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Bacon's prospects. Approach of the King. Parliament.
Visit to Eton. Letter to Saville. Education. Great-

ness of Britain. Extent of Territory. Compactness.
Martial valour. Riches. His parliamentary exertions.
Advancement of Learning. Decision. Dedication.
Objections from Divines. Politicians. Errors of learned
men. Study of Words. Government. Posthumous
fame. Analysis of science of Man. Exertions in active
life. Ireland. Scotland. Church Reform. Church
Controversies. Edification of the Church. Solicitor
General. Cogitata et Visa. Wisdom of the Ancients.

Chapter II.

From the publication of the Wisdom of the
Ancients to the publication of the Novum

Marshalsea. Charter House. Death of the Prince.
Essays. Prosecution of Lord Sanquhar. Confession
of Faith. Attorney General. Parliament of 1614.
Duelling. Undertakers. Benevolences. St. John.
Peacham. Consulting the Judges. Owen. Villiers.
Political advice to Villiers. Overbury. Somerset.
Disputes between King's Bench and Chancery. Privy
Counsellor. Resignation and Death of Lord Brackley.
Lord Keeper. His pecuniary loss. Presents to the
Monarch and Officers of State. To the Lord Keeper.
To Judges. Abolition in France of the Epices. King's
journey to Scotland. Takes his seat in Chancery. His
address. Jurisdiction. Patents. Delays. Expense.
Spanish match. Marriage of Sir John Villiers. Finance.
Civil List. Lord Chancellor. Wrenham. Dulwich.
Dutch merchants. Lord Suffolk. Buckingham receives
£20,000 for the place of Lord Treasurer. Bacon's
judicial exertions. Buckingham's interference. Slander
of Wraynham. Presents in the case of Egerton and
Egerton. In Aubrey and Bronker. From Grocers and
Apothecaries. Hody and Hody. Lord Clifford threatens


to assassinate the Chancellor. Law Reporters. Ordi-
nances in Chancery. Judges, character of. Gardens,
Bacon's delight in. Lincoln's Inn Fields. Gorhambury.
His philosophical house. Alienation Office. York
House. His sixtieth birth-day. Ben Jonson's poem.

Chapter IV.

From his Fall to his Death


Imprisonment of Bacon. Liberation. Release of
fine. History of Henry VII. Greatness of states.
Familiar illustrations. His piety. Eton College. De
Augmentis. History of Life and Death. Importance of
knowledge of the body. Consumption. Vital spirit.
All bodies have a spirit. Flight. Death. Importance of
science of Animal Spirit. Bacon's works after his retire-
ment. Gondomar. D'Effiat. Sir Julius Cæsar. Selden.
Ben Jonson. Meautys. Bacon's pardon. Death of
James. Decline of Bacon's health. Apothegms. Psalms.
Confession of Faith. Prayers. Student's prayer.
Author's prayer. Chancellor's prayer. Prayers in the
Instauration in the De Augmentis-in the Novum
Organum-in the Instauratio, third part-in the Minor
publications. Paradoxes. Letters. Scepticism, nature
of. Rawley's statement. Bacon's will. Cause of Bacon's
death. Bacon's last letter. Opening of Bacon's will.
Funeral. Monument. Meautys. Bacon's temperament.
Bacon's person. His mind. Extent of views. Senses.
Imagination. Understanding. Temporary inability to
acquire knowledge. Particular studies. Memory.
Composition. Causes of Bacon's entering active life.
Bacon's entrance into active life. His motive for reform.
Reformer. Bacon as a Lawyer-Judge - Patron -
Statesman. Reform as Statesman and Lawyer-as
Statesman. Reform of law. His private life. Conver-
sation. Wit. Religious. Conclusion.

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