AIR, ar. a chev. betw. three quatrefoils sa.-Crest, the stump of an oak tree sprouting out new branches ppr.

AGWORTH, ar. a fesse betw. three torteauxes gu.-Crest, Air, ar. a camelion ppr.

a forteaux gu.

AGVLLON, az. a fleur-de-lis or.


AHEM, [Ireland]

Crest, a vine ppr.

AHER, [Ireland] or, three hearts gu. each within an anmulet az. Crest, a sand glass sa. winged gu.

AHLEN, per fesse ar. and az. a stock or trunk of a tree couped and eradicated in bend or.

AHRENDS, ar. five stalks of rye growing out of ground in base vert. Crest, an eagle ppr. Motto, Post nubila phæbus.


AIDGMAN, sa. five plates, on a chief or, a lion pass. gu. betw. two thistles ppr.-Crest, a demi eagle or, charged on the breast with a thistle ppr.

AIGLER, or AYLER, az. a cinquefoil erm. pierced ar. within a bordure engr. or.-Crest, two wings in lure. AIGHTON, [Lanc.] sa. three garbs or. -Crest, a snake coiled up ppr.

AIGLES, [N.umb.] sa. three lions ramp. ar.-Crest, a
hunting horn ppr.

Aigles, [N.amp.] sa. three lions ramp. guard. ar.
Aigles, sa, three lions pass, guard. ar.

AIKEN, ar, a chev, betw, three cocks' heads sa.
Aiken, or Aichen, gu, a cross crosslet cantoned with four
bezants. Crest, a fountain throwing up water ppr.
AIKENHEAD, [Scotland] ar. three acorns slipped vert.
Crest, a demi savage holding in the right hand, three
laurel sprigs fructed ppr. Motto, Rupto robore nati.
Arkenhead, ar, an acorn betw. three oak leaves vert. -
Crest, an oak-tree fructed ppr. Motto, Annoso robore

AIKMAN, ar, a dexter arm, issuing out from the sinister side of the shield, holding an oak-tree, eradicated and broken asunder near the branches ppr. betw. a crescent in the sinister chief point, and a mullet in the dexter base point, gu. -Crest, a man ppr. holding a standard gu, vested ar, coat az.

Athman, [Coenie) ar, a sinister hand in base issuing out
of a cloud fenseways, holding an oaken batton paleways
ppr, with a branch sprouting out at the top thereof,
murmounted of a bend engr. gu. Crest, an oak-tree
ppr. Motto, Nab robore virtus,

ALLARD, Br. two bars betw, nine martlets vert.
ALLE, or AVLES, chequy or and gu. a bend ar.-Crest,
a de ater nom embowed, fist clenched ppr.

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AIRD, sa. on a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased ar.

a falcon's head couped of the first. -Crest, a cock ppr.
Motto, Vigilantia.

AIRE, az. three water bubbles ppr.
AIRAY, paly of six gu. and ar. in chief a mullet or.

a cross crosslet fitched az.

AIRTH, [Scotland] ar. a chief sa.-Crest, a cock crow-
AIRY, sa. a fesse or.
AISCOUGH, sa. a fesse or, betw. three asses ar.-Crest,
ing ppr.
AISELBIE, or AISLABIE, [Yorks.] gu. three lozenges con-
Motto, In hoc signo vinces.
joined in fesse, ar. betw. as many lions' heads erased or.
-Crest, a lion's head erased gu. gorged with three
lozenges conjoined in fesse ar.
AISHWORTH, [Oxon.] gu. a cross engr. or, betw. four
fleurs-de-lis ar.

AISINCOURT, ar. an eagle displ. with two heads gu.-
Crest, a demi eagle displ. with two heads.

AISKELL, AISKILL, and ASKILL, erm. a chief embattled
gu.-Crest, in the sea an anchor in pale ppr.


AISLABY, [Osgoldby, Yorks. Granted, 23 Oct. 1663]
gu. three lozenges in fesse betw. as many lions' heads
erased or.

AITCHESON, [No. Britain] ar. an eagle displ. with two
heads sa. on a chief az. two mullets or. -Crest, a cock
AITKENS, ar. a cross flory betw. four mullets az.-Crest,
ppr. wattled and combed gu. Motto, Vigilantibus.
a dexter arm in armour, embowed, in the hand ppr. a
cross crosslet fitchée erect ar.

AITKIN, ar. a chev. az. betw. two cocks in chief, and a
Aitkin. or Atkin, or, a bend chequy gu. and ar. in
buckle in base gu.
AITKINSON, [Scotland] gu. an eagle displ. with two
chief a talbot pass. sa.-Crest, a boat ppr.
heads ar. on a chief or, a rose of the first betw. two
AITO, or AUITO, [Devons.] or, three moors' heads in
martlets sa.-Crest, a cock ppr.
profile sa. two and one, wreathed about the temples ar.
and pearls in their ears. -Crest, out of a cloud, an arm
ppr. holding a sword erect ar. hilt or, on the blade a
moor's head, as in the arms.

AITON, [Scotland] ar. a cross engr. cantoned with four roses gu.-Crest, a dexter hand pulling a rose ppr. Motto, Decerpta dabunt odorem.

Aiton, [Kinaldy] The same within a bordure of the

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